Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

Her father came out and said his wife could not go because she was going to church but he would like to go. I set the time at seven the next morning and left. I knew Fay would like to have had a date with me that evening but I wanted an evening to myself.

After I got home I called Fay and told her I planed to spend the evening at home reading and on my computer.

Fay sounded disappointed. I told her I would be with her all of the next day. She whispered that with her father with us we would have to be good. I told her we might have some time to our selves.

She whispered that she hoped so.

I had a laid back evening at home.

The next morning I was at Fay's home at seven sharp. Her father was ready, he put a rod and reel and a tackle box in the back of the truck. Fay came out with her bag and sandwiches she and her father had made.

I stopped for ice and drinks at our usual place and we were at the lake before eight.

Her father was amazed at the beauty of the place. I parked under those big oaks at the edge of the lake and we got out.

Fay hustled the folding chairs out and placed them. She spread the quilt and got the ice chest out.

I got out three poles.

Fay's father began casting a Bass plug at the lake's edge.

I could have told him that my uncle had drained the lake five years before and waited six months before he closed the valve. When the lake had filled the following winter he had stocked it with thousands of nothing but cat fish. That was all that was there.

I just let him cast until Fay caught her first fish.

Fay shrieked and shouted " I have got one on.

Her father saw her as she dragged a nice cat fish out on the bank.

He came over and watched as I explained how to hold one as I took the fish off her hook and put it on a stringer.

Fay caught another.

I gave him a pole already baited with chicken liver and told him to try that. Fay and I watched as he caught his first fish.

I told him that I wanted to show Fay the falls at the head of the lake. I invited him to come with us if he liked. He said that he would rather stay and fish.

Fay and I left him. He was in fisher mans heaven.

We didn't go far before I found a fallen log and we sat on it and kissed. Fay was horny and soon was sucking a hard up on me. We undressed completely and I kissed her all over.

I laid myself out long ways on the log and she straddled me and the log.

She made it feel wonderful.

After I had seen to Fay having several orgasms, we put our clothes back on and walked towards the tiny falls.

Fay was upset that I had not allowed my self to "Get Off" in her.

She asked if she had not made it good enough for me. I told her that time had been just for her. My time would come later. That seemed to satisfy her.

The falls were not impressive it had been a long time since there had been much rain. It was a pretty place though.

There was a kind of shallow pool below a ledge that a trickle of water flowed into.

There were some rocks showing above the water. I asked Fay if she would like to cool off there. She replied that what ever I wanted she wanted.

We undressed again and walked away from the shallow bank to deep water.

Fay stopped when the water came to her shoulders. I pressed her tight against me and we kissed. We kissed several times, I was feeling of her soft ass cheeks and playing with her tits.

I said we had to get out, there was a snake in the water. She remembered that from such a long time before. She reached down and took my cock in her hand. She replied that there sure was a snake in the water with us and it was a hard snake. We had better get out and do something about the poor thing.

The bank was a sand beach and made a nice place for Fay to doctor that snake.

She gave it mouth resuscitation until it spurted. She was so proud of her self.

I stayed there as I was and she laid her head on my upper legs and played with that snake. Often she would bend it to her mouth and kiss it. She was content for a time.

She sat up and said that the snake was still hard and asked what I thought she should do about that. I said "Maybe a nice fucking would make it soft".

She did make it nice for nearly an hour.

It was slow and loving and when she had made that snake soft and well we went back in the water to wash off the perspiration.

We had been away from her father a long time. I thought we should go back and be with him for awhile.

We found him on the quilt dozing.

He woke from his nap and gave us a happy smile. He had quit fishing when he had caught twenty.

He had never in his life caught that many fish at one time. I thought he was going to hug me.

We ate our sandwiches and had a coke on the quilt.

Fay's father said that this would be a perfect place for a house. He would be content to live here for the rest of his life.

I told him that my uncle had built a house in a more beautiful place further around the lake. It was just a small log cabin but it was nice. I told him I would show it to him before we left.

Fay said that she had not known that there was a house out here. I told her my uncle had built it many years ago and had used it a lot back then. He had a near fatal car crash three years back and was in a wheel chair now.

I hung all those fish between two trees and took pictures. I took several with Fay's father standing behind his catch.

I had bought a twelve volt electric knife at a bait shop several weeks before. With that I had the twenty two fish filleted and in plastic bags in less than a half hour.

It was before three in the afternoon but we packed up to leave.

I drove around a wooded point and up to a cabin on the shore of the lake. It was sheltered from the sun by big oak trees. It had a porch all across the front with a view of the lake. There were thick bars on all the windows and the doors were covered by steel plate outer covers. Soon after my uncle had built the place it had been broken into and vandalized. He had made it hard to get in side after that. Looking through the windows from the porch we could see a big living room dominated by a stone fire place.

There was a modern kitchen area.

We could see into a big bed room and through a door part of a bath room. I told them there was another bed room with a bath we could not see.

Fay asked if there was electricity. I told her there was a power line and a phone line coming in from behind the house. I told them there was a well back there to.

We walked down the stone steps to a stone pier in the lake. It was long and wide and had a concrete picnic table and benches. At that end a stone Bar B--Q pit had been built.

A fishing boat was turned over and locked to an iron ring set in the stone on the other end of the pier.

Both Fay and her father made comments about the beauty of the place.

I took them on home. Fay's father told me he was grateful for the chance to catch as many fish as he wanted to one time in his life. I told Fay she could go with me to visit my uncle if she liked and after we could have a burger. I promised to get her home by dark. Fay got permission from her father.

My uncle Clyde was in a complex for elder care patients. He had a small apartment that gave him privacy and yet someone was near if he needed help.

I knocked on his door and we entered when he told us to. I introduced Fay and my uncle. We talked family talk for a time.

I told Uncle Clyde we had been fishing at his lake. He asked how we had done. I told him about Fay's father catching twenty and Fay catching two.

He asked if we were not as good at fishing as her father was. I told him I had not fished and Fay had only wanted her father to catch enough to brag about at the Barber Shop where he worked.

My uncle laughed at that.

Uncle Clyde asked Fay if she minded letting us have some privacy. He suggested that she might want to wait a few minutes in the lobby.

Uncle Clyde said that since I had visited him a week before, he had gotten some bad news. He had been diagnosed as having terminal cancer. He had less than a year and a half to settle his affairs.

Clyde reminded me that his wife had been killed in the crash that had put him in a wheel chair. They had no children together but she had a son by a previous marriage. He was in prison. Clyde said he wanted to leave nothing to " That worthless no good", not any part of his estate.

He said he was planing to leave what stocks and the CDs and money he had to his brother. (My father) Since I had always loved the timber land and lake he planed to leave that to me.

I was stunned.

For one of the few times in my life I was speechless.

He said son "I want you to have total ownership next week". He added that his health insurance might not be enough to pay all of the hospital bills.

After he was gone he wanted me to have owned the property for over a year before his death.

He asked me if I had a safe deposit box at a bank. I told him I did not. He offered to pay for one. He wanted that deed protected.

I told him I could afford one and would take care of that in the next few days.

He wheeled himself over to his desk and got out a ring of keys. He told me he was giving me keys to every thing at the lake and house. He said that as far as he was concerned the place was mine now. He said he was going to have that deed dated a month before he had been told he had the cancer.

We talked a few more minutes and he told me to not keep my pretty lady waiting any longer.

Fay greeted me with a smile and I asked her if she was hungry. She was so I took her to the burger joint we had gone to Friday night. We placed our order and were nearly finished when Paulene and her date came inn. Paulene and he sat down near the door.

Barney and David came in with their dates and joined Paulene and who ever he was.

Paulene went to the ladies room. I was ready to pay our bill. Fay said she would meet me at the counter, she wanted to go to the powder room.

I stopped and spoke to Barney and David and their dates. Both girls were in school with us. Who ever he was introduced himself. Barney asked if I was out with Fay again tonight. I asked if he had not seen her with me as he came in.

David said that they were not sure, she looked so different.

I told them she was different.

Fay came up to me and I put my arm around her waist. I said "Say good bye to our class mates Fay". She smiled and said "Good bye class mates".

We left and I drove her home.

Fay said that Paulene had asked if she was dating me now while they were in the powder room together. Fay said she had told Paulene that she belonged to me now.

I said that she had given the right answer to Paulene.

The next day in school Paulene sat with me at lunch in the cafeteria.

She said that she had spoken to Fay in the toilet the evening before and Fay had given her some crap about belonging to me now. She wanted to know what that meant.

I asked Paulene if she had nose trouble.

Paulene said "Come on we have been friends for years, what's going on".

I told Paulene that Fay was mine now.

Paulene asked "Like going steady".

I said hell no she simply belongs to me.

Paulene asked "What about the Golden Beauty you brought to the Junior - Senior prom, you haven't dropped her have you".

I told her that she was away enrolling at the Harvard School Of Law and would be back soon.

I said that her name was Lisa and she belonged to me also.

Paulene asked how old Lisa was.

I told her Lisa was sixteen.

Paulene said "You are really full of shit aren't you".

I said trust me Paulene, have I ever lied to you.

She said yeah, just now.

The bell rang for our next class and Paulene left after telling me I was crazy.

The next day all kind of wild stories were being told about me.

I was supposed to have a group of girls hypnotized to do what ever I told them.

I was giving mind bending drugs to a large group of girls and controlling them.

I had black mailed some girls into being my sex slaves.

The best one though was that I was a Warlock and several girls were under my power.

Barney and David were reporting all the rumors to me.

I told them they had known me since we were ten years old. Did they really believe any of that crap I asked.

David asked me what was going on then.

I told him that I was trying to straighten two girls out that were becoming out casts. They were basically nice but were heading down the wrong path with their life.

Barney asked if Fay was one of them and I told him she was. I told him that Fay and I were going to church the next Sunday.

Barney asked if Fay was worth the effort.

I told him that Jimmy had made a good girl turn bad from fear but she was mine now. I said that I knew she was worth any effort.

David told us that he thought that I was crazy but he believed me.

Barney wanted to know what I meant when I said that they belonged to me. Are they in love with you ?

I told them that was part of it.

David said "No ones owns another person".

Barney told him the person had to be willing to be owned and then he guessed that could happen.

That afternoon Fay climbed in the truck wearing her school clothes and got out wearing shorts and a loose halter top. She had her boots on and went right to work.

Fay put the ramp at the back of the trailer down and backed the mower off.

Paulene, David, Barney and David's current squeeze had followed us from school.

They parked and walked over to me.

I was about to start a string trimmer.

Paulene said that they were wondering if I might have summer jobs for them.

Fay shut down the riding mower and came over and stood hugging my arm.

I told them I had enough help for what yard and pool contracts I had. I would have to take on more jobs if I hired them.

I said "Look fellows this is hard, hot work out in the sun and you got to be willing to get with the program to do this".

Paulene said she kept the yard up at home and she was as big as Fay was.

She thought she could do the work.

I told them I did not have enough equipment to be able to use them.

I pointed to the big mower and said I had paid sixteen hundred for that alone and the string trimmer I was holding had cost over two hundred when I had bought it.

Fay had been quiet during all that discussion. She had been hugging my arm to her chest and just listening.

There was a pause and she meekly asked if they could furnish the tools they would need to work with.

She reminded me that there was two more yards on MaCmillan street we could do. They were next door to one we were now doing. The people next to that big lawn on Polk Drive wanted our service. There was one across the street from the yard on Harrison road we could have if I wanted.

Paulene said she thought her father would let her use their riding mower and power trimmer. She said the mower was identical to mine and nearly new.

David said that he could use the self propelled mower from home, he had permission to use it to cut other yards for spending money already. He could also furnish a gasoline powered hedge trimmer and a weed eater.

Barney would ask his father if he could use his lawn equipment for a summer job.

The cute little blond said she had a part time job lined up at a Jack's.

I looked at Fay and told her she might have me taking on more than we could handle. Fay put her face in my arm and said "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help out ".

I kissed her and told her I was not being critical and patted her on her butt.

Fay took her face out of hiding and put a proud smile on it. I made a deal with them as to wages and rental of the tools they furnished.

I told Fay I was going to go out to the lake and get a Jeep and another trailer. I said we would need a way to haul the additional tools and help.

I told her to let Paulene run the riding mower and let Barney use the trimmer. She was to take care of the pool.

I told them all that Fay was in charge when I was gone.

We unhooked the trailer and David and his cutie and I left. We dropped her off at her home and drove to the lake.

I gave David the key to the gate and drove through.

There was a metal building near the house. Inside was a late model Jeep with a long trailer hooked to it. The battery of the Jeep had a trickle charger attached to it. The Jeep had not been used in over three years but it started right up. There was a riding lawn mower just like mine but bigger on the trailer. The battery was dead on it but we boosted it and it started.

Along the back wall was an assortment of yard tools and things we would need.

We loaded the trailer and pulled out and locked up.

I had David drive my truck back and I led the way back to town.

Fay had finished the job I had left her with and had hooked the near empty trailer to the mower and moved her crew a block down the street and was nearly finished there.

David and I drove up and parked at the curb.

Fay, Paulene and Barney stopped what they were doing and came over to look at what I had brought. The Jeep was dusty from being parked for those years but since it had been stored inside it still looked nearly new. Barney asked who the Jeep and trailer belonged to. I pointed to myself.

Paulene asked if we were going to use that big mower. I told her it was mine and we would be using every thing I had brought with me.

We finished that yard in record time.

I asked my help if they wanted to do another one that day, it was nearly six but it was still a long time before dark.

Paulene said she had better go home and tell her parents what she wanted to do for a summer job.

She had her mother's car and they would be worried about her.

She asked if I wanted her to work after school the next day. I told her to ask Fay, she was her boss. Fay told us that Paulene had done fine and she would like her to work with her from now on.

Paulene left after I told her I would get Barney and David home.

The next yard was a big one. I let Fay drive the Jeep and I drove the Truck. Fay and I ran the two big mowers and the guys trimmed the places we could not get.

It looked as if Fay and I were having a lawn mower race.

We were less than an hour with that yard !

When we were through I asked Fay to drive the Jeep home with her and then to school the next day.

I kissed her right in front of Barney and David. Fay looked like she was trying to get inside my skin she molded herself so tight to me. I patted her on her ass and told her I would call her later.

David and Barney got in the truck and I drove off.

David said that he wished Fay had acted like that with him when he had tried to get "In her Panties" when they were twelve years old.

Barney and I laughed, we both remembered that.

It was less than a week before school was out for the summer. I asked them if they were sure they wanted to do yard work like today all day nearly every day.

I told them I had a list at home of people wanting me to take on their yards.

If I contracted with them, I would be obligated to do the work. I asked them to tell me now before I committed.

Both wanted to work and get in as many hours as possible.

That night I called two parties on my waiting list, both wanted Lawn care and swimming pool service. I told them I would look at their yards the next day and give them a written proposal the following day.

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