Janet in Training - Cover

Janet in Training

Copyright© 2001 by sfmaster

Chapter 1: Bondage Introductions

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Bondage Introductions - JIT is a BDSM morality play, set in the exclusive town of Greenwich, CT.<br>Janet Davis is a bored secretary from Queens NY who asks her girlfriend to liven up her sex life. She is placed in touch with Mistress Erica - a mysterious Domme with plans of her own for her new submissive.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Consensual   BDSM   DomSub  

Janet Davis had returned from work early from her job, as her girlfriend Sally Belmar was going to pay a visit. Janet had known Sally for a long time, and at their last meeting, her friend had said that she was going to make a special proposal to her.

That previous evening, the two women had gotten drunk together, and Janet had admitted that she had been rather dissatisfied with her sex life. Sally had listened to her friend's complaint intently, nodding with each point that her friend had made.

Afterwards, Sally said that she would be able to offer a suggestion to Janet's sex problem. However, she would first have to talk to a friend of hers.

Janet waited eagerly in her apartment, finally glad when she heard the doorbell ring. She hit the buzzer, and let her friend into the apartment when she heard the knock on the door.

The two women greeted each other warmly. Janet looked over her guest, and admired how she was dressed. Sally wore a fur coat, and beneath the coat was a silk blouse, a leather skirt, white stockings, and finally a pair of black patent leather high heels.

"Would you like a drink?" asked Janet.

"Sure, why not," agreed Sally.

Janet already had planned for this, and a bottle of wine had been waiting for Sally's arrival. Janet opened the bottle, and poured two glasses. She handed one glass to Sally and they seated themselves on the couch.

After taking a rather long sip, Sally looked her friend over. She wondered to herself, how would Janet take to the suggestion that she was about to make? Just how strong was her disappointment with normal sex that she had mentioned before?

"Janet, do you remember what you said at our last meeting about sex?" questioned Sally.


"Well, I have a possible solution for you. It's a little unusual, so I would like to ask you to hear me out."

"Go ahead," she answered.

"Well, I know that this is going to sound strange, but have you ever heard of bondage?"

"Bondage? Just what do you mean by that?"

"Janet, surely you must know something about it? You must have heard something."

Janet took a long drink and sat back in the sofa. She was not sure just what her friend was getting at, but she wanted to hear more.

"Well, I know that it involved people getting tied up and dominated by others," Janet answered.

"You are partially right," Sally observed, "but it's really about trust between the dom and the sub, and not to exceed another's limits. You wanted to explore something new. Do you think that you might like to engage in this?"

"Dominated by who?" Janet asked.

"By a dominatrix or mistress, of course. A woman who knows something about bondage and about what some people need," Sally replied.

Janet poured herself another glass, then drained it in one swallow. She was intrigued by what her friend was saying. She had heard of bondage before, but she had never known anyone that engaged in it.

"You mean that some people need to get tied up?" Janet asked.

"Yes. And not just some strange people getting their jollies either. Punishment has always been linked to both pleasure and sex. Perhaps that is why you have always felt guilty about sex..."

"I have never felt guilty about sex," Janet stated firmly.

"Really, is that why some of the men you've dated have left angrily," Sally probed, "because you wouldn't experiment with sex?"

"This is the craziest idea that I've ever heard. Just what are you suggesting anyway?" Janet demanded.

"Perhaps you should search for another kind of sexual fulfillment," Sally answered.

"Like bondage?" questioned Janet.

"Yes. And don't act so surprised. A lot of people have found it perfectly enjoyable. You might too. To be properly introduced to bondage you would need the right person. You would need a Dom who could train you into becoming her slave," Sally answered.

"A sex slave. You must be kidding. Such things don't exist in real life," Janet stated.

"Don't you watch the TV talk shows? Try it, you have nothing to lose. Your love life hasn't worked out very well. Maybe it's time that you tried something different for a change."

"All right, I'm interested," Janet answered, "But where would I find a Mistress?

"I know a Mistress who trains slaves. She'll train you," Sally answered.

"Really?" asked Janet.

"Yes. But be warned, the stripes on your naked body will cost you more than you might ever imagine."

"Okay, call this Mistress. Tell her that I would like to meet with her. I'm not agreeing to anything. But I would like to know more," said Janet.

"Sure," answered Sally.

"Tell me one thing. Have you ever been in bondage yourself?" Janet asked.

"Yes, that's how I know so much about it. You might find that you like it too," Sally answered.

"All right," Janet said, "I'll give it a try."

For the next few weeks Janet had not given a thought to bondage. Work had been too hectic and there had been no time to think of sex at all, though she longed to meet someone!

One night, while staying alone in her apartment, the phone rang. In the stillness it shook Janet awake, who had been dozing on the couch.

"Hello," asked Janet.

"Is this Janet Davis," asked the caller.


"You don't know me, but we have a mutual friend, Sally Belmar. She told me that you were interested in my services."

"What's your name?" Janet asked.

"Surely she must have told you. My name is Erica Riken. Are you still interested in seeing me?"

"Yes," Janet answered, "Sally told me a little of what you do. I'd like to know more about it."

"Good. I'll handle everything. I can arrange that after work on Friday, you can be picked up and driven to my place in Connecticut. Will that be all right?" Erica asked.

"Sure," Janet answered.

"Erica, do you want me to bring anything?" asked Janet.

"No. Slaves don't bring anything. Except a desire to please their Mistress."

"Thank you, Mistress," said Janet.

"Just come up on Friday," said Erica before she hung up.

Janet hung up the phone, her heart pounding. She was excited that she was finally going to meet a Mistress!

For a change, Friday had been a good workday. Janet had been able to get out of work early. Once home, she took a quick shower and found that her pussy was wet with excitement. She dressed in a white blouse, a plaid skirt, pantyhose, and modest high heels.

At eight the buzzer went off, and a large white limo was waiting for her. The liveried driver held the door open for her as Janet seated herself on the leather seat.

The drive to Greenwich, which Janet knew, was one of the wealthiest in the NY area did not take too long. Finally, they pulled up to a large walled estate where the gates had to be opened first. The car followed a long driveway up to the wooden doors. Once parked, the driver got out and opened the door for Janet.

"What do I do now?" she asked the driver.

"Just ring the bell, you're expected," he answered.

When Janet did so, the Maid greeted her. However, unlike other Maid's uniforms that she was seen, this one was made of black rubber, not satin, and the girl was walking on very high heels.

She took Janet's coat and ushered her into a large room off the entrance to the house. Seated on the couch was a woman wearing a sweater and black jeans, not what she had been expecting!

"You must be Janet Davis," her host as she rose from the leather couch, "I'm Erica Riken."

"Pleased to meet you," said Janet.

There was a moment of silence between the two women. From what she had read, Janet knew that she had to act submissive.

"Have a seat," ordered Erica.

Janet sat down in silence, and waited for Erica to make the next move.

"I'm pleased that you wanted to come see me," said Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet had decided to try using Erica's title.

"You're not my slave yet, but it's nice to see that you understand what might be your position here," Erica answered.

"Thank you, Mistress," Janet replied.

"Did you think that I was going to rip your clothes off?" asked Erica.

"I didn't know what to expect," Janet answered.

"You're here to see if you can be trained as a slave girl, just like your friend Sally. I'm going to see if you can be a submissive."

"A slave girl?" asked Janet.

"Yes," Erica answered.

There was a moment of silence between them.

"I have to get to know you. I just don't take anybody. I want to know why you want to be a slave, and if you're capable of being one," Erica stated.

"I have unsatisfying relationships, and I want to try something different. Sally suggested that I become a slave to a Mistress."

"Good enough. Would like to see how a slave performs?" asked Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet answered.

Erica pressed a button on her desk, and the doors opened and the Maid entered the room. She walked over to the couch where the two women were seated.

"May I be of service?" she asked.

"Yes, turn around please," ordered Erica.

The Maid stood silently as Erica unzipped her outfit. Janet gasped when she saw that the Maid's naked body was covered by red stripes.

"You've been whipped," observed Janet.

"Speak, Andrea," ordered Erica.

"I've been bad recently, and Erica has punished me," Andrea replied.

"Are you her slave?" Janet asked.

"I have belonged to Mistress Erica for some time," said Andrea.

Janet had to have a few moments to assimilate all this. A Mistress and her slave girl in real life! The chance to perhaps be one!

"I would like to be a slave girl too!" declared Janet.

"Slaves don't want anything," Erica answered, "except to please their owners."

"Yes, Mistress," replied Janet.

"Andrea, put your uniform on and go into the kitchen. I shall see you later," ordered Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," quickly answered Andrea as she picked up her rubber uniform from the floor.

"Before you become my slave girl in training, I have to set down some conditions. First you must obey me totally. Next you must not tell anyone, anyone at all what you are doing. You will belong to me totally, body and soul. And I mean it," commanded Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet answered.

"You will continue to work. Too many girls would gladly give up working for a living to be kept here in bondage. I don't need those types of girls. Unless, of course, I were to ask you to do so."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Before you enter training, I want you to see a demonstration," suggested Erica.

"On me, Mistress?" asked Janet.

Erica sat back in amusement.

"You're really anxious to wear my chains, aren't you? No, I have a girl downstairs in the dungeon already. One of my most dedicated little slave girls who needs punishment," said Erica.

"Yes, Mistress," Janet answered.

"I see you've already learned a little about being a slave. Go to the kitchen and tell Andrea that I want you prepared before you enter the dungeon. She'll know what do. Now go!" commanded Erica.

Janet stood up quickly and opened the door that Andrea had exited from. She walked in the large house, wondering just where the kitchen was. She guessed that it was in the rear, and entered a kitchen that belonged on a magazine cover. Plus, the place was spotless!

"Erica told me that I had to prepared for something," she said to Andrea who was washing some silverware.

"Please come with me," Andrea answered as she wiped her hands on a spotless towel.

Janet followed Andrea through the house, if house was the word. Mansion was a better term for the place, given that it had a stone wall around the estate. In just two rooms, there was expensive artwork and antiques. But the rest of the Mansion was rather plainly furnished.

Finally they came to a small room that looked like it was servants quarters. There was a bed, and Janet noticed that there was a ringbolt set into the wall next to the bed. There was a small sink and toilet within a few feet of the bed, so if anyone were chained there, they would be able to wash and go to the bathroom.

"Please remove your clothes," said Andrea.

"I thought that I was going to see a demonstration."

"Yes. But first you must be prepared. Slave girls don't wear clothes, especially slaves in training. Remove all your clothes, please."

Janet had never undressed in the presence of another woman since the locker room at gym in college. She had even been embarrassed while trying on clothes in a store.

Janet proceeded to first unzip her skirt, then remove her blouse and place it on the bed. Then she removed her bra, shoes and pantyhose. Finally, she pulled her panties off, and stood naked before Andrea.

"I'm all yours," said Janet.

"Good. It will go easier on you if you realize that you are nothing to me now. That you must be trained first before you can become one of Erica's slaves. Now turn around. I don't want you running away."

Janet turned her back on the Maid, unsure of what was going to happen next. Her curiosity was soon rewarded when she felt the bite of steel first on one wrist, then the other. It was quite a shock to realize that she was wearing handcuffs! Janet twisted her arms to experiment in her first time in some form of bondage.

"Go ahead. Try all you want. You'll never get out of those cuffs," Andrea stated.

Andrea pushed Janet to her knees, producing another kind of chain. This one had cuffs at each end, but had about two feet of chain between them. These she placed on Janet's ankles, again clicking the ratchets shut until they bit upon her flesh. Janet was captive!

"Now, just one last thing," said Andrea as she went into a bedside cabinet and removed a black leather object.

Janet soon discovered that it was a blindfold that fit snugly over her eyes. It cut off all of her vision totally. Naked, bound, and blindfolded, Janet wondered what would happen next.

She felt Andrea's fingers grab her arm and pulled until she was again standing. Then she began to walk leading Janet along slowly so that she could take hobbled steps.

Finally they reached their destination. Janet heard machinery and guessed that they were in front of an elevator. She heard the door open and they stepped inside. Then she felt the elevator descend.

After they came to a stop, Andrea again pulled her along. Then she felt that they were in another room. Janet heard nothing except for the wet sounds that Andrea's rubber uniform made whenever it moved. Then she felt Andrea unlocking her handcuffs, and raising her arms. Backing Janet to a wall, Janet felt some kind of projections there. Andrea was taking special care to maneuver Janet into someplace special. When she felt Andrea release her, Janet held still, not certain of what was going to happen next. She then felt a bar close, which confined her neck and wrists. Janet was bound to the wall by stocks! But still she couldn't see anything! She decided to keep silent, as she did not know what would get her punished. At this stage probably anything would be sufficient.

Janet twisted within her wooden prison, and found that the stocks were made of wood. The holes for her head and wrists were lined with fur, so that she would not hurt herself while confined. She pulled her ankle chain without effect, and waited for something to happen.

Finally after some time, Janet heard a woman's heels click as she walked across the floor. After being in darkness for some time, Janet felt her blindfold being removed. Suddenly there was light! She had been expecting a gloomy dungeon. Instead she was in a brightly-lit dungeon with a stone floor and walls, with chains hanging from the ceiling and various devices on the walls and ceiling.

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