New Neighbors - Cover

New Neighbors

Copyright© 2001 by Mandil

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young boy becomes very friendly with the two girls of his new neighbors. He soon embarks on a serie of adventures that leads him to the pleasure of sexual discoveries.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Reluctant   Fiction   Pregnancy  

Charles Capland had been living in the same house for all fourteen years of his young life. He didn't like the neighborhood nor the mentality of the people of Linkenson, the town where he lived.

His house was situated in the poorest part of the small town, which in turn was situated in one of the least developed parts of the state.

His father, and his older brother, both worked at the local pulp mill, which was the biggest source of employment in town, while Charles attended the under-funded Linkenson High School.

His family, as well as most everyone else in Linkenson were on the very edge of being considered poor. While his father worked ten hours a day so as to try to make ends meet, Charles seldom had a chance to speak to him. Well he didn't miss him that much since whenever his father was around he was either busy doing repairs on their old house or he was sleeping.

Charles was the younger of the two boys in the family and having no sisters, he was not well informed about the opposite sex. Besides, his parents had raised him to be a good Catholic like the very great majority of Linkenson and in those days it was simply not proper for a boy of fourteen to hang around with girls and even less so to go out with them.

Of course Charles had friends with whom he spent a lot of time, but like him, they weren't too informed about the opposite sex. They would often spent long hours- when they were out of hearing range from their parents - speculating about the girls they saw in school and about the female anatomy.

But to talk about it and to actually experience it are two completely different things.

To make matters worse, it was simply impossible to buy a girly magazine in Linkenson since the PTA committee, backed by the local priests, saw to it that none of that devil's trash, as they called it, ever made it into the local stores.

One day, barely a week after school had ended for the summer, he was slowly walking home after having spent a few hours with his friends in the local park; he saw an old truck parked in the driveway of the empty house next to their own house.

The house had not been inhabited for almost a year and it was beginning to show signs of deterioration everywhere.

As he got closer, he saw two men unloading furniture from the truck and carrying it into the house. A family was moving there. How poor they must be, he told himself, to be moving into such a house.

Having nothing better to do, he went to sit on the swing in the back yard and he watched the men as they unloaded the truck. A wood stove, a cheap wooden table and six chairs, a couch, an upholstered chair with arms which seemed to be the best piece of furniture, and all sorts of boxes. He didn't see the beds so he figured that they must have been unloaded before he got there.

Then he saw a woman coming out of the house. She was holding a five or six-year-old child in her arms while another girl of about eleven or twelve was walking behind her.

The woman was slim; she was wearing a dress that had seen much better days, and even the girl that was following her looked odd to Charles. It took him a while to figure why the eleven-year-old girl looked different from any other girl of her age.

For one thing, her dress was way too long - as if someone had wanted to get rid of the dress and had given it to her -also she kept following her mother everywhere she went while holding on to her dress.

Once the furniture had been unloaded both men got into the truck and they drove away.

While eating supper that same evening, Charles learned from his older brother that their new neighbors were the Weldens. The woman's name was Clara Welden and she and her two daughters had rented the house next door. Even though she was married, her husband was not living there since he was away working somewhere. But Charles learned a couple of days later that he was in jail serving a sentence for having attempted to rob a bank.

Upon hearing that the woman's husband was in jail, Charles told himself that he was going to try to stay away as much as possible from the Weldens. Besides, they were even poorer than his parents were.

But less than a week later he was surprised one early morning to see the younger to the two girls trying to sit on the swing in his yard.

She was wearing the same cheap dress that she had on the first time he had seen her and even though her face was clean enough, she was bare foot. As she tried to climb on the wooden seat of the swing, he could see that her cotton panties were full of holes.

He watched her for a couple of minutes through the kitchen window as she finally managed to climb on her knees on the wooden seat but before she was able to sit on it, she felt backward on her back on the grass.

It took her a few seconds to react, as she remained stretched on the ground; then when she tried to get up, she fell again and she began to cry. Fearing that she had hurt herself badly, Charles ran outside to see if she needed help.

As soon as he was close to her, he reached down and he picked her up in his arms. The little girl, though still crying, threw her arms around his neck and while her head rested against his shoulder, she gradually stopped crying completely.

"Are you hurt?" asked Charles.

"I hit my head." While she said this she reached behind her head with her left hand and began rubbing it.

"Let me see."

After she removed her hand he looked closely to see if there was any blood.

"There doesn't seem to be any blood. The pain will go in a second." As he said this Charles proceeded to rub the back of her head with his hand.

The girl reacted by hugging him even harder while she shoved her face harder against his shoulder. Charles began to feel compassion for the little girl and he held her tightly in his arms trying to calm her. Soon, she was quiet. He then focussed his attention on the rest of her body, at least those parts of her that he hadn't paid too much attention to yet.

He could see her exposed upper thighs, which were being pressed by his arm against his stomach, then he realized that his right hand was smack over her bottom and under her dress.

Just about then, the girl's mother came out of her house and hurried toward Charles.

"She fell off the swing. But I don't think that she is hurt. I saw her fall from the window and I came to help her."

"Paula, why did you come here? I told you to stay in the house."

But the six-year-old girl didn't even look at her mother; instead she remained with her arms around Charles neck and didn't even try to answer her mother.

When Charles tried to pass her to her mother, she began to cry again and she held on to his neck even harder.

"Come on Paula we must go home now, let go of his neck."

But Paula wanted none of that; she didn't want to remove her arms from around Charles's neck and no matter what her mother said to her, she couldn't make her release her hold on Charles.

As last he decided to carry her back to her house and thus prevent Paula from making a scene.

"It's funny," said her mother as they were walking back to her house, "usually she is extremely shy of people she doesn't know.

You are the first one beside myself and her sister that she has ever permitted to pick her up and hold her."

While talking to the child's mother, Charles had been able to tell that she was in her late twenties and even though she was not a stunningly beautiful woman, she had a rather pleasant face. When they reached the house, he had to enter before being able to make Paula release the hold that she had around his neck.

Even then, when she was on her two feet, she kept hugging his legs remaining close to him. He then saw her older sister whom he learned was named Renee. She was beautiful, with shoulder length auburn hair and he could tell by the way she acted - trying to hide behind the curtain that served as a door to separate the bedroom from the kitchen - that she was a strange child. It was evident that she didn't often see strangers around the house by the way she was trying to hide her face while the rest of her body was completely visible.

At last Charles was able to free his leg from the grip of little Paula and before he could leave she made her mother bend over and she whispered something in her ear.

"She wants to give you a kiss," her mother told Charles. "I guess she wants to thank you for caring for her."

Without any hesitation whatsoever, her mother brought Paula near Charles's face and little Paula pressed her lips on his left cheek as she pressed his head against her mouth with her arms around his head.

"This is strange; it's the first time ever that she's made friends with anyone. Usually when there are strangers around she goes and hides somewhere. I think that she like you. By the way I am Clara Welden and this is Renee my older daughter."

Renee was so shy when she realized that her mother was talking about her that she hid her face completely with the material of the curtain while he could hear her giggling behind the curtain.

"Well I am Charles Capland and as you know I live next door."

He and Clara talked for a few minutes and he told her that he was still going to school. For her part she said to Charles that her husband was working in Brockville - a town sixty miles away - and since he couldn't come here often in Linkerson, she went to see him there once in a while.

Of course he knew that she was lying since his brother had learned from his friend, the assistant chief of police, that her husband was serving time in Brockville's jail.

Before he left, Renee finally removed her face from behind the curtain and he was able to see that she was rather beautiful having green eyes that matched perfectly the auburn color of her hair while her thick lips revealed her white teeth as she smiled at him.

He didn't see anyone from the Welden family for the rest of the day, but when he got up the following morning, he was surprised to see both girls sitting on the swing in his back yard.

Both, his brother and father had previously left to work while his mother had gone back to bed after preparing breakfast for the two men. Being alone and having nothing better to do, he decided to go and talk with the two girls.

He was in for a shock when he approached them. Renee had little Paula sitting on her lap and both girls were swinging. But what attracted his attention the most was the sight of both girls' cotton panties as the wind forced their dresses well above their knees whenever they swung forward and toward him. Renee's panties had holes in them and he could see part of one of her bottom cheek where a bigger hole decorated the panties.

It was the most erotic spectacle that he had ever seen in his life. He was glad that both girls were facing the back of the yard, since if his mother should happen to glance out of the window, she would be treated with the same view. She certainly wouldn't appreciate it as much as he did.

He was mesmerized by what he was seeing. Even little Paula's panties were full of holes and there was even one in the material right over her cunt; he could actually see the bare skin underneath.

As soon as he was near them, Paula told her sister put her down and she ran toward him and asked him to take her in his arms. Just as she had done the previous day, she threw her little arms around his neck and held him tightly as soon as he had picked her up.

So as to break the silence, he asked Renee what grade she was in.

She didn't reply; instead she simply giggled and turned her face away from him while all the time she kept on swinging and exposing her worn panties. When he noticed that she wasn't looking at him, he concentrated his attention on the spot directly over her cunt; he could actually see the outline of her two lips and even the crack in-between them. There was a very small hole right in the center. It was way too small for him to see what was underneath, especially from where he was. But the fact that her cunt's lips were barely covered and so close to being exposed was exciting him greatly.

The first thing he realized when he finally moved his eyes away, was that he had an erection. As Paula kept on hugging him, he noticed Renee staring at the front of his pants, exactly where his pulsating cock caused the bulge.

It then occurred to him that since the girls' father was not living with them, plus the fact that they had no brother, meant that she probably didn't know exactly what was responsible for the tent pole in his pants.

For a second or so he was under the impression that she was going to say something, but instead she kept on staring at the front of his pants.

Finally he managed to put Paula down and without saying a word to either girl he hurried back into the house where he rushed into his room and released his rampaging cock from the prison of his pants.

All that it took was a few dozen strokes and he felt the strong climax bringing release to his passions.

He didn't see the girls nor their mother for the next couple of days since it was raining most of the time. But by the third day after the panties incident, while he was sitting on the swing early in the morning and hoping that the two girls would join him, he heard their mother calling him over.

"Would you mind very much watching the girls for an hour while I go to the store? I know that Paula won't give you trouble since she adores you; as for Renee, well she is still very shy when you are around but I know that she will listen to you."

What was he to say? He had been hoping to see the two girls and now their mother was giving him the responsibility of watching over them for a whole hour.

"No I don't mind. They can come over and play on the swing."

"Well they are still wearing their night shirts; you can come inside and as soon as they are dressed they can come out."

Charles didn't bother to tell his mother where he was going. For one thing she was still sleeping and besides he often went with his friends for a couple of hours without telling her where he was going. She never seemed to mind his leaving as long as he was on time for dinner.

He crossed over and they went into the house. As soon as Paula saw him she rushed toward him and hugged his legs whereas Renee looked at him with a broad smile on her lips. Yes she is really beautiful, he told himself. The more he looked at her the more he found her attractive. Before he could go on admiring Renee, her mother said to him, "As you probably have noticed, Renee has trouble with her hearing.

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