Master's Island - Cover

Master's Island

Copyright© 2001 by Taoman

Chapter 2: Day Two

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Day Two - Four castaways on a tropical island realize new depths of their sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The next morning dawned clear and gorgeous.

The previous night's misery seemed foreign in the new day. I noticed the females seemed none the worse for wear as they went about their feminine morning ablutions. They had found some soap and toiletries in one of the salvaged carry-on bags. The women had vanished upstream to the pool and returned clean and refreshed.

I decided I was due for a bath myself and followed their example. I washed my still-damp clothes and myself. Afterwards squatting naked on the sandy banks I twisted and wrung out the rinsed and newly cut-off aviation khaki coveralls. I held up my new shorts to determine if the leg cuts were balanced when I realized I had an audience. A short distance away Jennifer stood leaning against a tree. I had a moment of intense embarrassment due to being naked in front of the teenage girl. My hands dropped and I used my pants to cover my exposed groin. Then I noticed she was quietly examining me. I stood up and faced her, dropping my hands to my side. Her eyes seemed drawn downward to my crotch.

"You want something, Jennifer?" I asked her.

At my voice her eyes came up slowly to meet my gaze. As our eyes locked she suddenly looked very young and vulnerable. Without a word she spun around and ran back towards the camp. I pulled on my new shorts and fastened them. I stood thinking that I had seen the frank appraisal of a grown woman in her initial glaze. My adult world was far removed from modern teenagers and I had no basis of rapport with her generation. I shook my head and told myself I had been mistaken. When I walked back to the camp Jennifer gave me a quick glance then continued to talk to her friend Brittany.

We finished the salvaged emergency rations I had found and then sat around the fire and everyone talked. I was beginning to become familiar with my fellow castaways. Kimberly said she was Talbot's "production investor". She was a beautiful blue-eyed, large bosomed, long-legged, blonde-trussed All-American girl. I had mentally compared the real-life Kimberly to the air brushed version I had seen in the pin-up picture. The younger edition had been the fresh-faced girl next door with the creamy voluptuousness of a sex goddess. Her mouth had that upturned pout that seemed to be asking to be kissed. This real-life version had a more knowing mature beauty. I doubted nowadays when she had her picture taken if she stilled adopted that parted lip "come hither" expression from her youth. She had tied off her blouse at her breasts to expose her flat midriff. The warm sun had caused her to partially unbutton her long skirt to expose a long athletic flank. The short time she had spent on herself earlier had produced dramatic results. She looked quite ready for the next photo shoot. I thought perhaps when a woman is that beautiful little maintenance is necessary.

Brittany was a younger blonde version of her sister. She was drop-dead gorgeous with that wholesome sexuality that young women have. Even with her breasts not as fully developed as her sister's I thought she was quite voluptuous for her age. She had huge blue eyes that I had found myself getting distractedly arrested by when I talked to her.

There was a manner about her that puzzled me. She had been the most helpful of the three girls. The previous afternoon during the raising of the lean-to I had placed the end of a brace in a hole. She was helping me bury the support. I had held the log upright and she had knelt by my feet to fill and pack sand in the hole. The wind caused the structure to shift slightly and I had to twist myself to hold the weight. I felt her hair tickle against my upper leg. The load shifted again and the side of her head bumped against my thigh.

I had become very conscious of our positions. I felt that all to familiar tightening of my scrotum. I had suddenly realized I had cut my pants too short. My penis had stirred and stiffened. I looked down and saw my erection was fully protruding from the ragged bottom edge of my shorts. Since my hands where fully occupied holding the wooden beam, I had no choice but to hope my aroused condition might go unnoticed. She had finished the task, sat back, brushed the hair from her face and looked up at me. Her face was level with my groin. We had held our positions for a frozen moment. She became aware of her submissive pose. Her eyes had dropped to my groin. My large throbbing erection was only inches from her face.

Her eyes widened and she took in her breath while she stared in shock at my unexpected arousal. She had flushed and blinked. "Oh my," she had said softly. She had jerked her eyes away from my cock and had stood up. Without another word she had turned and walked quickly away from me. I had been surprised by my own charged reaction to the teenager. I resolved to strengthen my self-control in the future.

Her friend Jennifer was a cute petite brunette. Almost elfin with her large amber eyes, she had a spirited mischievous demeanor that made me laugh. Our earlier encounter at the pool had seemed to be forgotten. Of all of us Jennifer seemed less perturbed by our current risky predicament. I had a mental conviction that she would handle going to the local mall with the same manner as being marooned on this uninhabited island.

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