Teenage Cum Slut - Cover

Teenage Cum Slut

by Sindy

Copyright© 2001 by Sindy

Incest Sex Story: Uncle Dave took me clothes shopping one day and then we went home to see Aunty Jen who had a big surprise for me.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Aunt   BDSM   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Squirting   .

"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit it in my tiny little pussy."

Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He always took me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, and even when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping, especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gear and would sit there patiently while I tried on everything in sight and never once complained about how long it took. He even took me lingerie shopping, even though he always had to make up some excuse why his thirteen-year-old niece just had to have that silk teddy. Then he would pay the saleswoman a few extra dollars so I could try them on in private with just Uncle Dave to keep me company.

Sometimes when we had those private fittings we would play a game. I would pretend to be a sweet innocent young girl and he would play the dirty old man. He would watch me try on sexy clothes, wearing less and less as time went by, then he would try to fuck me. I would always try to resist, but let him have his way in the end. That was what we were doing this time.

"Please, Uncle Dave, it hurts."

Of course it did nothing of the sort, in fact I was very close to cuming all over his lap, but it was a game you see. I struggled a bit and it looked like I was trying really hard to get free, but actually I was just trying to get his huge cock to go deeper.

"Ow, it hurts, it hurts."

Uncle Dave is a big man, not just his dick but all over, with big thick muscles everywhere. He could pick my little body up and do whatever he liked with it, fling me this way and that, turn me over and over and just generally treat me like a doll. That's what he called me, his little baby doll.

"Oh, Baby Doll I love it when you struggle like that."


"But it will do you no good, cause I'm gonna fuck your pussy until it bleeds."

Of course he would never really fuck me that hard, and the only time I bled was four years ago when Daddy made me a woman. But Uncle Dave would certainly let me know I had been fucked, and that was just what I wanted. His big meaty hands grabbed me around the waist, his long fingers almost overlapping, and started to bounce me up and down on his cock.

"Take it all you little bitch."

Oh how I loved it when he called me names like that. It made me go all mushy inside to know that he would say those things just for me. I really loved Uncle Dave, he was the best. I could feel that extra special feeling start to grow inside me as he thrust me up and down, my little titties wobbling in the mirror we sat in front of. I liked to watch Uncle Dave fuck me; it was like I was starring in my very own porn movie. That's what I wanted to be when I grew up, a porn star. Just the thought of all those people watching me fuck while they jerked off, it was all just so… so…


That was all it took to set me off. Uncle Dave said I was really special for two reasons. The first was cause when I came all these juices would rush out of my pussy. It was almost like I was peeing, there was so much of it. The second was that once I started cuming it takes ages for me to stop. I would just keep cuming and cuming until I stopped fucking, and even then it would take a while to finish.

"You like that you little slut?"

Did I ever. The juices were flowing so hard that I could barely feel Uncle Dave's cock as it pumped in and out of my pussy. But I knew it was there cause I felt full, really full. Still, it would be nice to be able to feel every ridge and vein so I played my trump card.

"Do what you like to me you bad man, just don't fuck my poor virgin ass."

I almost laughed out loud at the "Virgin Ass" bit, Daddy had been in there since I was four, but this was a game and there were certain rules to be obeyed.

"I'll fuck you wherever I want to."

Uncle Dave lifted me up off his lap and placed me on my wobbly feet. Well I had been fucking his monster cock really hard for nearly an hour, you would be wobbly too if you had to go through that. Anyway, he stood up and pushed me towards the mirror, making me put my hands out to brace myself. He called this "Assuming the position" and I guess he got that from working as a cop. Whatever he called it I didn't care, because this was my second favorite way of doing it without being tied up. I felt his hands between my thighs, easing my legs apart so he could slide his slick cock into me.

"Now don't you try to resist me, I'll get my cock inside you no matter how hard you try to stop me."

Resist him? I wanted to push back and impale myself on him. But rules are rules so I tried hard to tremble in fear.

"No, please don't rape me, I'll do anything you want."

I felt his thick fingers ease my ass cheeks apart and then I felt that huge presence that could only be his cock. I was shivering now, but it wasn't from fear, it was from anticipation. That huge rod of flesh pushed its way unmercifully inside me, not stopping until it was in as far as it would go. I felt my fluids drench my inner thighs as I came again. I braced myself and waited for the onslaught. Uncle Dave started to pound his cock into my ass, plunging deeper and deeper with each stroke. I wanted to urge him on, tell him to fuck my ass, but I knew that would be breaking the rules. His rhythm started to falter and I knew what was coming next.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum."

I felt him pull out and then those big hands of his grabbed me and spun me around to face him. He pushed me down on my knees so I was looking his cock straight in the eye. I didn't need any encouraging cause this was the best part. I grabbed his cock and started to stroke him as I slid my mouth over the head. I had to really stretch my mouth open as wide as it would go to get it in, but I'd had plenty of practice. My other hand went to his balls and cradled them as I felt them start to pull up.

"Here it comes, baby doll, I'm gonna cum down your throat."

I felt his cock swell and then he was shooting cum into my mouth. Oh God did it taste good; I just couldn't get enough of his thick gooey jism. I sucked as hard as possible, swallowing all that I could. It was tough, there was a lot to drink, but I managed to get every drop. At last I finished and smiled up at him, a little droplet of cum at the corner of my mouth.

"That's my little cum slut."

Uncle Dave picked me and kissed me on the forehead because I was a good little girl. I was his baby doll, his cum slut. Oh how I loved him during those moments.

"Get dressed little one so we can go home. Aunty Jen will be waiting for us and she has a special surprise for you."

I could barely suppress my delight at that bit of news. Aunty Jen always had the best surprises.

"Can I keep this teddy, Uncle Dave?"

I had the good sense to take it off before he could tear it from my body. Sex is fun, but clothes are important.

"Of course, baby doll. Put it on so you can give Aunty Jen a surprise. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

We got dressed, Uncle Dave in his sensible clothes and me in my micro mini and oh-so-tall heels. The silk of the teddy felt good against my skin as we walked out of the store and it made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. We caught the bus back to Uncle Dave's place and on the way I got to play my own little game. I would keep kissing him on the cheek and rubbing my body against his while everyone on the bus watched. Uncle Dave went very red with embarrassment because everyone thought he was a dirty old man, but I knew the truth. At one stage I sat on his lap and started squirming around, rubbing my now wet pussy against him. I could feel his cock start to get hard through his pants and it gave me a very naughty idea.

"Uncle Dave, do you mind if we sit next to the window? I want to see the world go by."

We changed position so we were right next to the window. I didn't really want to look out, I just wanted an excuse to put my shopping bags on the seat next to me, so people couldn't see what I was about to do. As soon as everything was in place I slid my hands under my bottom and started fiddling with Uncle Dave's fly. I had done this sort of thing before so it wasn't hard to get his cock out were it could do the most good. A quick unsnap of the buttons on my teddy and I was ready for action. I squirmed in his lap again and tried really hard not to moan as I felt his cock slide up inside me.

"Oh look, Uncle Dave, a horse."

Of course there was no horse but it gave me an excuse to bounce up and down on his lap, driving his cock in and out of my little pussy and driving me crazy with lust. I wanted to tear of all my clothes and fuck him right here in front of everyone, but I knew that if I did he would get into so much trouble. Other people didn't understand how much I enjoyed our relationship; they thought I was being taken advantage of. If anything I was taking advantage of Uncle Dave, cause all I had to do was say to someone what he was doing and he would get taken to jail. But I would never do that because we had something really special and I didn't want to lose it.

"Oh, Uncle Dave, I'm slipping."

I pretended to slide off his lap and Uncle Dave grabbed and steadied me. It gave him an excuse to put his hands on my titties and he gave them a good squeeze while he was there. It felt so good that I just had to squirm in his lap some more. I could feel Uncle Dave's breath on the back of my neck and it felt like he was really enjoying himself. Placing my hands on the seat in front of me I looked out the window and started to slowly grind my pussy back and forth. I felt one of his big hands slide up my leg and under my skirt. He went straight to my clit and started to squeeze it between his fingers. I bit my bottom lip and tried not to say anything but it was really hard. My whole body started to tremble as I felt a huge orgasm build up inside me. Uncle Dave's body also started to shake and I knew he was about to fill my pussy with his sweet cum. I leaned back against him and whispered in his ear.

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