A Tale of My Teddy - Cover

A Tale of My Teddy

by Tarl Cabot

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Erotica Sex Story: A Lonely Old man experiences the devotion of a loyal Dog.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Zoophilia   Anal Sex   Bestiality   .

A month ago, if someone had asked me if I regretted my decision to adopt a dog, I might have said yes. Today, the answer is an unequivocal no. I have no regrets except that I hadn’t done this sooner.

I’m in my sixties now. All of my family has either passed away or moved on. The only living relatives I know of are my son, who has his own family now and lives on the other side of the country. They come to visit every Christmas and stay until New Year.

The other is my late Sister’s daughter and her children. She has two rambunctious boys who tear up my place every time they visit, and one shy girl who sits in the corner with her iPad all day. They also only show up on holidays. Does it sound like I lead a lonely life?

I do. My day-to-day consists of keeping my small house clean. Budgeting my meager retirement and social security funds to make sure I have enough food and have my bills paid. What’s left over I spend, once in a while on entertainment.

There are weekly Mahjong games down at the senior center. I have to intentionally lose now and then to keep the peace. I grew up with a Grandmother that was a Mahjong enthusiast, and when I was I High School, I got sucked into a Japanese Mahjong (Riichi) club.

Well about a month ago, on a trip to the mall to window shop I came across an Animal Rescue booth. They had some unusual pets with them that were up for adoption and a list of others at their shelter that would be ready in a few days.

I stopped to chat with a young lady at the booth to ask about a rather stand-out dog sitting behind her. Why did this dog stand out? Well, mostly the fact that it sat head and shoulders taller than her as she sat at the table at the front of the booth.

The other was that the dog was smiling. It wasn’t a trick of light or some other affectation. It looked like a genuine smile. This caught me off guard, so I had to chat with her about it. She told me the breed was called a Kangal. They were a Turkish breed of Shepherd Dog.

She told me that they were incredibly intelligent and had marvelous instincts. Plus they were very loyal and dutiful when they formed an attachment. Normally calm and reserved, even around strangers, but were formidable when threats or danger was perceived.

The way this one sat at the back of the booth made most of what she said pretty obvious. I was told that this one’s name was Teddy, and with his sand tan coat and rings of black around the eyes and nose, he did kind of resemble a teddy bear of sorts.

She asked if I was interested in him and when I said yes, she called him over. Teddy loped toward us and sat beside her. She invited me behind the table to pet Teddy. When it seemed that I struggled to stand using my cane. Teddy took it upon himself to walk around the table to me.

He sat in front of me and was nearly at eye level with me. Best I could tell he was roughly three and a half feet tall at the shoulder, and as I would find out not too long after, he did indeed weigh close to two hundred pounds, and not any appreciable bit of it was fat. He was sheer muscle.

We stared at each other for a moment or so, and then I extended my hand, fingers down for him to sniff. Instead of sniffing, Teddy dipped his head and rand it under my hand bringing my hand to rest on top of his head. When I began to scritch, he moved closer and dropped his head in my lap.

“Well,” said the cheery gal at the booth. “Looks like Teddy has been waiting for you.” then she giggled. “He hasn’t done that with anyone else. There is something about you he likes,” I just hummed my agreement as I continued to scritch and pet Teddy.

When she cleared her throat and I looked up at her, she asked if that meant I wanted to adopt him. I said I did and she got out the necessary forms, filled out the licensing and I paid via card. I received his health forms, a collar with a personal tag engraved in a carnival-style dog tag machine, and a leash.

The gal then approached Teddy with a weird-looking device that resembled a rivet gun and a remote control device with an LED screen. Teddy didn’t seem particularly disturbed, so I didn’t say a word. Turned out to be an RFID chip that she shot into him and programmed with the details I provided.

She gave me a paper with instructions on using the Pet Portal, I could use it to make Vet appointments, buy toys, food, or other necessities, and have them delivered from a local Big Box Pet Shop. It would also provide information if Teddy went missing that would help the authorities track him.

I ordered a bunch of things on the spot that would be delivered the next day. The gal was kind enough to give me a few cans of veterinarian-approved food for his age and weight. She told me to mix half a can with about three cups of dry food twice a day. I stopped at the grocer to get some dry food.

Teddy seemed to take to the house almost instantly when we arrived. He walked around, sniffed everything, and then came and sat next to me as I sat down in my recliner. I had fallen asleep and it seemed like only a minute or so, but a loud bark from Teddy brought me awake. I looked around and it was dark out.

I checked the time and noticed I’d been asleep for three hours and the sun had just gone down. Feeling better I got up, used two mixing bowls for Teddy’s food and water, and set them next to the counter, and I sat down with a pre-made meal from a popular meal delivery service.

About ten o’clock or so I went to bed. I had laid some spare blankets and pillows out for Teddy as temporary bedding til his new bed arrived. It was then that I got a shock that told me not only that Teddy was a different breed entirely, but so was I.

I had a wet dream. Or so I thought. I hadn’t had a wet dream since I was a teenager. But this was quite vivid. I dreamed of a young gal I knew back in my thirties. For some reason, we were out on a cliff overlooking the beach. I could smell the ocean, but I was surrounded by warmth.

I woke up just as I ejaculated and found Teddy cuddled up next to me, my blankets pushed aside, the ceiling fan blowing on me and Teddy’s snout in my crotch and he was licking my cock and balls. I sat up with a start and Teddy just moved a few inches aside.

I was flabbergasted. I had no idea what to do. Teddy didn’t seem phased. I didn’t want to scold him, but this seemed wrong. But on the other hand, I seemed to have enjoyed it. This was all too much. I rolled over and went back to sleep. There was no further incident that night. The next day, between my chores, the delivery of Teddy’s food and supplies, and calling to let the Mahjong club know I wouldn’t be in that night, I hit the computer. I did a lot of exhaustive searching regarding animal attraction to humans as well as specific searches regarding dogs.

What I found was equal parts fascinating and disturbing. Many breeds of dogs seek a close bond with their owners. But aside from pack behavior, it seems that we, as humans, get our crotches sniffed because we do intact excrete pheromones that dogs can detect.

I also found some websites in other countries that specialize in Zoophilia. Curiosity got the better of me and I began reading through them and watching the videos. Before that day I would have never admitted this. I was getting turned on by the whole affair.

Videos of both men and women having sex with their Dogs. Ok, so I never considered myself Gay, or Bi, but I had been pegged by a few women I had dated in the past and was not averse to ass-play. But watching a Dog penetrate another man’s ass with that cock was mesmerizing.

I won’t go into what a Dog Dick looks like. I’m sure you know. But I found myself getting hard watching these videos. Teddy had been there with his head on my lap while I watched, and I was pretty sure he’d felt me tenting. I planned on going to the shower and rubbing one out after that and did so.

I was in the bathroom stripping and getting ready to turn on the shower when I heard Teddy pawing at the door and whining. I don’t know why I did it. Morbid curiosity I guess. But I opened the door. I stood naked in front of my new pal. With my cock stiff and jutting out in front of me.

Teddy sat there looking up at me and I looked at him. His countenance was practically emotionless. Without thinking, I stepped back a step and Teddy entered. He moved toward me, his snout pointed directly at my crotch.

Just inches from my crotch Teddy’s tongue shot out of his mouth snaked up under my balls and lapped at them with his rough tongue. It was wet and warm and my cock came immediately to life. His sudden motion made Teddy lap higher and his tongue scraped over the underside of my cock.

My whole body stiffened and my knees locked as I tried to hold back the orgasm that I felt building in my gut. I’d never been aroused this easily or this intensely from any other encounter. Granted I hadn’t had sex in more than twenty-five years, but still, this was insane.

While I was waging an internal battle to hold back my orgasm, Teddy’s tongue wandered down and shot between my legs slipping wetly across my balls and forcing its way between my ass cheeks and quickly lapping at my anal sphincter. Over and over in quick slurps, he licked my asshole and I lost it.

I grunted loudly and a jet of semen shot out of my cock and splashed Teddy’ in the face and all over his head. Again, Teddy didn’t seem phased. He simply walked away and went to his new bed and began cleaning himself with his paws and tongue. I was left standing there, gasping.

The next few days I actively avoided letting Teddy get close when I was in a less than fully dressed state. He didn’t seem to notice my evasive nature and was always close. He’d sit next to my recliner and watch TV with me. He always liked getting petted. He ate in the kitchen with me. Teddy was a very good, very loyal, very attentive Dog.

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