More Than She Bargained For - Cover

More Than She Bargained For

by Scorpio00155

Copyright© 2001 by Scorpio00155

Incest Sex Story: With the confusion of moving home Helen and her husband had managed to overlook their son's birthday. When her husband comes up with the idea that she could give their son a lingerie fashion show to compensate the boy Helen agrees. Hubby gets called away and Helen gets more than she bargained for!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Incest   Mother   Son   First   Exhibitionism   .

"God! How could we have forgotten?"

Tom, my husband, cursed as he paced around the bedroom while I lay watching him filled with the afterglow that good sex always leaves in me for hours. It was a Friday morning and, coincidentally, our only son Paul's 15th birthday, it was this we had forgotten in all the helter-skelter of moving into a new house the day before, in a new town, in a different part of the country. Still, even though things had been hectic for the past couple of months I felt guilty at having not found time to even buy a card for our son's birthday.

"Tom," I sighed sitting up, "Paul will understand and we can make it up to him tomorrow."

"Helen, you forget," Tom sighed, "I'm the resident this weekend, we've today or a whole week to go before we can celebrate."

"Damn!" I cursed softly.

That was the worst part of having a surgeon for a husband, the periods he spent on call at the hospital, it meant sleeping alone two nights a month, more if things were busy and Tom got called in. The worst of it was that there would be no time to shop that day between unpacking, dealing with carpet fitters, furniture deliveries and sorting out the house, thankfully we had done our grocery shopping on the way to the house. Sighing I reluctantly slid out of bed, my husband's eyes followed me hungrily as I crossed the room to where my clothes lay strewn across a packing case.

"You are a gorgeous hunk of womanhood," Tom grinned as I slid into my panties, "I could watch you all day given the chance."

I smiled at him as I continued dressing, it did my ego the power of good to have him make such comments, and at 37 I was still proud to have a figure that echoed my younger days. Something Tom was never backwards in reminding me.

"Perhaps" I said as I bent to put my trainers on, "we could order a meal in from a local take-away. It would be better than nothing."

Dressed in Jeans, T-shirt and trainers I straightened and prepared to face the hectic day ahead as Tom agreed with my suggestion, though I saw he felt it was not enough. Arm in arm we left the room and sauntered downstairs for breakfast before the day's work began.

"Morning mum, morning dad." Paul's voice sounded cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen catching us kissing.

"Morning son." Tom grinned disentangling himself from me.

"Morning Paul," I grinned impishly, "and happy birthday."

"Yes, happy birthday Paul." Tom smiled, "And an apology, we've been so busy we didn't have time to get you anything."

"Don't worry about it dad," Paul smiled, even though I could sense some disappointment in him, "it has been a bit hectic of late."

We settled down to breakfast as we girded our loins for the day ahead, our conversation light and breezy while outside the weather was dark and dreary. Promptly at nine the carpet fitters turned up to lay the new carpets throughout the house, surprisingly the men working on the job did not reflect the usual British workman's attitude of taking things slow and easy. Six of them laboured over the house, measuring cutting and laying almost without pause. From time to time I brought them refreshments and after one of those periods Tom laughingly pointed out the admiring glances the fitters gave me each time I passed.

"Maybe you ought to pass their way more often." He laughed.

Punching him playfully on the arm I laughed with him while at the same time feeling proud that I could still turn men's heads at my age.

A little after midday the carpets were laid and the workmen on their way. As they left the furniture van bringing our new household furniture arrived, it was two hours early, but with the carpets down that was fine with us. Out with the old and in with the new; beds, suites, wardrobes, all were removed and the new ones put in their places, until by two in the afternoon this task had been completed. As soon as the deliverymen had gone we set to unpacking the packing cases dotted around the house.

With the three of us beavering away this final task went quickly, though it would have gone even quicker if Tom hadn't taken every chance to touch me up as we worked. Not that I really minded, but as the time passed I grew more and more excited by his brief gropes, cuddles and kisses. More than once I noticed Paul watching these momentary pauses with a huge grin, for some reason I felt even more excited by the knowledge that my son was watching me getting touched up. It was very clear to me that Tom was feeling randy, his touches grew firmer as the afternoon passed, at one point he came up behind me as I was leaning into a packing case. I gave a little squeal of surprise when I felt his hands squeeze my boobs as his body pressed to my back, giggling like a young school girl I pushed back against him and felt the hardness of his cock press at my buttocks. Raising my head I found myself looking into Paul's eyes as he watched his father and mother, "playing", I grinned at him and rolled my eyes and Paul laughed, shook his head and went back to delving into a crate.

"Tom," I said in mock severity, "if you don't stop that we'll never get done."

Tom laughed, gave my boobs another squeeze and moved away from me as Paul's laughter came across the room.

"I think" Paul grinned straightening with a wisp of material in his hand, "this crate should have gone in your bedroom."

With his words I recognised the thing he held as being one of my collection of lingerie, they'd all been put into the same crate and Paul was right, the crate should have been placed in our bedroom. Tom laughed and commented that Paul should, "dig deeper" to find the "real saucy stuff" as I blushed slightly at the thought that my toys were also in the same crate. Instead of delving Paul looked at the garment in his hand, looked at me, grinned and put it back in the packing case.

"I'll leave that one till last then dad." Paul quipped as he moved to another crate.

It was five p.m. when we finished unpacking all but that one packing case; the plan was to take it upstairs later where Tom and I could unpack it. It needed no real thought to know that Tom would be enjoying that as he loved me in my lingerie and my pussy grew damp at the thought of what would follow once the crate was unpacked.

"Not much of a birthday for you son." Tom commented as we sank into the new chairs for a brief rest.

"What do you mean dad?" Paul asked in puzzlement.

"Having to work so hard." I smiled from the comfort of the couch.

"Oh I don't mind," Paul smiled gently, "at least it's all done and over with. Anyway, it was quite entertaining."

Tom laughed while I stuck my tongue out at Paul then grinned cheekily at him. Still laughing Tom suggested ordering in a special meal to at least make up some of the disappointment of the day. Luckily the previous house owner had left the local phone books behind when they had moved out, it didn't take Tom long to find a restaurant that delivered and place an order.

"It will be here in an hour." Tom said as he replaced the receiver, "Just time for us to get changed."

"Changed?" Paul responded.

"We can't celebrate all scruffed up as we are." Tom grinned, "I suggest a quick shower and a change into celebration togs."

"Well I claim first use of the shower!" I laughed jumping to my feet.

"We'll save time if I do your back!" Tom laughed as he jumped up and chased me from the room.

That shower was a delight, Tom not only cleaned my back he cleaned me all over, his hands soft and sensuous as he cleaned the grime of the day from my body. Mind you I returned the favour and we were both in an advanced state of excitement when we finally stepped out of the shower, wrapped towels around our bodies and headed for our room. Paul was heading for the bathroom as we emerged; as he shut the door behind him he made a cheeky comment about us having, "enjoyed" our "playtime". Laughing Tom and I went into our room to finish drying and dress, there being little time for more though we both knew that we'd be having fun later.

"Pity all the good stuff is downstairs." Tom commented as he watched me put on a pair of panties.

"We'd never get out of this room if it wasn't, you randy sod." I grinned at him as I slid a bra up my arms.

"True." Tom smiled wistfully, "Mind you, I'm looking forward to getting a fashion show later."

Then Tom frowned, stepping into a garter belt I wondered what had caused this, his response when I asked him was a smile and a shake of the head.

"Just a daft idea." He said, "Forget it."

Sitting down I picked up a stocking and started sliding it up my leg at the same time pressing my husband about the idea that had caused him to frown.

"I just wondered if Paul would like to see your fashion show as his birthday present." Tom replied at last, "See, a daft idea."

Clipping the stocking to the suspenders I thought about his words, much to my surprise I was finding I had no objections to the idea, quite the opposite in fact. I felt a secret thrill at the idea of giving both the men in my life a fashion show of my sexy lingerie. Picking up my other stocking I smiled up at Tom.

"I don't think it's a daft idea." I said softly as I slid the material up my leg, "Besides, Paul's seen us both naked so seeing me dressed won't make a lot of difference. I'm willing to do it, it's up to you."

"There's dressed and 'dressed'," Tom laughed, "your lingerie certainly comes under the 'dressed' category. Let's do it, heck it's quite titillating thinking my son will be ogling his mum at her raunchiest best."

"In which case," I laughed in reply, "while you are washing up after dinner I'll slip up and put some war-paint on. I can change behind that mock Chinese screen in the living room, if you set it up for me that is."

Our plans made we headed downstairs where Paul joined us a few minutes later, once more catching us having a kiss and a cuddle. The food arrived a short while later and over dinner we laughed and joked, our banter bordered on the bawdy, which with what Tom and I had planned for later matched the mood perfectly. Though Paul and I drank wine with our meal Tom had coke since he was on emergency call, with only two of us drinking I soon felt a merry buzz from the wine that added to the excitement I had been feeling all day. When the meal was over I slipped upstairs to put on my make-up leaving Tom and a mystified Paul to clear up the plates and set up my 'changing area'. As I applied eyeliner I wondered if Tom would tell Paul what was happening or surprise him, I smiled at my reflection at the sure knowledge that Tom would not tell our son what was going on until the very last moment.

It took me twenty minutes to get made up to my satisfaction, I'd decided to have a mix of demure and erotic, hence my rouge and eye shadow was light while the lipstick was a deep, rich red. Making my way downstairs I saw Paul sipping a glass of an amber liquid through the living room doorway. He looked my way as I entered and smiled over the rim of his glass.

"You look pretty mum," he commented at my make-up, "what's the occasion?"

"That would be telling." I grinned mischievously.

I have to admit that I was really looking forward to showing off my things to Paul, I was looking forward even more to the attentions Tom would be paying me after the show. My pussy grew wet at the thought of what was to come later. Smiling I took the drink Tom held out to me and gulped it down, handing the empty glass back to him I winked at Paul and headed towards the screen.

"Let's get this show on the road boys." I grinned as I moved out of their view.

As I quickly stripped down to just my stockings I could hear Tom telling Paul about his birthday treat, my son's response was at first disbelieve. Once Tom had convinced him it was not a joke Paul's reaction pleased and thrilled me.

"Oh boy," he enthused, "this is almost like having a wish granted!"

Quickly I delved into the packing case containing my outfits, lying them out in the order I wanted to wear them took a few moments, but it wasn't too long before I reached for the first item. I'd decided to start with the least revealing of the outfits, a simple body shaper that although revealing nothing hugged me in all the right places to emphasise what I had, black self grip stockings and a pair of black high heels completed the ensemble.

"Are you two ready?" I said loudly as I felt my excitement growing.

"Ready and rearing in anticipation." Tom replied cheekily

Laughing I stepped from behind the screen and moved across the room towards them, both my men had sat themselves in the armchairs so I stopped in front of the couch, turned to face them and struck a pose. Hands on hips, head tilted back, legs slightly parted I stood there and smiled at my husband and my son.

"Happy birthday Paul," I smiled, "I hope you enjoy the show."

"I sure will." Paul breathed in reply as his eyes followed every contour of my body, "You really look fantastic mum."

Perhaps I should have felt at least surprised by my son's reactions to seeing me clad as I was, but I truly felt complimented by his attention. Even more exciting was the hungry look in my husband's eyes, as he looked me up and down, a quick glance showed me the growing bulge of his cock in his trousers. Glancing at my son's crotch I was stunned to see signs of growing life there, stunned and excited beyond belief. My reaction may have been wrong, but I put it down to anticipation of what was to come with Tom and pride in the fact I could excite my own son this way. Doing a slow twirl I let them both ogle me from all sides before giving a little bow and heading back behind the screen.

As I took off the garment I felt a little breathless with arousal, my show had barely started and here I was getting hot under the collar and in the pussy. My juices had dampened the gusset of the body shaper and I knew that by the end of the show all the garments would need to be washed, but it would be worth it! Reaching out I grabbed the next garment, a lacy basque that again hid most of my charms, but was a little more revealing than the body shaper. For a moment I hesitated as I tried to decide whether to wear a pair of panties with it or not, I'd just about decided to wear none when I heard the sound I always dreaded hearing, Tom's beeper sounding. I heard Tom swear as I quickly put a pair of panties on, stepped out from behind the screen, and listened to Tom's end of the conversation. It was obvious before he hung up the phone that he would have to go in to the hospital and I swore silently under my breath.

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