Raping Mother - Cover

Raping Mother

by Scorpio00155

Copyright© 2001 by Scorpio00155

Incest Sex Story: Her plans for a night in with a 'friend' are ruined when a party her son and his friends are to go to is cancelled. To her dismay the boys decide to hold their own party with her as the entertainment!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Incest   Mother   Son   Rough   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

Amanda was looking forward to a peaceful evening, especially as her thirteen year old son Mark was going to be out at a party half the night, it was a chance to relax and not have to worry about anything but what she wanted for a change. She sighed at the thought of some free time for herself, at the same time wondering just when her son and his two friends, Tom and Bob, would be leaving for this party of theirs. Right now they were downstairs in the living room, talking, well what teenagers these days called talking, to Amanda it was more like shouting. She was also pretty sure they were taking advantage of her being upstairs to sneak a crafty drink from her liquor cabinet before they went off to their party.

The sound of the telephone ringing interrupted Amanda's thoughts, sighing she went to lift the receiver when she heard her son shouting up the stairs.

"I'll get it mum."

Obviously he had been expecting a call; no doubt he'd let her know if it was for her. When there was no shout up the stairs after a minute Amanda assumed the call had been for Mark and carried on with what she had been doing originally, getting ready to take a shower. Her plan for the evening was to shower, dress up and call one of her 'men' friends over to help her while away the hours that Mark would be at his party, she knew just who she was going to call and just what they would be doing to pass the time. Grinning in anticipation Amanda laid out her clothes on the bed, a slinky dress in black that she knew only too well showed her still firm body off perfectly, beneath the dress a filmy bra and panty set made of sheer material that hid little if anything of what they covered. To complete the ensemble self-grip stockings and high heels, she knew a garter belt would add to the look, but she never felt comfortable in the things and found they pinched in a clinch. Smiling at her 'pinch', 'clinch' thought Amanda quickly stripped and headed for the bathroom, as always she paused in front of the full length mirror and gave herself a once over.

"Not bad at all for a woman of thirty-seven." she smiled at her reflection.

Nor was she wrong in her assessment, her body was trim and firm thanks to daily workouts at the gym, her breasts, though not overly large, were equally as firm and more than enough to satisfy most men. Rubbing her pubic mound Amanda decided she was feeling a little stubbly, she'd shave her pussy while in the shower, shaving her pussy made it easier to change the colour of her long flowing hair from time to time, right now it was her natural colour, blonde, next week? Who knew?

In no rush at all Amanda enjoyed her shower, even took time out to play with herself a little both before and after shaving her pussy, an action that always turned her on anyway. Eventually she stepped out stepped out of the shower, dried and went into the bedroom to dress, her thoughts already looking ahead to her evening of 'fun', her body already aroused by her shower-time solo pleasures. Dressed, hair brushed and tied back in a ponytail, make-up in place Amanda looked at herself in the full-length mirror and smiled.

"Good enough to eat." she laughed at her reflection.

On that note she headed down to the living room with the thought of calling her special friend and inviting him over, she knew he would come whatever he was doing. As Amanda reached the bottom of the stairs she was puzzled to hear the sound of glass on glass coming from the living room, it had been so quiet for a while she had thought, with some relief, that Mark and his friends had already gone. Entering the living room she felt annoyance rising in her, not only were the three boys not gone, they were slouched on the furniture with full glasses of amber fluid in their hands, a two thirds empty scotch bottle on the floor by her son's feet confirmed what was in the glasses. The bottle had only been put out that day, it had been full when she had gone up for her shower, and she felt her annoyance grow even more.

"I thought you were going out." Amanda said sharply to her son.

"I was," he responded with a half grin "only the party is off, so I thought me and my mates would stop in."

"Stop in and drink my scotch." Amanda snorted "I don't suppose it occurred to you that I may have made plans for tonight?"

"Yeah, well," Mark drawled "it had kinda occurred to me when I saw you all tarted up."

Tom and Bob sniggered at his words, which annoyed Amanda even more, Mark's little rebellions had been getting a bit much of late and this was the final straw as far as she was concerned. Before she could say anything, though, her son was speaking again.

"We'd rather have been at the party, isn't our fault the thing got cancelled."

"And I suppose it's not your fault that the scotch is all but gone?" Amanda retorted.

"Well," Mark grinned "I guess we needed to drown our sorrows. 'Sides, there's enough left for you to have a drinkies too."

"Damn it Mark," Amanda snapped, she turned to the other two youths and continued, "this has gone far enough. Tom, Bob, time for you to go."

Neither of them moved; their only reaction was to give her lopsided grins and to raise their half full glasses to her.

"Aww mum," Mark wheedled "don't go all rigid on us, we're down and out already. Have a drink with us then the lads can go on their way."

Against her better judgement Amanda agreed, especially as Mark had got up to fix her a drink as he had spoken, she felt no less annoyed though, all her plans for the evening were out the window. Accepting the drink her son held out to her Amanda sat herself down in an armchair and took a deep swallow from it, the alcohol warmed it's way down her throat as she sat back and looked at the three youths. Taking another swallow Amanda felt herself relaxing a little, perhaps she was being a bit hard on them, after all, as Mark had pointed out, it wasn't their fault that the party had been called off at the last moment. She felt some of her annoyance fading, only to be replaced by a touch of frustration, she really had been looking forward to a good time and was, she was surprised to discover, still feeling turned on from her playing with herself in the shower. Sighing Amanda drained her glass and put it on the coffee table, she'd barely sat back when Mark was on his feet, he took her glass, refilled it and came back to where she sat.

"You look as though you need this as much as we do." he commented as he handed her the full glass.

Before sitting down again Mark topped up his friend's glasses with scotch, Amanda made no comment, but did make a mental note to deduct the cost of the scotch from Mark's allowance, time he learnt that things don't just grow on trees. Sipping her drink she crossed her legs and leant back in the chair, gradually a warm glow spread over her and she began to feel relaxed in herself. Looking over the rim of her glass Amanda noted that all three boys were looking at her with what could only be described as leers on their faces, it suddenly dawned on her that sitting as she was she was showing off a good deal of stockinged leg. She grinned into her glass at the thought of the three teenagers getting a kick out of looking at her legs, emptying the glass in one long swallow Amanda held it up and looked at Mark.

"Another?" he asked.

"Please." she smiled.

He got up and refilled her glass again, out of the corner of her eye Amanda saw that Tom and Bob were still gazing with horny teenage eyes at her legs and she decided she was going to have a little fun teasing these boys. Not that it would make up for not getting laid that night, but it would be a subtle and sweet revenge to send the two boys home later on feeling as frustrated as she was. It didn't occur to her that her own son would be feeling that frustration too, or that they may have other ideas.

"Here you mum." Mark said as he handed her a full glass.

Mark sat himself back down again, his eyes once more returning to his mothers legs, leaning forward slightly he tried to see up her skirt, but her position was such that he could see no further than the lower swell of her thighs. Glancing across at his mates he could see they were as intent on the view as he was, and wishing they could see more too. The three boys looked at each other and grinned then turned their attention back to Marks mother, in that one look, that one grin, the three boys had agreed on a course of action.

Amanda had noticed the boys look at each other then grin, but she thought nothing of it, she was too busy being amused by their efforts to see up her skirt without appearing to be doing so. Deliberately she shuffled slightly so that her dress would ride up a little, she smirked into her glass as the boys all went wide eyed and leant a little further forward, she knew they couldn't see much of anything, but they were getting hopeful that she'd move enough to allow them a glimpse of something more. She'd tease them a little more; maybe let them get a glimpse of her stocking tops then pull the rug out from under them. Once again she shuffled in the chair as she shifted position slightly, this time the dress rode up slightly more than she'd actually intended it to, but Amanda only smiled softly to herself at the thought that they may just get a glance at her flimsy panties. She could see the boys were getting turned on by what she was doing, even Mark, which surprised her, and she waited for a few moments before making her move to dash their hot little hormones with cold water.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked in a sarcastic voice some minutes later.

"Geez, yeah!" Tom grinned barely raising his eyes.

"You got great legs Mrs. W." Bob grinned.

This was not at all the response Amanda was expecting, she had expected them to blush and get all flustered with embarrassment, instead she was the one feeling flustered, unsure whether to tell them off for staring at her legs or thank them for their compliment. When Mark spoke she couldn't believe her ears, she was too stunned to do more than smile weakly at her son and his two friends.

"You've got damned good legs mum," Mark grinned "as you already know or you wouldn't be flashing them at us that way."

In disbelief Amanda heard the three of them start up a conversation with her as the central topic, they were talking as though she was not in the room.

"I reckon your mum has to have the best legs of any girl we know." Bob commented.

"Too right," Mark laughed coarsely "likes to spread 'em too."

"Wonder if the rest looks as good?" Tom smirked.

"I bet it does," Bob replied with a leer in Amanda's direction "I mean, she looks real hot sitting there in that dress, what's under it has got to look good to make that dress look so good."

"Well we could always find out." Mark grinned.

Mark's last comment sent a shiver down Amanda's spine, she was unsure about the path the conversation was taking and was uncertain as to where it was all leading. Nor did the looks all three boys were giving her do anything to calm her sudden nervousness, those looks spoke of one thing and one thing only, pure lust! Pulling herself together Amanda started to get out of her chair, her only thought was to get out of the room and up to her bedroom and let the boys do as they wished downstairs.

"Leaving us mum?" Mark's voice caught her as she was leaning forward in the chair.

"Uh, yes," she replied with a nervous smile "I thought I'd..."

"Oh I don't think so." Mark drawled with a hint of menace in his voice "In fact I think you want to stay right here and keep us 'company', don't you."

Amanda didn't like the emphasise on the word company, but found herself agreeing to stay with the boys, though she had the horrible feeling growing in her that in agreeing to stay she had just made a horrible mistake. Nodding Mark went back to his conversation with his friends while Amanda sat tensely in her chair tugging her dress hem down to cover her slender legs.

"Aww," Tom commented "don't spoil the view Mrs. W., it was just getting interesting."

Though he hadn't raised his voice there was a hint of menace in Tom's softly spoken words, another shiver ran down her spine as she stopped pulling the hem down.

"Hell mum," Mark said sharply "what you want to do that for. Come on flash the legs like you were before!"

The forcefulness in his words made her start, bewildered and becoming more than a little scared Amanda pulled her dress up to the point it had been before, her hands trembling as she did so. She looked at Mark and grew even more scared at the wild, lustful look in his eyes, her concern grew as she saw the same look in the eyes of his two friends. Mark spoke again making her jump a little.

"Just sit back and uncross your legs will you." He snapped out.

Almost without realising what she was doing Amanda did as her son commanded, she knew that with her dress hitched the way it was and her legs parted it wouldn't take much effort on their part to see right up to her crotch. The way they leant forward then smirked told her they had seen her filmy panties, not only the panties but also her shaved pussy through them. Their next words only confirming this and filling her with a mixture of dread and, what was worse, a flutter of arousal, she felt ashamed of herself. How could this frightening situation be turning her on?

"Damn," Bob laughed "lookit that! The bitch has see-through panties on!"

"Don't know why she bothers to wear 'em" Mark laughed, "She couldn't show off more if she was without 'em."

"You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch Mark," Tom laughed loudly "having a dish of a slut mum like that!"

"Yeah, guess I am." Mark laughed in reply "Hey, slut mum, pull your dress up so we don't have to get a crick to see."

She felt her face going red with embarrassment, not just from the words, but also from the looks they openly made up her dress and Mark's command to her to pull her dress up for their convenience made her blush even more with shame and humiliation. Even so she did as he had ordered, she knew she should have bolted for her room, but something held in the chair and moved her hands to his whim, something called 'fear' that was growing in her, the same fear that held a rabbit motionless as the snake approached. The three of them looked, leered, and cheered as she drew the dress up to her waist, their eyes burning hotly on her legs and pussy making her shame grow even more.

"Shit, just take the damned thing off mum!" Mark said sharply "May as well take it all off, keep the stockings on though, I like the feel of them."

Amanda stared at her son in disbelief, her eyes moved on to his friend Tom then to Bob and back to Mark again. What she saw drove her to her feet; there was no mistaking the look of desire and intent to fulfil that desire in their faces. Barely had she taken a step towards the living room door when she felt a hand grip her upper arm painfully tightly, turning her head she saw it was her own son that was holding her back.

"Going somewhere, mother dear?" Mark sneered at her "I don't think so. Now, STRIP!"

He turned her around and pushed her further into the room, Amanda couldn't believe what was happening, it was like some bad dream, a nightmare that she wished she could wake up from.

"Mark, please..." she pleaded with him.

"Oh fuck this!" Mark snapped.

Amanda had no warning, suddenly her son's hand slapped across her cheek bringing tears to her eyes and fear to her heart, behind him she could see his two friends laughing and smirking at her and her son's actions. She would have escaped were she able, but now the three of them were between her and the living room door. Mark looked at her, then followed her eyes to the door to freedom, she saw his lips curl in a sneer as he instructed Tom to lock the door and put the key in his pocket. Horrified Amanda watched Tom carry out her son's instructions; wide eyed she looked back at Mark.

"Get 'em off, NOW!" Mark snapped.

She backed away from him, but the three of them moved with her, all of them waiting for her to take off her clothes.

"NO!" Amanda snapped back "I won't do it."

She cried out as Mark slapped her across the cheek again, then she felt the material of her dress being pulled, she jerked forward as the material tore with a ripping sound. She tried to cover herself with her arms as she stared in horror at her son who had now tossed the ruined dress aside and was reaching out to her again. Even though she knew there was nowhere to go Amanda ran, their cruel laughter chasing her as she tried to get to the locked door, but Bob caught her, his fingers digging into her upper arm painfully as she struggled to get free. She almost succeeded, but Tom took hold of her other arm in an equally painful hold and between them the two boys held her struggling form, turning her around to face her son. She cried out as he slapped her first across one cheek, then across the other, his voice rose in laughter, then he reached out and tore her filmy bra from her breasts.

"Nice tits." he commented with a laugh "What d'you think boys?"

"Fucking A!" Tom laughed as he leaned over to look.

"Can't wait to get my hands on them!" Bob laughed.

"Not long now, Bobby boy." Mark laughed as he grasped her panties and pulled.

"Oh God, no!" Amanda cried out "Mark, no! You can't! I'm your mother! Please! Please don't do this Mark!"

All she got in reply was laughter from all three of them; tears filled her eyes as she struggled against the two boys holding her, their fingers digging cruelly into her arms. Legs thrashing she tried to kick out at them, but all she got from that was another slap from her son and the sound of laughter in her ears. Tom moved, for a moment she saw a chance of breaking free only to have it dashed as Bob twisted her arm up behind her back, moved behind her, grasped her other arm and twisted it up as well. Held as she was Amanda couldn't get away, even struggling sent pain through her arms, nevertheless she continued to struggle against Bob, even more so when she saw her son and Tom starting to undress.

"Yeah," Bob breathed menacingly in her ear "that's right, we're going to do you, bitch."

Amanda froze at the sight of Mark and Tom's erect pricks, but renewed her struggles as they moved towards her. Tom took over the hold from Bob and while Bob undressed Tom pulled her tightly to him, his skin hot against hers, his cock pressing at her buttocks. Mark stood in front of her, his face twisted in an evil grin of anticipation as he reached out and started to play with her boobs.

"Mark first," Tom hissed in her ear "gonna be a right turn on watching your son screw you. Then me, then Bob."

"God no!" Amanda gasped.

"He won't help you." Mark laughed as he squeezed her boobs hard.

There was nothing gentle about her son's touch, his fingers dug into her boobs as he kneaded them, when he turned his attention to her nipples his fingers squeezed and twisted until she cried out. To her shame, despite all this, Amanda began to feel herself growing aroused by her son's attention to her boobs, she could feel the heat growing in her pussy as tears coursed their way down her cheeks. Then one of her son's hands was moving down her body, it pressed against her clit briefly then slid down to her pussy, two fingers suddenly plunged into her, the hand crushing her pussy lips as her son rammed his fingers into her with cruel force.

"Jesus!" Mark laughed "What a whore! She's fucking wet and enjoying it!"

All three of them laughed at that, but Amanda only felt shame that her body could react as it was under their assault, though she struggled it did her no good, her arms were almost being pulled from their sockets the way Tom had them twisted up behind her, but her feet were free for all the good that did her.

"You want it," Tom breathed in her ear "you know you want it bitch. A little slut like you can't get enough of it."

Mark laughed as Tom spoke in her ear; she was determined to wipe that laugh off his face no matter how briefly. With a screech she kicked out, her foot hitting him square in the groin with force, the laugh died in his throat as he dropped to his knees gurgling in pain and clutching at his groin. Behind her Tom was so stunned by what had happened he loosened his grip and she twisted free, turned and kneed him in the groin, she had the satisfaction of seeing him go down before a fist smashed into the back of her head, stunning her and sending her to her knees.

"I'll fuckin' fix you, bitch!" Bob's voice spat out.

Amanda felt herself being dragged to her feet by her hair, then Bob twisted her arms up behind her with a force that made her cry out loudly, shaking her roughly Bob hissed dire threats at her. Then Mark was in front of her again, he seemed recovered from her kick, but he was no longer smiling, instead there was a look of anger on his face.

"You'll pay for that!" he snarled menacingly.

Amanda spat at him; wiping the spittle from his face with one hand Mark slapped her with the other.

"Get her down!" he snapped "Fuck warming her up! Let's fucking do her!"

Before she could brace herself to resist Amanda felt herself being thrust down onto the floor, she tried to roll over onto her stomach, but cruel hands turned her onto her back. Tom, now recovered as well, took her arms and pulled them out level with her shoulders, then he knelt on her upper arms with his full weight, Mark grasped her ankles and despite her kicks forced her legs up to her shoulders. Then he pushed her legs open, in horror Amanda saw Bob lean over Tom and grab hold of her ankles, holding her wide for her son's pleasure, Mark let go of her and dropped his hands to her tits, his fingers leaving angry red marks on her flesh as her cruelly played with her. Then he once again turned his attention to her nipples, teasing them cruelly with his fingers, tugging at them and twisting them until Amanda cried out in both pain and, to her mortification, excitement. Through her humiliation, fear and growing excitement Amanda constantly pleaded and begged for them to stop, her words fell on deaf ears, the three boys were intent on their actions. Still struggling Amanda almost managed to free one of her arms, but Tom and Bob, as though it were a practised manoeuvre, shifted their positions until they were each kneeling on one of her arms with their full weight. She could feel pain in her arms as their weight crushed down on her muscles and when they shifted the grip on her ankles so that they had a leg apiece Amanda sobbed with the knowledge that there was nothing she could do to stop what was happening.

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