Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

Paulene's tits were noticed. She smiled when some guy would say something about them. When a guy was fool enough to grab one of them in the hall one day she whirled and kicked him in the nuts then his ass.

Paulene was another girl that a guy better not piss off.

A new girl was being made to endure the unwanted advances of two smart asses. They had her in a corner blocking her in. She was crying.

Lee saw what was going on and walked up behind the two guys and told them to leave the girl alone.

One of them turned his head and told her to " Go about your own business bitch".

Lee said "NOW bastard, leave her alone NOW, before you get hurt" !

He wasn't smart at all, he said "Fuck off bitch".

The second time he called Lee a bitch she had taken enough from him. Lee backed up a step and whirled and kicked him in the side above his hip. He hit the floor. She whirled again and caught him in his belly. The other smart ass took off running down the hall.

Some students saw it.

It got pretty well known that those girls wearing cowboy boots were bad news if any one made them mad.

They were kick boxers and that was why they wore those pointy toed boots.

Fay, the outcast the year before, was one of three most sought after girls in school. The other two were Lee and Paulene.

All three were tall and slender and had glossy brown hair cut off just above their shoulders. They all had flashing brown eyes and pretty bright smiles.

They were blessed with pretty faces and nice size tits.

They could have been mistaken for twins.

Long before school started they began wearing "look alike" clothes. Looking at them from behind, even I could not tell one from the others.

They had bought matching western shirts and bolo ties. Instead of the jeans other girls were wearing they had a large wardrobe of boot leg cut western slacks.

They were deciding what to wear on the phone the night before.

We would have our lunch together every day. I got to the lunch room first. I would get us a table for four and wait on my angels.

Every one there would stare as those three would stride through those doors three abreast looking as if they owned the world.

I had told them what I wanted them to do the first day of school. I told them to go to the girls restroom and comb their hair, primp, pee and wash their hands. They were to walk in at exactly ten after twelve.

I would have a table saved by placing books around on top of it.

They were to walk side by side to the end of the line or the beginning of the aisle rail. I told them to look like they owned the place and " Be proud of your beauty" !!

They were to stop and Fay would go first then Paulene next then Lee. I would be there by then and would fall in behind Lee.

At the cashiers I would pay for all the lunches. (A Job Perk)

We would eat, have small talk, laugh at my jokes and wear big smiles.

Then when we were through eating and the wall clock showed twelve twenty five, we would stand up.

Fay would lead the way then Paulene, Lee and I. We would put our trays on the conveyor. I would be last. I would turn around and Fay would kiss me first then Paulene and then Lee. The girls would then go out three abreast like they had come in.

Every person there saw that every day.

We were driving them out of their mind !

The rumors were fabulous.

The lawn care business was year round. I would not take on any more contracts until after school was out in the spring. Without our football players we were short handed.

It was just Fay, Paulene, Lee, Barney, David and I doing the lawn work. There was not as much required in the fall, the grass had about quit growing. Shrubbery needed very little trimming.

I had quit working on Saturdays in the middle of the summer.

The girls and I wanted to spend every day we could at the lake house.

Lee's parents had given her a car to drive to school her senior year. It was new and a bright red.

Paulene's mother had bought a new car and kept her old one. She kind of gave it to Paulene.

Fay was driving the Jeep.

All three girls had a set of wheels.

They would drive to school.

We would meet right after school at what we had began to call the shop.

I had Fay driving the 1 ton and David working for her.

Paulene drove the 4x4 and had Barney working for her.

Lee and I worked together using my pickup. She and I were doing the small yards with a push mower and a trimmer.

I had decided to retire the Jeep from pulling a trailer when Fay had a near wreck. An old man pulled out in front of her and she almost did not get it stopped in time.

We used only the four door one ton truck and trailer, the 4x4 and trailer and the pickup I drove.

As the winter approached it began to rain us out pretty often.

On rainy days we often would not even go to the shop.

I would call and check with Norman, give him any instructions he needed and then find something to do to amuse my self.

I would go to the lake house sometimes and take the girls.

One Wednesday while we were having lunch I looked out the windows and saw that it was raining. I said "No work today".

Fay asked if I minded her using the Jeep to take her father to visit his sister.

Her aunt lived about thirty miles away.

Fay's family did not now own a car. Her father had Wednesday afternoons off. The barber shop where he worked was only open half of the day.

I told her to have a good time.

Paulene said that she and her mother had appointments to get their hair washed and ironed that afternoon.

After school Lee met me at my truck and asked if she could spend the afternoon with me. I told her I was going to the lake house and light the first fire of the season in the fire place. I told her I had a book to read and might take a nap.

"Sounds great" she said.

At the lake house I lit a fire first thing.

Lee spread several quilts and got pillows from one of the beds. I put some music in the player.

It really was still to warm for a fire but I liked one so much.

Lee and I took off our boots and laid down. She backed her but up tight and placed my hand on her breast.

She said " Could you hold me please".

We just looked at the fire for a bit and I dozed off.

Lee woke me when she tried to sneak away from me and get up.

I sat up and looked at my watch. It was a little before four thirty.

Lee said "I got to go pee". I asked her to go for me too. She said "Sure thing", and laughed.

She came back and I told her she had not gone for me. I still needed to pee.

Lee said she had gone for somebody. If it was not for me she had no idea who she had peed for.

We laughed and I went to the bath for myself.

I came back to find Lee naked. She said it was too hot for clothes in the house !

I agreed and said that her idea was better than opening windows.

I got my clothes off and folded her in my arms.

She asked if I would like her to make that pretty thing down there hard.

I said "What ever" and rolled over on my back and spread my legs.

Lee had changed a lot since we met. She had been repulsed by the thought of taking a cock in her mouth before, now she loved to do that.

She had been a smart ass bitch and had only used guys for her own pleasure before.

She had been careful to make her class mates think she was a virgin, saving her first time for after her wedding.

She had been like a predator, she vented her desires for sex with guys from the university across town. She even used a different name.

Lee had become a sweet loving person, the feelings of insecurity gone now. She felt that she was a woman at sixteen and was serene with her sexuality.

My gushing in her mouth had become all that it took for her to have a climax.

She got me hard quickly and I soon was filling her mouth with my semen.

Lee held me in her mouth while she had an intense orgasm. Then after she had recovered she sucked me empty and licked me dry.

We kissed and she backed her butt tight against my soft prick and placed my hand on her breast again.

She asked me to promise her that I would always own her and let her be mine.

I promised.

We lay there quiet for a time. I was about to doze off again when Lee asked if I thought Norman had any kind of sex life. She wondered if he was even capable of having sex.

I told her I thought he had the desire any way. I told her I had noticed how he looked at my three beautiful ladies. Sometimes when one them leaned over and he got a view of a pretty pair of tits, I had seen a bulge in his pants.

Lee asked if I thought he had any feeling below his waist.

I told her I had no idea.

Lee said that it was a shame Norman was crippled, he was really a nice guy. She said she thought he was a handsome man.

She said that Norman's legs looked normal and not shrunken from lack of use.

Lee asked me if I knew how old Norman was.

I told her he was twenty two years old.

Lee said "He is only six years older than me" !

We were quiet for a while, I was thinking about Norman. He seemed to be a really nice guy. He had become important to me. He was a whiz with a computer. I was counting on him to do all of the billing to the customers. He was checking all the bills as they came. He wrote all the checks for me to sign.

I would hate to lose Norman.

Next year I would be away in college and I hoped for my business to continue.

I was proud of what I had created.

Norman might be the person I could leave in charge while we were gone.

Lee was going to college in the Fall after she graduated.

Paulene was to.

Fay didn't know it yet but I was taking her with me to college. I was going to pay her way. I wanted her to complete her education even though her parents did not have the money.

With all of us gone Norman might be the person that I could trust to run my business.

I sat up and kissed Lee.

I told her it was time to go home.

Lee put things up while I closed the glass doors to the fireplace and cut off the music.

At the main road I stopped to lock the gate.

I put my arm around her and kissed her before I got out.

When I got back in the truck I kissed her again. I said "Lee the forecast is for rain again tomorrow, we are going to have another day off". " If you are more than a little interested in Norman you could find out a lot about him after school tomorrow". "I will bring Fay and Paulene out here and you can go by the office and visit Norman in private".

I told her to find out if Norman had a sex life.

I told her to find out if he had any feeling below his waist.

Lee asked how I expected her to find out all of that.

I told her to use "Pussy Power".

Lee looked me in the eyes and asked "Are you telling me to try to fuck him" ?

I said that it was up to her. I said that I was giving her permission to if she wanted.

Lee wanted to know if something had changed and she was not mine and Fay's now.

I reassured her that she would always belong to us as long as she wanted to.

Lee asked why I was telling her to have sex with someone else then.

I told her that Norman might want to become one of us if he felt loved by us.

I would like that.

Lee asked if having sex with Norman would change anything between her and Fay and myself. I told her it would not.

Lee promised to do her best.

We kissed in that empty school parking lot and went home.

The next day at lunch I said "Girls it's raining again". " This would be another fine day to loaf in front of a fire at the lake house".

Fay and Paulene agreed. Lee said that she would love to do that again but she really needed to do some other things that afternoon.

We went out there after school in the Jeep with Fay driving.

My lovely ladies were perfect.

We left before six, all of us were sexually satisfied.

After I had supper with my folks I went down stairs to my bed room and called Lee.

She said that it had been a great afternoon. She had knocked on the locked office door. Norman had let her in. She had locked it back and gone over and sat on Norman's desk. she was wearing her school clothes

Lee told Norman she had come by to talk to him in private. Norman had asked what she wanted to talk about.

"You" Lee had said.

Norman told her that he was a dull subject for a conversation. Lee had replied that she wanted to know a lot more about him anyway.

Norman asked her what she wanted to know.

Lee said start at birth, let me get to know you.

Norman told her where he was born and gone to school. He had played football there and before graduating from high school he had enlisted in the Airborne. He had become a Tec Sargent in the Eighty Second Airborne division. He was going to be transferred to Officers Candidate School two months later when he screwed up on his jump number 40.

The Army had done all they could to his spine then had sent him to Saint Louis for re-hab and training. He had taken a number of computer and bookkeeping courses and was discharged with a pension for the rest of his life. Norman had come here to try to build a life as a handicapped person. He could keep books and use a computer while in a wheel chair.

There were no jobs in that category in this town.

He had about given up trying to find a job when he was hired by me. He liked what he was doing and the people he was working with.

Lee said "What about me, do you like me".

Norman looked at her for a moment and said he more than liked her, he thought she was some kind of Angel.

Lee had gotten on her knees between his legs and kissed him.

She said that she was much to naughty to be an Angel.

Lee had asked if he had a girl friend.

Norman said "Not since I was injured".

Lee asked him if he could have sex with a woman. Norman told her he didn't know, he had not had a chance to find out in two years. He said he was afraid he could not feel anything down there.

Lee had told him that they were going to find out.

She wheeled him into the lounge and up to a couch. She helped him get out of his wheel chair then helped him strip off all of his clothes.

She put his legs up on the couch.

She had then taken her clothes off.

She was glad to see that Norman had an erection.

She had taken him in her mouth and nursed on his cock. She had stopped and asked if that felt good to him. He had moaned "Yessssss".

Lee told him she had been afraid that he could not feel anything down there. Norman moaned " I do, I do ".

Lee had sucked until Norman had ejaculated in her mouth.

Norman had then gotten her off several times with his mouth.

Lee told him she wanted to fuck that thing then.

She had mounted him and had given him the best fuck he ever had,

Afterward they cuddled and talked.

Lee said she had fucked him two more times before she helped him get dressed. She had dressed herself and helped Norman lock up.

She had followed in her car as Norman rolled his pussy whipped ass home. She had parked and followed him up a crappy wheel chair ramp to a crappy two room and bath apartment.

Lee reported that she thought Norman deserved a better place to live but he kept it as clean and nice as he could.

Lee asked if she had done good.

I told her she had and that she was my darling and I was proud of her.

The next day was Friday.

We worked.

We put in a long day trying to catch up.

Before dark we were back at the shop.

Barney and David groaned about the meager amount of their pay check but knew that the weather was responsible. They left to go home, they had dates for the evening.

Fay and Paulene closed the door between the office and the lounge. They were going to take a shower and when David and Barney were not around they usually undressed or dressed there. The bath rooms were small.

Lee put a band aid on a briar scratch on her arm.

She was ready to join the other girls for a shower then. Lee pushed the door to the lounge open and Norman got a full view of Fay and Paulene completely nude.

Norman just stared while that door was open.

"They are pretty aren't they" I said.

Norman said they were beautiful.

The next day was Saturday and the girls and I had plans to spend the night at the lake house. I asked Norman if he would like to join us.

Norman took me up quickly.

I told him I would have the girls pick him up in the Jeep at around eight the next morning. I would meet them out there.

The ladies came out fully dressed in the clothes they had worn to school that morning and each kissed me. I told them I wanted Fay to meet them there in the morning before eight. They were to bring Norman to the lake house with them in the Jeep.

They left for home.

My parents had already left to go to the farm. I called my father on the cell phone I had given him and told him I was going to spend the week end at the lake house.

I loaded a piece of thick ply wood and a piece of rubber mat in my pickup.

At the lake house I made a wheel chair ramp at the back door, there was only one step there.

I screwed a hook in the ceiling over the bed in the guest bed room. I hung a chain and large ring from that. Norman could use that to get in and out of his wheel chair.

I spent the evening reading a book before a nice fire. I went to bed before mid-night.

I heard the Jeep coming at a little after eight thirty the next morning. I had been up for hours.

Fay parked close to the back door and jumped out and got Norman's chair out from behind the rear seat. Lee and Paulene got out on the driver's side. They came around to help Norman get into his chair. Norman had used the grab handle and swung himself out of the seat and into his chair before they could get there.

The ladies showed Norman around the place and made him feel welcome.

Fay had stopped on the way and gotten breakfast biscuits.

We ate them at the kitchen table.

Lee and Fay said they would like to go fishing and asked Norman if he would like to go with them. He told them he had not been fishing since he was injured.

The fishing was slow that morning, it took them until nearly noon to catch enough to bake for our supper.

Paulene and I did some laundry and changed the beds. My lovelies kept the house neat and clean, there was not much house keeping needed.

It was a chilly day and I and Paulene had built a fire in the fireplace.

Fay wheeled Norman in his chair while Lee brought the tackle and fish to the house.

They had caught five nice sized cat fish.

Fay, Paulene and I helped Norman out of his chair and on to a quilt in front of the fireplace.

Lee put the fish in the kitchen sink.

Lee came back and remarked that it was a bit warm in front of the fire.

I told them that they could open a window or shed their clothes if they were to warm.

All three ladies were wearing flannel long sleeved sweats. They had dressed alike, all wearing the same colors.

Lee said that opening a window would make the house cold.

She said she would just slip into something more comfortable.

She undressed !

Paulene looked at me and when I nodded she stripped her sweats off to.

Fay grinned and said she was going to clean the fish.

Norman sat there with a dazed look on his face and a hard cock in his pants.

Lee asked Norman if he would like her and Paulene to help take his clothes off.

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