JAG - Mac's Witching Hour - Cover

JAG - Mac's Witching Hour

Copyright© 2001 by David Oberman

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A JAG episode, twisted to my liking. This one involves the episode where Colonel MackE. Z.e goes undercover in a Coven. Once introduced to their pratices she discovers a new and exciting aspect of their sexual activities and loves it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Fan Fiction   BDSM   Bestiality  

That night the congregation met again by the riverside. Again a bonfire was lit and they disrobed to put on their ceremonial robes.

Mac noticed that one of the initiates of the other night wasn't there with them.

"You might have all noticed that one of our initiates declined our teaching this night," Merker, the High-Priest announced. "She was scared off by the prejudice of the JAG Officer at the base. His name his Harmon Rabb, and he is an unbeliever. At a time like this we must be strong. Do not let your faith waver with this attack."

Though Mac could read Merker's remarks as a means to disarm an investigation, she couldn't blame him for trying to defend his religion. Even though she knew full well that Harm's investigation had nothing to do with the congregation in itself.

"I all on our remaining initiates to step forward," Merker called out.

Mac and a male member stepped forward from the group.

"On this occasion," he repeated the same instructions to them as the previous night. "We welcome you into the fold of Mother Earth. And to show that you welcome her embrace, you must now disrobe before us."

The two remaining initiates disrobed without hesitation on this second part of their initiation.

"With this ash, I anoint you," CPO Merker would say aloud. "It is born of the Earth beneath us. The Air around us. And the fire that warms us."

Once more the High-Priest blew the ashen dust into their faces. This time the ash did seem to have a slight intoxicating effect on Mac. She started feeling a bit giddy this time around. She went through the motion of the naked dancing as she had the first night. But this time she felt more at ease with her nakedness.

She put that aside as just being more comfortable with doing it in front of strangers. She had no way of knowing that the hallucinogenic ash had a cumulative effect. That each exposure to the drugged powder would remove more and more inhibitions on her part. This was how CPO Merker was able to rape some of his followers without their protesting it. If she had know about this drug, she would have the case to bring the Chief up on charges. But as it was, she was to be his next victim.

It took another three nights of ceremony before Merker made his first move on Mac. He had escorted her to her billet after the ceremony and tested her acquiescence towards her.

"You were good tonight Sarah," he told her, rubbing a hand along her waist.

She felt a warmth building in her at his touch.

"Uh! Th... thank you Chief," she replied. "It... it was rather warm tonight, don't you think?"

"No more than the others," he told her.

He could feel her body temperature, even through her military uniform.

"Are you sure?" She said uncertainly. "I... I can feel myself sweating."

"Would you like me to come inside with you?" He asked.

"I... I... I don... don't think that would be... would be appropriate," she had to stammer. "At least, no... not with the investigation still going on."

He was disappointed that she was still resistant to him. But, after some consideration, maybe it was for the best. She did have a point about the risk with an ongoing investigation.

The next day, Mac was called back to the interview room at the request of Commander Rabb.

"Anything new to report Colonel?" He asked her, not expecting anything of interest.

"I'm not sure Harm," she finally said, reluctantly. "I... I think I might have been drugged last night."

"Are you sure?" His attention showing concern. "Did you get tested?"

"Yes," Mac told him. "First thing this morning. But the medics couldn't find any trace of chemicals in my blood."

"What makes you think you were drugged?" He asked her.

"Merker made a pass at me after the ceremony last night," she told Harm. "I could barely refuse his advances."

"But you did, didn't you?" Harm had to ask.

"Of course I did," she told him pointedly.

"Did he push it any further?" He pushed on.

"No," she continued. "He just let it go when I rejected his advance."

"Maybe it was just that," he said. "Just a man making a pass."

"I don't think so Harm," she told him. "I... I almost gave in to him."

"Do you want to quit the investigation," Harm asked. "You don't have to go through with it, you know."

"If we stop now," she said, after a few moments to consider. "Then we'd be setting him free to do the same thing again on someone else. No, I better stick with it."

"Are you sure," he asked her one last time.

"Don't fuss over me Harm," Mac scolded him. "I'm a Marine. I can take care of myself just fine."

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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