Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

She was such a beautiful sight getting out of her red sports car. First those long beautiful legs wearing gleaming western boots and then her luscious body got out. I got to her first and gave her a kiss that told her I had missed her and I hungered for her body.

Fay was next. You could tell that Fay worshiped Lisa. Fay began crying she was so happy to see Lisa. Barney and David got in each others way trying to hug her at the same time. Paulene just stood there watching.

Lisa said she was going back so she could come back again for another greeting like that one.

I introduced Paulene to Lisa. They both remembered meeting at the prom.

Barney and David began taking tools off the trailers.

I told Lisa and Fay I had a contract for lawn work for the two houses on that side of the street and the one across the street. We were going to do a pool across the street. Fay took Paulene on one of the lawn mowers with her. Fay would do the pool while Paulene cut with the mower. Lisa took the big mower and was cutting the front yards of the two on that side. Barney took a trimmer across the street, David and I started using trimmers on the yards Lisa was cutting. Lisa kept a mower revved up and traveled as fast as the blades would cut the grass clean. Every time Lisa sped past David he looked at her with pure lust on his face.

We were finished with all three yards in two hours. We split after that, I sent Fay in one direction with Paulene and David and took Barney with Lisa and I. I thought that David would be able to concentrate better if he was not around Lisa. Hell Barney was just as smitten with her as David was.

But then so was I.

We got through at four. We had put in a good day. I made a date with Lisa during the day for the evening. I asked her if we should include Fay in our plans.

Lisa asked that we be together just the two of us. She said she needed to bring me up to date.

We had a nice dinner and then drove out to my lake house. Lisa and I got on the couch and loved up on each other for a while.

Lisa said "We have got to talk". She asked if I would sit on my end of the couch while she sat on the other.

I said I would take that under advisement and give her my reply later.

Lisa had a nervous giggle when she told me to put that in writing. I realized that Lisa had something important to say.

I got quiet.

Lisa said that she wanted me to never doubt her love for me. She said she loved me with all her heart.

Lisa said that she could only get in school at Harvard if she attended the summer quarter. They would not let her pr-register for the Fall quarter, they were full for that quarter. She said that she had registered for the summer quarter and would have to be back up there in less than three weeks.

Lisa said her goal was to see how far she could go in politics. She said that she would love to be the first woman president of this country. She said that she knew that was an impossible dream. She said that with a degree in law from Harvard anything was possible.

She promised to return as often as possible and would miss me a lot.

I told her that I was going to be desolate with her gone but wanted her to realize her ambitions. We moved on into the bed room and made sweet love for hours.

Lisa, Fay and I worked our ass off nearly every day for the next two weeks.

Nearly every evening we were together at my lake house.

Fay was sad and cried when Lisa told her of her plans.

The last day before Lisa was to leave driving back, Fay broke down and bawled her eyes out several times.

That afternoon when we knocked off from work Lisa cried, Fay cried, Paulene cried, and David, Barney and I felt like crying. We all said our good-byes and went home.

We were going to take a two day break,

I wanted to take Saturday and Sunday off after Lisa left.

I planed to take Fay and Paulene to the lake Saturday morning. We were going to spend Saturday night there. Both girls had told their parents they were gong to a spend the night party.

I picked Fay up Friday evening and we went grocery shopping. I spent over two hundred dollars buying things for the lake house.

We had thrown away all the old spices and other old things in the kitchen.

We had most of the summer ahead of us and I intended to spend a lot of time at the lake. After we had shopped we drove to the lake house to put up the things we had bought.

There was a grassy meadow before we came to the house. Until they slipped away I had nine deer in my head lights. I had stopped when I first saw them. Fay had never seen wild deer before.

She whispered " They are so beautiful".

When the last one was out of the lights and gone, I drove on to the house.

We put up the groceries and sat on the front porch until the "skeeters" found us. The moon glow on the lake made it almost worth while to endure them. We went inside though when to many wanted to feast on us.

Fay was sad. She said that we had lost Lisa now. Lisa would come home now and then but we would not have her with us for long.

Fay cried and said that she was going to miss Lisa a lot. I held her close and tried to comfort her.

Later our loving was gentle, Fay was trying so much to please me.

She said later that she knew I was all she had now except for her parents.

I told her that Paulene, David and Barney were her friends now. She had them to.

Fay said "Yeah now, but they will act as if they do not even know me in school after it starts".

I told her that I could see that they would not be that way.

I took Fay home later. She was supposed to drive the Jeep and pick Paulene up the next morning. They would meet me at the lake house. I had given Fay a complete set of keys.

Saturday morning I took care of a few errands and got my hair cut.

It was near noon when I got to the lake house.

My girls were already there. They were wearing just cut offs and no top. They were washing the Jeep. They had already cleaned the inside and were scrubbing the outside. Paulene shouted "Park here, we will do the truck next".

I got out planing to help but the girls told me that this was their project. I would have to take it easy today.

Both girls pushed their faces out for a kiss. They were trying not to get the soap suds on their tits on my shirt.

I stood around watching them for a few minutes then went in the house.

I turned the tube on and found the channel with stock car racing at the Darlington track.

The girls came in and wanted me to come see what they had done to the Jeep and truck.

The Jeep looked like new, the truck looked like a clean old beat up truck.

I complimented them for the good job they had done.

I thought both of them were going to pee their shorts they were so proud of themselves.

I went back inside and watched the rest of the race.

It was kind of boring, Ellard led from the start and finished a full lap ahead of number two and three.

After the race was over I looked for the girls. They were in the shade on a bench down near the lake. I saw them kiss and it looked as they were having a serious discussion.

I thought it best for them if I let them have some girl talk time together. Fay for a long time now had not been able to talk to her school mates.

I walked up to the big barn and unlocked a side door. Uncle Clyde had a fire break every forty acres. Before he was crippled he would mow down one and back most week ends The place was so big though he could never have cut those checker board lanes often enough to keep the weeds killed out. (The place was three miles long and a mile wide)

Uncle Clyde had hired a man to cut those lanes during the week. If that grass was kept cut short the possibility of a forest fire was nearly eliminated.

Besides he wanted good grazing for the Deer.

He had bought a big diesel tractor and a fifteen foot wide mower. I had forgotten that he had a small diesel tractor for the yard. It was not much larger than the biggest riding mower we were using.

Both tractors were parked inside that barn.

There was a complete machine shop on both sides of them.

I put a booster charger on the tractors thinking that I would see if they would start.

I had them both running soon.

Uncle Clyde was a perfectionist, he would not ever have anything but the very best. He took good care of every thing he owned.

Of course his tractors would run.

Even after having been parked for over three years.

Then I realized that they were mine now.

I shut the tractors down and locked up the barn.

That barn was typical of my uncle. It was a fabricated steel building on a concrete slab. It would be very hard to break into it.

The sun was about down behind the trees.

I went back to the house.

Fay and Paulene were in the kitchen. They had made a salad and had potatoes baking.

Fay had boiled tea and it was cooling.

Paulene had marinated three U S Prime steaks and was turning them over in the pan. One of them had lit the gas grill on the back porch and cleaned the three year old char off the grate.

They had the table set. It had a table cloth on it and we were going to use cloth napkins. Two candles were burning on the table.

They had a bottle of wine and a bottle of Champagne from Clyde's liquor closet in ice buckets.

I asked "Are we celebrating something" ?

Fay said that they wanted to feed me like a king that evening. I was their "Main Man"!

I asked them when they thought I should put the steaks on the grill. Paulene offered to cook the steaks. Fay told her she had been with me when I had bought those steaks and she knew how much they had cost.

She said that only I could do that much money justice.

I left and washed my hands.

When I came back Fay told me it was time to put the steaks on.

Our dinner was "far out", each of us had a glass of wine in real wine glasses.

We ate in the soft light of candles. Fay had put several good discs in the player. The steaks were perfect. The music was too.

The only thing lacking was shallots in the salad. (Fay told me later that she wanted no onion on our breath)

After we had gorged the girls shooed me off to watch TV while they cleaned up the kitchen.

Later I heard the water running in the big whirl pool tub.

Some one shut the water off when the tub was full.

I heard giggling and thought the girls were about to take a bath together.

They came in nude and sat on the floor one on each side of me. Both hugged my legs and rested their chin on my knees.

Fay said "There is some thing we want to tell you". "Paulene's mother got a prescription for birth control pills three weeks ago". "Paulene has been taking them for that long but with Lisa here there never seemed to be the right time". "Now she wants you to be her first lover and burst her hymen".

I was stunned.

I was honored.

I was led to that whirl pool tub and undressed.

The bath room was lit by candles only.

We got in and the dam thing was full of bubbles. Both girls laved me gently with soft wash cloths and spent some time on each other.


When we were all scrubbed clean Fay opened the drain and hosed the suds off us with the hand shower.

We dried each other off. Fay left us.

Paulene and I kissed.

I picked Paulene up and carried her to that big bed. Fay was there before us and had about a dozen candles lit. After I had laid Paulene on the bed and kissed her Fay took my hand and said "Come with me".

We went to the kitchen and poured three glasses of Champaign. Fay put them on a tray and we went back to the bed room.

Paulene had put a white see through gown on, she was absolutely beautiful.

I told her she looked like a beautiful Angel as I kissed her. Fay kissed her and told her she was her beautiful Angel.

We sat on the edge of the bed and drank our wine.

When we were finished Fay took our glasses and asked Paulene to stand in front of me. Fay slipped the shoulder strings off Paulene's shoulders and the gown fell to the floor. I grabbed her and hugged her tits to my face, I began kissing her hard nipples.

Fay was behind her running her hands all over Paulene's body. Paulene began to shudder and shake, her knees gave under her.

I swung her around and on to the center of the bed. I parted her legs and began to give her the best sucking I had ever given a girl. Fay was kissing her on her lips and tits.

Paulene began having intense orgasms.

I kept on until Paulene passed out.

Fay asked that I be gentle with her now.

Fay and I waited until Paulene came back to us. She gave us a sweet smile and said "I love both of you and I will for the rest of my life".

I kissed her and said "It gets even better now". Fay kissed her and said "Enjoy".

I told Paulene the moment had come that she had waited all her life for.

I told her to get on top of me and just do it. We knew Paulene was frightened, we let her take her time.

Paulene poised herself over me and started me in her wet hole.

She was shuddering and her teeth were chattering. She said "I thought I was ready for this but I am scared".

Fay and I just waited for her to make up her mind.

Paulene sounded like she was talking to herself when she said "I want this so much, go ahead and do it girl".

She began to sink down on my cock.

I felt that thin membrane give and she shrieked "O God I did it" !

Paulene had me all the way in and flopped her chest down on mine and lay there. She was crying and laughing.

She turned her head and looked at Fay and said "I did it, I did It, I just now became a woman, I did it and it hardly hurt at all" !!

Fay told her she was so proud of her and kissed her.

Paulene sat up and told me she was truly my woman now, not just my girl.

I asked if she felt like fucking now or would she like to lay down and rest for a while. She said that she never wanted to get off that wonderful thing again.

She began rising up and down on me. I could tell it hurt her a little at first. After a few times of rising up enough for the end of my cock to massage that spot where the hymen had been, she felt nothing but pleasure.

Paulene had her first orgasm from a cock in her. She screamed. Fay grabbed her to keep her from falling. They kissed as she had several more climaxes. Paulene kept on having climaxes every few minutes for what seemed like hours. She began to tire and begged for me finish making her a woman. She said she wanted to feel my semen pump in her. I quit holding off.

I "Got Off" in her, it was a big one for me to.

Paulene said "O yeah, I feel it, I can feel it going in to me, O yeah". She had the biggest climax she had ever had.

We just lay there, her head on my chest and a sweet smile on her face.

Fay was there with two towels. She put one on the bed beside me. She helped me to roll Paulene over on to it. When we had Paulene laying out straight Fay wiped off the blood and semen on my cock and placed the towel between Paulene's legs.

Both of us kissed a very disoriented woman and left her to rest.

We went to the kitchen with the Champaign bottle and the glasses.

Fay poured and then raised her glass in a toast. She said "To a perfect lover". I sipped and kissed her.

Fay told me I had been perfect.

Every thing, the dinner, the hot tub, the wines, and the loving had been perfect.

She said that a girls first time should always be like Paulene's had been.

She said that it nearly always was a fumbling painful experience. Usually it happened in the back seat of a car, on a blanket in the woods or on a hard rock like hers had been.

She said that a girl would always remember her first time. For most it had not been the sweet experience Paulene had just had.

Fay thanked me for making all her plans for the occasion work out perfectly.


Fay and I spent another hour appeasing our selves with sex and then went to bed.

We slept with Paulene pressed firmly between us.

We spent most of the next day proving to Paulene she was our woman.

Fay made love to her while waking her.

We fed her breakfast in bed and then I gave her a long but good fucking while Fay nursed and kissed her tits.

Paulene was treated like she was our loved pet, we gave her great pleasure from the things we did to her.

We made her feel that we loved her but that she had to earn it.

We made her stay in bed until it was nearly time for Fay to take her home.

After a light lunch my ladies cleaned house and put every thing in order, then left.

I locked up and drove over to visit my uncle Clyde.

He said he was having one of his good days. He told a few jokes and asked some questions about my family.

Uncle Clyde got quiet for a while.

He said "Son you and you're father are my only living relatives". "Your father and I have never been real close, I was much older than he and I had gone into the service before he was very old".

He paused and had a drink of water.

Uncle Clyde then said " You and I have always been friends since you were old enough to go fishing with me". "Your parents would let me take you places like the races at " Indy" and to the beach with your aunt and I". " I wish I had a son like you, I am proud of being your uncle".

He paused again.

Uncle Clyde began again " Son I have changed my mind about leaving my investment estate to you're father". "I think I will leave that to you and then name you're father as the beneficiary of two insurance pollicies amounting to about a million dollars". " I think you can be more prudent with handling my investments than he". "I believe the dividends from those bonds and stocks can see you through college in high style".

He asked about the timber lands, how were "His" trees doing, was the fishing still good in the lake. Was the house alright.

I gave him answers to all of his questions about his former retreat from the world.

I offered to take him there if he wanted, I could rent a van that could accommodate him in his wheel chair.

He almost cried as he took me up on that offer.

I told him that the next week end I would set it up and have two nurses to help me. (I was thinking of Fay and Paulene)

Uncle Clyde said that he would be very grateful for one last visit to the place he had loved so much.

Friday afternoon I rented a van equiped with a wheel chair ramp. I picked Uncle Clyde up at his place and the girls followed in the Jeep.

Clyde had not been out to the lake house since the wreck that made him a cripple.

Clyde cried a litle as he rolled his chair around looking at the house. He and I sat on the porch looking at the lake while Fay and Paulene fixed dinner.

Clyde asked me to try not to ever let that place become someone elses. He wanted me to keep it in the family.

Fay came out to anounce that dinner was on the table. They had fixed us a fine meal.

Clyde did not eat much but he enjoyed a little of every thing they had cooked.

After we had eaten the girls put the kitchen in order.

They kissed us both good night, they were going to have to be home that night. Both planed to spend Saturday night and Sunday with us though.

They would be back the next morning.

I asked Clyde if he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He wanted to stay up for a while.

We watched a movie on TV then talked.

Clyde wanted to know about my two ladies, he said he thought both of them were in love with me.

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