JAG - Mac's Witching Hour - Cover

JAG - Mac's Witching Hour

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A JAG episode, twisted to my liking. This one involves the episode where Colonel MackE. Z.e goes undercover in a Coven. Once introduced to their pratices she discovers a new and exciting aspect of their sexual activities and loves it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   BDSM   Bestiality  

A few more nights of her initiation had passed before things started getting out of her control. She was the last remaining initiate, the others having dropped out early.

At first she didn't even notice anything unusual happening to her. She didn't consider how the drugged dust was slowly affecting her judgment over the past few nights. How it loosened her morals steadily each and every time she was exposed to it.

As with the other night's events, the Wiccan members dropped their ceremonial robes to the ground, standing naked in the moonlight. Mac included. Her large tits and hard nipples showing prominently in the cool night air.

"Bring forth the final initiate," Merker, the High-Priest of the Wiccan boomed.

So drugged had she become, from the accumulated dosage, that she had to be shoved forward before him. She gazed at him drunkenly as he blew another dose of dust into her face.

"This initiate has shown spirit," he announced. "She is ready to be inducted into our family. Bring forth our Lords shell."

Mac didn't grasp what he meant by that. Did the spirit that the Wiccan worship inhabit a form for them to pay homage to? What did they expect her to do for this 'shell'?

She just stared at Merker, dazed, while waiting for this so- called 'shell' to make its appearance. When she heard them approaching she turned to face the 'shell' that she would have to satisfy.

"Oh!" She gasped as they returned with a huge, snow white and well groomed, Ram goat with a huge curly horn crowning his white head.

Mac knew that many of the Wiccans worshipped animals as representation of their gods. And that many of them associated the Ram with whatever deity they followed. So, it shouldn't have been such a big surprise for her when the Ram was brought forth. Possibly because of its devilish appearance and thus closely associated to non-christian fates.

"This shell embodies our Lord," Merker chanted. "To be welcomed in our family, you must fulfill your matrimonial obligations with our Lord. You will now be invited to consummate your bond to the Lord through his shell."

'He's gotta be kidding, ' Mac was shocked at what was being proposed here. 'There is now way I'm going through with something like that.'

But Mac had been gradually drugged by the potent drugged ash through the past ceremonies. Her resistance to CPO Merker's suggestions were greatly hampered. As the other Wiccan members guided the Ram closer to her, she found herself kneeling willingly before it.

Merker just smiled down at her. He suspected that she might have been in league with the JAG investigation on him. But once he got her properly inducted in his Wiccan, he was sure that she would not dare reveal what she had done this night.

'The perfect blackmail tool, ' he thought.

The Ram stood just inches in front of Mac. She could smell its foul breath as he breathed his hot breath in her face.

"Kiss our Lord, initiate," Merker commanded.

Mac was helpless to resist his command, she leaned forward and kissed the Ram full on the lips. She then felt its muscular tongue poke out and push its way past her lips. The large beast was frenchkissing her and she was helpless to stop him. She could feel the large organ poke and prod inside her mouth as it snaked its way deeper into her cavity.

"Our Lord is pleased, initiate," Merker told her. "Now you must satisfy is lust."

Mac felt a hand grasp her by the neck and shove her towards the Ram's rear. When she reached his hindlegs, the hand pushed her head down until she could see under its furry belly.

There, before her stunned eyes, was his cock. Never in her life had she ever seen such an example of manhood, or rather cockhood. It must have been at least twelve inches long and three or four inches around.

Merker knew it to actually measure up to fourteen inches, but Mac would find that out for herself soon enough.

But what fascinated her the most was its color. Thought the Ram's fur was almost pure white, its cockshaft was in sharp contrast to it. It was an ebony black. She could see it glisten with moistness. And with each beat of the animal's heart, its cock would spring up.

"Kiss your Lord's wand initiate," Merker chanted.

Mac obediently dove under the horny animal and kissed its cockhead. She was immediately taken by the tangy taste of its pre-cum. Without any further urging from CPO Merker, Mac began licking along the length of the huge cock before her.

"Our Lord is Master," she heard the congregation chant as she continued licking. "Our Lord is good."

'I'll say he's good, ' Mac mused as she continued licking the Ram's cock.

She could feel the Ram buck with each brush of her tongue. Before she even realized what she was doing, Mac found herself accepting the cockhead into her gaping mouth. She wrapped her lips around its head and pulled in more of it inside of her mouth. She began sucking on the large penis and she was finding the whole experience exhilarating.

Merker grinned as he watched her submit to her own lustful desires. His grin broadened even more when he observed her fingers digging into her wet pussy.

"Our Lord is Master," the congregation continued, oblivious to Mac's actions. "Our Lord is good."

For them, this was truly a religious experience. A religion that the CPO abused for his own perverted pleasure.

Mac had managed to suck in the first seven inches of the Ram's raging cock. She didn't know if she could ever manage to take something so big down her throat, but she decided that she would give it her Marine best.

"Drink of our Lords wine," Merker continued with his High Priest charade. "Drink of his gift."

"Our Lord is Master," the congregation repeated endlessly. "Our Lord is good."

Mac pushed her face further under the horny Ram and accepted more of his fourteen inch cock into her gaping, sucking mouth. Her jaw almost felt dislocated, so wide had the beast's cock stretched it open. She was now able to handle at least nine full inches of its cock, but she was intent on taking it all in.

Merker was having a hard time keeping his mind on business. He had never come across any woman able to take his Ram's cock so deep before. He couldn't do anything to prevent his cock from raging into a stiff board. He always prided himself with such control over his dick. That's how he managed to maintain his charade of a High Priest of this Wiccan.

Meanwhile, Mac reached up and started massaging the Ram's bloated ball sacks. She couldn't believe how heavy they were, or how large they had ballooned. She fully expected to be drenched in goat cum before long.

"Oh yessss," she moaned, pulling her mouth off of its cock momentarily. "I love... this, Lord," she paused before finishing that sentence, remembering her undercover assignment.

She shoved her face back on the raging cock and sucked it down almost to its furry sheath. The Ram's cock was actually fucking into her throat now. Just another inch or so and she would have accomplished the impossible, or so Merker thought.

Suddenly, the Ram brayed loudly in the air. It had reached its climax and was pumping load after load of cum down Mac's throat.

But Mac didn't just want to drink the Ram's cum, she wanted to taste it. And to do that, she had to pull back until the cockhead alone remained in her mouth, so that her taste buds could savor the true flavor of the beast.

She began doing just that. Desperate to accomplish it before the goat finished cumming, but she needn't worry about that. Slowly, inch by inch, she pulled back along the impaling cock. Finally she got her first taste of its cum.

'Just another inch, ' she thought to herself as she continued pulling away.

Merker was loving the contrast of the Ram's ebony cock against Mac's pale white face.

When Mac finally managed to get the cockhead lodged at her lips she could taste the tangy cum as it shot powerfully to the back of her throat, almost making her gag from its intensity. She concentrated on keeping the cum in her mouth, but she soon realized that that wouldn't be possible.

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