Truth or Dare - Cover

Truth or Dare

by Ashley

Copyright© 2024 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Angie and Isla had been BFFs for years before Isla was surprised to find herself becoming excited by her little friend's near nakedness during a sleepover. Too scared to broach the subject directly, she resorted to the age-old game of Truth or Dare. There's a good reason why it's stood the test of time.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   .

Angie and I had been best friends ever since her family moved to town, when we were in third grade. In that time we must have had hundreds of sleep-overs at my place. Her bedroom was quite small and only big enough for a small single bed. Even though I said it would be fine, her mom wasn’t so keen, so it was always at mine.

When we were little we would have pillow fights and play silly games while scarfing down the snacks that Mom always provided. When we got a little older we’d often watch stuff on YouTube or on the socials.

More recently our chats had turned to boys. We’d both been getting boobs by that stage, although Angie’s were a little bigger than mine, something that made me very jealous. We never really talked much about what was happening to our bodies, I guess we were too embarrassed.

I can remember exactly when it happened because it was the day after my Mom’s thirty-fifth birthday. We were getting into our bedclothes, as we always did quite early on in the evening, Angie had her back to me and she was taking off her skirt. As she pulled it down I could see her panties, lovely lemon-colored ones with tiny white flowers, and I got that tingling feeling between my legs which I knew quite well by that time.

If Mom was thirty-five that made me fourteen and a half, and I’d been exploring down there for a while. I loved the way it made me feel and sometimes I’d think about boys at school while I touched myself in bed at night. There was one boy, Michael, who I particularly liked. I’d seen a few pictures in texts, that some of the older boys sent sometimes, of what boys had between their legs and to be honest I found them pretty gross. I kind of hoped that Michael had one that was a bit nicer, although I wasn’t sure in quite what way.

Anyway, when I got that tingle looking at Angie I was really shocked. I tried to look away but, even though I turned my head, my eyes stayed right where they were. They had ridden up into her butt-crack a little and the cheeks of her bottom looked so soft and smooth and ... I finally managed to drag my eyes away but the warmth between my legs was spreading out, I felt really hot, and my heart was beating really fast.

When I glanced back Angie had her PJ bottoms on and I actually sighed with relief: what was happening to me?! She turned and looked at me.

“Are you OK?” she asked.


“Your face is all red,” she said, looking all puzzled.

“Oh, yeah,” I said, hugely embarrassed. “It’s hot in here. Isn’t it hot in here?” She kind of wrinkled her nose at me as if she thought I was mad.

“Are you getting changed or what?”

I got my pajamas and turned around. My clit was still tingling and suddenly the idea of getting undressed in front of her made me feel even more excited. I took my top off first and my little nips were all hard. Then I took my skirt off. I imagined I could feel her eyes on me and the idea made me all trembly. It felt so good that I fumbled with my PJ bottoms, dragging it out as long as I possibly could. And then I did something crazy: I took my panties off!! Now I knew she could see my bare bottom and my pussy sort of clenched like crazy and it was so throbby I could actually feel my pulse in it.

I liked girls! The thought hit me like a slap. I really liked girls! What I wanted more than anything in the world was for Angie to get naked too and for us to press our bodies together and ... I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts out of it before I lost control completely. I quickly pulled my bottoms on and then took a deep breath before turning around. What I dreaded was seeing a look of disgust on her face or maybe seeing her looking at her phone, not interested at all. But she wasn’t. She was looking at me with a faint smile on her lips.

“Wow, you were hot, weren’t you?” she said and giggled, and so did I, hugely grateful for her for being so nice and funny about it.

We did the normal stuff: chatting, mostly about boys at school, and looking at stuff on our phones. But my pussy was still all tingly and I couldn’t stop thinking about her bottom and how pretty it was.

“Let’s play truth or dare,” I suggested out of the blue.

“OK, you first.”


“Who do you fancy most at school?”

That was easy, “Michael. You?” She kind of rolled her eyes at me for cutting corners.

“Andre,” she said. I wracked my brains and could come up with only one Andre.

“What, Andre West?”


“But he’s so old, like seventeen,” I said, not believing it.

“I know but he’s so dreamy ... and have you seen the bulge he has in his pants sometimes.”

I was really shocked, “Angie Jackson, you are soooo bad! Why didn’t you tell me this?!”

“You never asked, and I knew you’d freak, you’re such a good girl,” she said, but not in a nasty way, and she grinned as she said it. I felt like saying that I’m not that good because I want to kiss your bottom, and shocked myself because that was the first time the thought had entered my head, and it made my pussy clench all over again.

“Your turn,” she said.


“Have you ever kissed a boy?”

“Yes,” I replied, knowing that it would drive her crazy because I hadn’t told her about it yet.

“You liar,” she said, and then saw the smug expression on my face. “Who?”

“My cousin. Last weekend.”

“Really? How was it?”

“Lovely,” I told her, and sighed as I remembered it. In all honesty, it wasn’t all that wonderful but I wasn’t about to tell her that.


“Ew! No!”

Just then there was a loud knocking on the door. “Time you girls were in bed,” Mom called out.

“OK, Mom,” I called back, turned the bedside light on and the main light off, and we both got into bed. Somehow, although we’d done it so many times before, this time it felt so special and I was trembling. We lay there facing each other and I could feel the heat from her body.

“Truth,” she said softly. I knew what she was expecting but that wasn’t what I wanted to know.

“Have you ever kissed a girl?” I asked and she blinked a couple of times in surprise.

“No,” she replied. I wasn’t sure but I thought I saw a sparkle in her eyes. “You?” I shook my head. “Do you want to?” she whispered. It wasn’t her turn but I didn’t care.

“Yes,” I breathed.

We both inched forward until our lips touched and then pulled back. Without speaking we did it again only this time for much longer. It was as if the rest of the world had vanished and now just consisted of our lips gently squeezing each other, barely grazing, but sending thrills through me that made me shiver and lit my whole body up like a firework.

I have no idea how long we kissed for, but when I finally felt her lips leave mine I opened my eyes and saw Angie looking at me with the same wonderment that I felt.

There was another knock on the door which startled us both. “Come on girls, lights out. School tomorrow.”

Without taking my eyes off Angie, I reached out and turned the light off. When I felt her lips touch mine again I thought my heart might burst. I’d had a little niggling feeling that maybe I was making her do something she didn’t really want to. But she did!!

Those kisses were so sweet. I desperately wanted to hold her, to feel her body against mine, but I was terrified that it might be going to far. What we were doing was so beautiful and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing it.

I guess we must have fallen asleep because the next thing that I remember is waking up in the dark. Angie was facing the other way and I was cuddled up tight behind her. I could feel her soft bottom pressed against my pussy and I felt almost faint with excitement.

Moving very, very slowly I buried my face in her hair, adoring the smell of the shampoo that she used. Then I put my arm over her, resting my hand on her tummy, and pulled her gently in tighter against me.

My heart was racing so fast and so hard that I was sure that she must be able to feel it. I lay like that in utter bliss, my pussy tingling away like crazy, for what may have been hours. I cherished every second.

The next day, at morning break, Angie and I had gone into the girl’s washroom and I was about to go into a just-vacated stall. Angie pulled me back by the hand.

“I dare you to take off your panties and give them to me,” she whispered into my ear. I went into the cubicle and I was shaking, partly from the exciting idea of spending the rest of the day with no panties on, but mostly because it meant that Angie wanted to carry on with our fun just as much as I did.

I pushed my panties down to my knees and had a pee, all the time thinking about whether I dared to do it or not. As I was wiping, I realized that if I did, that meant that Angie would have to do it too! I had no choice.

It felt so thrilling, pushing my panties off over my feet, and my little magic button was so tingly that I just had to give it a little rub. It was so naughty: basically, I was masturbating at school, and I loved it! I stopped because, with no panties on, I didn’t dare get wet!

As I stepped out of the stall, I had them bunched up in my hand and Angie was grinning at me with her eyes wide open, desperate to know if I’d done it. She squealed faintly as I slipped them into her hand, and then I leaned forward, “I dare--” but she was already gone, hurrying into the stall I’d just left.

When she came out and pushed a small bundle of softness into my hand I could feel that they were still warm from her pussy ... and damp!! We grinned at each other foolishly as I put my hand into my pocket and lovingly rubbed the soft material of her panties between my fingertips.

When I surreptitiously raised my hand and brushed my lips with my fingers I felt my knees go weak as a faint but wonderful smell drifted up into my nostrils; the first time I’d smelt another girl’s sex, and I adored it!

We spent the rest of the morning in our various classes throwing meaningful glances at each other while my fingers rarely left my lips as I took deep breaths, and even the occasional naughty lick!

I think Mister Collins picked on me because of our giggling, and I had to go up and annotate a drawing he’d made on the blackboard. I knew, I absolutely knew, that when I reached up I wouldn’t be flashing my naked ass at the whole class, but that didn’t stop me from being terrified that I was!

As I walked back to my seat Angie had her hand over her mouth but her eyes were sparkling with laughter at my predicament. I don’t think that either of us learned much that morning, apart from what an incredible turn-on the whole situation was.

At lunch, we picked a table in a quiet corner of the cafeteria and sat facing each other.

“Are you wet?” Angie asked, leaning forward to whisper, and as she did, pushing a knee between mine, forcing my legs apart, and then brushing it against my inner thighs.

“God, yes,” I croaked.

“Me too,” she said with a wicked grin.

Our lunches were largely untouched when we dumped our trays and headed back to the girl’s bathroom. We had to wait for a few minutes, pretending to be fixing our hair and faces, before it was clear, and then we dove into a cubicle.

For a couple of seconds, we just looked into each other’s eyes, and then she cupped my face with her hands and we kissed. If the previous night had been lovely, this was utterly gorgeous! There were no lingering doubts anymore: I knew for sure that Angie was loving this every bit as much as I was!

Even so, my heart was in my mouth as I slid my hands up under the back of her skirt. She gasped into my mouth as my hands stroked the softest, smoothest, and most beautiful skin I’d ever known. Her cheeks were so firm and yet so plump and pliant. And when I felt her hands on mine I had to break our kisses for a few moments: I just couldn’t breathe I was so excited!

I was in absolute heaven, with our breasts and our pussies pressed firmly together, our tongues entwined in a delicious dance, and Angie’s hands fondling my bottom, driving me crazy.

I guess we lost track of time because Mrs Richardson, the teacher of our next class started banging on the door.

“Come out this minute, girls,” she bellowed. We tried to tidy ourselves up but she kept shouting.

When we came out, she gave us a very funny look and then escorted us to the Head’s office. Even though we knew that we were in big trouble we kept looking at each other and giggling as we waited outside.

Eventually, she called us in. “Isla, your Mom is on her way. She should be here soon. Angie, we haven’t been able to get hold of your Mom or Dad yet.”

We sat in silence until there was a soft knock on the door, “Mrs Simmons is here,” the secretary announced.

“Angie, would you like to wait outside?”

“I’ll stay, if that’s OK?” I nodded that it was fine by me.

Mom came in and sat down in the third chair, throwing me a ‘what’s going on look’. I shrugged - I didn’t really know how bad it was.

“Isla and Angie here were caught in the girl’s bathroom by Mrs. Richardson ... making out I think is the current vernacular.”

“And Mrs Richardson saw them ... making out, did she?” Mom asked, her tone every bit as severe as Miss Evans’.

“Well, no. But they were in a cubicle together, after class had started.”

“So the ‘making out’ is just what she imagined was happening, is it?”

“Well ... er ... erm... “ Miss Evans stammered, she’d clearly not been expecting this. “But--”

“Never mind but!” Mom insisted, standing up. “You’ve called me out of work because my daughter and her friend were five minutes late for class and some teacher has an overactive imagination. You may have nothing better to do than this, but I have. Good day, Miss Evans.” And she walked out!

The head looked shell-shocked. She opened her mouth a few times but nothing came out. Finally, she sighed deeply, looking at Angie and then me. “OK, get to your class, but don’t let me... “ her voice trailed off as she mumbled the rest into her chest.

Angie and I were out of the office in seconds flat. We stood outside and hugged each other. “Your mother is sooo amazing,” Angie said, looking awed.

“I know,” I agreed, not quite believing what I’d seen and heard.

Angie came home with me after school and, when we got back, Mom was on the phone. She mouthed ‘two minutes’ and waved us upstairs. We sat next to each other on the bed, holding hands, not quite sure what to expect.

When Mom came up she pulled up a chair and sat in front of us, taking our spare hands in hers.

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