Even Stevens: Ren's Oral Medication - Cover

Even Stevens: Ren's Oral Medication

by Cougar Pines

Copyright© 2001 by Cougar Pines

Erotica Sex Story: Ren Stevens is forced to employ the services of a disreputable orthodontist. Based on the TV show "Even Stevens".

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Fan Fiction   Oral Sex   .


Yo Quiero Ren Stevens

- a depraved parody of the episode "Shutterbug" -

Note: in case you were wondering, the alternate title owes its origin to the fact that the actor who portrays Doctor Paz is, apparently, the same person who does the voice-over for Taco Bell's chihuahua.

Fourteen-year-old Ren Stevens could not help but beam at her own reflection in the mirror. Thanks to her mom's eleventh-hour arrangements, she was going to have her braces removed in time for her 8th grade photo session! Being the stickler for perfection that she is, Ren decided to spend a few extra moments practicing her smile, giving her teeth the twice-over so as not to embarrass herself in front of the orthodontist.

"Come on Ren," called Eileen Stevens from the door, "or we're gonna be late for the appointment!"

"Coming Mom!" Ren cried as she deftly wound her way down the stairs. Can't be late for an appointment! repeated the little disciplinarian's voice in her head. As she passed her mother on her way out the door, she remarked, "I hope nothing goes wrong. I've got to look my best for the pictures!"

Eileen reassured her daughter. "You're going to look great," she said. "The doctor will make sure of it."

Mrs. Stevens dropped Ren off at the orthodontics clinic, promising her daughter that she would return after running a quick errand. As Ren entered the small four-story building where the clinic was located, she was irked by its less-than-reputable appearance. The corridors were dimly lit, and the old elevator had arrived at Ground Floor with such an unnerving thud that Ren was driven to climb all the way to the top floor using the staircase, even if it meant chancing an encounter with someone loitering in the dark stairwell. She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally emerged from the door on the top floor unscathed. Well, she thought, Mom did say it was tough getting an appointment on such short notice. Guess I can't complain.

Ren followed her mother's directions and found the door to the orthodontics clinic, which had the words "Dr. Paz -- Orthodontist" stencilled in black on its surface. Inside the antiseptically-painted walls of the clinic, she found a yawning receptionist flipping through a copy of that morning's edition of The Sacramento Bee behind her desk.

Ren stepped up and introduced herself. "Hi, my name's Ren Stevens? I believe I have an appointment with Doctor Paz to have my braces removed."

The receptionist looked up and shot Ren a perfunctory glance before dumping her newspaper aside in a discourteous manner. Ren's lips thinned at the woman's rudeness towards her, but she kept the corners of her mouth turned upward; she was not about to let someone else's poor attitute ruin her day. Can't keep a good smile if you aren't happy, she told herself. She waited patiently as the receptionist casually flipped open the appointment book to scan for her name.

"Err....hmm....Ren Stevens?" the receptionist muttered after a few moments of searching, pointing to a random name on the page. "Go right in, the doctor's waiting for you." With that, she closed the book and paid no more attention to Ren Stevens.

Fuming, Ren rolled her eyes and stalked off in the direction of the inner corridor. All that waiting for nothing! She hoped the experience with the doctor himself would be more pleasant. She came upon a door near the end of the corridor, which was left open, she assumed, for her benefit. Peering inside the room, she found a straw-haired, bespectacled man examining some tools he had laid out on a tray. She knocked lightly on the door to draw the man's attention. The orthodontist spun around immediately and peered at Ren over his spectacles. There was a moment of hesitation before his wide face split into a grin, which, combined with the pair of magnifying lenses attached to the bridge of his glasses, gave the man an air of comic amiability. It gave Ren a sense of reassurance, made her feel that she would be in good hands.

"Ah!" he exclaimed, "You must be Ren Stevens. I'm Doctor Paz; come on in and have a seat!" He gestured to the reclining chair in the center of the room.

"'Morning, Doctor Paz," Ren smiled back as she slid onto the narrow leather recliner. "Thanks for squeezing me into your schedule! You have no idea how much this means to me." As the two exchanged pleasantries, the orthodontist adjusted the angle of her seat and moved the illuminated operating lamp next to her head, then attached a napkin around her neck. Ren squinted at the brightness of the lights, then heard the scrape of metal against metal as Doctor Paz brought forth a set of lip retractors and worked them into her mouth. I must look like a grinning fool, she thought idly.

Doctor Paz leaned in and stared intently at Ren's pearly-whites, examining her teeth with the aid of a mouth mirror. He was humming a tune with which Ren was totally unfamiliar. Suddenly, his humming turned into a series of tsks. Alarmed, Ren tried to ask the doctor what was wrong, but her speech was impeded by the lip retractor. Instead, she directed her question towards the doctor with worried eyes.

"Hmmmm," Doctor Paz mused for what seemed to be an eternity. "It seems you've got a slight infection around the gum above the incisors." Ren's brow began to furl dejectedly; I didn't see anything wrong! she moaned. But then she heard the orthodontist say, "Don't worry, it's nothing a little medication won't get rid of. The swelling's going to make taking off your braces a lot more painful, though." He released the lip retractors and allowed Ren to speak.

"Umm, is there any way you can make it not hurt?" she inquired hopefully.

"Well, I could freeze your mouth..."

Ren's eyes widened in horror; freezing her mouth would make her smile look crooked for sure! She wrung her hands desperately and pleaded, "No, no, anything but that!"

Doctor Paz grinned once more. "I thought not. Here," he turned around for a second and presented a small breathing mask to Ren. "I can give you a little bit of laughing gas. It doesn't work as well without the needle, but it'll help, and it wears off quickly. Your mom's insurance will cover it."

"Perfect!" Ren said eagerly. "As long as it doesn't ruin my smile for the camera."

"Okay, let me get this thing started." Doctor Paz turned back to the controls and made some adjustments. He placed the mask over Ren's face and proceeded to feed her a steady stream of oxygen and nitrous oxide. As Ren began to show signs of analgesia, he reached behind him and increased the flow of the gas. Perspiration crept steadily into his palms as Ren gradually slipped into unconsciousness. When Doctor Paz was sure that his beautiful young patient was not going to be cognizant of what he was about to do, he removed the gas mask and loomed over his soon-to-be victim.

Doctor Paz threw his magnifying lenses aside and greedily absorbed through his eyes Ren's lithe young body. If not for the surgical apron he had worn, the erection he had developed as soon as he had laid eyes on this pretty girl would have been impossible to conceal. Now the perverted orthodontist had quickly removed his apron, unzipped his slacks, and was allowing his formidable penis to stand unobstructed before his prey. He reached out with a pair of trembling hands and opened the few buttons at the top of her thin blue sweater. Slipping one hand into her sweater and then underneath her bra, the doctor breathed a groan of ecstacy as he felt her soft nipples bend to the will of his fingers. Her breasts were unimpressive in terms of size, but their supple firmness, combined with the depravity of the situation, was enough to cause Doctor Paz to reach down and give his stiffened penis a few appreciatory tugs.

Seldom did Doctor Paz have the chance to molest a girl this pretty. His little clinic was generally frequented by patients of a lesser fare, meaning he often had to deal with people with extremely poor oral hygiene, and he had no desire to touch a woman with a mouthful of rotten teeth in a sexual manner. Even if a more well-off customer were to make an appointment at his clinic, they were usually turned off by the building's appearance.

It was not always like this for Doctor Paz. His sick habit had gotten him into this mess, back when he was a reputable orthodontist working with two other partners in a much bigger clinic they had run together. Faced with a possible lawsuit, he was ousted by his colleagues, forcing him to rebuild his practice on his own, since no one else in his profession wanted to have anything to do with him. Fortunately for him, his victim accepted a settlement from his previous partnership, freeing him from any sort of criminal liabilities. Nonetheless, the result had left him with very little financial resources with which to work.

When Doctor Paz finally grew tired of fondling Ren's breasts--for the time being--his attention turned to her legs. He licked his lips when he discovered that his patient was wearing knee-high skirts, thus giving him easy access to her vagina. Hurriedly, the doctor hiked Ren's skirts up to her hips, exposing her plain cotton, pastel-blue panties. He dug a hand between Ren's silky thighs and traced the edge of his index finger along her soft, warm slit, uttering self-indulgent sounds like some kind of connoisseur of fine jailbait pussy. So tender was Ren's virgin mound that Doctor Paz could only faintly detect the folds of her inner labia under her panties, though he could make out the texture of a thickening patch of pubic hair in the surrounding areas. Shit, this could be the finest young pussy I've ever had, he thought.

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