White Tribe of Africa - Cover

White Tribe of Africa

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A minister, his wife and young son go to live with an African tribe in the early nineteen century Africa.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Slut Wife   Interracial   First   Lactation   Pregnancy  

Kabouso, mate of Lokali, didn't return back to the village until four weeks later. Every single night while he had been away, John and Lokali slept together. Much to her delight and joy, she soon discovered that her new bed partner was always willing and able to satisfy her lust with his strange and extremely pleasant methods of fucking.

Then to top it all, she discovered that she had missed her monthly bleeding and that she was pregnant.

When she told John the good news, he was horrified since he believed that it was going to be a give away of the fact that he was fucking her.

Then he saw the joy and happiness of Lokali and he suddenly remembered what his father had told him and his mother about the ways and beliefs of the tribe.

It regularly happened that a young girl - without a mate yet - would get pregnant, and as his father sadly explained, instead of being looked upon as very unacceptable, it was most welcomed by every one, especially the parents of the girl. It was a common belief, he had heard his father tell his mother, that a woman was blessed with a child when the spirits were happy with her or with the tribe in general.

Worst still, the fatherhood of the baby was not attributed to a woman's mate in particular but to the whole tribe. In other word, the responsibility of the birth of a newborn, as the people of the tribe saw it, was not the result of copulation of the female, it was believed that the spirits made the woman pregnant as a reward.

These people had not yet established the relation between pregnancy and copulation.

As he recalled his father's words, John realized that he had nothing to fear from Kabouso. More important still, it occurred to him that he could safely fuck any woman he wanted - provided of course that she kept her mouth shut about it - and have nothing to worry about getting blamed for getting her pregnant.

He also remembered something else that his father had said to his mother - mostly while he was eating at the table - about the extremely low rate of birth among the couples of the tribe.

It seemed, as his father had explained to his mother one day, that the tight strings that all men wore around their male organ had something to do with this. It also help to explain why girls under marrying age got pregnant much easier than the more mature women.

John could now see the logic in this. Those young girls like Takowa - they probably all had sex very early in life - they got laid by boys who were not considered men yet and thus had no right to wear the sign of manhood which was the tight leather string around the base of their penis as well as all around it. It then occur to John that he would be doing these people a favor by getting as much of their women pregnant as possible.

He was not wearing any tight string around his male organ and he never intended to wear one either. Beside he wasn't considered an adult yet - although he knew that the next spring festivities would make him one.

When Kabouso got back, Lokali told him immediately that she was pregnant. Upon hearing this, he rushed out of the hut to shout his joy to the whole village as was expected of him by Lokali.

But now that her husband was back, John had to sleep once again on his mat near the entrance of the hut. Also during the nights he had to be a witness once again to Lokali moaning while she and her mate fucked. He was not jealous, he had expected this to happen, but it made him feel bawdy and a little envious of Kabouso's good fortune. But Lokali was still more than eager to have sex with John again, and it soon became a regular exercise in the morning. As soon as Kabouso was gone for the early morning hunt, Lokali would beg John to join her on her mat. The first morning he refused, but being used to fuck her many times a day during the last four weeks, he couldn't resist her pleas more than two days, and when she begged him again on the third morning, he rushed into her arms and they fucked till noon. From then on, every morning after her mate had left for the hunt, he would join her for an hour and fuck her slippery hole.

The community life in the new location of the village was back to normal and John continued to help old Samouno collecting herbs and roots. By now he had learned to pound and mix the roots and dried herbs, he was even permitted to brew numerous potions that were labeled and sealed ready to be used if the need should arise.

Every evening he went back to sleep in Kabouso's hut and every time that Lokali's mate was not there he indulged himself with her charms.

She was always eager to have him, and more often than not she was the one to initiate their lovemaking. It became clear to John that she couldn't get enough of his new and exiting ways of making love.

Of course she was also under the impression that having lost much of his spirit, he was now unable to resist her and she believed that she could make him do anything she wished since his spirit now belong to her.

So every chance she got, she made him suck and lick her woman parts and afterward they would fuck in these forbidden positions of his.

More and more now, old Samouno let John assisted him in the many rituals performed while he would administer his healing and pain relieving brews.

The old man, John knew, was near the end of his life. Being the oldest in the village he now tiered easily besides being almost blind and John doubted very much that he would last much longer.

A month after the spring festivities - John was now a man in the eyes of everyone - a young mother whose only child had died suddenly during the night, was brought to Samouno's care. Her breasts were greatly swollen with milk since her baby was no longer around to suck them. Because of the taboo on women sexual parts, it was unthinkable to expect another child to suckle her and much less her mate, but still the pressure within her breasts had to be decrease.

She was left in Samouno's care while she was in great pain.

As soon as she was brought to his hut, she was made to stretch in the annex to Samouno's hut, which had been built to take care of the sick.

Everyone knew what needed to be done to her, but no one was willing to do it.

All that she needed was for someone to drain the milk from her extremely hard and dripping breasts. But nobody, not even her mate was willing to do this.

They would prefer to see her died rather than suck her breasts with their mouth.

John suggested that they send for a child still breasts feeding and thus have it suckling her. But even this was taboo to these people since a child could only breasts feed from his mother. Should a child suckle from a breast other than his mother's, he or she would be forever deprive of his or her spirit.

The woman's name was Keria. She was the mate of Manton a hunter who always went with Kabouso on expeditions. She was under twenty and had a beautiful body with nicely turned hips and a round bottom that curved back in a most appealing manner. As for her breasts, they were enormous in their present state. Both nipples were covered with milk that dripped constantly from each tip, flowing in the deep valley between her breasts to finally immerge near her belly button and then drip around her left side as she lay stretched on the mat.

Of course, had she been in England they would have used a small manual suction pump to relieve the pressure gradually and within a week she would have stop producing milk completely.

John watched as the old man made her drink a mixture of powdered mushrooms and roots mixed in hot water. The mushroom powder was to reduce some of the pain since it was intended to put her in an advanced drunk-like state while the powdered roots was to reduce the formation of milk.

John knew that the mushrooms were effective since he had already seen their effect before, but as for the roots, he very much doubted that it would reduced her production of milk since it was a common root of ginger-like taste that grew everywhere in the forest, beside he had never hears of their having such an effect.

After making her drink the potion, Samouno told John to stay with the woman since he was not felling well, he left so as to go lie down in his own hut.

This was the first time ever that John was left along with one of Samouno's patient, he felt very proud of the trust that the old man had in him.

He sat on the floor next to Kerla and he observed her. It took only a few minutes for the powder mushroom to take effect on the woman and she was soon sleeping.

Her body often jerked with spasms of pain and she often mumbled words that John couldn't make out.

She had a very pleasant face with high cheekbones and sensuous lips. Her hairs were long while her complexion was lighter than average, in England she wouldn't have any trouble to be mistaken for an Arab or Indo-Aryan.

As he watched her lying there close to him, he began to feel his cock twitching in his short pants.

She was completely naked since Samouno always insisted that all those that remained in his care to be treated by him were to be so.

He looked at the dark curls around her cunt and he then moved his head closer to her leg's junction. While he was examining her, she suddenly threw one leg over his hand while at the same time exposing her cunt completely. Her fat lips were parted a little and he could see the reflected light from the fire glittering on the moisten coral color interior to the entrance of her vagina. Her clitoris, higher up was still concealed in the folds of her lips but when he placed the lips with his fingers, she suddenly moved both legs even farther apart and he was able to see the impudent morsel of flesh also glistering in the fire light.

Very lightly, he let his finger move to her clitoris. The instant he was in contact with it, her body jerked and the tender morsel began to swell until it had the appearance of a young boy's penis.

To stimulate her more would have been risky since he didn't know to what extent the mushrooms mixture brew had affected her.

John thus removed his hand from between her legs. Instead he proceeded to gently feel her right breast. When his hand reached the nipple, he was surprised to see the drops of milk appearing with the slightest of pressure on it. Again and again he gently pressed the tip of her pointed breast, so much milk was pouring out of her teat that a small puddle was rapidly forming on the mat near her waist. He then treated the other breast in a similar way and this seamed to relieved the pressure a little and she stop moving and soon she felt into a sound sleep.

By now a voluptuous sensation prevailed throughout his whole body and his erection was so hard that it was actually hurting him, constricted as in was in his ragged short pants. With a drop of milk still clinging on the tip of his longest finger, he brought it to his lips and he let it fall on his tongue.

It was still warm and its taste was a little sweet, not unlike goat milk that he remembered drinking when he used to live in England as a young boy.

It made him feel extremely bawdy, again he tasted her milk and he still wanted more. Why not drink it at the source, he told himself?

Carefully, he bent over his head until his lips were touching the enormous nipple. As soon as he felt it slip between his lips, he had the impression of having a child thumb in his mouth.

With his lips pressing tightly on her nipple, he suddenly felt a few drops of milk against his tongue. Then as he applied pressure with his hand a little, more milk went into his mouth.

Like a thirsty child he then began to eagerly suck on her milk-full breast. The outpouring became so great that he had to stop so as to swallow, on and on it went and he soon was drunk with her milk.

He couldn't get enough of it and with both of his hands squeezing her breast his mouth drank on the now jetting milk.

He then became aware of Keria's hand around his head urging him on even though she was still half-unconscious, with his mouth still sucking he looked at her face. She was asleep still and no doubt she was dreaming that her baby was suckling her.

When he had dried up one breast, he worked on the other one until it was also dried. He next got up and he looked at her. She was sound asleep, she even had a smile on her lips.

With the pain now gone she was resting peacefully and although John was dying to fuck her, he thought it unwise to take such a chance since Samouno could well enter without any notice.

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