Drunk And Disorderly - Cover

Drunk And Disorderly

by Scorpio00155

Copyright© 2001 by Scorpio00155

Incest Sex Story: When a noise wakes him at 2am he goes to investigate only to find his mother's boyfriend passed out on the living room floor and his mother feeling very merry indeed!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Incest   Mother   Son   .

I was jerked out of a sound sleep by an almighty thump sounding from downstairs. It was almost two in the morning and I was alone in the house, my mother was off at yet another party with the latest of a long line of men friends. Nervously I crept out of bed, tiptoed across to the bedroom door and opened it a crack, I saw light shining up the stairwell and heard the mutter of voices. To say I was one scared 16 year old would have been an understatement, but, like a fool, I went to see what was going on.

And there was where I made my first mistake, I went to investigate.

Creeping down the stairs I peered through the banisters until I could at last see the source of the noise, or at least a part of it. My mother was standing swaying as though dancing in the middle of the living room, a few feet from her I could see a pair of feet sticking out past the end of the couch. Breathing a sigh of relief I straightened up and finished descending the stairs in a more normal manner. As I entered the living room I saw more of the body that was attached to the pair of feet lying on the floor, it was Gary, my mother's date for that night. Grinning I looked at him lying there dead to the world with his trousers and underpants round his ankles.

"Uh... Mum?" I said to the still swaying figure of my mother.

"Come on Gary," she said in a voice slurred with drink "fuck me for God's sake, my cunt is burning for a cock."

Right there was mistake number two, what I should have done was retreat to my room, instead I walked over and put a hand on my mother's shoulder.

At my touch she turned quickly nearly falling over and I instinctively grabbed her waist to steady her. She smiled at me then put her hands on my bare chest, I gulped as her hands started to stroke over my chest and worked their way downwards.

"M... m... mum!" I squeaked as one of her hands slid onto the front of my pyjama bottoms.

And mistake number three was coming downstairs in only pyjama bottoms!

Three little mistakes, but they were set to change my life for good!

"Oh Gary, you have no idea how much I need that cock of yours." My mother hummed drunkenly.

Before I could even open my mouth to respond my mother's hand was in through the slit of my pyjamas and closing around my cock!

Now a cock is stupid, it sees or feels something it likes it goes for it and sod the consequences, my cock liked what it was feeling and shot to erection in record time. For a moment I just stood there too stunned by my mother's actions to act.

"Hmmm," my mother crooned a she shrugged her dress off with her free hand "Gary, you feel bigger than ever."

Half in shock and half in growing lust I looked down at my mother's suddenly naked body, I suppose I should have wondered where her undergarments were, but that sort of logical thought process was beyond me at that point. I'd never seen my mother naked before, seeing her mere inches away, her tits bouncing to her excited breathing, her nipples pointing like little bullets suddenly made me want her!

"Oh shit!" I groaned as her hand started to squeeze at my cock.

I went to take a step away from her and paused as my feet got caught up in something, looking down in surprise I saw my pyjama bottoms down around my ankles. Then my attention was fully focussed on my mother as she leapt against me, leant up and kissed me full on the lips. In the space of a moment I forgot who this naked person was and just gave in to the rising lust within me. Relaxing I savoured the feel of my mother's warm skin against mine, the hardness of her nipples digging into my chest which contrasted with the softness of her tits as they flattened against me.

My mother's free hand seemed to be everywhere, on my chest, my back, my buttocks, everywhere and all the while her other hand was pumping away on my cock. Beyond thinking I let my hands return her caress, moving them all over her body, stroking her warm skin as I worked them downwards. As I grasped her buttocks my mother moaned into my mouth, encouraged by this I slid a hand around to her pussy. My fingers worked their way through the forest of her pubic hair until they came to the outer lips of her pussy. Then my fingers were past those lips and rubbing at the warm inner recess of her slit, her juices wetting my fingers as they passed over the oozing hole of her pussy.

Next thing I knew my mother was falling backwards, her hands pulling me down with her, I landed on my knees before her wide-spread legs. Reaching up she began to pull at me, her hands demanding as she tugged me over her then reached between us to grab my prick and placed it at her pussy.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." She was chanting over and over.

I had never seen my mother like this before, nor had I ever felt so excited before, between bewilderment and lust I was lost. With a groan of sheer delight I pushed my cock down, feeling it sink a little way into this hot, wet hole that was my mother's sex. Her hand moved from my cock and her legs wrapped around me, pulling me deeper into her pussy as her body thrust up to engulf my cock completely.

"Oh shit, YES!" my mother cried as our groins ground together.

That one cry of ecstasy drove out any last hesitation I may have had lurking in the recesses of my mind, with a groan I started to fuck my own mother and not gently. With hard, pounding thrusts I fucked her remorselessly and she revelled in it, her body thrusting up to meet mine as I lunged down into her tight, wet, eager pussy. My mother cried out, her legs pulling me tighter as they locked around my back, her arms sliding under my armpits to curl round so that her hands were pressing on my shoulder blades; pulling me to her until our lips met in a kiss so hot that flames should have been engulfing us. In a way we were engulfed in flames, the flames of lust and burning desire.

I no longer cared that my mother thought it was Gary fucking her senseless, I no longer gave a damn about the wrongness of what we were doing. All that consumed me was the touch of her lips on mine, the dance that our tongues did in each others' mouths and the wondrous, glorious feel of my mother's cunt squeezing and rippling on my cock as it plunged into her depths, withdrew and plunged again.

"Oooh Gary," my mother gasped and groaned at the same time, it was a strange sound and one that sent shivers of excitement shooting along my spine "God Gary, you've never been this good, I love it!"

Our fucking motions became even faster and even harder, her pussy being crushed beneath my pounding groin each time I thrust into her. Wanting to savour the sensation to the full I tried to hold back, to think of something, anything else other than the sheer joy of my mother's pussy clenching round my cock.

"EEEeeeeeh!" my mother wailed out as her body humped up to mine.

Her legs, her arms even her pussy tightened around and on me, holding me immobile with my cock buried as deep as it would go into her pussy. Then it was my turn to sound out my pleasure as the inner walls of her pussy started this rippling, milking movement on my already overexcited prick. Under that sort of treatment I couldn't hold back any longer, straining against my mother's quivering body I felt the spunk jetting into my mother's very womb as I had my own climax.

It was as though my cumming was a signal to my mother to hit top orgasmic gear, her body began bucking under me as her head thrashed from side to side. She made a strange mewling sound that I found so erotic, groaning I started to fuck her like a man possessed, this sent my mother into weaker cries, more violent bucks and more head thrashing. I was not only surprised I was ecstatic when glorious minutes later I filled her depths with my juices for the second time.

This time my orgasm was so intense I felt as though reality was slipping away from me, with a final thrust and a weak gasp I collapsed on top of my mother's quivering body. At that moment Gary gave a groan of his own; it was like a dash of cold water, my lust sated it was time for my conscience to rise to the surface to prick me about what I had let happen.

"Oh Gary," my mother sighed as I leant up "why have you never been this good before?"

Her eyes were open, but seemed unable to focus on my face, for which I was supremely grateful. I had no desire to see the shock on her face as she recognised the owner of the prick still buried in her pussy, nor to hear the shrieks of disgust that I was certain would follow that recognition. She leant up, her lips locking to mine as I put an arm around her shoulders to support her, then our lips parted and her head dropped limply back.

"Mum?" I breathed in amazement to discover that she had passed out.

With more than a little reluctance I eased my cock from her pussy, it glistening with a mixture of her juices and my sperm that had my conscience pricking me again. Feeling drained, yet still excited I got to my feet and looked down at my mother's prone body, at her naked prone body, I gulped at the sight of my sperm starting to dribble from her pussy.

"Oh fuck!" I sighed at the thought of having had sex with my own mother.

Looking across at the now snoring Gary I decided to leave him right where he was and carry my mother up to her bed. As I lifted my mother's limp body from the floor she muttered something then slid back into her dream world. I was a little puffed by the time I got my mother up the stairs and into her bed, her clothes still lay in the living room, but I had no energy left to go fetch them or to dig out a nightie for her. Taking one long last look as her luscious body I pulled the covers up over her naked body, kissed her on the forehead, turned out the light and headed for my own room.

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