Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

A new girl entered the private school.

Lisa was a tall blond with blue eyes and a killer figure. She was one of the bright ones that did not fit in with those in the public school system. Her mind was so quick that she was bored with the classes geared for the normal sixteen year old.

Lisa was placed in the senior level at that school and would graduate and go on to college that year.

I met her and asked for a date.

She was hesitant at first but with a "What the hell" kind of attitude said she would go out with me.

I picked her up at her home and asked what she would like to do that evening.

Lisa said that she would like to go to a party a friend was having across town. She said there were going to be older people there but most of them were nice.

I drove as she directed to a big house across town. There were at least a dozen cars parked on the lawn at the house.

The host answered her ring and ushered us through the house to a patio in back.

We got there just as a pretty girl slipped the strings of her dress off her shoulders and shucked it to join several others nude in the swimming pool.

I asked Lisa " Do you want to join them". Lisa said not yet, maybe later, let's get a drink now and circulate some.

We went to a bar set up near the pool and Lisa asked for a Margarita, I had a beer. Lisa raised her eye brow at my choice of drinks. I said " I'm driving, remember".

Lisa smiled and said " So you are".

We joined a group in which a learned person was expounding on the brilliance of Edgar Allen Poe. He was going on and on about the author's vivid imagination. I waited until he paused and asked if he thought Poe's brilliance was perhaps enhanced by the large amount of codeine he consumed each day.

The bastard was stunned by my mention of Poe's addiction to drugs.

He said that Poe was not a drug addict.

I told him that he was, and that was why he died at such a young age.

I moved on and Lisa followed. She asked if I were certain about Poe being an addict. I told her I was.

I think that right then Lisa became my new lover. She realized that I read a lot and was not a moron.

We stayed for a while and then Lisa was ready to leave. I told her I was enjoying her friends but if she was ready to go I was also. In the car I reached over and pulled on her leg and said "Come closer", she slid across the seat up against me.

I drove straight to my favorite parking place.

I got out of the car and spread a quilt from the trunk. I said "Your couch is ready mam". Lisa said " Thank you " and sat down on it.

I laid down on it with my head in her lap. I told her I had enjoyed meeting most of her friends. Lisa said that some of them were bores and not much fun but a lot were pleasant to be with.

I lay there with Lisa caressing my face and I could tell that she was making up her mind about me.

After a bit I sat up and kissed her. She acted as if she liked it. While holding her I remarked that I wished she had wanted to go in the pool.

I would have liked to have seen her naked.

She said that she had thought about doing it so she could see me naked but had been afraid that it was too soon.

I suggested we see how each other looked nude in the moonlight.

Lisa was wearing a dress that buttoned down the front to the waist. She opened it and let it fall. She was standing in front of me wearing nothing but panties and a bra.

She said it was my turn now.

I got up and took off all my clothes. I was standing there with a hard dick sticking out at her.

Lisa said that I looked better than she had imagined as she took off the rest of her clothing.

We kissed and I asked her to lay down so I could taste her beautiful body.

She did and I had her whimpering from pleasure shortly after I began kissing all over her.

She howled like a dog baying at the moon when I brought her to her first climax with my tongue on her clit. I didn't quit then though, I put two fingers in her under my chin and began massaging her "G" spot.

Lisa begun having a continual climax and humped my mouth so hard I nearly lost contact with her clit. When she was about to pass out she said "O God quit before I die from it".

Later as we rested she said that no one had ever got her that excited before.

She told me she was about to do her best to give me the finest blowjob I had ever had.

She did to.

We lay for a bit and her soft hands and tongue and lips got me hard again.

Lisa said she was ready to fuck now.

I told her I would go to the car and get a condom. She said that she was taking "The Pill" and there was no need for a rubber. She climbed on top of me and took me into her.

Dam it felt good fucking without a condom.

Her vagina felt like soft wet velvet and she was flexing her muscles and some times putting a real squeeze on my prick.

I let her have several climaxes before I could wait no longer. I jetted off in her.

We just laid there and rested. She put her head on my shoulder and whispered "Thank you, that was wonderful ".

Lisa waited until my cock went limp and got off me. She licked all our juices off my prick and balls. She looked like she was enjoying a fine desert.

She said that I tasted really good.

I told her she did too.

Lisa had her head on my upper legs and every now and then would stick her tongue out and lick the head of my soft cock.

Lisa had to pee and she walked a few feet away and squatted. She had gotten a paper napkin out of her purse and wiped on that. She let the wind carry that over the edge of the rock bluff.

When she came back my cock had gotten half hard because of my looking at her in the moon light.

She was so beautiful having her pee.

She got on her knees between my legs and began kissing then sucking it to a full erection. She said that she had wished that it might get hard again.

Lisa said that I had brought her to a climax more times than any other lover ever had. She wanted more though.

I asked her how she wanted to be fucked this time.

She told me she really liked to be on top, that position gave her a lot of depth and put her in control.

I told her to "Have at it".

I was determined to make it last for a long time.

I think we fucked for nearly an hour.

Several times it was all I could do to keep from having a climax. Lisa had many though.

When she felt me get off she had her last one.

Lisa got off me and said " I thought you never would do that, my legs were worn out long ago ". Then she said that was the longest fuck she had ever experienced. Then she added that it was the best too.

I told her I had wanted her to feel that way.

I told Lisa I was completely drained and through for the night.

She said that she couldn't take anymore, her legs hurt and she already hurt down there. She said that walking and peeing was going to be painful for a few days.

I took her home. She said that I had made her the happiest girl in the world.

We kissed and I told her I would be calling her.

Lisa and I were together constantly. She had been given a car when she got a drivers licensee. It was a nice convertible and she would get with me nearly every day after school.

I had a business, I did yards and maintained swimming pools.

Shortly after I became sixteen I made a deal with my father to buy his 4x4 truck. He included a trailer large enough to haul my riding lawn mower and a push mower. I was paying for the truck and making real money doing lawns.

Lisa started working with me just to be with me. I had over obligated my self with promises of yard work. It had turned into an every day job.

Lisa began meeting me at where ever I was working. I let her run the riding lawn mower while I did places she could not mow.

Lisa loved working with me. After the first week I tried to pay her. She refused saying that I spent all my money on her anyway.

We found that working together my lawn jobs took half the time. I had all of them for a fixed monthly fee.

I got twenty five bucks an hour for work on swimming pools.

Lisa was the one that took care of the swimming pool at her home. She knew a lot more about it than I did.

It was a great combination, she would run the big mower over the main part of a lawn. I did the edges and trimmed shrubbery while she would do what was needed if there was a pool.

Lisa usually wore a skimpy halter top and cut-off Jeans and she had started wearing western boots like mine to work in.

A lot of the students at my school saw her working with me. Several wanted to know where I had hired a 'Center Fold' like her.

I just grinned and told them the truth. I said she just loved me and would work for free just to be near me. That usually caused a remark like " Bull Shit ".

I was a Junior that year, I asked Lisa if she would like for me to take her to the Junior - Senior prom. She said she would love to go. The private school she was in did not have that kind of thing. She said that she and her mother would have to shop for a dress and shoes.

She and I took one afternoon off and I rented a tux and bought new shoes. The next day I asked her about the dress she had bought. She laughed and told me I would see her in it soon enough.

The night I picked her up to go to the prom I lost my breath when I saw her. The dress was something other girls would hate her for and all the guys would fall in love with what was in it. It showed her fabulous figure to it's best. It was modest enough for a school function yet it screamed that it was wrapping the sexiest woman there. She was a tall girl and those heels made her taller. Working in the sun had given her a beautiful tan and her golden blond hair gleamed on her dark shoulders.


I was driving my fathers town car that night. I was wearing new shoes instead of the western boots my school mates had seen me in since I had moved there years before.

My rented tux fit perfectly. I had gotten my hair cut and I felt that we were a very handsome couple.

We were on time but the Gym was filled with couples already.

The band was setting up to start playing.

As we walked through the door a hush fell over the place. Guys and their dates were actually staring at us. They were all wondering who the blond goddess with me was.

Several of my friends brought their dates over to meet Lisa.

Lisa was so adult and composed. She gracefully shook each person's hand as I introduced them. She made every one like her and feel that she liked them.

Even the girls !

The band started playing. I began dancing with my date.

The first number was a kind of theme for the band, kind of Rock a Billy.

Lisa and I had been dancing enough that we fitted together well.

We took a break after that number.

We found a table that had two empty spaces and I introduced Lisa again. She did her magic with them.

I left to go get cokes and when I came back Lisa was dancing with a dude I did not know.

Paulene Bishop said he had come up to the table and told Lisa that this was his dance. Pauline thought that Lisa had not wanted to risk making an issue of a refusal and she had gone out on the dance floor with him.

I saw the guy say something to Lisa and she pushed away from him and came back to the table before that number was finished.

Lisa said that the guy had said something to her that made her want to slap him but she had forced herself to keep her cool.

Pauline told Lisa that no one knew the bastard but that she, herself, might not have been able to keep her cool.

We laughed about that.

The band started playing a Tango. Lisa and I got up and danced. We were the only couple on the floor. We put on a show. She was perfect. Her heels could be heard clacking over the beat of the music. She looked like a Latin Queen.

Next was an old boogie tune, several joined us on the floor for that. Lisa shagged her pretty rump to that and then did a slide through my spread legs. She came up grinning. We did a couple of spins and then some side by side steps with her wagging her butt then finished when the band did.

None of my class mates had ever known that I could dance. Barney, one of my fishing friends asked his date if she minded him asking Lisa to dance. She told him to go ahead. Barney asked me if I minded him asking Lisa to dance. I gave him my O.K. and he asked Lisa. She followed him on to the floor and they danced.

They finished and Barney came back with Lisa wearing a noticeable hard. Barney's date and I had watched them dance and Lisa had kept her distance from him and they had just talked as they danced.

The look of her and the smell of her had made Barney get up a hard.

Lisa had an invitation to dance with someone from then on.

I had to tell some of those guys that it was time I danced with my date several times. Lisa was loving all the attention she was getting. She had never been the feature attraction at a high school dance before.

Fay was there. I had seen her right after we came in. She was with the bastard that had pissed Lisa off at the first of the party.

Fay had her hair dyed green and was wearing the kind of dress a whore might wear when on the prowl. Her face looked hard and as if she was bored.

She had become an Outlaw. The kind of girl that didn't give a shit. I looked at her and felt sorry for her. Her date was trying to come on to every pretty girl there and was ignoring her.

Fay was not being asked to dance at all.

I went over to her and asked her to dance with me. She did and I asked her what the hell she was doing dating that bastard she was with. Fay said that Jimmy was only just a sophomore and he had asked one of his friends to bring her here since he didn't want to come.

I told her again to get the hell clear of Jimmy before it was too late. I begged her to get a life of her own and get that bastard out of her mind.

That number finished and the band took a break. I took Fay back to her table and joined Lisa at ours.

Lisa asked who the girl was that I had just danced with. I told her she was a girl I used to date. Lisa raised her eye brows and said " Her " ? I told Lisa she had been different back then. Lisa asked what had happened.

I told her the girl had become addicted to a no good bastard.

" Like I have become addicted to you " she asked.

I told her I didn't think that I was a no good bastard.

Lisa said that I was not and kissed me with a lot of passion.

Paulene said " Cool it you two, wait until after this thing is over to have sex " !

Lisa asked if she had to.

Paulene told her that it would not cause a riot that way.

The remainder of the prom Lisa was dancing nearly every number.

At midnight the band shut down and every one started to leave. Almost every one was gone but just a few of us still saying good byes.

I saw Fay's date leave with another girl.

Fay was watching as he left, she had a frightened, sad look on her face.

Lisa saw it to.

As we passed Fay going toward the door Lisa stopped. She asked Fay if she had a way to get home.

Fay had tears in her eyes.

Fay said she guessed she would have to walk home.

Lisa looked at me and asked if we could take her.

I nodded a yes and Lisa put her arm around Fay's shoulder and led her toward the car.

Lisa said something about having gotten a chance to attend one high school prom before going to college.

Fay looked at Lisa and asked how old she was. Lisa told Fay she was sixteen.

Fay asked if she really was about to go to college.

Lisa said she would graduate from her school next month.

Lisa told Fay that where she went to school there were no proms, they were only interested in educating the students.

On the way to our car we passed Fay's ex-date and the girl he had left with backed up against a car. Three of my classmates were in front of them in a heated discussion about which of them was going to whip up on him first.

One of them had been the girl's date. The other two wanted to beat the hell out of him because of something he had said to their dates.

I kept the girls moving, we had no business being there when the cops came.

As I was driving away we saw two of them hit the bastard at the same time. He fell to the ground and all three started kicking him.

I said " I hope they don't kill him ".

Lisa said " Yeah, just half kill him would be better ".

Fay said she was going to be in for it now. Jimmy was going to blame her for his friend getting beat up.

Lisa asked why he should blame her.

Fay said he would because she had wanted to go to that prom so bad.

Fay began to really cry. She said that she was afraid to go home now. Her parents were out of town until Sunday night and Jimmy knew that.

Lisa asked me if we could keep her until Fay's parents were back.

I told Lisa I guessed we could.

I said " Listen up Fay, Lisa has told her parents that she is spending the night and tomorrow with a friend ". " She didn't tell them that the friend was me ". " My folks are at our farm until late tomorrow evening ".

I told Fay that Lisa and I were going to spend the night at my house and go fishing the next day.

I asked her if she wanted to sleep on a couch there and go with us fishing.

Fay quit crying and said she was grateful to both of us.

I was hungry and picked up burgers at a late drive through.

We took Fay by her house to change out of her prom dress and put on shorts and a shirt. She was scared to be there long. She was back in just minutes.

I parked behind my house and we entered through the basement door.

Both girls had been there many times before. Fay turned on some lights and Lisa got sodas from a refrigerator.

We ate our food and I got a light weight sleeping bag out for Fay to sleep in on the couch.

Lisa and I went into my bed room and she undressed and hung up her lovely prom dress.

I had left the door open between us and Fay. As I undressed I heard the shower running in the bath.

Lisa and I began to make love. Soon we were both satisfied and went to sleep. We had worked on a lawn that morning and Lisa was tired from that and all the dancing.

Near morning I half awakened, I had a hard cock pressed against a soft ass.

I was hugged up to her and was fondling her tits.

She was laying still but breathing fast.

I felt a hand take my hand and put it on a different set of tits.


I threw the covers back and sat up and turned the light on.

I had been punching Fay's ass with my hard prick and Lisa had taken my hand off Fay's tits and put it on hers. Both girls were nude.

I asked Fay what she was doing in the bed room.

Lisa explained that she had woke up when she heard Fay crying and had brought her in to bed with us to help calm her down.

I told Lisa I had dam near put my dick in Fay thinking it was her.

Lisa told me I was her man and to quit trying to screw other women.

We laughed at that and I turned off the light and laid back down. We cuddled the rest of the night. Fay was between Lisa and me and being hugged by both of us.

I woke after day light and got up to piss and go get the Sunday paper. I put on just a pair of shorts and quietly went up stairs and got the paper off the front porch.

I read as much as I usually do and thought I would wake my bed mates.

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