White Tribe of Africa - Cover

White Tribe of Africa

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A minister, his wife and young son go to live with an African tribe in the early nineteen century Africa.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Slut Wife   Interracial   First   Lactation   Pregnancy  

In the wet season the humidity was worse than the heat, and day after day it was a repetition of the same weather with the daily sudden showers at the end of each afternoon. With all that heat and humidity, it was a paradise for all sort of plants, not to mention the abundant animal life everywhere that was sometimes very dangerous. This was to be expected since it was central Africa and the year was 1801.

No wonder that the natives went about almost naked, thought John. He sometimes wished that he could remove some of the clothes that always seemed to stick to his body in the damp heat. Evenings were almost as bad as the middle of the day, the late afternoon showers would cause a surge of humidity in the air and the heat seemed even more suffocating then.

Yes, he envied the natives and theirs nakedness. More than once he had tried to go around bared from the waist up, but his father, the Reverend, wanted non-of that, humidity or not. It was not proper he insisted, that someone civilized and educated should go around parading his nakedness, beside they were suppose to show the natives the ways of the civilized man. It was his father's intention to gradually make the natives change their habit on this matter, and they all had to set an example.

Of course his father didn't gain any ground on the matter of the dress code of the natives, even if they had wishes to covered themselves, they only had the half tanned leather pelts of beasts to wear. Cotton and wool was all but unknown to them.

The women were the most indecently dressed according to John's father, all of them, including the very old, went around with their breast exposed. The only piece of clothing they wore - if it could be called clothing - was a strap around their waist. It held a small loincloth of soft leather in the front which half covered the most private part of their anatomy but left their bottom checks exposed as well as their breasts.

And even then, they didn't wear the loincloth out of modesty - as John later discovered - but to protect themselves from bruises and also to prevent sand and other foreign particles from getting to that most tender part of their body.

As for the men, they had an identical loincloth but it was much shorter.

But with great pride they went around with a strip of leather wrapped tightly around the penis so that it would boldly stick under the edge of their loincloth thus making their male organ appeared much longer than it really was. That part of their anatomy was a source of extreme pride to them and it was a great honor to be well endowed in that part of their anatomy.

Reverend Charles Jacob Morton, his wife Anne and his son John had moved to central-east Africa three years previously with a very specific aim which was to convert the natives to his faith and thus save them from damnation. John was twelve when they arrived in the lush jungle of Africa and after three years of living there he had forgotten much about the ways of civilized people.

When the Reverent J.C. Morton moved there, it was with the approval and support of the Bishop in Cornwall. Every six months, my mean of the river, he received a load of supplies. It was a very expensive task, as well as being quite time consuming to ship supplies so far away from England, after all it was at the very beginning of the nineteen-century and most ship still had to rely on the favorable winds to move over the sea.

But now, over three years after his arrival in Africa, he and his family hadn't had contact with the rest of civilization for over a year. The reason was that the Reverend had insisted that his family move farther inland and thus away from the great river that was the source of his supplied.

They had met only a few dozen natives near the river and after two years of living there all that he had done was to treat a few of them for broken bones and infectious cut and bruises. Not a single soul had been converted to the Faith, therefore the Reverend decided one day that he and his family were going to move farther inland into one of the villages where he could be in much closer contact with them.

With the aid of porters, they had marched for over two weeks on a trail that only the natives could see in the dense jungle, then after that time they walked one more day on a fertile plain where hundreds upon hundreds of animals of all kind were grazing.

At the end of that time they arrived to a large village of about six or seven hundreds souls living in huts of sticks and mud having roofs covered with large leafs so as to keep out the rain. The village was situated on the left bank of a small river that branched off with a larger river downstream.

All of the individual huts were arrange in concentric circles around a central larger building where the villagers met for celebrations and meetings.

The natives had been aware of their coming and they were received with honor and friendship and soon they were accepted as members of the tribe.

Even the old medicine man was glad to have them around since he was getting advance in years and there was no one else to replace him.

They called themselves the Watiga - which met "spirit people" - and they were a peace loving tribe with light brown skin. On the average, they were tall and good looking, and the sight of so many naked breasts, of all seize and shapes, was a shock to John.

When the Reverent noticed the effect that all of those bouncing and swaying bosoms had on John, he warned him against taking pleasure on these sights less the fire of hell should consume him on the spot.

During the following six months, the Reverend - with the help of the natives - built a small church with logs from the forest nearby, and right next to the church they also built a two bedrooms house for him and his family.

Since the only available space for these new structures was outside the perimeter of the third concentric circle of huts, they were thus built at the far end of the village, and a good distance from the river. A place that the Reverend soon considered a blessing since the villagers went swimming completely naked in the cool water of the small river.

From the village, there was no way for the Reverend to write home and let the Bishop in England knows of his new location. When he received his last load of supplies, just before leaving for the interior, he had sent back a letter saying that he was moving further inland. But now being well over two hundreds miles into the jungles he was no longer able to write back or to receive any new or supplies.

He hadn't waited for the approval from his superiors, instead he had moved away less than a week after getting his supplies. Had he waited for the approval of the Bishop, he knew that he would have been told to remain where he was near the navigable river, and thus be able to keep in contact with the rest of civilization.

But he was a very dedicated man and he had to convert these people, beside he now had a church and a decent house to live in and he had no intention of moving back. As he often said to his wife, he had enough work in this village for a lifetime.

Once a week, on those days that his father believed were Sundays, the church was full and the sound of singing could be heard far away along the river and as far as the low mountain range on the right bank of the small river.

People got up very early in the morning to find a seat in the church, and those that couldn't get inside, remained outside and sang with those inside.

John often asked himself what was the purpose of all this. Hundreds of times he had heard the Reverend express his wishes to save the villagers, but save them from what?

They had seemed to be perfectly happy when they first came into their village, and further more, there were no poor here and everyone had plenty to eat. Which was certainly not the case back in England.

What was the use to teaching them the sins of civilization? These people were very religious in their own way. They didn't steal, they respected the elderly and above all they got along very well with each other's.

Why force them to cover their nakedness. Beside it was the most important source of pleasure in John's life.

He never got tired of watching all those exposed bosoms, all that voluptuous flesh that they didn't mind exposing for all to see.

John could well remember that first time he had set his eyes on a bare bosom three years previously when he was twelve. This had happened less than three weeks after he had arrived in Africa. She was a young woman that had come to see his father where they were living on the bank of the great river. She was with her mate and a young boy of five or six who had cut his toe on a shell. His foot was infected and swollen. The woman, who was his mother, wore only a strap at the waist and a small piece of clothe hiding the junction of her legs. Her generous bosom was completely exposed to John's eyes and as she walked around he was mesmerized as it bounced and swayed.

Previous to this experience, he had often tried to imagine the shape and form of the swelling that was hidden on the front of his mother's loose clothing. Of course he never dared to ask her since he was well aware that he would have been punished for his impudence.

On that day he had followed the half-naked couple everywhere, in and around the house. When his mother realized why he was doing so, she sent him to his room, but even there he remained at the small window so as to see them leave the house and thus get a last look at the breasts of the woman.

Now three years later, he was even more fascinated with the bodies of women, but not once had he been able to touch the object of his desires and admiration. He never got tired of comparing the rigid and high breasts of young girls with the full melons- like spheres of the more mature women.

Very often he had to hide his state of excitement by sitting on the ground or on a chair if he was in the house. Sometimes either his father or his mother would notice this and on these occasions he was always warned against the taking pleasure in this spectacle, but he couldn't help himself and he enjoyed these sights greatly.

Sometimes he had dreams at night in which he was permitted to touch those splendid mounts of flesh that every woman exposed to his eyes without the slightest hit of shame. And why should they think of their body as being shameful, he thought? God had made them in his image, as his father often said, and if this was so, there should be no shame in exposing themselves. Why couldn't his parents see this?

One day while he and Nasabu - a boy his own age - were pushing one another as they played in the water of the river. They were trying to climb on a big log that had come floating downstream. A group of older girls soon joined them and the game then evolved in such a way that one of them had to remain on the log while the others tried to push him or her off. One of the older girls, whose name was Takowa, managed to make him fall off the log. Instead of climbing on the log to take his place, she suddenly climbed on his back instead. She held herself with both of her arms around his neck while her legs were wrapped around his waists. When John felt the springy and warm pressure of her naked breasts pressing against his back, he became almost paralyzed. Worst still, the heel of one of her feet was pressing against the front of his short pants that he wore as a bathing suit. In seconds his cock was as hard as it had even been in his life. He had no doubt whatsoever that Takowa was aware of his condition as she began to giggle and move the back of her foot all over the front of his pants.

Soon, Nasabu also had one of the other girls on his back and the game now changed to one of trying to make the other duo fall into the water.

When John and Takowa did fall in the water, she tried to climb back on him again but he refused to let her.

He still had an erection and so as not to be seen by the others he went into deeper water and remained there while Takowa looked at him with a mocking smile on her lips.

Even though she was fully aware of his condition, she kept silent about it and John felt grateful for it.

A couple of weeks later while John was bathing in the river once again, he watched Takowa and Nasabu drifting slowly downstream and getting away from the rest of the other bathers. This was not the first time that he was seeing them move away from the rest of the group and he was curious as to what they were up to. On these occasions they would be gone for up to a couple of hours before he would see them again. They both let the current slowly carry them while they held to one another.

He knew that he wasn't going to see them for a while and on that day he decided to investigate the matter.

He got out of the water the instant that he saw them disappear around a bend in the river and without saying a word to anyone he began to walk along the bank until he reached the spot that he had last seen them.

He was just in time to see them leave the river farther downstream, they were holding hand and he watched them disappear between two large boulders a couple of hundreds of feet from where he was.

By the time he reached the first of the two boulders, he knew that they were still hidden in-between them since he was aware that it lead to a dead end and he hadn't seen them coming out. He began climbing on one of the big rock and when he was half way to the top he heard Takowa laughing. John was now very intrigue, he even felt a little jealous of Nasabu for being with beautiful Takowa. They were both his friends and he couldn't understand why they would hide from him.

Carefully now, so as to make as little noise as possible, he climbed the rest of the way to the top and while on his belly he crawled toward the edge until he could see both of them below.

Takowa was stretched on her back while Nasabu sat on the ground next to her. Then John was in for a shock when he saw that Nasabu had both of his hands on Takowa's firm breasts. The same pointed cones he had felts pressing against his back a few weeks previously. Being about fourteen, she was tall for her age and while she was lying on her back, John examined her long legs and her plumb thighs, he also noticed that her hips were beginning to swell as they did with mature women.

He then felt a surge of envy. Why was she letting him feel her breasts?

Women's breasts were sacred, they were for food for their babies and they were not to be touched except by a woman's mate, at least his father the Reverend had said so. John was very surprised to see that Takowa, far from objecting the presence of Nasabu's hands over her bosom, seemed actually to enjoy their presence. He even saw her turn on her side so as to give him better access.

This went on for a few minutes during which time he saw Nasabu's manhood become very erected, - being about John's age, he was too young yet to be wearing the strip of leather around his organ -he noticed that even in its present fully erected state, it was a good deal smaller than his own cock, even only half erected as it was now. For the next few minutes he observed him squeeze, mold, and press the twin mounts of her bosom.

During that time Takowa's breathing became loud and fast. He then had another surprise when he saw her hand reach for his prick and after fondling it for a while he saw her hand grab his balls which she lightly squeezed a few time before returning her hand to his erection and proceeded to stroke it. John knew exactly what she was now doing since in the last two years he had often stroke his cock in a similar manner when he was in his room. It always ended in much pleasure and a thick whitish liquid being ejected from its tip. How much more pleasant it must be, he thought, to have the hand of Takowa do it.

Why is she doing this? It then occurs to him that there most probably was some pleasure involved for her as well.

Then all of sudden he saw Takowa get on her hand and knees in front of Nasabu, while her plumb and round bottom was facing him, she waited expectantly until he got in position behind her.

He then watched Nasabu aim the tip of his cock between her legs at the base of her bottom. By then John knew exactly what they were about to do. They were going to copulate. He had heard his father used that word - or its equivalent in the Watiga language - while he explained to him what animals were doing when they were thus engaged. His father had also warned John that it was a great sin for people to do this act if they were not married.

Later when he had asked some of his friends why animals and human would want to do such a thing, they all began laughing at him - even some of the girls - and at last he had been informed that it was because of the pleasure involved and for no other reason.

Now that he thought about it, he was reminded of the use of his hand on his erection and he figured that there must be a similar pleasure involved for both of them.

Much later in life, he learned that the natives had no knowledge whatsoever of the fact that it could also be an act of procreation, because of their high degree of spirituality, they had never associate fucking with pregnancy.

They accepted the fact that theirs women became pregnant and they very much believed that it was a blessing from the spirits and had nothing to do with copulation. For these people, each newborn child had the virtues as well as the weakness of the whole tribe.

If there were many strong hunters in the tribe, the newborn babies would also become strong hunters. It was then irreverent if a girl became pregnant and didn't have a mate yet since they believed that any woman old enough could be blessed by the spirits and thus become pregnant.

Naturally the Reverend had explained to John this false pagan belief of the tribe, and when John had asked him why he didn't explain to them the true nature of birth, his father said that it was indeed his intention to do so. But because of the fact that their belief in this was so strong and old, he thought that it was wiser to wait a little, and even then he would have to be very careful since they might interpret this as blasphemy against the spirits. The shock involved in hearing the truth could well make him and his family, enemies of the tribe. Before he began explaining everything to them he had to be well established among them, only then could he teach them, a little at the time, the real nature of conception. Otherwise, learning the truth could cause them great harm since most of them were committing adultery not to mention that it was going to discredit their spiritual beliefs.

It then became evident to John that what he was about to witness between Takowa and Nasabu was indeed an act of copulation, and worse still, since it was now plain that they had often done this before, Takowa could well be pregnant by now.

He watched Nasabu's hardness gradually disappear between her twin bottom cheeks. They both remained motionless for a while and during that time Nasabu's hands kept on squeezing her breasts and as she endure this handling of her bosom there was an expression a pure pleasure on her face. Nasabu began to move in and out, slowly at first then he increased his tempo much to Takowa's delight as she began to gasp and moan in pure ecstasy. He saw Takowa's head turned first one way then the other while her mouth was half-opened and strange sounds were continuously coming out of it. Sounds that he had often heard at night coming from the nearest huts to his room.

He then realize that he was jealous of Nasabu, and while he watched them he seized his own erection in his hand and he proceeded to stroke it in sequence with the copulating couple below him.

He felt so lewd by now that a dozen strokes later, the familiar white discharge jetted to a great distance from the tip of his cock in half a dozen spurts. Some of it actually went over the side of the rock to fall only a few feet from Nasabu below.

By now they were at the height of pleasure, then as soon as Nasabu had climaxed, he collapsed on Takowa's back thus forcing her to fall on her belly against the ground. They remained in that position for a long time, then at last he got off and without a word being exchanged between them, they stood up and began walking back the way they had come. John then heard them laughing as they entered the river.

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