Double Date - Cover

Double Date

Copyright© 2001 by Big-R

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - High school girl dominated by a crude bastard is rescued by classmate.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Rape   Group Sex  

I was sixteen years old and a sophomore in high school. She was my age and we were in the same home room.

I had known Fay since My family had moved near the school when I was ten years old.

At that age I was fully aware of girls and enjoyed the delights of several of the promiscuous ones often.

Fay was not one of them so I barely noticed her.

When Fay was twelve she developed a crush on my friend David. She followed him around in school and made it apparent she was crazy about him.

She was not old enough to have a date.

David was not either.

Fay followed David home from school one day and knocked on the front door. David's parents both worked so he was home alone. He let Fay in. They talked for a time and then David decided to find out how much she would let him do to her.

He kissed her. She didn't know how.

He kissed her some more until she learned to do it right.

He started feeling her small tits through her blouse and bra.

Fay tried to push his hands away.

David began to unbutton her blouse.

Fay told him not to.

David said that she had gone too far toward making him hot for her to quit now.

He got both her wrists behind her in one of his big hands and unbuttoned the rest of her blouse.

Fay struggled hard to get away but David was too strong. Fay was protesting, even screaming.

He got her blouse off her shoulders and her "Training Bra" pushed up.

When he leaned down to kiss her tiny tits he lost his grip on her wrists.

Fay hit him with both fists. She ran to the door crying. She told him she never wanted him to touch her like that again.

David lost his temper. He called her a "prick teaser", he called her a crazy mixed up bitch. He said she was a sorry piece of shit and no God Dam good.

He told her to get her ass out and never come around him again.

Fay left crying, the guy she had idolized so much had rejected her and called her dirty names.

That was the first of many rejections in Fay's life.

She could begin to date after her thirteenth birthday.

She "Went Steady" for about three months with another guy. Fay had let him do every thing but fuck her. She even learned to give him a "Hand Job".

On their last date he told her she had to fuck him or he was through with her.

Fay refused.

He dropped her for another girl.

Fay had a number of other guys treat her like that. Each one rejected her after a short while because she wouldn't fuck him.

She had her fifteenth birthday.

Jimmy asked her for a date. Jimmy was the quarter back of the "Buck Shot" football team. He was a big guy, a year younger than she but experienced with girls, even older women.

(He bragged about having a married woman crazy about his cock).

Fay had heard about Jimmy but either did not believe the talk or thought she could handle him. He was a year younger than she after all !

She was a fifteen year old "Smart Ass" at that time.

Jimmy took Fay out. He was too young to have a drivers licensee.

They were with another guy and his date.

After a drive in movie they had parked and Jimmy and she left the car and walked to some rocks overlooking the city.

Jimmy kissed her. She kissed him back.

He captured her hands in one of his and pushed her blouse and bra up over her tits.

Fay had struggled and asked him to stop doing that.

Jimmy had ignored her and nursed on her tits for a time. After a few minutes of that he told her it was time to fuck.

Fay said she did not do that. She told him she was a virgin. Jimmy put on a rubber.


He was rough and hurt her when she had resisted.

Either her screams of protest were ignored or not heard by the other couple.

After Jimmy finished fucking her he slapped her face until he made her hush and quit crying.

Jimmy explained to her that he had burst her hymen and because of that she was his woman forever.

She was his for the rest of her life.

Fay dried up her tears and Jimmy put on another rubber and fucked her again.

She had no choice he would have forced her again if she had resisted.

Fay felt shame and disgust.

At least it was not as painful that time.

Fay was Jimmy's woman for less than a month. He began dating Brenda Davis. Brenda let it be known that she and Jimmy were "Going Steady".

Fay felt rejected again.

Jimmy had told his friends that he had fucked her.

Some of them asked Fay for a date.

She went out with a lot of them. They expected to have intercourse on that first date.

Fay was determined to not get the reputation in school of being an easy fuck.

She would not even kiss on the first date.

She would on the second date and on the third date she would let a guy play with her tits maybe if she liked him.

The fourth date she would give the guy a hand job if he was nice.

That was as far as she would go with anyone unless he asked her to "Go steady". He would have to tell her he loved her and then she would let him fuck her.

Fay got a call from Jimmy every two or three weeks. He would meet her at her home. He would then take her to some private place on foot and have intercourse with her several times. When Jimmy was satisfied sexually, he would leave her.

Then Fay would go home.


Fay still had dates with other guys.

She would go steady for a while then there would be some kind of break up.

She had become a very pretty girl.

She had been a majorette since she was twelve. She had the prettiest legs of any girl in school. Her tits had become a 36 d size.

I don't know why I did it. I asked Fay for a date.

I knew the script or the role I would have to play. There were five different girls at Mrs. Thompson's School For Girls I was having sex with.

There were plenty of more interesting girls in our school.

I had turned sixteen and could use the family car.

That first date with her was different from any other girl I had ever dated before.

She was anxious to please me, she seemed afraid that I would not like her. She was nervous and acted as if she was thrilled to be with me.

She acted as if this were her only chance to make me want to ask her out on a date again.

I knew the ground rules she had set in her mind, no kiss on the first date, so I acted as if I didn't want to anyway.

I took her straight home after the movie. I walked her to the door and told her how much I had enjoyed our date and turned and walked to the car. I waited until she was inside before I drove off.

Monday at school I gave her a big smile every time we passed in the halls.

I could get the use of one of the family cars only on Friday and Saturday nights.

I waited until Thursday to ask Fay for another date. If she already had one I knew several other girls I could call.

I could tell that she was relieved that I asked her. We had not talked all week until then. She had been thinking that I might not want to go out with her again.

I picked her up Friday evening and asked her if she would like for me to take her to a concert.

I told her I had tickets to a Symphony at the Civic Center.

Fay had never had a date that took her any place other than a movie.

I asked her if she had eaten before I picked her up.

Fay said that supper was not ready at home before she had left.

I told her we had plenty of time to dine before the concert.

I took her to a really nice restaurant.

I ordered shrimp cocktails for us. Fay had never eaten shrimp before. She loved them.

I asked her if she was hungry enough to enjoy a small steak. She nodded yes, her mouth was full of shrimp.

I ordered a medium rare rib eye steak with baked potato and a garden salad for both of us.

She cleaned her plates.

The concert was good. I had no idea whether Fay would enjoy classical music or not.

She had never listened to a symphonic orchestra before.

She was enchanted.

Driving her home afterwards she was pressed against me hugging my arm.

I parked in front of her dark house, and was about to get out and walk her to her door.

Fay said "I can stay out until twelve, can we go some where and talk for a while" ?

I told her we could and drove off to a city park near by.

She remained up against me. I parked near a picnic bench and told her we could sit there. I was almost dragging her as I got out of the car.

We perched up on the table top, our feet on the bench. I started talking about school.

Fay asked if I dated much, she had never heard of me going out with any girl she knew.

I told her I nearly always had a date for Friday and Saturday nights.

Fay wanted to know if she knew anyone I had been out with. I told her I doubted that she did, I was seeing some girls enrolled in an all girls private school across town.

She asked if that was the school girls were sent to because they were thrown out of the city system. I told her that was the case of some, others were there because they were exceptionally bright.

Fay asked me which kind I dated.

I told her both kinds. I told her that the girls that were kicked out of the public schools were adult enough to know what they wanted. They all had to be of above average intelligence or they could not be accepted in that school.

The girls that were there because they were bright were also adult beyond their years.

Fay asked if when I had said they knew what they wanted did I mean sex ?

I hesitated then said "usually".

Fay asked if those "adult beyond their years" were also willing to have sex.

I said "Yes, they are the more mature ones, the ones that know how to carry on an intelligent conversation. They could interest a guy in their sexuality and make him want to have sex with them while talking about mathematics.

Fay asked if I had ever dated girls from our school.

I told her I had but nearly every one I had taken out was a giddy juvenile. They had not interested me enough to ask them for a second date.

Fay said "And me, what about me" ?

I told her I thought I perceived an adult in her, a girl that was honest in her emotions. A girl that was not silly and childish, I saw a maturity in her.

Fay was silent for a while.

Fay looked at her watch and said it was almost time she was home.

Fay was quiet on the way to her home.

She sat with her back against the door looking at me.

I could tell when she made up her mind, when she decided to try hard to make me 'Her Man'.

Fay slid across the seat and kissed my cheek.

I could not respond, but I grinned at her and asked if she wanted to cause a wreck.

Fay said that she wanted to cause me to understand that she had enjoyed the evening.

I thanked her and asked if she would like to go fishing the next morning.

Fay said that she had never been fishing but would like to try.

I told her to be ready at about nine in the morning. I would take her fishing.

At her house I walked her to the door, I told her I had enjoyed the evening and turned to walk back to the car.

Fay said " Wait a minute" and when I turned she molded herself to me and kissed me with a lot of real passion.

We kissed several times.

I said " I like this".

She said she did too.

I left for home.

(Things were going according to Fay's script, first kiss on the second date).

The next morning I drove up to her house in my father's old 4x4 pickup truck.

She came out in shorts and a halter top, she was carrying a tote bag.

I told her that where I was taking her to fish was way off the paved roads. We might need four wheel drive to get there.

I stopped before we left town and got bait, sandwiches, soft drinks and ice for the cooler.

The lake I wanted to take her to was in a large track of timber land belonging to my Uncle Clyde. There was about two thousand acres of the property.

It was in a valley fourteen miles away.

I drove on a paved county road, then a gravel road for miles. At the entrance to my uncle's property I had to unlock a pipe gate.

I re-locked it after I drove through.

The road from there was just a gravel path.

When I had opened the gate I had put the truck in four wheel drive. Fay had gotten out and watched.

Before getting back in it seemed to be a good time for our first kiss of the day.

I put both hands on her hips and pulled her tight against me. As we kissed I let both hands roam over her tight butt and over her bare back.

Fay got excited !!

I felt goose bumps on her back.

It was about two miles into the lake from there. Fay was pressed tight against me all the way. I let my hand run over her legs and I could tell she was getting more excited as we drove on.

I parked in the shade of huge oaks at the edge of the lake.

We got out and as I spread a big quilt Fay wandered off out of sight. I figured she was taking a pee.

When she came back I was laying on the quilt, with my shoes and shirt off.

I spread my arms and told her I had saved her a place. Fay took off her sandals and crawled into my arms.

The kissing began !

After a while I untied her halter and put it aside. She had beautiful tits. I nursed on them for a bit then tried to take her shorts down.

(According to her script I could just play with her tits on the third date)

Fay struggled out of my embrace and stood up.

"I don't want you to do that" she said.

I told her that maybe I was mistaken thinking she was more adult than the other girls in our school.

I offered to take her home.

Fay said that she didn't want to leave this beautiful place. She would really like to fish here but that I was rushing her. She and I did not know each other well enough yet.

I said that we should try to become better aquatinted then.

I said " I think we should go swimming".

Fay said that might cool me off.

I told her I was going in nude.

Fay said I was not.

I got up and dropped my pants. I started to drop my boxer shorts and looked at Fay. She had her back to me.

She said "Please don't take that off".

I asked her if she wanted me to take her home then.

Fay sat on the pine needles and hugged her knees with her face hidden from me. She was crying. After a long time she was just having a sob every now and then.

I had let her have her cry out.

I asked her what she wanted me to do.

Fay looked at me and said that she wanted me to be nice to her. She wanted to enjoy the day and my company.

I told her that I would be nice to her if she would be nice to me.

She asked what I meant.

I told her I wanted her to act like an adult woman.

She promised to try.

I told her " Good, then lets go skinny dipping".

She stood up and pushed her shorts and panties down with her back to me.

I walked up behind her and said now take mine off. She asked if she had to. I told her she did. She turned around facing me and I kissed her. She was stiff and unresponsive at first but after a minute or two her arms were around my neck and she was pressing against me.

I asked her to take off my shorts again and she was on her knees instantly tugging them down.

When she got up we kissed again and then walked into the lake holding hands.

She stopped when the water was up to her shoulders.

I put my arms around her and hugged her tight against me. I told her that we should get out, that there was a snake between us.

She laughed. I put her hand down on my hard cock and she said "That's not a snake it is just a stick.

We both laughed. Fay let me touch her all over.

We soaked for a time then got out.

I got a towel out of the truck and dried her off then she dried me.

Back on our quilt I asked if she was hungry. She said that she was only thirsty.

I brought drinks from the cooler.

Fay had become comfortable with my seeing all of her nude body. She sat with her ankles crossed and her knees spread wide apart. Her arms were braced behind her and her beautiful tits were enhanced by the curve of her spine.

I sat facing her.

I told Fay that she was beautiful.

Fay said that she had never considered herself beautiful but she thanked me for the nice compliment.

I asked if she was ready to fish now.

She was and I got tackle out. I had brought folding chairs and I set them up in the shade further along the lake. The water was deep right up to the bank there.

She had never fished before so I had brought telescoping fiber glass poles.

I fixed one for her first then was going to fix mine.

Fay shouted, her float had gone under. I told her to hold the pole straight up and back slowly away from the edge.

She dragged a three pound cat fish up on the grass. She was laughing and doing some kind of dance. I took the fish off her hook and put it on a stringer.

I asked her how it felt to catch her first fish.

She said it felt wonderful. Then she said the excitement made her want to pee. I told her to go ahead. She said that there was no use asking if I would turn my head was there. I told her I had gotten used to her nude body and for her to go ahead, she had nothing to hide.

Fay squatted and peed.

I put her pole back in the water and started to fix one for myself again.

Fay screamed " I have another".

I took that one off and baited her hook again. I had just handed the pole to her when the float went under again.

I never did get my pole baited and in the water.

Fay caught twelve cat fish in less than twenty minutes.

I made her quit fishing.

I was going to have to clean a dozen fish and not a one that I had caught.

She was one proud girl.

I took the fish to the tailgate of the truck and filleted them. I washed the dressed fish in the lake and put them in zip lock bags in the cooler.

We went back in the lake to clean up and cool off.

I had to move the quilt to the shade when we came out.

We dried each other off again.

I sat down and Fay wrapped her arms around me. I began tweaking her nipples. Fay said that her nipples were like switches, they could turn her on sometimes.

I said "Good, I would like that".

Fay asked if I wanted to "make love" to her.

I said "Only when you are ready sweetheart".

I pushed Fay down on her back and got between her legs, I began kissing her tits. I teased those nipples until they were blood red and swollen. I moved down on her flat belly and teased her navel with my tongue.

I kissed the tops of her thighs and brushed her bush with my nose. The odor of an excited woman was strong.

I spread her lips and licked her slit from bottom to top.

She made a moan and threw her crotch up to my face. I found the hood over her clit and pushed it back. I started licking that and it began to swell with passion.

Fay had her first orgasm, it was a big one. I kept on bringing her to a climax time after time until she pushed my head away. She was crying real tears and begging "No more, no more please, I can't stand any more ".

I sat up and looked at a completely sated woman. She had a dreamy look and was completely wiped out.

I let her rest.

I lay down and bunched a pillow under my head and dozed off.

About an hour later she woke me with soft tender kisses.

I woke to find a bright smile and a happy woman. I sat up and kissed her back.

I asked her if she was hungry. She said she was starved and would get the sandwiches and drinks. We ate and then she wanted to talk.

Fay said "No one has ever done that to me before, I have heard other girls tell about it though". "I never dreamed it could feel so good".

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