Bike Ride - Cover

Bike Ride

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A biker's girlfriend is busted for drugs. He finds a hitchhiker to take her place. She is an exceptional companion. They become lovers. The story is a naration of several trips with their biker friends.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   First  

U S Highway 98 went through the northern part of Panama City. That was what they had been traveling since leaving Caribell. Bill led them through town and over a bridge across part of the Bay. They were in Panama City Beach then. Bill turned left after they passed a naval base and they headed south toward the Gulf. When they were at the gulf beaches they turned east and registered at a Florida State Park. They were going to camp there for the night.

After the tents were set up and camp was made they left to tour the area. There were miles of white sand beaches, every where were high rise condos and huge motels. They had lunch of shrimp and shark meat under an awning outside a place over looking the beach. They rode around until late in the afternoon. Bill spotted a super market and they bought things for supper and breakfast. They bought things they could grill on the camp site charcoal stoves. They bought beer and wine, soft drinks and bottles of water and bags of charcoal.

Well before dark they were back at their camp site. The park personnel closed those gates at sun down.

Across from their campsite was a motor home that looked like the one they had camped near the night before at Caribell. It was in a pull through site and the midget car it had been towing was gone. Just as the winners girls were dishing up grilled shrimp and broiled oysters the small car came back.

Phil spoke with Bill and then walked across the roadway and asked the two men and a woman to join them for supper. He said there was plenty. The threesome joined them, they introduced themselves as Kelly Mason, Josh Patton and Vince Pitts. They fitted right in with the winners bike club, they were about the same age as the winners, mid twenties, and seemed nice. Josh said they were from Jacksonville Florida and were two days into a two week trip along the Gulf Coast. Vince said he remembered them from the party the night before at Caribell.

After everyone had eaten their fill Camy took a cup of wine and a chair to the waters edge and sat alone. Her thoughts were interrupted by Kelly Mason joining her with another chair. Kelly had brought a beer and another cup of wine for Camy.

They talked and Camy found that Beth worked as a security guard at the navy base at Jacksonville. Camy told Kelly that she was working for Bill in his recording studio in Nashville.

Camy said she had overheard the conversation Vince had with them that morning. Camy asked if Vince had dumped his girlfriend at the airport as he had said he would. Kelly said Vince had and he and Kristeen had exchanged bitter words when it happened. Kelly said Vince had given Kristeen three hundred dollars for air fare and taxi just as he had promised.

Kelly said she did not enjoy Kristeen's bitching about every thing for the day and a half she was with them. Kelly said it would be nicer without her.

Camy asked if she was going to have to take care of two men's sexual needs now. Kelly said she hopped so, she said she had never had two men at the same time. Kelly admitted that she had thought about doing that for years.

Kelly said she hopped Vince wanted her. Camy asked why he would not, she said "Kelly you are a very pretty woman, nice legs, great body and a beautiful face". "You have a great personality and a good sense of humor, you appear to have more than a high school education and seem very intelligent."

Kelly said that if Vince liked her she might be invited to move into their plush condo when they got back home. Kelly said "Before I met Josh he and Vince had lived with a woman for over a year". "She was a TV news caster and took a better job in New York or she would still be there and Josh and I would never have gotten together."

Camy asked Kelly if she loved Josh. Kelly said Josh was nice and she thought she loved him. Kelly said she had enough love in her for both of them. Camy said it looked like she was going to get a chance to prove that on this trip.

They talked on for a long time.

Camy found out that Kelly had graduated from Florida State with a degree in education. She could take a job teaching if she wanted but she was making more than teacher's pay at her security job. Kelly really wanted to teach though and had an application in at a large private girl's school. If she could land a job there it paid more than her job in security. Kelly said that the pay was not worth the hassle and danger teaching in the public schools.

Josh came to Kelly and asked if she was ready to turn in yet. Kelly, Josh and Vince said their good nights and went to the motor home. There was a cool breeze that night. All of the windows were open in the motor home. Camy and Bill were having nice slow sex when Camy heard Kelly's first wail. She had noisy climaxes !

Camy and Bill finished and Bill dozed off to sleep. Camy counted nine more wails before there was silence in the motor home. She knew that no ordinary one man could have given that much pleasure. Camy figured that it had taken two better than ordinary men to do that to Kelly.

The Winners were up by day break. The girls started breakfast. Vince came out from the motor home sipping coffee.

Bill invited him, Kelly and Josh to eggs, ham and grits with toast and some of Mary's home made pear preserves. Bill said they had plenty.

Vince, Josh and Kelly came over. Kelly wanted to help fix the breakfast. Pam told her to do the toast if she liked.

Vince and Josh offered to help. Pam told them to join the other men and to stay the hell out of the way. Josh and Vince joined the other men on folding steel rod and canvas chairs. Bill was explaining to the other bikers that he planned for their next camp to be the Fort Walton Beach city camp ground. Bill said they could be there by noon. That would give their ladies several hours on the beach. Josh and Vince asked if they could motor there and camp with them. Josh said they would furnish a steak dinner that night. Bill said "Even if we did not like you people that would be enough for us to say 'yes'. They pulled off and swam at Shalimar Beach and then puttered along. As they passed the Destin city limits there was a billboard advertising fresh seafood and U S prime grade beef. It was a mile ahead on the right. Vince was driving the motor home, he blew the air horn and turned on his right turn blinker. The bikers understood and let Vince pass and followed him into the parking lot.

Every one got off those bikes and shed their helmets. They were all still wearing their bathing suits. Kelly stayed with the bikers. Camy and Kelly walked over to the shade of a large Live Oak Tree and sat on a bench. Camy said "It sounded like you got the hard fucking you deserved and had always wanted last night girl". Kelly said "They both went down on me first, I had a cock in my mouth and a mouth on my pussy the first four times I had an orgasm". "From then on I had a prick in me in my mouth and pussy until they could not get hard any more". Kelly said that her men had promised her that they would eat high protean food and do it to her again that night. Kelly said her cunt was so sore she was going to try to get by with just blowjobs that night. Camy said "Forget that girl, I will lend you a tube of K Y jelly". "You grit your teeth and take it like a woman or kiss the hope of living with them good bye". Camy said that no two men could do that to a woman two nights in a row. She said that it really did not matter how much high protean a man ate, he was limited to at most four climaxes a day. Camy said there was no limit for a real woman.

Josh and Vince came out with seventeen thick cut steaks and that many twice baked potatoes already stuffed. They had bagged salad, several types of dressing and garlic bread. They had bought over two hundred dollars worth of food. They resumed their ride on through Destin, across the bridge and through Fort Walton Beach. West of the city they located their camp grounds. It was a nice place with lots of shade and clean bath houses.

Bill told the ladies to go on to the beach while the men pitched the tents.

Josh and Vince leveled the motor home and let the awning out. There was carpet to go under that and six folding chairs.

As soon as their overnight lodging was taken care of the men joined the ladies on the beach. They were the only people in the camp ground but it was early in the afternoon.

When the ladies went out on the beach Mary and Pat had removed their bikinis and announced they wanted to sun all over. The others thought that was a great idea.

When their men were through making their camp they found their ladies nude on the beach. They shucked their bathing suits and joined them.

Kelly was on a beach towel beside Camy. Josh and Vince came over and asked Kelly if she wanted a drink or anything. They were beginning to become hard with eight naked women to look at.

Kelly told them she was fine yet. Kelly's men went in the water to cool off. Camy said "I can see why you might be a little sore, they are both well hung, not as big as some of our guys but larger than average". Camy told Kelly that she had two handsome men. Camy told Kelly that she and the other Winners Club women were all faithful to their men and the men were faithful to their women.

Several of the ladies thought they had gotten enough sun and were going to get in the shade. There was a nice cool breeze stirring and the ladies got more chairs and sat under the awning of the motorhome. They found that the grass had sand spurs in it and all put on shoes. Camy and several others put their boots back on.

The men left the beach and Phil suggested that they go back toward Fort Walton and shoot a few rounds of pool. They had passed a big pool hall as they came to the camp ground. Phil said he had been practicing since Key West and he wanted to take his thousand dollars back from Bill.

Vince asked if it was safe to leave the women alone. Phil said that with Camy there it was. Jeff said "Yeah with her here they are safer than they would be in church."

The men took off their bathing suits and put on shorts and tee shirts, slipped on shoes and left.

Kelly wanted to know what Phil had meant about them being safe because Camy was there.

Beth told of her near rape at Key West and how Camy had subdued her attacker.

Kelly asked what had happened to the bastard. Mary said "We think the Key West Bike Club fed him to the fish out in the Atlantic Ocean but really don't want to know."

Kelly said that she had martial arts training but was not sure she could have done that.

Pam said "Our Camy is a tough woman when she needs to be, she put her ex-husband in the hospital several months ago". Pam told the details of that.

Kelly said she understood why the men had said what they did when they left.

The conversation under the awning turned to subjects concerning their normal every day lives. Kelly discovered that all seven of the biker girls was single and a professional of some sort. She found out that several owned their own business. Kelly was impressed, there was not an air head in the group.

Pam Taylor and Anita Brown said they wanted to wash the salt water off and were going to the bath house to take a shower.

Kelly told of her one year as a teacher. She told of the danger of being at the school after school hours and her near rape by three black students. Kelly told of being fired by a black Principal because she had put all three in the hospital. She had learned kick boxing while in high school. That principal refused to agree that the situation called for that strong a response.

Camy looked toward the bath house and saw two men do something to the small signs on the front entries. They gave a high five and walked in behind the privacy wall screening the woman's side.

Camy was instantly out of her chair running, Kelly was with her. Kelly said "I saw that like you did."

None of the other women had seen the guys go inside the bath house. Mary said "Do you suppose they have to pee that bad"? The other ladies laughed.

Inside the bath house Pam and Anita were in the big shower scrubbing each other, neither had noticed the two men watching.

Camy and Kelly burst in the door opening and got between the showers and the two voyeurs. Camy said "Get the hell out of here bastards". One of the guys told her " This is the men's side bitch, have those two whores leave not us". Both had pushed their shorts down and were stroking hard cocks. Camy said "We saw you change the signs bastards, now go before I kick that cock up in your belly". One of them said "Fuck off bitch, I ain't through with what I am doing". He was still stroking his dick.

Kelly asked Camy if she could do it.

Camy said "Be my guest."

Kelly leaned to her left and her right foot shot out and caught the first one on the chin. She leaned to her right and the other shoe caught the other one on his chin. Both guys fell backwards to the concrete floor, the back of their heads hitting with a thump. They were out of it for a while. Camy told Kelly she was going to have to teach her that kick. She said "Let's drag the bastards out of here and change those signs back". Kelly told Anita and Pam that every thing was under control and they could finish rinsing off now, she and Camy would dump the garbage outside.

None of the women under the awning at the motor home saw them drag the first guy out to the parking spaces in front of the bath house. Mary saw them drag the second one out though. She said "What the hell" and started running toward the bath house. The other women followed. Camy and Kelly were changing the signs back where they belonged when Mary asked what had happened. Camy said "Kelly and I saw them change the signs and go in, when we got here they did not want to leave, Kelly changed their minds with a kick to their chins and now it is all over."

Anita and Pam came out warped in towels. Pam asked what those guys were doing in the women's side of the bath house. Camy said "They were jerking off looking at Anita and you having your shower girl, Kelly spoiled that for them."

Mary asked what they should do with the two unconscious guys, Camy said "If we call the police we are going to be stuck here until they are in court". "I think we should just ignore them and act as if we know nothing about how they got here". Pam checked their pulse and said "They are going to come to soon, I think it best if we get away from them."

Kelly suggested that they all go inside the motor home and turn the air-condition units on. Anita and Pam dropped their swim suits and towels off at their tents and put on shorts and blouses.

After a while one of the ladies looked out and said "One of them is trying to get up now". As they watched he made it to his feet and pulled his shorts up from around his ankles. He nudged his buddy with his foot and was talking to him. That one rolled over and got his hands and knees under himself. The other one helped him to his feet and they staggered to a rusty pickup. They left in a hurry. When they were gone most of the ladies wanted one last dip from the beach to end the afternoon. As before, those that returned to the beach took off their bikinis.

Other campers began occupying the camp sites but none close to theirs. They got out and those that had skinny dipped wrapped themselves in towels and headed for the showers. Their men began coming back. Vince and Josh drove their mini car up on the tow trailer and got out. All of the bikers rumbled up together. Phil had lost another thousand to Bill.

Anita told them that everyone but she and Pam was having a shower. Pam told the men what had happened earlier. Bill said "We have two very tough ladies on this trip fellows."

"It sounds as if Kelly is capable of taking care of trouble as well as Camy."

Vince and Josh began getting ready to grill those steaks that had been marinating since noon. They had chosen a campsite with a large grill. It was large enough to do seventeen steaks on. Three bags of charcoal were poured out and ignited. Every one had a beer or wine cooler.

The ladies began returning from their shower. Those tents were not large enough to dress comfortably in. They took off their towel wraps and put on shorts and tops outside. When dressed they joined the others in having a wine cooler, some had a beer.

Josh and Vince did the steaks to perfection. Kelly had put the potatoes in the oven in the motor home long before the steaks went on the grill. The salad was crisping in the freezer in the motor home. Two of the biker women were toasting the bread in Coleman ovens on another picnic table. Every thing was ready at the same time.


The steaks were perfect every thing else was just right and there was strawberry cheese cake to top it off.

After they had eaten they walked over to a covered shed that had a juke box. there were already four couples there dancing. The winners joined the party. The seven biker girls all danced with their men. Vince danced with Kelly first then it was Josh's turn. After that every one changed partners. The four other couples were not campers, they lived at either Destin or Fort Walton Beach. They told that this was the way they could spend a cheap evening out. One of the ladies said "We can do this for small change for the juke box and not spend a fortune in a Night Club, we have more fun and can dress casual here". Another said "None of us drink so we never go to a place where that goes on. Bikers danced with them as well as their crowd.

The party broke up at ten thirty. Every guy had danced with every woman there and every one was ready for bed.

Camy and Bill left first. The others left as they did. Kelly walked to the motor home between Josh and Vince. Kelly had her arms around their waists, each had an arm around her shoulders and were cupping one of her tits. The air- conditioning was left on and the windows remained closed in the motor home so Kelly's noises were not loud enough that she woke anyone. When Camy and Bill emerged from their tent nude at five AM Vince was sitting on a table with his feet on the bench. He was wearing his swim trunks. Vince said "Good morning, I always get up at five eastern and I thought I would have an early swim.

Camy asked Bill if they could join him before starting coffee. Bill said "Go ahead honey, I will start the coffee and join you two after."

Camy and Vince walked out on the beach. Vince took his bathing suit off and was nude like Camy. He had a half hard on and Camy got a good look at it. Vince had a nice looking prick. As it got hard Camy thought it might be six inches long and nice in girth. She could not help comparing Vince's to Bill's. Bill's was longer and bigger in size. They walked out until the water covered Camy's shoulders. Vince had been holding Camy's hand since they had entered the water.

Vince said "I think you are more beautiful than any other woman in your group". He said "Last night as I danced with you I wondered if you were not the most delightful in bed". Camy said "Vince you will never know because I am Bill's woman and like the others we are all true to our men". Camy told Vince that he and Josh had a one in a million in Kelly and that they would be fools to screw up and loose her. Camy said "Take a good look at Kelly and discover that she is much better looking than I and that I am only seventeen and she is twenty five". "She is more woman than I and much more than either you or Josh can satisfy alone, but the two of you can keep her happy the rest of her life if you try". "She is worth the effort."

Bill came on the beach with several members of the winners, Kelly and Josh were with them. Camy said "Watch Vince, observe how serene and loving Kelly is with you and Josh". "You two are lucky."

Later Kelly told Camy that it had been a wonderful night. Kelly said that both Josh and Vince had brought her to two climaxes with their mouths each then fucked her. She said her men had each waited until she had her second orgasm to spurt in her.

Kelly said she was in girl heaven.

Kelly said she loved both of them.

After everyone had their morning dip in salt water Bill suggested they shower, break camp and find a place to eat their breakfast.

Bill told them that they had a section reserved at the Gulf Shores city camp grounds for that night. They needed to get a move on so they could enjoy the beach for a few hours before dark. Every one wore their bathing suits that day. All had browned enough that sun burn was not likely. There was a buffet breakfast place at Mary Esther. They stuffed for an hour.

Later they stopped at Navarre beach and Vince filled his diesel tanks on his motor home. Josh topped of the water tanks.

The Winners filled their bikes with gas.

It was a beautiful beach so they parked and enjoyed an hour there. There was no fresh water shower, Vince offered the ladies an opportunity to shower in the coach if any of them wanted to rinse the salt water and sand off. They could ride in the motor home while washing themselves. When they were through they could get back with their men.

All seven biker girls and Kelly took him up on that. Soon eight nude girls were showering briefly and drying off in the motor home.

Vince and Josh were treated to the sight of eight lovely nude women. Vince remembered his talk on the beach with Camy that morning and compared Kelly with the others. Camy was right, Kelly was the most beautiful in a group of extremely lovely women. Vince figured that he and Josh were lucky to have her as their lover. Vince was thinking about how nice it would be if Kelly would move into the condo with Josh and himself. The nights with her in that Queen size bed and the sexual bliss they had enjoyed together made him decide to ask her.

All the girls had their shower and were dressed in shorts and tees in less than an hour.

Josh was driving, Camy told him that they were ready to rejoin their men now. Josh pulled around the bikers and turned his turn indicator on. Each biker girl thanked Josh and Vince for the use of their shower as they got out to join her man.

Kelly said "They are nice and I am glad we have met them". Josh said he thought they were. Vince asked if they would like to spend the rest of their trip with the bikers. Both Josh and Kelly said they would. Vince suggested that they talk to Bill and Phil and see if it was alright.

They cursed through Pensacola on highway 98 and turned south west toward the Alabama state line. Orange Beach was the first town in Alabama. It merged into Gulf Shores.

Large motels and high rise condos lined the beach since shortly after they had crossed the state line. The beaches were crowded with bathers. The off shore side of the highway was shopping plaza after plaza. Near the center of the city Bill turned into a parking lot for a shopping mall. When everyone was off the street Bill told Phil over their radio that he thought they should get food for that evening and breakfast. Bill said he would join them later in the store.

Bill had seen a City of Gulf Shores police car parked at the other entrance. Bill and Camy motored across the parking lot and stopped along side the police car. Bill pushed the kick stand down and he and Camy got off and took their helmets off. Both Bill and Camy were wearing their bathing suits.

Bill said "Officer we and seven more couples have reservations at a city camp ground, could you give us directions as to how to get there". There were a man and a woman officers in the patrol car. Both got out to talk. They were both in their mid-twenties, a very handsome pair.

Officer Greg Tate and officer Emily Putnam introduced them selves to Bill and Camy. Officer Tate said that he and Emily camped there often, it was a nice quiet campground. He said they were going off duty for two days and planed to go out there when they clocked out and changed out of uniform in a few hours.

Emily offered for Greg and she to lead them out to the park after they bought their supplies. Bill promised to be back soon and thanked them. Bill asked them to join the bikers for dinner that evening. The officers accepted his invitation.

Phil and several bikers were checking out when Bill and Camy joined them at the food market. Phil had a half dozen bottles of wine and two cases of cold beer in his cart. He had twenty pounds of large shrimp for boiling and two large bags of pre-mixed salad. Mary had three dozen eggs and sliced country ham for breakfast. Josh and Vince had breads and two gallons of fresh orange juice and three strawberry cheese cakes. Some one else had coffee, bottled water and a selection of drinks. Pam had an assortment of paper napkins, toilet tissue, towels, plates and hot and cold cups.

Bill led the way across the parking lot and they all lined up behind the police car. Emily was driving, she turned on her blue light and led them through the center of the town and to the west of the Gulf Shores Parkway. About a mile west of the center of town Emily turned off the beach highway into the campground. The bikers backed up to four sites on the beach side of the roadway, Vince backed the motor home into a site directly across the roadway from them. Emily parked the prowl car next to Vince. Greg Tate said they would take that space when they came back later. He said they had a small 'tag along' trailer and they would camp with them if it was alright.

Phil said "Glad to have you and we have plenty for you two to join us for dinner and breakfast as well."

The Winners made camp and then went out on the beach. At Fort Walton the day before the beach was nice but there were low islands between it and the gulf. There had been no surf. At Gulf Shores there was nothing between them and Cuba. The large waves were crashing onto the beach, there had been a storm out in the gulf. The surf was exhilarating but after an hour the couples began to drift back to the shade at the tents.

Kelly and Camy checked out the bath house. It was sparkling clean, they rinsed the salt water and sand off and walked back to the tents. They told the others how good it felt to get that sticky feel off.

The other campers a few at a time took showers. At four thirty Greg Tate and Emily Putnam drove a compact four wheel drive pickup in. They were pulling a small fiberglass camper. Several helped Greg and Emily level it up. Emily hooked up the power and that turned on the air-conditioner. She then coupled the water to the trailer. Greg let an awning out and set up four folding canvas chairs, they were at home.

They were wearing bathing suits. Greg was a big guy with large arms and legs. His waist was small though. He looked like a professional foot ball player in perfect shape. Greg wore his hair in a crew cut. His face was not handsome but was nice looking he, smiled a lot. Greg appeared to be in his mid twenties.

Emily was a large woman. She was not a beauty queen but really looked nice in her bikini. She had very good legs and a firm ass, nearly all of it showing in her thong bottom. Her tits were nice, not big but well shaped. Her plain face became beautiful when she smiled. She wore her brown hair short and neat and wore no makeup or jewelry. Greg was ruggedly handsome, with a nice smile and a strong hairy body. They were good together, they let their love for each other show.

As soon as their trailer was set up Emily wanted to get in the water. She asked if anyone wanted to join her in the surf. All of the bikers did and Kelly, Vick and Josh as well. After a short swim everyone took a shower in the bath house and changed into shorts and tees.

Kelly, Josh and Vick did supper later before dark. Everyone was gorged before the sun was down. After dark Josh brought a 24 inch TV out of the motor home and plugged it in to a power supply. It had a built in VCR. He and Vick had a big selection of movies for it. Twenty campers watched a movie until nine thirty. Some drank beers some wine. No one had too much to drink. After the movie they all drifted off to bed. That night Bill and Camy were content with just lying in each others arms. The desire for sex was there but was satisfied with just being near the other.

Camy woke before daybreak and slipped out of her and Bill's tent. She started coffee. She was nude and had not bothered with slipping on anything. It was still dark and no one else was awake. Camy sat on a bench waiting for the coffee and listening to the music of the surf and the breeze in the trees.

Emily opened the door to their small travel trailer and stepped out. She was nude. Emily wrapped her towel around herself. She saw the flame of the camp stove and joined Camy on the bench. They spoke softly, savoring the peace and quiet of the morning, trying to not wake others. Emily said "I had intended skinny dipping on the beach before any one caught me". "I love going naked in the surf". Camy said "Let's do it". They sneaked away after Camy cut the coffee pot down as low as the stove would go.

Camy got herself a towel.

At the edge of the light surf they shed their flip flops and walked in. They waded out until the water reached their shoulders. Emily said "Camy you have the prettiest breasts of all of us camped here. Camy said "Take a look at Kelly's hers are bigger than mine". Emily said "They may be but yours are more beautiful to me, yours look firmer and have a better shape than hers ". Emily asked if she could feel Camy's breasts. Camy said "If you like". Emily's hands felt good to Camy, she plucked at Camy's nipples and moved herself to behind Camy. One of her hands dropped down and located Camy's slit and her large clit inside. Emily said after she felt of Camy's tits for a while and had aroused her clit " Would you let me make love to you on the beach"? Camy said she would like that.

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