My Girlfriend's Dark Side - Cover

My Girlfriend's Dark Side

by Vanessa Darkside

Copyright© 2000 by Vanessa Darkside

Erotica Sex Story: My X boyfriend's story about seeing me with Black guys

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   True Story   Interracial   .

Hey, my names Vanessa. I have been reading these sex stories for a few months now, and they either make me laugh or make me think dam, that sounds good. I'm 16, about 5-7, long black hair and a great tan. I don't wanna sound cocky but I know I look good. I go out with mostly black guys, and some people call me a "slut" for some things I do. Still, half the shit I do no one knows about. I don't see many stories about girls my age with black guys, so I figured I would write one. I wasn't sure the best way to tell a story but I don't want to do it from my point of view talking to you, that might get boring. So, I thought of something gooood to get back at all those white guys that like to talk shit and spread rumors about me cuz I like black guys and not them. So, I will be telling my story through the eyes of the one white kid I went out with. Now I'm sure he wasn't thinking these things, because when he did really find out I was cheating on him, he dumped me. But, this is my story and almost everything I do in this story I have done at one time or another. So, let's get started, I'm gonna call this story... My Girlfriend's Dark Side

It was my Junior year in high school, and life was getting good. I'm a 6-1, 220 pound muscular football player. Green eyes, blonde hair, great tan. Now I know that sounds good on paper, but I have never had much luck with girls. I can never seem to get the classy girls and always end up with the trash that walk all over me.

Well, then I met Vanessa. She was much hotter then any girl I had ever dated, but had a reputation for being a slut at our school. All the guys would sweat her. She was about 5-7, skinny but nice thick sweet looking thighs, an incredible chest, probably about 36C, and an ass that the guys just couldn't keep their hands off. Her best feature was her ass for sure. It was thick but sooo tight looking. And she had the best fuck face I had ever seen. Sweet juicy lips that she always seemed to be licking, exotic eyes, and a body that you just wanted to feel up against you. I can't tell you how hot she is. Still, everyone kept telling me to just get some play from her and leave, don't ask her out or anything because she's a "slut" and would make me look stupid. Still, I had never got a girl this hot before, and I just wanted to keep her. So, I went up to her after class one day and we started talking. She was wearing a black baby T that was pushing out her big sweet looking titts, and tight flare jeans that just made her ass look that much better. I asked her out on a date, and her answer shocked me.

"Well, I would, but I'm not really attracted to white guys."

"What... what do you mean?" I asked her. " Well, I only go out with black guys."

I was shocked. This fine ass girl would only date black guys? I was pissed. I had seen guys in the hall grabbing her ass all the time, but it just occurred to me that every time I saw a guy do that to her, he was black, and she always seemed to love it. Still, I had to try...

"Well, one date. Maybe I can change your mind? Just come with me tonight to Aces, chill, see what happens."

Aces as a club that everyone went to since it was all ages. She just got a smirk on her face and stuck her tongue out a little.

"You gonna pay for me baby?" She asked.

I thought for a second, and figured what the hell. "Sure" I replied.

"Alright, we can do that. But I can't promise I will be around you the whole time."

Well, I guess that was better then no, I thought. Maybe I can at least get a dance with this girl and maybe get her to like me. If not, just feeling that fine ass body against me would be worth her $10 to get in.

She gave me her number and walked away. As I turned around to watch her fine thick ass as she walked away, I saw a black kid stop and talk to her. She started to laugh and flirt with him. No big deal I thought. Then, the black kid sort of pinned her up against the wall, standing right over her. He started playing with her hair, his lips almost touching hers. She had an adorable smirk on her face. Well, I figured they were friends and that was just how she was. Who was I to be picky, this was the best looking girl that has ever given me her number. Just then the bell rang. I was gonna go to class but I wanted to see how this ended. I walked behind some lockers and waited. They stayed there and talked for a few more minutes, his face and body still pinned against hers. The hall was empty except for them, and me. What was I thinking? Was I jealous? Was I mad? I didn't know, but I wanted to see what happened. They would probably just hug and walk away being friends and all. The black guy finally moved a little bit off her, holding her hips as he guided her off the wall. He then walked her over to the Boys bathroom, which was almost right where I was standing. If they saw me, they would think I was some sicko. Still, I was curious what this black kid was to Vanessa. He guided her right into the bathroom, and she just followed him, putting up no fight. Why the fuck did I care? I started to realize I was jealous. Jealous that I couldn't get anything from this hot ass girl but some black kid just took her in the bathroom. I went close enough to listen, but still couldn't see. I was sure she at least knew him, but I was wrong. What I heard shocked me somewhat.

"How do you know no ones gonna come in here" Vanessa said.

"Don't worry bout it girl, if they do we will just get quit, no one can see us in this stall"

Wow, she was in the stall with this guy. What a fucking slut, I thought. Still, this must be her booty call or something, no girl would just meet a guy for 5 minutes and go in a stall with him.

"Dam, my boys told me your titties was soft"

"Yeah, you like them?" Vanessa asked.

"Mmmmm, yeah, dam you got big titts for a skinny ass white girl" Said the black kid.

I could hear the sound of the black kid's tongue going back and forth on Vanessa's awesome titts. Vanessa was letting out little moans to go along with the sound of a tongue on her chest. Wow, what was I to think about this? I wasn't gonna call her, no way. This slutty bitch gives me her number, then goes in the bathroom and let's some black guy suck on her titts. Why, because he's black and I'm not? I was pissed. This went on for a few more minutes. I could hear them kissing, but the rest was just talk.

"Your so fine girl, mmmm, so fine."

" So are you baby. Mmmm, I knew you would want this" She said to the black kid.

"What you mean girl?" He said.

"I knew your friends would tell you how good I felt."

"Yeah they did, and they told me bout that ass too. Turn around baby let me see it. Oh yeah, that's that ass right there. Feels good too."

Obviously Vanessa was letting him get a good feel up of her fine thick ass. What I wouldn't do to be this guy. Fuckin asshole.

"You like that ass huh baby. Mmmm, yeah, rub it, dam I love when black guys rub my ass."

Just then I saw someone coming. I started walking like I was headed for class. The guy went in and came out, and the black kid and Vanessa came out right after him. She had a huge smirk on her face. The black kid licked his lips and gave her a huge tongue kiss, pressing his big black lips against her sweet white face. He then slipped his hand down onto Vanessa's ass and started grinding into her, all the while rubbing every inch of the best looking ass I had ever seen. I couldn't believe it. Vanessa, this super fly white girl, had her incredible ass covered and being mauled by this black kid's hand. They stopped and walked away. I thought for a second Vanessa saw me but she kept walking so I wasn't sure. I took out her number and looked at it. I was pissed, but for some reason I thought maybe I could still get this girl to go out with me. She was the hottest girl in our school and I just wanted to be seen with her. I had to call and take her to that club tonight. I had to have those titts and that ass. If the black kid could get her, then I could do. I was gonna show this slut what was up...

Part 2

The rest of the day, all I could think about was that black kid all over that gorgeous white girl, Vanessa. I wanted to call her, at least see how far I could get. Like I said, that ass is just too much to pass up. So thick and firm looking, no wonder all the black kids would feel it up as she walked the halls.

So, about an hour after I get home, I decide to call her, the vision of the black kid's hand all over her ass still in my mind. After about 3 rings, she picked up, and it sounded like she was talking to someone in the background.

"Hold up baby... Hello?" She said.

"Hey, Vanessa, what's up?"

"Who's this?" she asked.

"Justin, remember, you gave me your number at school."

"Oh yeah, what's up boy. Hold up a second."

The I heard her talking, which she obviously did not intend.

"Who's that?" some voice in the background said.

"Some white boy, don't worry I muted the phone." Vanessa responded.

But she didn't mute the phone. Maybe she pressed the wrong button? I could then hear her talking with a guy that sounded black at her house.

"He was sweating me today, and wants to take me to Aces tonight. He's gonna pay so what the fuck, I might as well go, get my groove on. Hey, I got an idea..."

She started to whisper and I couldn't hear anything but her and the black boy laughing for about a minute. Finally they stopped the whisper.

"Stupid white boy. You gonna finish suckin this dick girl or what?" The guy asked.

"Uh huh" responded Vanessa. "Mmmm, I wish I had got to do this in the bathroom with you today."

Oh shit, this is the same black kid that was with Vanessa in the bathroom.

"Yeah, lick it girl. Dam you got a sweet ass tongue. That white boy ain't never gonna get to enjoy you like us huh?" The kid said.

"Ut uh, you know I only fuck and suck black guys. I just like to get them white boy jealous watching me with other guys."

Then all I heard for the next 5 minutes was Vanessa's tongue slurping and the black kid moaning and telling her how good her sexy white lips felt and such. For the second time today, I was hearing Vanessa fuck around with this black kid, now giving him head. What I wouldn't do to have that sexy ass bitch sucking me off. But that didn't look possible right now, since she only fucks around with black guys. Finally she came back to the phone and pressed a button. She muted me and then probably realized I wasn't on mute the whole time.

There is more of this story...

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