Definitely Not Queer - Cover

Definitely Not Queer

by Scorpio00155

Copyright© 2001 by Scorpio00155

Incest Sex Story: Paula's parents were convinced that her younger brother Tony was gay, she wasn't so sure and set about proving it one way or another.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   .

Boy did I live in a strange household, mum had a string of lovers as long as your arm, dad was a randy sod that ogled even me at times and had as many lovers as mum. Yet neither of them seemed to mind that the other was unfaithful, in fact they spent as much time fucking each other as they did having it off with their lovers. Then there was my fifteen year old brother Tony, he was three years younger than me and was breaking our parent's hearts, mum was almost crying over him while dad was virtually tearing his hair out.

"I tell you he is a poofdah." dad snorted as we held a family meeting without Tony "That boy is as bent as a nine bob note."

"I hope you're wrong," mum sighed, "though I must say he doesn't seem quite right."

I looked from my father to my mother and sighed, we'd been talking about my brother for the past half an hour and hadn't got any further than my father calling him queer and mum hoping he was wrong. So far I hadn't heard anything from either of them to provide evidence of their conclusion.

"What makes you think he's queer?" I asked at last in an effort to move things on a bit.

"Listen Paula," dad sighed, "how many men do you know that don't at least show an interest if a naked woman appears in front of them."

"None," I grinned "but Tony isn't a man, he's still a boy."

"Hell," dad swore "at his age I was climbing lampposts in the hope of seeing a bit of naked female flesh."

That I could well believe of my father, but I was still none the wiser as to why he had decided that Tony was gay, so I repeated my question and this time got a straight answer. It seemed that dad had been 'entertaining' a woman and Tony had walked in on them accidentally, he'd got quite an eyeful of dad's lady friend apparently and hadn't even raised a smile let alone anything else and it was on this evidence that dad had decided that his one and only son was queer.

"Damn it," dad growled "I told you all his reading wasn't good for him, I should have kicked him out on a football pitch or something. Well sod it, I've a darts match tonight and I'm not going to let this affect me, I'll see you later."

"And I've a sowing circle meeting," mum announced as she stood up "we'll finish this tomorrow."

Like hell did dad have a darts match, he wouldn't know one end of a dart from the other and as for mum's sowing circle she couldn't sow to save her life. The pair of them were obviously off to see one or other of their lovers, not that I gave a damn one way or the other, but I did wish that they could at least be honest about it instead of making up such unbelievable excuses. Within a couple of minutes I was alone in the kitchen, I gave a sigh as I thought about the topic of conversation and wondered whether my parents were right about my brother and I had to admit that he had never really shown an interest in girls.

I suppose Tony was closer to me than he was to our parents, he was a sensitive soul and dad's rough and ready manner intimidated him a little. As for mum she was out so much that we rarely saw her anyway so it was only natural that Tony had turned to me when he had needed advice, not that he needed it that often. There was only one way to settle the matter one way or the other, I was going to ask Tony straight out, I knew that he would give me an answer, though I wasn't quite sure what I'd do if he said he was gay. Having made my decision I acted on it, marching up the stairs I paused outside Tony's room, took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

"Come in." my brother called out.

Opening the door I stepped into the room and smiled at my brother who was lying on his bed dressed in nothing more than a pair of underpants, in his hands he held a book that he put on the bedside cabinet as I entered.

"Hi Paula," he grinned up at me as I walked over to the bed "what's up?"

Like I said, he was sensitive and it had been no effort for him to guess that I had something on my mind, sitting on the side of the bed I took a deep breath and asked the question.

"Tony," I said bluntly "are you gay?"

Tony burst out laughing though I couldn't see anything funny in the question; I waited for his guffaws to die down before asking him to answer the question.

"What do you think?" he answered my question with a question.

"Hell I don't know." I sighed, "Dad reckons you are because you didn't react to his lady friend's bare body."

"If I said I wasn't" Tony grinned "who'd believe me?"

"Well I would, I think." I replied uncertainly "Are you saying you're not gay?"

"Nope." he grinned annoyingly.

"Then you are gay." I sighed sadly.

"Nope." he grinned even more.

"Jesus Tony," I burst out "what is this, you can't be either straight or gay."

"Well you can be both," he laughed "it's called bi."

"Will you give me a straight answer?" I demanded.

"I doubt it would help if I did." Tony sighed "I'd need to prove what I said was true before dad would be persuaded. For what it's worth I'm not gay and I'm not bi."

I should have believed him, but there was something in the way he said it that gave me some doubts. He was right when he said he would have to prove his statement, but there was only one way I could think of that he could do that. Unfortunately there was a lack of willing females at that moment in time; there was only he and I in the house. Then, right out of the blue an idea came to me, it was shocking and disgusting, but it would prove the matter one way or another and would involve no one outside the house, in fact it would involve no-one but Tony and myself. Much to my surprise I felt myself getting excited at the idea of showing off my body to my brother, even though I may said it myself if I couldn't get him going then he had to be queer.

"See," Tony sighed at my silence "even you don't believe me and there's no way that I can prove what I say is the truth."

"I wouldn't say that." I grinned standing up.

Turning to face him I started to undress while watching his reactions very carefully, his first reaction was surprise. Apart from that I could see no spark of interest as more and more of my skin was exposed to his gaze. At last I was naked, I stood in front of Tony and sighed, although his eyes were travelling over my body he was showing absolutely none of the usual signs of arousal. This made me determined to get a reaction from him one way or another.

Lying beside my brother on the bed I began to masturbate myself, I'd done this before for some of my boyfriends and had thoroughly enjoyed it, but the buzz I got doing it in front of Tony was more than I had expected. He watched my every move as I squeezed my ripe tits then teased my nipples before sliding a hand down to my pussy to play with my clit. He even sat up so that he could see better when I plunged two fingers into my pussy and used them to fuck myself to a climax, but apart from that he gave no indication of excitement.

Breathing heavily I lay there and looked at my brother, I was determined that I was going to get him aroused if it killed me. Sitting up I leant over and kissed Tony full on the lips, it felt strange kissing my brother as I would one of my boyfriends, strange yet so exciting that it made my arousal swell inside me. After a while Tony began to return my kiss, not over passionately, but it was at least a return of pressure and I felt pleased with myself. However, it was not the reaction I wanted out of him so I reached down and grabbed one of his hands and guided it to my tits, for a few moments I guided his hands over my mounds and nipples then let him go it alone. There seemed to be little enthusiasm in his movements, but at least he kept his hand and fingers moving on my tits and nipples and I reached out for his other hand and guided it to my pussy. Once again I showed him what to do before letting go of his hand and once again he kept his hand moving on his own, but there was no eagerness there.

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