Bike Ride - Cover

Bike Ride

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A biker's girlfriend is busted for drugs. He finds a hitchhiker to take her place. She is an exceptional companion. They become lovers. The story is a naration of several trips with their biker friends.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   First  

Bill pulled off the Interstate at Collinsville Alabama. He had eaten breakfast before daylight that morning in Nashville. Bill had a big house in Brentwood. His clock woke him and he had his breakfast before leaving.

He was meeting Clarice at her apartment in Chattanooga as early as possible. She was going to Key West for two weeks with him.

Bill had gotten to Chattanooga by ten thirty that morning, just in time to see his date put into a unmarked car in cuffs. Bill had parked and found the person in charge. Bill was told that Clarice had been under surveillance since her return from their last trip two months past.

While they talked a DEA agent came up to his boss and handed him a transparent bag. He said "I think there may be more than five kilos of cocaine here sir, we found it under her clothing in a drawer." Agent Potter told him to handle it as evidence. Bill had introduced himself when he met Agent Potter. Potter had told Bill he had been thoroughly investigated as well as all of his friends and he felt that they were not a part of the drug activity. Agent Potter said that while his crew were taking pictures and searching the place Bill could talk to Clarice through the window of the car.

Clarice was angry and belligerent because of her arrest. In a demanding manner she said that she expected Bill to get her out on bail as soon as it was set. Bill told her he wanted nothing to do with a drug dealer, she could not count on him for anything. Bill left.

Bill was meeting six other couples at Cheahaw Mountain camp ground in Alabama, they were all going to Key West together. The camp ground was the highest place in Alabama. Since Bill would be alone and not have a date he thought he would meet with his friends. He would just spend the night with them and then go back home to Nashville.

At twelve thirty Bill pulled off the interstate to have lunch. He was at the Collinsville Alabama exit and there was a nice looking Restaurant there.

A very pretty young girl took his order. When she brought his lunch she asked Bill where he was from. Bill said he lived near Nashville. When she was back topping his tea off she asked where he was going. Bill told her he had started off going to Key West but he might change his plans after he found his friends later that day. The girl asked Bill if he could give her a lift away from this place, she said her shift was over in fifteen minutes and she had planned to walk to the interstate and thumb a ride.

Bill told her he would give her a lift for a ways.

The girl brought Bill's lunch and introduced another girl to wait on him while she changed out of her uniform.

The girl changed into jeans and a chambray shirt and came back and sat with Bill as he finished his meal. Bill noticed that she was wearing boots.

As Bill paid his tab the girl was hugging a middle aged waitress and the owner of the place. They both wished her a safe journey and a bright future.

After going outside Bill introduced himself as William (Bill) Wainright. The girl said she was Cameron (Camy) Wilson. She said she was born and raised here in Decalb County and was leaving and planed to never come back.

Bill led Camy to a big Harley Motorcycle and said "This is your ride if you want to go with me."

The big Bike had a small two wheel trailer hooked behind. Camy said she had never been on a motorcycle before and that Bill would have to tell her what she was supposed to do. Bill raised the fiberglass top to the trailer and put Camy's back pack in side. He handed her a helmet and showed her where to plug it in so they could talk as they rode. Bill put on his matching helmet and got on. Camy got on behind Bill.

Bill was doing seventy as he merged with traffic after the on ramp. Camy keyed her mike and told Bill she liked riding this thing. Bill said "Tell me that after a while."

Bill asked Camy why she wanted to leave Collinsville. Camy said she was leaving three days before her husband of less than a year was released from the county jail. Camy said that a little over three months before, her husband had come home drunk and beat her severely. When she had been able to she had called the city police and sworn out a complaint for his arrest on assault charges. Her husband had been in jail already for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Camy said her husband had received two months for assault and one month for the DUI charge. Camy said she was afraid to stay where he could find her after they let him out.

Bill asked if she had any plans, did she know what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go. Camy said that she was a survivor and had endured seven foster homes while growing up. She said she was sure she would find a place to re-make her life. Bill asked Camy if she wanted to get off in Birmingham as they passed through. Camy said she was wanting to get further than that away from Collinsville. Bill told her that he planned to camp the night with friends at a state park and then he thought he might go back to Nashville. Camy said Nashville was far enough away from Collinsville she thought. She asked if she could ride there with him. Bill told her she could. He told her she would be camping out and sleeping in a tent with him that night.

Bill passed around Birmingham on the I-459 by pass and headed east on I-20 toward Oxford Alabama, he left the Interstate and turned south on state highway 21. At Munford he started up the winding road to the top of the mountain.

Bill had camped there before, he found his friends right away.

He introduced Camy Wilson to Phil Burke and Mary Duke from Memphis, Paul Taylor and Jane Powell from Birmingham. An extremely tall couple Jake Allen and Pam Taylor were from Decatur Alabama, Bryant Kelley and Anita Brown were from Anniston Alabama and Calvin Tucker and Beth Newton were from Jackson Mississippi. Bill asked about Ned Baker and Kate Morris and was told that they were here but had gone to the park store to get more ice and charcoal.

Six small pop up tents were placed in a circle around a camp fire place and three picnic tables. A fourth table had six ice chests on it and was nearby. Every one had large Harleys with trailers and they were parked in a row near the road.

Bill got his ice chest out of his trailer and put it on the table. Calvin helped Bill erect his small tent and Camy inflated a double width air mattress and made the bed with a double width sleeping bag. Camy knew she would have no other place to sleep except with Bill.

Camy expected to have sex with Bill as a payment for her ride and room and board. Camy thought it would be like every other guy she had ever fucked. A few stabs of a cock in her and the guy was through. Her husband nor any other male had ever lasted long enough for her to have an orgasm. Camy had never even had a climax from masturbating.

Camy hopped Bill had a condom, but he looked clean and not carrying some venereal disease. She knew she would be expected to give him her body anyway.

Dinner was served before dark and everyone lounged around the camp fire. Most of the group drank beers, Bill asked Camy if she would like one and Camy said she was not a beer drinker. Bill offered wine and Camy said that might be good.

Soon after sun down it became cool, at that altitude it got cold after dark. Camy asked if Bill minded if she got a blanket off the bed to wrap in. Bill told her if he could wrap in it with her too she could. Camy brought it back and they gathered it around them.

The conversation turned to the trip they had made to Bransome Missouri two months before. They had met at Memphis at Phil Burke's house and gone north through Arkansas to Missouri. Mary Duke said she had loved camping at that little camp ground where Clarice had skinny dipped in the creek with all those strangers watching.

Beth Newton asked Bill why Clarice was not with him, he had said she was coming three days ago when they had talked.

Bill said she was in jail on a charge of pushing drugs. Bill said he wanted nothing to do with that kind of person. Bill told them that Camy was a hitch hiker he had met while having lunch that day and he was thinking of going back to Nashville since he was alone now.

Beth asked Camy what her plans were. Camy said she was running away from a bad marriage and was looking for a place far away from her husband. She said she really did not care where she landed.

Calvin asked Bill to think about taking Camy to Florida, after all he was the one that planned this trip and it would be no fun without him.

Several of the others begged him to make the trip with them. Bill asked Camy if she wanted to go.

Camy said she had no where else to go, she might as well.

Bill told everyone he would let them know the next morning. It had been a long day for Bill he had gotten up early, Camy had worked eight hours before she left Collinsville with Bill at one. When Bill asked Camy if she wanted to turn in at nine thirty she was more than ready.

The camp fire shining through the walls of the tent was enough light for then to undress by. Camy took a long sleep tee out of her back pack intending to sleep in it. Bill told her the sleeping bag was too warm for that, he said that later in Florida he had planed to sleep under a flannel blanket. Bill suggested she sleep nude. Camy put her sleep shirt back up. Bill took off all of his clothes and got in bed, Camy saw a cock larger than her husband's was when it was hard hanging on Bill and it was soft. Camy took her time finishing getting undressed. Bill saw that she had a large pair of perfect tits and a truly nice ass. Camy was a brunette and had a large dark bush.

When she was ready Bill threw the sleeping bag back on her side and she got in. Camy was shivering from the chill of the night. Bill pulled her up against his warm body and she felt a now hard prick against her ass. Camy snuggled against Bill and he put his arm around her waist. Camy expected Bill to want sex with her but in a few minutes she heard his regular breathing and knew he was sleeping. Camy was a little disappointed, she had not had a man in months and although she had never had an orgasm she loved the feel of a man in her. Camy wanted Bill to take her with him either to Florida or Nashville, not just dump her somewhere and get lost. She had been willing to pay the price for that.

Bill woke after mid-night and tried to slip out of bed without waking Camy. She woke and Bill told her he was going to the bath house. She said she needed to go also. There were no other campers at that end of the park except their bike group. Bill slipped on his boxer shorts and Camy pulled on her shirt from the day before. The shirt barely came below her crotch. Both put their boots on. It was a short distance to the bath house and she went in the women's side, he the men's. They could hear the other urinating through the thin wall.

They met outside in the cold wind and walked fast to the tent. They quickly got their boots and cold clothes off. Camy was shivering from the cold, she dove into that warm bed and began to get warm. Bill was right behind her.

Camy asked " Bill do you have any desire for me?" Bill told her he had but was not interested in casual sex and liked to get to know a sex partner pretty well before he initiated that. Camy told him to tell her when and what he wanted of her. They snuggled and went back to sleep.

They woke to the noise of someone putting on coffee. They looked out to find Beth Newton and Mary Duke up but not dressed, Beth was nude and Mary had only Phil's leather jacket thrown over her shoulders. Bill said "I hope nudity does not offend you we have no modesty". Bill unzipped the opening to the tent and got out with only his boots. Camy followed with only her boots, she wanted to fit in.

Bill sat on a bench and slipped his boots on, Camy did the same. Bill said he wanted to take a shower before all the hot water was used up, he invited Camy to join him. Camy said that she would like a shower but had not packed soap. Beth said "Go with him honey and use his soap, several of us are going to bathe before we cook breakfast, we will be right behind you". Bill got towels out of his trailer and his shave kit. Inside the bath house Bill set the shower water to warm and they got in. Bill hung a stainless steel mirror on the wall and soaped up his face, he ran his razor over his face as the water pelted his body. Camy soaped Bill all over and scrubbed him with her hands. When she got to his crotch she asked if he wanted her to wash it. Bill said "Yes, but be careful, it has been several weeks since that thing has had any kind of relief". Camy said "Poor thing, I can take care of that with my mouth if you will let me". Bill told her to go ahead. All six of the other couples trouped in just before Bill climaxed in her mouth. Camy was on her knees deep throttling Bill when they came in. They watched as Bill spurted in her mouth and she swallowed it all. Camy acted embarrassed until Anita Brown patted her on her but and said "Honey I bet you are the only one of us that can take that much cock all the way in her mouth". Fourteen persons in that shower were a crowd. Bill and Camy got out, they felt clean and the water was getting cooler. Camy dried Bill and then herself. Back at their tent Camy started to put on the jeans and shirt she had worn the day before. Bill told her he had other clothes for her to wear. He went to his bike trailer and came back with leather clothing for both of them. Bill handed Camy a pair of trousers and a jacket. Bill advised Camy to wear a halter top or thin shirt under the jacket.

The others came back from their shower and started breakfast. Camy fried country ham Bill had brought from Tennessee, Pam Taylor did cheese eggs and Beth did toast. Every one as they found time got dressed. The men had the tents and bedding stored in the trailers and the site cleaned up before their breakfast was ready.

Camy noticed that every one was dressed as she was in black leather jackets and trousers. She had " Winners Bike Club" on the back of her jacket as did all the others.

As they had their breakfast some one asked Camy to tell them a little about herself. Camy said there was not a lot to tell, her mother had gotten pregnant at fifteen years old and her grand parents had kicked her out. Her mother had gotten by working as a cheap whore and had lived in a junk trailer up on the mountain behind Collinsville. Camy said another whore had helped her give birth to her baby. As soon as her mother had been able to go back to work she had begun leaving her infant alone in her crib some time for hours.

A farmer's wife living nearby found her alone, crying and filthy one day and took her home with her and bathed her and changed her diaper. She called the Sheriff's Department and Camy was taken away from her mother and put in a foster home. Camy's mother was given six months in jail for abandoning her child. Three months after she got out of jail she was left on the steps of the Fort Payne General Hospital. She died the next day from an overdose of coke and some other chemical.

Camy said she was changed from one foster home to another about every two years. She said that she had finished high school and college while living in foster homes.

Bryant Kelley said "You are a college grad and been married already girl, you look pretty young for that". He asked Camy how old she was. Camy said she was sixteen years old. Every one got very quiet, Bill was traveling with an under age girl, she was 'Jail Bait'.

Beth Newton said "You putting us on girl?"

Camy went to her back pack in the trailer and brought back a file folder. She took out a high school diploma and handed it to Beth. Beth read, "Cameron Wilson, special graduation from Decalb County School System as a twelve year old". Then Camy gave her another diploma, it was from a community college and dated a year before. Camy had graduated with honors in Computer Science at fourteen.

Beth echoed what all of them were thinking. "You must be some kind of genius Camy!"

Camy said she had been a part of an experiment in accelerated learning at her school. It had been a first through twelve county school. Camy said that after the first grade in school she and fifteen others were picked for the program. Those that were chosen were taught speed reading the first thing. After that they were given lots of books to read and tested constantly. Camy said that while other children her age were coloring color books she was learning to do multiplication and division in her head.

Camy said that she was one of twelve that graduated at age twelve years old. She said that all the others had been advised to wait several years before going on to college. She had been chosen because of her maturity to continue on into college. She was still a part of the experiment through college.

Camy told them that she was an adult and in this state when a girl was sixteen she was at the ' Age Of Consent'.

Camy said that no one would be guilty of consorting with a minor girl if she swore before witnesses that she was of adult age. Camy said "Listen up people, I swear to you that I am an adult."

Breakfast was finished and while the ladies washed and put up the utensils and picked up the garbage the men checked their bikes.

Bill said he was ready and Camy followed him to his bike. In a trembling voice Camy asked Bill if he was going on to Florida or was he going back to Nashville. Bill said "I have not made up my mind yet". "You have less than one hour before we reach the Georgia line to convince me you are worth the chance I will be taking by crossing it with you". He said that if he decided that the risk was to great he would let her off there or drop her off any where before the Tennessee line. Bill said if Camy convinced him to take her across the Georgia line he would go to Florida and back with her. Camy asked how she could convince him that she was worth keeping. They started of on the park road, Bill was leading and the others strung out behind. When they reached the park boundary Bill answered her question. He said "Camy convince me first that you are not a child, that you are mature and a woman worth knowing.

Camy said that a brief history of her past life might do that. Camy said she only remembered good things about the first foster home she was placed in. She had stayed there until she was nearly three years old. She was moved to another home then. There she had been sexually molested frequently. A fifteen year old girl blew the whistle and she and four other girls were moved after six months. Camy got lucky that time and was placed with six other foster children in a Christian home. Camy started in a new school when she was six. Camy had already learned to read and spell from the printed captions on closed circuit TV. Her teacher noticed that she was far advanced from her other pupils. Her name was submitted for the advanced learning experiment. Camy knew nothing until her foster parents and she were told that she had been chosen with fifteen other bright children in Decalb County to participate in an advanced learning program. Her new parents were proud of her and at six Camy had embarked on a experiment that made her grow up fast.

Camy said she had crammed into her mind all of the knowledge of the average twenty two year old girl by the time she was fourteen years old. Camy said that at fourteen years old she was still looking at four more years as a ward of the state. She would be kept in a foster home until she was eighteen.

Camy said that one way to escape that was to get married. She had selected Fred Schrader one of her previous class mates in high school to try to get him to marry her. Fred had been easy, after all Camy was the most beautiful girl in his graduating class.

Camy found she had made a mistake on her wedding night. Fred was drunk and passed out in just minutes after he had penetrated her, she had wiggled out from under him and gone to sleep.

She had began taking the 'Pill'.

Fred had a job driving a pulp wood truck. They had rented a shabby trailer and Camy had taken a job at the diner. Camy enjoyed her first real job, Grace worked the same shift Camy did and lived with her husband in the same trailer park Camy and Fred did. Camy rode to and from work with her. With her tips Camy made more at her job than Fred did.

Two months after she and Fred married it rained every morning the whole week. Fred had not earned a dime, after a rain it was to wet to get the trucks into the woods for loading. When Camy came home at one thirty that Friday Fred wanted her money to go out and get drunk. Fred had already taken ten dollars out of her jewelry box and bought a twelve pack of beer. He was drunk and profane. An argument developed, Camy said it would take all she had earned to pay the rent and power bill. Fred would not listen and slapped Camy hard. He knocked her to the floor. Fred kicked Camy hard in her side, he broke three of her ribs. Fred emptied her purse on the table and took all the bills. Camy had passed out from the pain. Several hours later she regained her senses and crawled to a chair and used that to help her get to her feet. That was late in the afternoon of Friday, Camy was supposed to work Saturday morning. Camy was pretty certain she had some broken ribs but had no money or health insurance and figured she would just have to 'tough it out'. She knew that she would not be able to work the next day. She made it across the road to a coin phone and called Grace and then her boss. Camy told both of them she had fallen on the rickety steps of the trailer and hurt some ribs. She told them she would not be able to make it to work the next day.

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