Janet in Training - Cover

Janet in Training

Copyright© 2001 by sfmaster

Chapter 7: A Terrible Phone Call

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: A Terrible Phone Call - JIT is a BDSM morality play, set in the exclusive town of Greenwich, CT.<br>Janet Davis is a bored secretary from Queens NY who asks her girlfriend to liven up her sex life. She is placed in touch with Mistress Erica - a mysterious Domme with plans of her own for her new submissive.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   BDSM   DomSub  

Janet Davis turned uneasily in her bed, as she had not been able to get any sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time.

It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had suddenly realized just how much she missed being a slave by the absence of her normal weekend routine. Instead of the limo to Greenwich and the sexual thrill of submission, she had merely spent the time alone in her apartment. Her friends had long since abandoned the idea of asking her for a Saturday night out. None of them had any idea just what she had been doing for the last year. They had either assumed (As any girl might) that she already had a lover, or that she was just not interested in socializing with them. Janet wondered how they might react if they knew that she spent her time in naked submission to another woman.

The usual phone call had not come earlier in the week, leaving her disappointed and frustrated. In desperation, she had gone to a local video store and rented two fetish films. The boxes had pictures of bound naked girls, and Janet glanced at the description. When she handed her choices to the salesclerk, the girl showed a little surprise. Janet walked out of the store, her selections wrapped in a plastic bag.

All that watching them that night had done was to increase her desire to see Mistress Erica. She stripped off her clothing and instead watched the tapes naked wearing only her collar and bracelets. Her nipples became erect and her heart beat faster. She could not keep her fingers away from her shaven sex, her fingers following the fine tracery of lines across her skin. The marks that bonded her to Mistress Erica!

While she was glad that the next day was Saturday, she hoped that she would find something to pass the time. It was going to be a lonely weekend without going to Erica's, and she missed Erica and her lash. Janet wondered why Erica had not simply sent her to Stephanie's for the weekend, as she had done before. Instead, Janet was left alone for the weekend.

The sudden electronic buzz of the phone startled Janet. The clock said 5 AM, and who could be calling her at this hour?

"Hello?" she asked as she picked up the receiver.

"Janet?" asked the caller.

"Tiffany?" asked Janet.

The voice sounded like Tiffany, but how could that be? They were forbidden to trade numbers, let alone last names. No, they were just property in the Dungeon. So how could Tiffany have located her?

"Janet, I have some bad news for you. I just got a call from Erica's lawyer. There's been a terrible accident! Erica and Andrea were both killed in a plane accident in Mexico."

"Tiffany, you must be joking," said Janet.

"Look, I'm serious. The lawyer will be calling you too. She gave me your number so that I could call you first to break the news."

When the realization that the news of Mistress Erica's death might just be true, Janet went cold inside. From the time that she had been a slave girl, she had been prevented from getting to know Tiffany in any way. It was hard to trade phone number when your mouth was filled by a ballgag, or when being chained in a Dungeon. It was only because of a tragedy that Tiffany might get Janet's number at all.

"Janet, are you still there?" asked Tiffany.

"Yes, I'm just choked up, that's all. I just can't believe it."

"I know, I had the same feeling. Let me get off the line, so the lawyer can call you. Here is my number so you can call me tomorrow. So that we can get together, OK?"

Grabbing a pen, Janet wrote down her full name and number. In turn, she gave Tiffany hers. The two of them, who had shared so much before, could now finally share their names together!

Her head spun with the news that Erica might be gone, that she would no longer be a slave girl to the Mistress that had introduced her to slavery. What would her life be composed of now? Would she be free? She fingered the ring on her index finger, with the incised links of chain on its surface.

In a few moments, the phone rang.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"Is this Janet Davis?" asked a female voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Yes," trembled Janet.

"My name is Blanca Sanchez, Erica Riken's lawyer. I'm calling to notify you of a tragedy, since Erica requested that if anything were ever to happen to her, you and Tiffany Gray are to be contacted."

"Thank you," stuttered Janet.

"I'll call with the funeral arrangements. You and Tiffany will be inheriting Erica's estate, by the way. So you have to come to my office in Manhattan."

"What about her family?" asked Janet.

"She had no family or relatives. That is why you and Tiffany have inherited the estate, but there are some conditions that will be explained to you, else you forfeit your rights. But that can be explained later."

Janet took down the lawyer's name and number, and was assured that she could be contacted day and night if needed.

"Thank you," said Janet. "Do I know you? Your voice sounds very familiar, Blanca."

"It should. Last time we met, you called me Mistress Blanca and we met at Mistress Stephanie's House. You took my stripes very well."

Janet was speechless, the next words caught in her throat.

"Are you still on the line, Miss Davis?" questioned Blanca.

"Yes," answered Janet.

"Don't be fearful, I'm not going to discipline you for improper address! I'm calling to fulfill my legal duties to the estate of Erica, my friend and client. So don't be afraid!"

"Yes, Blanca," answered Janet.

"Good. I shall call you soon with the funeral details, and when we must meet to talk about the estate."

"Thank you," said Janet.

"Good bye, Janet," said Blanca.

"Bye," said Janet as she put the phone down.

Shock after shock! Tiffany calling her with the news, then Blanca calls also! Then finding out that Blanca was both a Mistress and Erica's lawyer, and that she and Tiffany were going to inherit the estate!

Even though it was summer and the apartment was over eighty, Janet felt cold and lonely that night. She fingered her collar and bracelets, and curled up in a ball under the cold sweaty sheets. Was she really free?

The next day, Janet slept late. It wasn't until a truck backfired that she finally woke up, and found that it was Ten AM. She unlocked her bracelets and collar, dressed and made coffee. She read the paper dejectedly, not caring about its contents. All she saw was the ring on her index finger.

Next to the phone were the numbers that she had written down before dawn. She had somehow wanted to believe that it was all a dream, and that none of it had happened. But instead, the numbers mocked her.


When she heard the phone, she somehow hoped that it might be the lawyer calling her to say that it had all been a horrible mistake.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"Janet, its Tiffany. How are you feeling?"


"Look, I was calling to say let's get together. Tonight for dinner," Tiffany suggested.

"I don't really feel like eating out," Janet answered.

"No, I'll cook. We'll eat, talk, and split a bottle of wine. Besides, misery loves company. So don't be alone," said Tiffany.

"Really, I don't think so," said Janet.

"Please, Janet! What else do you have to do tonight besides cry? I don't want to be alone either, so join me. I promise I won't poison you, my cooking isn't that bad."

"All right," Janet answered, "where do you live?"

Janet found that Tiffany lived not far from her in a rented house just over the border in Nassau. For a long time she had considered selling her car, since she had previously only used it on weekends. Now she backed it out of her parking space, leaving her neighbors to wonder why she didn't go away by limo the previous evening.

Tiffany lived a suburb like Janet's except that she rented the lower floor of a two family house. She parked in the large driveway behind Tiffany's blue car, and Tiffany was waiting for her at the door.

"Did you find my directions easy?" asked Tiffany.

"Sure," said Janet as she entered the apartment.

The house was small, and Tiffany had a small foyer, closet, living room, kitchen, and bedroom. The rooms were OK, but small.

"I also have the use of the backyard. My landlord has a BBQ, so I cook outside."

"Nice. I can't do that at my apartment," said Janet.

"How about a drink?"

"Wine OK?"


Tiffany had prepared for her guest, and she opened a bottle of white wine and poured two glasses. They sat down in the living room, an awkward silence between them.

"Well," said Tiffany after taking a sip of her drink, "what now?"

"About what? Erica's gone."

"We're free!" said Tiffany.

"No," answered Janet sipping from her glass, "we'll never be free."

"What do you mean by that?" questioned Tiffany.

"The things we've done and seen, the marks on our bodies. Your ring and my shaved sex are reminders of the life we led as slaves. The Dominants and Slaves we've met. No, we're not free."

"You have a sense of the dramatic," said Tiffany.

"No. Erica would not let us off from being slaves so easily, and I have a feeling that she had something planned for after her death."

"We'll go to the funeral, see what the lawyer has to say. And then go on from there," said Tiffany.

At that moment a bell went off in the kitchen, cutting off further conversation. Tiffany jumped up, and walked into the kitchen.

"Chicken's ready," called Tiffany, holding an oven mitt.

Much to her surprise, going to Tiffany's did improve her spirit. Instead of eating alone at her apartment, Janet enjoyed going out and being with someone else. It was strange to be eating during the weekend wearing clothes, as she was usually naked.

Tiffany had prepared a nice dinner of baked chicken, potatoes, a vegetable, and cake. She was a good host, and Janet enjoyed the company. After eating, they took their coffee and cake outside.

"That was very nice," complimented Janet.

"Thank you. I hate eating alone."

"Ever live with a guy?" asked Janet.

"Sure. They all treated me like a dumb blonde, and they all ended up cheating on me."

"How did you... ?"

"Become a slave? I met some girl at a party who showed me her whip marks, I got introduced around, and I met someone. She wasn't a very good Dominant, but I eventually found Erica. Made my life more exciting. You?"

"I got bored, and a friend introduced me."

"At least you didn't take up something dangerous. Like skydiving," laughed Tiffany.

Janet chuckled. It was the first she felt good in days, since she had not seen Erica in two weeks. Tiffany had lifted her morose spirits.

"Do you want to see a movie? Go dancing?" asked Tiffany.

"I haven't done any of those things for a long time," answered Janet.

"Neither have I. For at least three years, now. God, I wouldn't know where to go," said Tiffany.

When Janet had arrived, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Now the sky boiled, and the wind was picking up.

"Was there any rain forecast?" asked Janet.

"Probably a summer thunderstorm. Did you close your car window?"

"No," said Janet, rising from her chair.

They both ran to the driveway and Janet rolled up her window just in time to hear the first peal of thunder. Then the sky broke, and it was like a solid wall of water coming down.

"Wow!" yelled Tiffany.

They both made a dash for the back door. Even though the rain had only lasted for seconds, they were both soaking wet by the time they got inside. Both took deep breaths and looked at each other, and saw that their clothes were plastered to each other.

"Better get out of these clothes," said Tiffany.

"I didn't bring anything," answered Janet.

"You didn't need anything at Erica's, did you? I think I can find something for you to wear," replied Tiffany.

The two girls went to the bedroom, and Tiffany took all her clothes off. She was soaked all the way down to the skin, and her underwear stuck to her. Tiffany removed her bra and panties, and grabbed a towel from the bathroom. She toweled herself dry, then went into the bathroom to dry her hair.

"What are you waiting for, a cold?" asked Tiffany.

Janet stripped, and dried herself off also. She joined Tiffany, who passed her dryer and brush to her. She looked in the mirror, and saw a familiar sight: the two of them naked. Except that they were not wearing collars, or any of the usual implements.

Going into the bathroom, Tiffany hung their wet clothes on hangers to dry. Their clothes were soaked, and would need the whole night to dry.

Crash! Janet had knocked into a box, and had sent plastic pieces flying all over Tiffany's closet as she searched for something to wear.

"Are you all right?" asked Tiffany.

"Just knocked something over," answered Janet.

"Damn, I told my nephews not to put Conquest in the closet," stated Tiffany, "I keep the game so that they have something to play when my sister visits."

The two naked girls bent down on the floor and sort the cards and plastic pieces of the war game.

"You really made a mess," observed Tiffany.

"If this was Erica's house, I would have been punished," laughed Janet.

"Do you play?" asked Tiffany.

"My brother taught me, and I learned on my own. Don't play me though, I'm a killer. When I finished college, nobody would play me in the dorm or the student center," proudly boasted Janet.

"Really," answered Tiffany, a smile on her face.

When Janet was buttoning a shirt, Tiffany reached over and kissed her. Suddenly all of Janet's desires for the last two weeks boiled over. She grabbed Tiffany, and they fell on the bed.

"A little early, isn't it?" asked Tiffany.

"Who cares?"

"Then use me, Janet," said Tiffany, "hard."

When they got under the covers, Janet obliged her companion. Since there was no clock facing the bed, she never knew just how long they went at it before they fell asleep. But the sky was long dark and the traffic ceased long before they did.

Erica's and Andrea's funeral was held two days later. There were no coffins, and Janet did not recognize anyone except for Blanca, Stephanie, and Camille. After the service, which was thankfully short, Blanca walked over to them.

"Good morning," said Blanca.

"Hello, Blanca," replied Janet.

"I see that you both are here to honor Erica."

"Yes," they answered in unison.

"I want you to meet me in my office tomorrow at 9," said Blanca, as she handed Janet and Tiffany her business card.

"Why?" asked Tiffany.

"There's the will to take care of."

"Can't you tell us about it now?" asked Janet.

"Nine AM tomorrow. Sharp!" she commanded.

Janet almost answered "Yes, Mistress," but caught herself in time. Blanca had turned on her heels and was walking out of the church before Janet could formulate a reply. Tiffany had gone off to talk with Stephanie, leaving her alone.

The next morning, they took the train to Manhattan. The subway was crowded with all the commuters going to work.

"Are you going to work after this?" asked Tiffany.

"Depends on how I feel," answered Janet.

"Me, too."

Blanca Sanchez was a junior partner at a prestigious law firm. The lobby was covered in marble that made every step of their heels click and echo, reminding Janet of Erica's Dungeon. They were ushered into Blanca's office, which was richly furnished. The furniture was oak, and the carpet deep. They both sat down in leather stuffed chairs.

She closed the door, and pressed her intercom, "Georgie, no calls please."

"Yes, Blanca."

"There now," said Blanca, "a little peace."

"You wanted to see us," said Janet.

"Yes," answered Blanca, who opened a manila folder.

Janet and Tiffany waited for Blanca to begin. They had quite a lot of patience, since they had learned by waiting chained in the Dungeon.

"I have been Erica's lawyer and friend for years, and so it is up to me to execute her will. You two are the beneficiaries of the estate, the care of which has been entrusted to me. You will receive the estate in stages over the next year, when you prove that you are capable of handling it."

Janet stole a glance at Tiffany, who looked bored and stared out the window at Manhattan below. Didn't she care, thought Janet?

"You will inherit her house, cars, clothes and books. Including her Dungeon, of course, and you are expected to create your own House."

"That's what I've been waiting for," said Tiffany, before she resumed staring out the window.

"I will help you pay all of the taxes and bills, and show you how to run a mansion like Erica's, which is not like anything that you have done before. I'm going to be giving you a large file to each of you containing multiple documents that Erica wanted you to have. I want you to read everything," said Blanca.

Suddenly Janet recalled one of her last visits, and remembered Erica's strange remarks. That she would be tested in some way. She looked at Tiffany, since she knew that Erica must have given her the same warning. Instead, Tiffany's attention had wandered. She was staring out the window.

"Can I have a list of how much money we'll get?" asked Tiffany.

"Yes. But before you join the ranks of the idle rich, you'll be on an allowance to prove that you're financially responsible," said Blanca.

"Sounds like we've traded one Mistress for another," said Tiffany.

"If you want to see it that way," answered Blanca.

"Is there anything else?" asked Tiffany.

Blanca then handed out pens and a series of legal papers.

"Start signing at the X marks," said Tiffany. "We have quite a bit of legal ground to cover."

"What about my job?" asked Janet.

"Call your employer and tell them you have to take the week off. We're going to very busy for the next week."

"Yes, Blanca," said Janet.

The morning was spent signing papers and forms. In the afternoon, after lunch, a car was called to take them to Erica's house. They rode in a black limo, just like the one that would take Janet each weekend. The ride was very different during the day, and she only recognized the road signs on the way up.

"At least you weren't blindfolded in transit," said Blanca, "so you already know the way."


When they pulled up at the gate, Blanca produced a key, which opened it. Then they drove up the familiar driveway up to the door. Dead leaves scattered out of the way.

They left the limo, and Blanca told the driver to return in a few hours. Then they walked up the steps, and Janet expected that Andrea would be waiting for them. Instead, yellow tape sealed the door, which Blanca removed and balled up. She opened the door, and quickly went to the alarm panel to shut it off.

"There now," she said, "that's better."

"I expect to see Erica any minute," said Janet.

"Not too likely. Come, we have a lot of ground to cover. Everything from the alarm to the water cut off valves. Running an estate is a job all by itself, and you've got it!"

The next few hours, with some breaks, dealt with the physical aspects of the house and grounds. Janet set off the alarm twice and Tiffany once.

"Just don't make a habit out of that," cautioned Blanca.

When they were finished, they descended to the Dungeon. Everything was cleaned and polished, just waiting for the Mistress of the House to return. Their heels clicked on the stone floor.

"This is yours too. Just use it wisely. Not too many houses around here have Dungeons in their basements, but I have heard some stories over the years. This area is all old Yankee money, so don't be surprised if they ignore you completely. This isn't like living in an apartment complex," Blanca cautioned.

They both nodded.

"I don't want you causing any legal trouble, so you have got to be very careful in training new slaves. You have to learn your new position first, so you can contact some of the other Dominants you have may have served. I know that Stephanie is willing to help, so I'll give you her number. Got that?" said Blanca as she walked among the Dungeon and picked up a riding crop, flexing it in her hand.

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