JAG - Mac's Witching Hour - Cover

JAG - Mac's Witching Hour

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A JAG episode, twisted to my liking. This one involves the episode where Colonel MackE. Z.e goes undercover in a Coven. Once introduced to their pratices she discovers a new and exciting aspect of their sexual activities and loves it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   BDSM   Bestiality  

Mac had gone undercover in the Wiccan to discover if their prime suspect in a rape charge was indeed the sexual predator that the complainant had claimed he was. CPO Merker was also the High Priest of a Wiccan, practitioners of the art of witchcraft. That term no longer held the same image of evil that it used to. Wiccans were becoming more and more a recognized religion in the United States.

While her partner, Commander Harmon Rabb, conducted an overt investigation of the charges. Mac assumed the identity of a Navy Petty Officer and infiltrate the Wiccan.

She had gone through a number of initiation ceremonies in which she had been exposed to a drugged ash that defied detection. During those ceremonies, she had stripped along with the other members of the Wiccan and danced joyfully around blazing bonfires.

But on this, her final night of her initiation, she was offered to the Wiccan's Lord's shell. The shell was in the body of a large snow white Ram. The large, virile animal had a huge ebony phallus that Mac soon learned was meant for her.

Because of the mind controlling effect of the ash, Mac subjugated herself to inter-species sexual contact with the beast. She had sucked the Ram dry to start off with. Then she was offered to it for intercourse. A marriage Merker called it.

During this whole ceremony, CPO Merker was finding it nearly impossible to resist his own sexual urges. Mac had him mesmerized at her sexual prowess. But he knew that he had to maintain his vow of celibacy so that he could keep his hold over the members of the Wiccan congregation.

When we last left her, Mac had accomplished the apparently impossible feat of taking in all fourteen inches of Ram cock into her womb. But still she wanted more from it. She wanted to feel the animal fuck her. Fuck her like only an animal could.

She bucked her ass against the Ram's groin to urge him to keep humping her. It didn't take much urging to convince to do just that.

"Oh yessss," Mac moaned. "Fuck me. Lord, fuck me good."

The congregation cheered on each time she used the word 'Lord' in her vocal outburst, mistakenly believing that she was in fact praising their religious Lord.

Mac could feel the Ram's cock pull almost completely out of her pussy, then just ram it back into her with such force that her knees bounced off the ground with each thrust. In and out the mighty cock pistoned into her pussy, driving her mad with excitement.

Merker just stared dumbfounded as he watched Mac fuck his virile Ram into submission. No woman had ever done that before. Sure, many of the female initiates had gone through this ceremony. But none with such rapture that this dark- haired beauty was demonstrating.

With the others, he could see their reluctance in their eyes. He knew that their initiation with the Ram would be their last with any beast. But not with Mac. With her he felt that he had found himself a soul-mate. That as soon as she found the opportunity, she would be seeking a beast to satisfy her own sexual urges.

Mac had lost count on how many times she had had an orgasm under the beast's sexual attack. But by now she didn't care any more. Time and time again the Ram would fuck his full fourteen inches into the dark tunnel of her cunt. And each time Mac would grunt from the strain it placed on her innards.

Merker was hypnotized at the sight of her actually mastering his Ram. It had taken him almost a full year to find the virile beast, convinced that no woman could ever conquer him. But here, before him, he was witnessing the impossible and it was driving him nuts.

Mac's tits would be jostled with each fuck thrust of the powerful beast. They were bouncing fore and aft like balloons full of Jell-O.

"Oh Lord, yessss!" Mac yelled in orgasm once again. "I... I don't know how... how much longer I... I can take this."

"The Lord is our Master," the congregation droned on. "The Lord is good."

Mac could feel the hot breath of the large Ram against her bare neck. She could tell that it was getting shallower with each passing second.

'He... he must be getting near, ' Mac guessed.

As if willed by her own thought, the Ram's cock exploded with a powerful ejaculation that nearly blew Mac's clenching pussy off of its cockhead.

Merker lost all self control at that point. Seeing his Ram's jet black cock blow its load deep into this initiate's cunt was too much for him to bear. He stripped off his cloak and knelt before the gasping Mac.

When she looked up she was met with his raging hard cock. Mac knew what the man wanted, and at this point she was too horny to deny herself his cock either. So, she leaned forward slightly and slipped Merker's eight inch cock in her mouth and began sucking him off as the Ram continued emptying his balls in her cunt.

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