New Neighbors - Cover

New Neighbors

Copyright© 2001 by Mandil

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young boy becomes very friendly with the two girls of his new neighbors. He soon embarks on a serie of adventures that leads him to the pleasure of sexual discoveries.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Fiction   Pregnancy  

When Charles got back home that same day he was nervous. For the rest of the day he half expected the phone to ring with Mrs. Welden at the end of the phone shouting angrily at him. But it didn't happen and by early evening he began to calm down.

He knew then, that Renee as well as Paula, had not revealed to their mother what the three of them had done while she had been gone to the store.

He tried to stay away from the new neighbors for the next couple of days; he didn't even go into his backyard just in case he should see them.

Then one day, there was a knock on the door. It was in the middle of the afternoon and at the time Charles was sitting in the kitchen with his mother.

Charles' mother went to answer the door and as soon as he saw Mrs.

Welden enter the kitchen, his heart almost stopped beating.

His first thought was that she was coming to complain to his mother about what he had done with her two girls. But when he realized that Mrs. Welden was politely introducing herself to his mother and that she didn't seem to be angry in the least, he relaxed a little and he paid careful attention to what she was saying. After the introduction was over and the usual small talk was finished, Mrs. Welden got to the reason for her visit.

"I have to go to Brockville on Sunday; my mother is in the hospital there and she is not well. I would like to visit her but first I must find someone to watch over my two girls while I am away. Since I have just moved into Lendenton, I know no one except your son Charles. I did asked him once to keep an eye on the girls while I went to the store and he seemed to get along well with them.

I was therefore wondering if he could stay with them while I will be away, it will be for a day and a night."

Charles had never mentioned to his mother the fact that he had watched over the Welden's girls. His mother thought that it was very kind of him to have made himself helpful and more important still, not even mentioning this to her. Before he could answer for himself, she said that he would be glad to help her.

"Would it be too much to ask of him to spent the night in my house. I don't expect to be back until Monday at noon and he could sleep in my bed."

"Normally I don't allow him to spend a whole night away from home, but since he will be next door I don't think it will create any problem"

"What do you say Charles?" Clara Welden was anxiously looking at him as she directly asked him if he was willing to do it. "I can give you a little money for your trouble, but it won't be much since I can't really afford it."

But before Charles could answer, his mother again replied before he had time to do so.

"You don't have to give him any money. After all what are neighbors for if they can't help one another in time of need. Don't worry about your girls, I will prepare a little more food for dinner and supper and they can come here to eat with us."

So it was all arranged and on Sunday morning Charles went over to Mrs. Welden's house; half an hour later Clara left for the bus station in the center of Lendenton.

As soon as her mother had left the house, little Paula asked Charles when were they going to play the tickling game like they had done the last time he had been there.

"I don't know. I hope that you kept your promise and didn't say a word to your mother about it?"

"Of course not," said Paula, "if we had, she wouldn't have asked you to watch over us."

Then before he even realized it, she was leading him by the hand to the same upholstered chair with the wide armrests in the living room.

Even Renee was anxiously following them, being all exited at the prospect of having a repetition of their last meeting.

But Charles wasn't that eager to start the fondling game. He was fully aware that once the fun began, it was going to lead him much farther than the last time.

Ever since he had learned that he was coming over to babysit the two girls, he had imagined all sorts of scenarios with the girls, and in his mind it always ended with him fucking Renee and having six year old Paula sucking his cock.

Now that the time had actually arrived to perform, he was a little scared of what he was about to attempt.

But before he knew it, he was seated in the comfortable chair while Paula was trying to climb on his lap.

"Open you pants. I want to look at your pee pee again."

"It's not a pee pee, it's call a penis or a cock and I don't think that we should do that anymore. Someone might discover what we are doing and we could all get into a lot of trouble."

"No one will see us, don't worry. I will lock the door and if someone tries to come in, we will have plenty of time to cover ourselves." Before Charles had time to say anything about it, she turned toward her older sister who was standing next to the chair they were both in and she said to her while pointing at the door with her hand.

"Lock the door Renee."

Even though Renee was deaf, she was able to partly read her lips and she finally figured out what she meant as Paula's fingers indicated the door.

She eagerly went to the kitchen door that she locked by means of the chain as well as the lock.

The eagerness of the two girls to have another look at his cock was having an effect on Charles; he could now feel it starting to twitch underneath Paula's bottom. The little girl, not having an iota of modesty, boldly reached under her bottom and she grabbed the material over his erection.

Then twelve-year-old Renee was now back beside their chair and she was watching her younger sister who was trying to open Charles's pants while he remained motionless as well as helpless as if he was in a dream.

"Help me Renee, I can't get my hand under."

Even though her sister couldn't hear what Paula had said, she was able to guess what she wanted to do and she proceeded to help her to undo the buttons over the front of his pants as if she had all the right in the world to do so.

By now Charles's cock was as hard as it had even been and nothing short of his mother entering the house would have made him remove the two pairs of hands over and around his hidden erection. He had the most pleasant feeling of being used by the two girls and he wanted them to take advantage of his willingness.

As soon as his pants were fully opened at the front, Paula who was much bolder than her sister, didn't waste time fondling his erection over his underwear like she had done the previous time.

Instead, she pulled aside the waistband of his underwear and she immediately reached inside as if there was nothing to it.

By now Charles had both of his eyes closed; he was trying to enjoy to the utmost the heavenly feeling of the strange hands fondling and inspecting his cock all over.

Then he realized that there were two pairs of hands on him and he knew that Renee was also investigating and squeezing his male organ.

As he expected her to do, she soon began masturbating him just like he had shown her the last time.

He let her have her way for a few minutes while Paula had taken hold of his balls using both hands, but when he realized that he was close to a climax he made her stop.

Renee tried to say something, but he couldn't understand what she meant.

"She wants to make your pee pee... your penis spit the white stuff like it did the other day."

But Charles was not ready to climax yet. The day was still young and they had a lot of time ahead of them yet; he knew that they could still have a lot of fun if he could prevent himself from spilling his cum too soon. He then got an idea.

" Wait. It's not fair; I'm letting you play with my cock but you're not showing me your cunnie."

As he said this, he pretended to shove his erection back into his pants.

"Leave it out. Here, you can look at me if you want."

Paula lifted her bottom above his thighs and she quickly proceeded to slip her panties down completely; she then threw them on the floor.

After that, so as to make sure that he was going to continue this game, she took his hand and placed it smack over her cunt's lips.

Charles could feel her wetness when he pressed a finger between her lips and as he explored deeper, he could even detect her small clitoris which he began to rub.

The little girl soon began to close and open her thighs around his fingers while at the same time she resumed squeezing his balls.

"What about your sister? She hasn't taken off her panties yet?"

Paula, letting go of his balls, reached over the other side of the chair and she raised her sister's dress with one hand while she tried to pull Rennee's panties down with the other hand.

Until then, except for stroking Charle's erection, Renee had never exposed herself to his eyes and he was more than eager to see her cunt.

At first she resisted the action of her sister's hand as she tried pulling the waist band down, but seeing that her young sister's cunt was completely bared, she finally reached with her own hands and her undergarment was soon around her ankles.

But her dress was still hiding her treasure from Charles' eyes.

He grab one of her hands, which he then placed on his cock, and while she once again began to stroke him, he reached under her dress at the back and he began moving his hand over her thighs.

Higher and higher went his hand until he was cupping her bottom cheeks one after the other.

When he tried to get his hand between her thighs at the back, she kept pressing them together thus preventing him from getting to her cunt.

His heart was beating very fast now. His hand was just a few inches from a bared cunt, a part of a girl's anatomy that he had never closely seen before, much less felt.

All the time that this was going on, Paula kept playing with his balls - she was fascinated with the two egg-shaped organs - while her older sister was trying to make him spill his seed with her tight hand around his cock.

He knew that he had to do something or he was about to shoot his load in the air.

"Stop. I want to kiss you cunnie." He knew that Renee hadn't heard what he had said.

"OK," said Paula, "but you will have to get off the chair. It will be impossible for me to move myself high enough to place it near your mouth. I know, let's go into my mother's room."

Before he had time to react to her idea, she was getting off his thighs.

By now, even though Renee hadn't heard what had been said, she could tell that something different was going to happen and she stopped stroking his cock.

Again he let himself be led by the hand - his erection swaying and all exposed - into their mother's room which could be entered from the living room.

There was a bed for two in the middle of the small room and he sat on it.

"You will have to lie on your back," said Paula.

As soon as he had stretched himself in the middle of the bed, he saw Renee staring at him and he motioned to her to come next to him, which she immediately did.

He then resumed stroking her bottom with his right hand but by now Paula was in the process of climbing on top of him. Soon she was in position with a leg on each side of his stomach while her head was facing him. As soon as her parted thighs were close to his head, he could smell the sweet aroma of her sex, which was very close to his nose.

"You can kiss me now if you want." While saying this she began moving herself forward toward his mouth.

She was holding the hem of her dress with both hands as she gradually reached his chin. She next let most of her weight rest on her legs and lifting herself over his mouth, she then lowered her cunt on it.

Bending herself over, she tried to have a look at the junction of his mouth and her cunt, but it was impossible without lifting her cunt from his mouth.

As soon as she felt Charles tongue between her cunt's lips, she forgot about having a look at his mouth, instead she let go of her dress which she had been holding in her hands and she began to rub her parted cunt's lips all over his mouth.

It felt wonderful and the more she moved herself the more pleasant it was.

Charles tongue was now trying to lick and poke everywhere inside as well as outside her young cunt. Her taste was extremely pleasant, nothing like he would have imagined.

When he shoved the tip of his tongue deeper within her, he could actually feel her tightness squeezing his tongue, but there was no trace of that virgin barrier that his friends had often talked about.

Before long he felt her grinding her cunt all over his mouth and she became very wet in the process.

Soon there was a pair of hands around his still exposed cock; he knew that Renee had resumed fondling him. Fondling him she was indeed, but she was also stroking his erection and it was quite evident that she was trying to make him shoot his load as she had done on his last visit.

He was in heaven. What more could he ask for, he told himself. Here he was, lying on his back in a bed with a sweet and soaking wet little cunt glued to his mouth while her older sister was trying to make him reach a climax with her hand.

When he felt the crisis approaching, he began to shove his erection against Renee's hand so as to increase the friction. Then he was over the edge and as he felt the heavenly pleasure throughout his body, his toes began to curl of their own while his body was shaken by a series of convulsions and he felt his spunk jetting out of the tip of his cock.

As all of this was happening, Renee kept on pumping his organ as if she expected the eruption to go on forever. Her hand was coated with his thick juice and so was her face and hair, but still she continued the long and even strokes around his cock.

Charles reached over with his hand and he made her stop since his cock was now only half erect and her hand was no longer producing the intense pleasure that it had been doing just a few seconds earlier.

He made Paula lift her bottom from over his stomach, she wanted to know why he was stopping licking her cunt since she had found his kisses over her vagina very pleasant indeed.

"Kiss me again, it was very nice when you had your mouth over my cunnie."

"Not now. I must rest first."

He sat on the edge of the bed and as soon as Paula saw his white cum all over her sister's hand and face she said, "You did it again. Why is this happening whenever Renee plays with your cock?"

Charles spent a couple minutes trying to explain to her what had just happen, but he knew that she was too inexperienced to understand. As for her sister, since she was deaf, there was no use in trying to explain anything to her, but he told himself that being much older, she would be able to figure it out soon enough.

His climax had been so strong that he now felt a little weak and he decided that it would be better if he took a break before resuming his game with the two girls. Beside it was past eleven now and he had to bring the girls to his own house for dinner before his mother came over to get them.

After dinner, so that things wouldn't look too bad, they went into the yard to play for an hour or so, then being Sunday and since the weather was sunny and warm, his mother suggested that they all go to the park for a couple of hours.

Of course he was disappointed, but he had no choice in the matter.

When they got back home it was after four in the afternoon and he decided that there was no use beginning their sex game since at five they would have to stop for supper.

It was around six thirty when they all got back into the girls' home and by then he was feeling horny as hell. Until then, he hadn't had the chance to see and feel Renee's cunt, but he surely intended to correct this and if possible at all, he was going to try and fuck her.

As expected, no sooner were they in the house than Paula suggested that they should continue their game of tickling, which was her word for fondling.

After telling her to lock the door and to pull down all the blinds over the windows, they once again went to sit into the living room. This time he made both girls sit on his lap. Renee was a little reluctant at first but when she saw her sister all eager to climb on Charles, she finally did the same and she sat on his left thigh while Paula was on his right one.

"Are you going to kiss my cunnie like you did this morning? It was a lot a fun and I want you to do it again."

"Of course I will if you want me to, but first I think that it is only fair that your sister should get the same treatment that you did."

"Well do hurry and do it to her. I want my turn after that."

"She still has on her panties, and so do you, and I don't think that she is ready to remove them."

While Charles and Paula were talking, Renee's bottom was pressing against his left thigh and his left hand was massaging her left thigh over her dress.

But the fact that they were talking about her and that she could understand what they were saying, made him feel very lusty which made his cock extremely hard.

" I will make her take them off." With that Paula got off his lap and she went to stand in front of her older sister. Then without even bothering to make her understand what she intended to do, she shoved both of her hands under Renee's dress and she tried to pull down her panties.

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