Josh and Rayna - Cover

Josh and Rayna

by Anonymous

Copyright© 2001 by Anonymous

Incest Sex Story: Two virgins - one jailbait. Can they overcome the age difference and society's taboo?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Niece   Aunt   First   Oral Sex   .

They met, quite by accident. She was on vacation, visiting her aunt. He was a lifeguard apprentice, saving a little girl with the 'breath of life'.

She was immediately taken by his mere presence, the way he took control of the situation that involved him, while his mentor tended to the other victims of the boat crash. There was no time to wait for help. People's lives hung in the balance!

The driver of the motorboat had been warned away from the jetties, but he was hell bent on showing off; that is, until the keel clipped an under water rock and the driver lost it, careening into the jetty and capsizing!

The lifeguard and his apprentice (Josh) hadn't even been aware of the little girl that was tossed under the waves until Rayna told them.

She pointed to where the girl had last disappeared and Josh broke off and, perhaps fool heartedly, dove under water, risking his own hide being dashed into the jetty.

When he came up with the apparently lifeless body, he knew instinctively what he had to do, and do it immediately! There was no time for lessons or demonstrations.

When the little girl coughed and sputtered, there was immediate applause from the gathering witnesses while Rayna just stared, in awe.

She knew it wasn't right, but at that moment she pictured Josh, kneeling over HER, in a moment of privacy, about to remove her maidenhead!

Naturally, Josh barely noticed Rayna, even after he was done with the victim. He had to return to his partner who had helped the drunken (what else?) operator recover.

There would be questions and police reports and who knows what else, so Rayna packed up and left the beach, going to her aunt's house just a few steps from the boardwalk.

When she got home, it was almost supper time, so she washed her hands. (Her aunt always insisted that she wash her hands.) Then, she helped prepare the table, and while doing so, told her aunt what had happened.

Her aunt took pause, staring at Rayna, then feeling her forehead: no apparent feverishness.

(You see: Rayna suffered from a rare disorder that prevented her from perspiring, which would be great if she became a TV or film star, but it causes her to become feverish unless she constantly takes showers or baths, hence her affinity for cool ocean breezes and ofcourse, the water itself.

The doctors agreed that, as long as she went there to go into the water and not just sun herself, the ocean beach was a great place for recreation. And so, from practically infancy on, Rayna was given over to her spinster aunt as often as possible, to allow her access to these therapeutic ocean swells.

Unfortunately, her aunt had a different kind of "disorder", although that's only an opinion, and perhaps none who have it ever believe it to be any disorder at all.

It seemed at first to be simply over affection, on the part of her aunt, but as years passed, it became clear that she only responded that way with females, hence the spinster!

Rayna had been preconditioned to respond to her aunt's touch, but only lately did her body begin to ache for another kind of touch.

The same disorder that prevented her from sweating also reduced her ability to secrete internally, therefore, she was told that her first time with a man would be quite painful, agonizing really.

On the occasion of her first menses, there was only the faintest of trickles, and very little in the way of cramps, so her affliction had this one small beneficial side effect, but by then her aunt's touch had already included her budding womanhood, making sure to put Rayna into the shower or bath when the 'heat' of the moment caused her to become feverish.)

Rayna had always wondered after boys, but her aunt indoctrinated her about how they would become her downfall, cause her great agony, and never 'love' her the way she could. (Ofcourse not!)

After supper, and after recounting the episode for her aunt, Rayna wanted to go back to the beach and look for Josh. She didn't mention him by name. She didn't even KNOW it, yet, but her aunt 'grounded' her, warning her that it was too dangerous.

But as night darkened and her aunt became what she fantasized Josh to be, Rayna's body began to heat up, as thoughts of Josh commingled with the touches of her aunt's practiced lips.

The way it had always been, kisses all over, then offering to breast feed Rayna, although there was never really any milk, just a wonderful hardness that caused her to tingle while sucking.

When Rayna had finally reached puberty, her aunt begged her to reciprocate more fully, and Rayna's first taste of a 'bud' like her own caused a wicked sensation, followed by the fever!

She was quickly moved to the shower, where her aunt could keep her temperature under control, even as she brought Rayna to her first lifetime orgasms!

This night as different.

Rayna used her developing sexual skills to bring her aunt to new heights of orgasm herself. Never mind that she was thinking of that young lifeguard all the while, especially when her aunt's lips closed over her smallish but erectile nipples.

Rayna even flushed somewhat when her aunt's knees pried open her own legs, just before she ground her 'mons veneris' against Rayna's.

When they finished and Rayna had showered away her pending fever, they retired early. Her aunt would sleep like a log. She always did.

Long around midnight, Rayna got up to pee, but she couldn't get back to sleep. So, she brazenly put on her two piece and headed for the beach.

She knew enough to stay away from the pilings. That is where the sex, drugs, and Heaven knows what else would be. So she doffed her sandals and ventured into the cold, yet inviting breakers.

They say one wave in seven is larger than the rest and one 'large' wave in seven 'large' waves is a 'doozie'. (That's about one wave in fifty.)

Rayna had positioned herself facing the seashore so the large waves could wash over her back, but she never reckoned getting hit by this 'doozie', which caught her off guard, knocking the wind out of her!

She was tossed like a cork, and the undertow might have claimed her, but by happenstance there was another midnight swimmer, practicing his craft.

He knew right away that she was in trouble, and for the second time in twelve hours, Josh offered a fragile female his 'breath of life'.

Rayna awakened from her fog to the feel of her aunt's lips upon her. But WAIT! Her aunt never went into the water, so how...?

As her vision cleared up and she came to realize it was Josh's lips upon hers, her arms went around his neck and she took over her own breathing by turning it into a kiss!

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