Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

Fay told him his offer was attractive but she had sworn to herself that there would never be another man in her but her master.

In about an hour Norman was ready to go again. That time he lasted through four times of the ladies having two orgasms then changing.

Norman said that if he could rest for a couple of hours he would try to do it again.

I told him to forget it, we needed to go soon.

Lee said she did not want any more that day.

Paulene said "Me to stud" !

Norman said "Thank God" !

Fay told him he was some kind of fucking machine and asked him to shut down please.

Later Norman got Ugly to get in the back seat of the Jeep with a piece of meat.

He took up the whole seat. Fay and Lee put Norman's chair in from behind and zipped and snapped the canvas flap shut. Norman gave Ugly some more meat as Fay started the engine. Ugly was content as long as Norman had his hand on him.

I and my other ladies followed them to the shop.

When we were there we watched Norman wheel himself home with Ugly scouting the sidewalk ahead. When Norman turned in the drive to his apartment Ugly got ahead of Norman again.

We kissed and all of us went home.

The next day at school the announcement was made giving the date for the years Junior- Senior Ball. It was going to be at the school Gym again and was a month away.

We worked on lawns that day. Ugly was laying in a corner near Norman when we got to the shop after school. He got up and wagged his tail as each of my darlings greeted Norman. He wagged his tail as he saw me but when Barney and David came in he bristled up the hair on his neck and gave a low growl. He placed himself between them and Norman.

I told Norman to curb his dog. Norman said "Get in your corner Ugly" and the dog laid back down.

When the work that day was finished and we were back at the shop Ugly had to be made to stay in his corner again.

He just did not trust Barney or David.

Barney and David left and Lee and Paulene followed.

Fay and I were the only ones left with Norman.

I told Norman he had to break that up, the dog was frightening the shit out of the hired help.

Norman said he knew that and thought that the best way to get Ugly to accept David and Barney was for them to feed him something.

Norman asked if Fay or I could take him by a Super Market to get dog food and something for Barney and David to feed Ugly.

Fay needed to go on home.

I volunteered.

When we left Ugly in the truck cab to go in to the store we could hear him howling as we went through the automatic doors.

I pushed a cart behind Norman as he selected the items he wanted. Some were for him but most were for Ugly.

Norman bought two forty pound bags of chunk dog food for his new buddy.

I took Norman home and carried his purchases inside.

Norman offered a coke and we sipped and talked.

Norman said that working with me had changed his life completely. He had been so miserable before that he had seriously thought of taking his own life.

He said that he had thought he was not capable of having sex until I had told Lee to make it with him. (he had figured that out)

That he could still ejaculate was a real surprise to him. He had not even been able to masturbate since he was hurt.

Norman told me he had been having a hard time getting by on his pension until I had hired him. Now he could even think of finding a better place to live than this grubby apartment. He said he was not going to move though because he could get to work in his chair without using a taxi.

I told Norman that Fay had convinced me that he was worth helping, that she had seen more in him than I had at first. I said that I had mistaken his dejection as arrogant, defiant self pity.

I told him she had suggested that I have Lee seduce him because she had noticed his longing for all of the three of them.

Norman said that of all of them Fay was the most desirable, she was the one he would like to make love to the most. He said that she had made it plain she was dedicated to only me though.

I told Norman that he was not getting the full picture. Fay could enjoy oral sex with him, both giving and receiving, she just would not allow penetration of her vagina.

Norman said he thought he was in love with Fay and if it was alright with me he wanted to let her know.

I shrugged and said "Go ahead".

I thought it was time I discussed my plans with Norman.

I told him I wanted him to become the manager of the lawn care business while all three ladies and I were gone to college.

I told him it was to be a permanent thing not just for that four years.

I planed to do something exciting with my life after college.

I told Norman he could count on the position as being permanent, if he could continue an already prospering business.

I said that I had no doubts about his abilities and I was planing to give him a salary and ten percent of the profits.

Norman would have to get new help to take our places. He would have to learn how to price the work so that we would make a fair profit.

I asked him to think over my offer and to give Fay and myself an answer at the lake the next week end.

We had a good week, It was cool but dry and we got caught up. The following week end Fay, Norman, Ugly and I went to the lake for just Saturday.

We got there before eight that morning.

It was a beautiful day. The dog was beginning to be comfortable with Norman out of his sight for short times. He played outside and would come to a window and see Norman occasionally. He seemed content just to know Norman was near. Barney and David had won his trust by feeding him during the week.

I gave Norman and Fay some privacy.

I spent an hour in the barn piddling.

When I came in Norman was in his chair watching Fay mop the kitchen floor.

I said that it was a nice morning to sit on the porch, it was warm enough. Norman agreed. Fay said it was time for her to take a break and she would join us.

Fay and I sat on the swing and Norman in his chair.

Fay waited until we were all comfortable before she said " I have something to say". " Norman has told me he is in love with me". " I think he really means that and is sincere". "I have told him that I am yours for ever". "He wanted me to ask you to share me". "I have told him I would ask if you would".

I waited for her to finish.

Fay said that she had told Norman that she could never let anyone but her master place his penis in her vagina.

She said that Norman said that he understood.

Fay said " I am asking if I may take him in my mouth and perform felatio and let him perform cunnylingus on me".

I told Norman that Fay was my most valued possession. I would only give my permission for what they were proposing if he was truly in love with her.

Norman said he had been in love with Fay for months.

I said "Norman she is worth more than anything in the world to me, I will share her with just you only ".

Fay kissed me and got off the porch swing. She pushed Norman inside and to the guest bed room.

I did not follow, I sat on the porch.

I thought about what I had said to Norman, it was all true.

She really was the most valued thing in my life. But she was a person not a thing, she had feelings and a brilliant mind. Her beauty was more than skin deep.


Later Fay came out on the porch alone, she had a serene smile on her face.

She sat on the swing with me and I put my arm around her and tried to kiss her. Fay turned her head.

I asked what was wrong.

She said that she knew that I did not want to kiss her after she had taken another man's cum in her mouth.

I laughed and told her that was only after she had Jimmy that time.

We kissed.

After we sat in silence a long while Fay said "I think he really does love me".

We kissed and went inside.

We went into the kitchen, Fay got out the things I had bought for sandwiches. I poured soft drinks.

Norman joined us. He looked like a very happy man.

Fay made sandwiches and small talk.

We ate our first sandwich and while Fay made more Norman spoke.

He said that he had been thinking of my offer all week. He said that he still could not believe how fortunate he was to get such an opportunity. He said that he would take the job and give it every thing he had.

Fay said that she had wished that he would.

Norman told me he was grateful to me for allowing him to show Fay how much he loved her in private.

He said he had loved her before but he adored her now.

I told him to thank Fay.

Fay said " He has " !!!

We spent a few hours watching football on TV and then Fay wanted sex again.

That time it was all three of us.

We made Fay feel very loved.

She made us feel very loved.

We were home before dark.

The following weeks were busy for all of us. Fay or I were riding Norman out to see the actual work being done. We tried to give him our knowledge of how long it took to do every thing we did to a lawn.

Paulene had become expert with swimming pools. We let her take Norman with her to several jobs.

Norman was spending so many hours away from the office during the day he had to put in a lot of time at night.

Lee's father was Chairman of the local United Fund. Lee introduced him to Norman.

Lee's father got Norman an electric wheel chair and a special van. The van had an electronic door and a ramp that responded to a tiny signal thing on the van key ring. There was no drivers seat. Norman could wheel his chair to the van, push a button and the curb side door would open and the ramp would slide out. He could drive his chair into the van and up to the steering wheel. He could latch the chair in place to drive. There was even a seat belt there.

All the controls were where he could drive with his hands.

Norman was able to go any where he wanted and Ugly had a soft bed in the rear of the van. (He preferred the passenger seat up front.)

I bought the condemned house next to the shop. It had been on two lots.

The house had caught fire several years before I had rented the shop. It was so damaged it was beyond repairing.

The shop was for sale when I had rented it. I thought the old man that owned it was asking too much then. He had come down on the price three times during the time I had been his tenant.

He came by one day and asked for an offer on the building and lot.

I got an appraisal out of the file and showed him the figure. I had an appraisal made a few days after Norman had accepted my job offer.

The property owner took me up on that price. He was trying to sell the house Norman lived in and our shop and move to a retirement home in Florida.

I asked him if he had an appraisal on his house. I told him if he did not I would have one made and I would pay that much for it.

He sheepishly admitted that he had an appraisal but was wanting to get a lot more for it.

I told him that I had bought the lot next door and really did not need his house.

The man went home and returned with an appraisal by the same firm I had used.

We agreed on the prices and ten days later a very sick uncle Clyde and I signed all the papers to make me the owner of a half block of property in the worst part of town.

(I was still a minor and the deeds had to be to an adult and me)

Uncle Clyde had diverted nearly all of his income to my bank account months before.

I paid by cash.

I found a new young architect and instructed him as to what I wanted.

I wanted the burned out house next door demolished and a new house built for a handicapped person and his dog.

I wanted every convince incorporated in the design for a person confined to a wheel chair.

I asked that the rooms be big and the doors to every thing be wide.

I wanted three more drive through spaces added to the shop and a large work area for repairing the lawn equipment when needed. There was to be two rooms for offices, then behind that a much larger lounge for the crews. I had two large toilet rooms with four shower stalls and four commode stalls and lavatories in each.

By adding that much to the present building it would be connecting to the proposed house.

Norman could simply go through a door in his living room and be in his office. Through another door and he would be in the main garages and at his van.

We would end up with space for five crew trucks and trailers and Norman's van.

The parking lot behind the shop had been gravel, I wanted that to be concrete to the alley and the curb and side walk made into a ramp to the street.

There was a bus stop in the middle of that block. I had a covered shelter and benches designed there and a planted park like area behind that to the alley.

Gasoline, diesel fuel and motor oil was a big cost to our business.

The other corner of the block was to be a very large self service Quick Mart and fuel plaza. I planed to lease that out and make a deal to get our fuel needs there at cost.

There wasn't a gas station closer than a mile away. I thought it would be a good location.

At school the time for the Junior-Senior prom was close.

My lovely ladies all wanted to go. Paulene and Lee wanted to ask Norman to take them, Norman refused to go with either of them. He said he was too old for that crap.

(Norman really was still shy of his being handicapped)

There was no doubt about who Fay would be with at the prom.

I told Lee and Paulene to get dates.

That was not going to be a problem for two of most attractive girls in the school.

I gave my ladies a thousand dollars and told them to spend it on "Knock em dead" dresses for the prom.

Paulene took them to a " Dress Maker " lady she knew.

Two days before the prom they modeled those dresses for me.

Dam they looked good. The dresses had no back and it was obvious they were not wearing a bra. When they bent over the nipples of their tits showed.

They had bought new boots and planed to wear them. The dresses came down to almost their boot tops but were silted up to almost the waist at both sides.

The dresses were alike except for the colors. Fay's was a green satin, Paulene's was maroon, Lee's was a blue.

It was going to be plain to every one that they were wearing custom made dresses.

I told them to wear black garter belts and sheer hose.

Lee had a date with Ruddy Yates, he was a tall good looking guy.

I thought he was a really nice person.

He was such a good dancer he could become a professional dancer if he wanted to after graduating from school. He would do much better than that though he was smart and tough.

Paulene had a date with Andy Thomas. Andy was a big, nice looking, football player. He was also a very good dancer.

I thought Andy was one of the good ones.

Andy's father owned a large new car agency and he would eventually have that.

After the girls modeled their dresses for me and Norman I gave Lee and Paulene each a three pack of condoms. I said "Enjoy your dates but don't be half safe".

Lee looked at Herr's and handed it back. She said she just wanted to dance with her date not fuck him.

Paulene handed Herr's back too.

I said " Girls be serious, those are nice guys you have dates with". " You are grown women and if you like them go ahead and enjoy sex with them".

Paulene said that she and Lee were mine and although I had let them have sex with Norman it was kind of like he was family.

Paulene said that their dates were not like that and what if they told about fucking them afterward to our classmates.

I told Paulene that ninety percent of her classmates had lost her cherry before she was sixteen. I told her she was about to graduate soon so what the hell difference did it make.

Lee asked if I was telling them to fuck their dates.

I told her that I was telling them to fuck them only if they wanted to.

Fay told us she wanted to fuck her date.

The prom was fun !

As each one of my darlings came in with her date they made their way to a table that Fay and I had reserved for all of us.

They were greeted by a lot of their friends and it was plain that their dates were proud to be seen with them.

Andy had bought Paulene an Orchid corsage. Rudy had bought Lee one to.

I had bought Fay three Orchids in a cluster.

The band was playing and we danced.

Fay was like a feather in my arms.

The band played a Tango, we three were the only couples on the floor.

Lee and Paulene had chosen dates that would show them off at their best to their classmates.

Both ladies were very good dancers and they and their dates looked great on the floor.

All three girls were asked to dance nearly every number after that.

When the last number was played Lee and Paulene kissed me and Fay and left with their dates.

Fay and I went to my house for an hour of good loving. I took her home after but I was going to pick her up for Sunday brunch at ten the next morning. Paulene and Lee were going to meet us for breakfast at The City Club.

Uncle Clyde had transferred his membership to me.

Lee and Paulene arrived together.

Fay and I were already seated in a small room with a view of the city in the valley below.

I had ordered Champaign. The waiter probably knew we were all under age but we were in a private club. They were not required to check I.D. there.

I did not have to ask either of them if they had been fucked the night before.

The contented, satisfied look on their faces told Fay and I they had.

Paulene said her date had taken her to a Lover's Lane and they had parked.

There had been a lot of kisses and then she had pushed the strings to her dress off her shoulders and let him have her tits to play with.

Paulene said she had not intended to fuck him but she had gotten so excited that she had a small climax while he nursed on her tits. When she had let him slip his hand under her dress and had a big climax when he fingered her clit she could not help herself.


She had gotten out of the front seat of the car and taken off her dress. She let him see her standing there in the moon light naked except for her garter belt, hose and boots as long as she could stand the cold.

He had joined her in the moon light and had taken his cloths off.

They had kissed, his hard cock was pushing into her belly.

She was freezing out there !

She had opened the back door to the car and dived into the back seat, he had followed.

He had fumbled around and found a condom and she had put it on him.

He had only fucked for a few minutes before he had groaned that he was cumming.

Paulene said she was almost ready to have an orgasm when he got off her and opened the door and stepped out of the car.

Her date had shucked off that filled rubber and pissed and got back in the car.

Paulene said that she had sat up and told her date that they needed to have a little talk now.

She had told him that a real man could last more than three minutes. A real man would hold off until his partner had several orgasms before he ejaculated.

Her date said that her beauty in the moon light had gotten him so excited that he just had to let himself go.

Paulene told him that was no excuse and promised him that if he ever did that again she would get her knife out of her purse and cut off his dick and balls.

She had asked "Do we understand that" ?

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