Master's Island - Cover

Master's Island

Copyright© 2001 by Taoman

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Four castaways on a tropical island realize new depths of their sexuality.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Coercion   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

There was a faint brine scent in the breeze, which rustled the overhead palms in a whispery clicking manner. In the mottled shade below I sat upright on our homemade wood stool. Jennifer was using a palm-sized shard of plane fuselage to shave the stubble from my cheeks and neck. She had an uncanny knack of bringing an incredibly sharp edge to this crude razor. She could maintain this with a practiced swiping against the volcanic pumice she kept dangling on a low-slung belt about her bare hips.

Developing this skill had come from the two girls' own need and incentive. Evidently hairy legs were a little too retro for my young heathens.

Brittany sat nearby. She was weaving soft grasses together for new sleeping mats. Today she was tethered by collar and link chain to the overhanging palm tree. This fate was the consequence of a major breach of discipline. I had found Brittany had been stashing portions of her own food to later sneak off to her older sibling. To ensure her future compliance during most of the day the chain's radius was the limit of her world. Unless she was off with me hunting and foraging all her other camp duties lay within this range.

Jennifer's involvement had been uncertain but I was sure she had been aware of the deception. Despite her strenuous denials her punishment had been a rare corporal punishment. Days later the healing whitish stripes still contrasted sharply with her otherwise darkly tanned buttocks.

She ran the edge down my throat. There was only the slightest tugging. The females had concocted a mixture of aloe and coconut oil, which resulted in a thick smooth lather. Female sensibilities had felt the additional need for a barely tolerable sweet pungent scent from crushed flowers to this formula for an all purpose lotion.

She stuck the blade in a conch shell full of water at her feet and then wiped the blade with a thick leaf.

We had been talking about the sea currents and the size of some recent fish we had both seen when she suddenly changed the tone of the conversation.

"Brittany wants to talk to you," she said in a businesslike tone.

I was immediately alert. The more out-going Jennifer was typically the designated spokes person of the two teenagers. This was a bold request from the usually more subordinated Brittany.

Leaning forward Jennifer lifted a finger under my chin and gently tilted my head. She made another swipe and rinsed the blade. Peering closely at the edge, Jennifer ran her thumb along the length. She then pulled out the fist-sized stone and honed it with some quick exact movements.

"Okay," I said, "Lets hear it."

Jennifer re-examined her work then turned to Brittany.

"He said okay, Brit," she told her.

Brittany had been listening. She immediately set down her project and arose. Dragging her chain behind she came to us and knelt at my feet. She kept her head bowed and her hands clasped. If Jennifer exhibited this type of behavior I knew it was probably verging on facetious but with Brittany, her submission always was very sweet and sincere.

"I am so worried about Kimberly," she said as looked at my feet.

I had expected this confrontation for the past week. I knew there was an undercurrent of feminine communication among the three outside of my sphere of awareness. I sat with my eyes closed, head tilted back and listened. Standing behind me Jennifer leaned forward and ran the razor around my Adam's apple.

"Jennifer says Kimberly is having a very hard time. We just can't let her slowly starve to death," Brittany added.

Jennifer flicked her wrist upward to finish the swipe. Using one of the last few tattered cotton rags we had salvaged she rinsed and wiped my neck and face. Then she shifted to face me too.

Brittany reached out a tentative hand and touched my knee.

"Kimberly wants to come and talk to you," she said quietly.

Her eyes were lowered initially but then she hesitantly looked up to watch me.

I stood up. I had taken a second damp rag from Jennifer and was rubbing my entire face. I smiled behind the cloth and then went to my authoritarian look and dropped my hands.

"When?" I asked.

Brittany was immediately cautious and again dropped her eyes and spoke quietly. "We thought maybe she could come for supper." She looked up at me in a truly meek and beseeching manner with those large doe eyes.

I paused a moment as if considering this proposition then conceded, "Well I will NOT change my rules, but she can come and talk" Actually, I thought, some new company would be a welcome change. I found the perspective of seeing the lovely Kimberly after this length of time as a pleasant diversion.

Brittany clapped her hands "YES!" she exclaimed. She leaned forward to hug her lush nakedness tightly against my thighs.

I stepped back breaking the embrace and in the process clumsily knocked the stool over. I had found that the more my dick got involved in these power negotiations the less bargaining room I maintained.

"But you slaves had better behave. This will not be a three against one battle," I said sternly.

I touched Brittany's nose with my finger. "BEST behavior. You know EXACTLY what I mean," I added looking at both girls.

"Oh we will! I promise," giggled an exuberant Brittany as she rose from her knees. The girls huddled and immediately began making excited plans.

I walked away from the two and began making my own plans.

Jennifer and Brittany had envisioned some type of Hawaiian luau at dusk. I had complained about not being involved in the decision to change my routine to such a late dinnertime. But then despite myself had become involved with their preparations. I had fabricated several torches on bamboo poles and stuck them around the camp. I had used tightly wrapped fronds, which I had sprinkled with a bit of our precious hoard of JP5. The intrepid Jennifer had speared and skillfully pulled ashore a small shark. Over the weeks Brittany had progressively developed her culinary skills. She had been busy about the camp all afternoon.

At the last gleam of sunset I had sparked the torches. The wind caught the suspended fires and whipped the flames. The torchlight cast on the sand was a deep red. The shifting and pulsating shadows gave the camp an unsettling ominous aura.

"Welcome to the Devil's Lair," I mused to myself as I swung back and forth in the hammock. I was sitting upright and sideways with my arms out-stretched and my feet dangling. I watched Jennifer and our evening's guest as they approached on the twilit beach. Kimberly looked gorgeously civilized next to the accompanying dark and savagely naked teenager. Kimberly had somehow reclaimed an outfit from the plane's salvage. The designer safari clothes were clean and tailored even if slightly wrinkled. Her hair was brushed out, shiny and full of body. She was dark from the sun. She swung a loose pair of sandals in her hand as she walked barefoot in the sand. Evidently the girls had been sharing more than food with her as I could see subtle evidence of some of the familiar homemade cosmetics on her lips, cheeks and eyes.

She came and stood before me. I made no attempt to cover my nakedness. My very casual reclining posture with my legs wide spread created a focal point at my groin. Kimberly's eyes darted quickly about the camp as she attempted to find something she could look at, that wasn't so blatantly displayed. Brittany, of course naked and leashed, knelt quite self-consciously on a grass mat by my side.

"Welcome," I gestured with my hand ceremoniously. I gave the newcomer a big warm smile. "Sit" I motioned to a mat next to her sister. "Please sit and be welcome Kimberly"

"Hey Kimberly" Brittany said and made a little wave. She was blushing.

Kimberly smiled crookedly. She seemed to be trying to convey a sense of normalcy. She turned and then demurely lowered herself to the mat tucking her skirt about her folded legs.

Brittany arose at my signal and busied herself with helping Jennifer to serve. Dinner tonight was tender shark steaks with strips of fruit, berries and a cooked tuber-like root. After serving the adults the two teens knelt in the sand beside me. I would reach over and feed the girls pieces of food from my plate. This means of serving had been hotly discussed earlier. The girls had envisioned some type of communal Hawaiian luau. I had ultimately vetoed that idea. The matter was completely resolved now as both chatted unabashedly with our guest only to pause to open their mouths to lick an offered morsel from my fingers. I thought Kimberly consumed her own food rather quickly and hungrily.

After dinner the two girls rose and moved about the fire cleaning up as they continued chatting at length about family and friends back home. I caught and tugged Brittany's chain as she passed me interrupting her happy recollection of some nostalgic moment with her sister. I indicated she was to join me on the hammock. She blushed, looked at her older sister then started to climb in beside me. Grasping her by her arms I pulled her so she was in my lap. The typically warm and responsive girl's movements were hesitant and wooden in my embrace.

"Oh please don't make me do anything," she whispered earnestly in my ear as she settled in my embrace. I could tell she was trying to avoid contact between her nakedly vulnerable bottom and my cock. She had darted glances at my lap as if there were a coiled python there. I patiently positioned her in my arms.

I turned to Kimberly who had gained a high flush on her cheeks and a set look to her eyes." Now that we are comfortable let's have our talk," I said.

I ran my hand up to palm Brittany's full grapefruit-like breast, which I squeezed in a possessive manner. I caught a nipple and slowly rolled it between my thumb and forefinger until it became engorged.

"Oh please!" Brittany closed her eyes and shook her head. She whispered and squirmed. "It is so embarrassing"

I ignored her protestations and smiled at Kimberly. "Did the girls tell you my full terms?" I asked.

Brittany stiffened at this and turned to her head to see her sister's response. I saw that Jennifer had stopped doing chores and was also watching the exchange closely.

Kimberly stared at me. Then she dropped her eyes. "I heard," she said very quietly.

"It is not bad here, Kimberly," I said. "We eat well and sleep in a warm dry hut. We take care of each other's needs."

I knew the flimsy sand floor lean-to she had been living in had collapsed twice from recent storms. I imagined it was in a constant ongoing and advanced state of disrepair.

Glancing at Kimberly's fingers clutched in her lap I noticed that hard existence had roughened those elegant hands. The long painted nails were long gone. She had a new slight gauntness about her face that the cosmetics couldn't fully smooth.

I slid my hand down Brittany's back to between the cheeks of her suddenly tense ass. I gently probed lower for her sex. My finger found her vulva and I began a slow stroking caress.

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