Gamblers Winnings - Cover

Gamblers Winnings

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Guy wins a young girl in a poker game.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft  

Mrs. Carter was to travel with him and Cathy in two months to Reno Nevada.

Robert told them that he had planned for months to spend two weeks there gambling. Since he now had a young girl to look after he wanted her help.

Robert told her if they had a deal he would begin to have the house repaired now and have his attorney draw up a deed and a binding agreement.

Robert told Mrs. Carter he would give her some time to think about it and that he would see her the next day.

He told her that she had his phone number and if she had any questions she could call him.

He and Cathy had groceries to get out of that heat and they said good bye

On the island and after the things they had bought were put away Cathy wanted to talk.

Cathy kneeled on the floor in front of Robert and hugged his leg.

She asked if Robert meant for Mrs. Carter to come here to teach her.

Robert told her that he was thinking of buying another boat and her using that to go to the Carter home for her studies every day.

Cathy asked if this meant she would be away from him every day.

Robert told her it would.

She asked "What if I don't like her" ?

Robert said "You will have to like her you have no choice in the matter ".

Cathy said "I may not go" !

Robert asked Cathy if she wanted him to take her back to that barn in a hog lot and leave her.

Cathy began crying and begged him to never think that again, she was his now and would never leave him.

Robert kissed her and told her that she was his and she was to do as he told her.

Cathy told him she would but she was not going to like being away from him.

Robert had seen a small pontoon boat with a cabin at a marina up river.

He called and got a price for it with an electric start outboard motor.

It would make a perfect ferry for Cathy to use to go to school in.

Mrs. Carter called and asked a lot of questions. After a hour she called back and told Robert he had a deal.

Robert told her that he would call and order a new air conditioning unit installed. He told her that he was going to have every thing re-done and made energy efficient.

Robert told her she should pack every thing she would need for a month or two.

She should plan to stay on the island for as long as it would take to re-model the house.

He told her that he was going to have all new plumbing and fixtures installed. She would not be able to live in the house until all the repairs were finished.

He got on the phone and called the Wade Construction Company and talked to the CEO. Robert asked for the services of a bright Engineer from the main office for long enough to re-model a small house he had bought. Naturally the CEO agreed to send his best the next day. ( Robert was the largest stock holder of the firm )

Two hours later a man called and asked for an appointment the next morning.

Robert set the appointment for eight the next morning at the Waffle House in town.

That night he and Cathy went to bed early, it had been a long day.

Cathy seemed to want to assure herself of Robert's acceptance of her as being his. She asked if he wanted to fuck her. Robert said "Not yet Cathy".

She would not let him go to sleep until she had given him another fantastic blowjob though.

The next morning the engineer from the main office met Robert and Cathy at the Waffle House for breakfast.

He was a few minutes early.

Robert, Cathy and Irwin Baker had a breakfast and went to Mrs. Carter's lake side house.

She was up and the house was clean and ready for others to see it.

Robert asked if she had packed enough to spend a couple of months with him on his island. Edna told him she was nearly ready.

Robert went over the house with Irwin and gave him the outline of what he wanted done.

He told Irwin he wanted all new plumbing complete and a shower and a whirl pool tub installed in the master bed room bath.

He asked Irwin to locate a kitchen contractor. He wanted them to custom design a modern kitchen. He wanted them to figure all new cabinets and kitchen appliances. He wanted a dishwasher built in and a large side by side freezer and refrigerator with ice maker and water dispenser in their proposal.

Robert asked that Irwin call a local contractor and make a deal to replace every window in the house with triple glass aluminum frame windows.

He wanted every door way in the house made at least three feet wide.

( If Mrs. Carter was ever in a wheel chair he wanted her to be able to get around the house ).

He authorized new life time siding on the outside of the house. And new concrete front and back porches were to be built replacing the wood ones.

He wanted the exterior walls and the ceiling insulated.

He asked Irwin to call a local interior decorating service and ask that some one get with Mrs. Carter and help her choose colors for the inside walls and the carpet.

The baths were to be gutted and new tile walls were to be installed. The decorator was to help her choose those colors.

A new metal roof was to be installed on the house.

Robert wanted that to be heavy gauge aluminum.

Robert authorized a floating pier to be built with a covered boat house.

When Edna was ready to leave Robert told Irwin to rent as many storage buildings as was needed to hold Edna's furniture and belongings while the house was changed and repaired.

Robert asked Edna if she would go with them to a local beauty shop and help him get Cathy's hair cut and shaped. If she would he said he would pay for Edna to have hers done also.

Edna said it had been years since she could afford a beauty shop. They had lunch in town.

After an hour in the beauty shop Cathy looked several years older and Edna looked several years younger.

After that Robert, Cathy and Edna got in the boat and left for Robert's island home. Robert tied the boat and helped Edna out. Cathy took Edna's things inside and put them up.

Edna had never been there before, she told Robert she had not known that it was so nice.

The marina called and wanted to deliver the boat he had bought for Cathy.

Robert gave directions and in less than an hour it was tied to the pier and paid for.

Cathy had showed Edna all of the house and the outside yard. Edna and the dogs had become friends.

Robert knew Cathy was wanting to try the boat so he asked Edna if she would like to go for a boat ride. She was all for it and she and Robert went aboard while Cathy untied it.

The tiny cabin was hot inside so Robert opened all the glass windows. Cathy started to sit with Edna on one of the benches. Robert told her to operate the boat.

He told her everything she needed to know and then told her to go to Edna's house first. She had listened to his instructions and had noticed the way from her previous trips.

She did not try to go as fast as the little pontoon boat would go, instead she got up a good speed and steered straight there.

The motor was quiet enough for them to talk, Robert gave Cathy some insight in the rules governing the use of water craft.

He told Edna it would be a good time and this boat was large enough for her to get more of her belongings to take to the island.

He reminded her that she might be there for several months and then the trip to Reno was going to be for two more weeks.

Two large steel cargo containers had been rented and delivered to the front yard of the house.

Irwin said that he thought that they were plenty big enough to hold Edna's house furnishings. Irwin told them he had a moving company lined up to put Edna's belongings in them the next morning.

Irwin had two carpenters and two laborers coming the next morning from Wade Construction. He planned to start removing the old windows first.

The new windows were going to be larger so he was going to have them remove the sheet rock off the walls inside so they could re-size the openings.

That would let him insulate the walls before new sheet rock went back.

Irwin had made a deal with a local Plumbing Contractor and they were to start removing the old piping and fixtures the next day.

A metal roof had been ordered and he was going to let a local metal roof contractor install that when it came.

Irwin had not had time to do anything about the new kitchen cabinets yet.

Robert gave Edna over an hour to take things to the boat. Cathy did the carrying while Edna chose the things she wanted to take with her.

It was nearly dark when they started back to the island.

Irwin Baker wanted to leave and find a motel room. He said that as soon as he had time he was going home and bring his travel trailer back. He said he thought his wife might want to come and stay in it with him. She loved to fish and loaf on a lake bank.

Robert had given Edna a big bed room on the other end of the house from he and Cathy. It had a large bath with a shower and a tub. The bed room had a large screen TV and a couch and two recliners at one end.

They took Edna's belongings there.

Edna was not hungry and asked if they minded if she went to her room and rested. The excitement of the day had made her tired.

Robert told her that here she could do as she pleased.

After Edna had gone to her room Cathy sat on the floor hugging one of Robert's legs. She put her head on his lap and told him she liked Edna a lot.

Cathy thanked him for having her hair cut and buying a boat she could use.

Robert put in a VCR tape of a good movie he had bought recently and they watched that.

Before going to bed he and Cathy had a evening meal. Robert ate only one sandwich but Cathy ate three.

They slept nude as usual. Cathy snuggled up against him and asked if she could do anything to please him. Robert kissed her and told her "Not tonight honey".

Cathy went right on to sleep.

Robert lay there for a long time.

He was thinking about he and Cathy. The girl was lovely and showed every sign of adoring him. She probably could not survive being on her own in the real world.

He decided he liked the way things were going. Cathy was a near perfect companion. She was a joy to have around.

The next morning they were all up early. Cathy and Edna did breakfast.

Robert told them that Cathy had an appointment at ten in Birmingham.

He invited Edna to go.

She begged off and said she would be happy to stay at her house and watch the movers there.

The trip in to the city was pleasant, Cathy sat near Robert and put her head on his shoulder.

Dr. Swan spent two hours asking questions of Cathy. He explored every part of her mind. He had made a lot of notes after listening to the tape of her first interview.

After it was over he told Robert he would send him a written report soon and then Robert could call him for any clarifications.

Cathy and Robert had lunch at the same cafeteria. She seemed to be over her desire to over eat. She did not gorge that time.

Robert took Cathy to a fine women's dress shop and bought her an evening gown, a cocktail dress and a nice pants suit.

He had noticed that Edna and Cathy were the same size and he bought Edna different colors but the same things.

Back home both ladies modeled their new clothes for him.

Robert noticed that Edna was the best looking forty five year old woman he had ever known.

Robert and the ladies had a steak dinner and Robert left them to go play poker at Bobs.

He was back at one in the morning and both ladies were fast a sleep on the living room couch. The TV was still on and when he woke them they were ready for bed. Cathy hardly woke, she shucked her clothes and fell on the bed and went to sleep instantly.

Robert slipped out of bed the next morning leaving Cathy still sleeping.

He went to the kitchen nude to have that first cup of coffee.

Edna came in before the coffee was brewed.

Robert was sitting at the breakfast bar waiting for the coffee maker to finish.

He told Edna he was sorry she had caught him in the nude but he was in the habit of doing that from living alone.

Edna told him that she and her late husband had gone nude often when they were alone. She did not want him to change his habits because she was there.

Edna said that she and her late husband had spent many week ends at a Nudist resort in north Alabama.

She said that she was not the least bit uncomfortable with nudity.

Robert told her that she could get nude if she liked. Edna grinned and said "Why not".

She pulled that flannel gown off and poured both of them a cup of coffee.

Robert complimented her on her still firm tits, flat tummy and nice ass. He said " Edna I have a rough idea of how old you are but you have no wrinkles in your face and you look years younger than you are ".

Edna thanked Robert.

Edna said that she was not prying but wanted to know about the relationship between he and Cathy.

Robert saw no reason to be evasive and told Edna the whole story. He told every thing about how Cathy became his in a poker game. He gave her every detail of the few days she had been with him.

Edna bluntly asked if there was a sexual relationship.

Robert said " You are a nosy thing aren't you " ?

Edna told Robert she might be an old woman but she had not become senile yet. She said she could tell that Cathy was miserable when he was away from her. It was plain the girl adored him.

Edna said she had been a school teacher for twenty years and had learned a lot about young girls.

Edna said she had been a wild child from eight years old until she graduated from college at L.S.U in Baton Rouge Louisiana with a degree in education.

She had been a wild girl herself.

Edna told Robert that nothing had really shocked her since she was a kid.

Robert admitted that Cathy had given him head twice since he had brought her here.

Edna asked " Is that all ".

Robert told her that he did not want to chance getting her pregnant, she was too young, and yes that was all.

Edna asked Robert how old the girl was.

Robert said that Cathy had told him she was seventeen but that he thought she was younger.

Edna agreed and promised to try to find out her real age.

Cathy came in the kitchen fresh from a sound sleep. She was wearing one of Robert's tee shirts and her hair was tousled from sleep.

Cathy saw Robert and Edna nude and said " Good, I won't need this" and shucked the tee shirt.

The three cooked a big breakfast and ate heartily.

Robert told the ladies he had some errands to take care of and was going to be gone most of the day.

Robert suggested that Edna and Cathy swim and get some sun while he was gone.

Robert dressed in a suit and tie and spent some time on his computer. As he was leaving he found Cathy and Edna in the kitchen dressed in the brief bikinis he had bought Cathy. Edna told him she had to borrow a bathing suit. She said that she had not swam in years and did not own a suit.

Robert told her she looked like a pretty, late twenty year old woman in that bikini and kissed both of them before he left.

Robert spent a short time with Irwin on the shore and drove in to Birmingham.

He had an appointment with his Investment Broker. Robert had a list of changes he wanted made to his portfolio.

When he left there he was hours early for his appointment with Dr. Swan.

Robert was planing to take Edna and Cathy with him to Nevada. Cathy would not be able to go in a casino with out an I.D. with her picture on it showing that she was over eighteen. She needed a valid drivers license.

In Alabama a persons social security number had to be on the license and a photo.

Robert went to the Birmingham Public Library and searched the obituaries for the name of a deceased girl that would be twenty one now.

He found five that might do.

He called the home of the first on his list and the person that answered the phone was obviously black. Robert apologized for dialing the wrong number and hung up.

His next call was a possible.

Robert introduced himself as being an employee of the social security system and asked if he was talking to the mother of the late Beverly Miller. The lady on the line said that she was.

Robert gave a fictitious name and offered his condolences for the death of her daughter.

Robert said that he was investigating the possibility that she was due death benefits, not much but possibly an amount was due.

He asked for her daughters Social Security number.

Mr. Miller told Robert that her daughter had never had a Social Security Card.

Robert told her that a number had not come up in the computer with her name and that he was sorry for bothering her.

He quickly hung up before more was said.

His third call was another black home, again Robert apologized for dialing a wrong number. The fourth call was a possibility but the lady asked him to call back in an hour. She would have to find the card.

Robert made his fifth call.


The lady that answered had him wait only a few minutes and gave him her daughter's S.S. number. The girl's first name had been Cathleen. Her last name had been Parish. Robert asked where the daughter had been born. She was born at Princeton Hospital there in Birmingham.

Robert thanked her and promised to get in touch with her soon if there was money due.

It was easy to go to the county Court House and get several certified copies of Cathlene Parish's birth certificate.

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