Three Companions - Cover

Three Companions

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Three wealthy travellers meet in an expensive hotel and they each tell the tale of their first sexual adventure.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

In part 5, Samuel finished telling his story, describing in minute details, how he and his sister Brenda ended by living together as husband and wife with their two daughters.

Now it's Paul's turn to finish his tale and tell how his intimate relationship with his Aunt Paula came to a conclusion and what happened in the process to his Uncle Robert.

"You had a most happy life so far," said Peter.

"Well, I have nothing to complain about. Brenda is quite happy with this arrangement, and I must say that I like it also."

"I bet that you could have plenty more to tell us about the last ten years. " Said Paul.

"It is true, a lot happened in those years, but I'm dying to hear what you have to tell us."

"The man is right Paul " went on Peter " let us hear the rest of your story with your aunt."

"Very well, I agree it is my turn and then we will hear what Peter has to say."


After this first wonderful experience with my Aunt Paula, I was able to flood her vagina with my semen two more times within the same hour.

She was a little angry at me for having tricked her, but most of all she felt angry at herself for letting me have her again twice after I had tricked her the first time.

She became very depressed afterward, so much so that she remained in her room until late afternoon. It was around four in the afternoon when she came down to eat a little and she immediately went back to her room afterward.

Mother did ask her if she was sick, but she simply claimed being tired and having a headache.

When Uncle Robert got back from Smith River at nine that evening, she was still in her room. He remained with her until the next morning. When I went to my room to check on them, they were both asleep. But early the following morning, I watched them fuck through the peephole. Aunt Paula seemed better; her depressed mood had been replaced by her usual easy going and happy ways. She knew that I was watching her and she even winked at me a couple of times.

For the next week, while Uncle Robert remained with us, not once did I get a chance to see her while she was alone. When he left, I asked her through the hole when she was by herself in her room, if I could join her in her room, but she refused.

The following few days I could tell that she was trying to keep away from me whenever we were alone. Then on Saturday afternoon, three days after Uncle Robert had left, mother went to do her weekly shopping, leaving my Aunt by herself in the house.

I had been working in the yard when mother left. The minute I saw her leave I rushed into the house. Aunt Paula was sitting on the couch in the living room and reading.

I went and sat next to her, then I asked her why she was avoiding me.

"You know perfectly well why I do my best to keep away from you."

"I am truly sorry," I said. " Had I known that you would be so angry with me I would have tried harder to restrain myself. But I don't know if I would have been able to resist your charms. But I still don't understand why it is so important to you that we should not indulge ourselves into the complete sexual act."

"Paul, I thought that I had already explained this to you. Since you persist to say that you don't know why, I will try to explain it once more. As you know, your Uncle and I have been married for almost a year now and it would please him greatly to see me carry his baby.

We have been trying very hard - as you are already aware from watching us in bed - if you and I have complete intercourse the chances are that you will impregnate me since you are young and very healthy. Even if you don't, there will be no way for me to tell if the father of the baby is you or your Uncle."

"Why is it so important that the father of your baby should be Uncle Robert, after all it wouldn't take anything away from the baby, and beside, as you said you and him have been trying for a long time and it doesn't seem to work. You might never have a baby it you wait for him to make you one."

I could tell that I had hit a sensitive point. She must have been thinking along the same lines of thought. Possibly she must have had doubts about my Uncle's ability to impregnate her. She looked at me for long seconds and I could almost read her mind.

"I must agree with you that it wouldn't make much difference but if your Uncle should ever discover that he is not the father, or if he even had doubts it would create a lot of trouble for me and even you. As a matter of fact any man that does discover such a thing would do the same. As for your Uncle's incapacity, well, we have been married less than a year and sometimes it does take time."

It was quite evident that she was not so convinced about my Uncle being able to impregnate her.

For a while I thought that she was going to add something, instead she looked at me straight in the eyes, I knew that she wanted me as much as I wanted her. She then added with a smile.

"Therefore if you promise me not to try anything like you did the last time, I may allow you to come and visit me in my room again. "

I was so happy I would have promised her anything and I threw my arms around her neck while my mouth found her lips. She let me kiss her sensual lips, she even open her mouth to permit my roaming tongue to enter, but when I tried to knead her breasts over her dress she stop me. She was afraid that we would get carried away and she didn't want mother to discover us in each other's arms on the couch. Instead she told me that once mother was asleep that evening I could come into her room.

Her husband - my Uncle - was to be away for at least two more weeks and her being the passionate woman she was, I knew that my chances of fucking her again were very good.

I spent the whole night with her, we did everything there was to do but I didn't try to fuck her as I had promised. The following night I was also allowed into her room and I also remained with her the whole night. I could tell that the more we were together, the greater was her excess in everything we did together. In the middle of the third night together, she begged me to put my cock inside her and fuck her properly. Of course I was only too willing to comply with her wish and the rest of the night was spent fucking. She never seemed to have enough of my cock and when morning arrived I was very exhausted.

From then on, Aunt Paula let me fuck her as often as I wished and we spent every night together in her bed. Uncle Robert returned two weeks later and he remained with us for a couple of days and he left again. His leaving and coming back went on for well over two months and then one day Aunt Paula discover that she was expecting a baby. She became even more passionate and demanding on me. It seemed that her condition had greatly increased her frequent urges for fucking. Each night her bed became a battlefield where she assailed me with her ever increasing passions. I began to lose weight and I felt tired all the time.

On those occasions that her husband was home I still observed them from my bedroom.

He also had to restrain her constant urges as she kept him awake for long hours at a time.

She even found ways to be along with me when he was in Pines Valley. She underwent a great change in the first few months of her pregnancy, whereas before she was just a woman who enjoyed having sex, her whole life now revolved around fucking and it became quite plain to me that she wouldn't be able to go through a long stretch of time without indulging herself in all sorts of sexual practices.

Therefore on the day that I learned that Uncle Robert had been assigned at the head of a group on engineers and geologists to search for minerals deposits in the North West Territories, I panicked. He had signed a three month contract and during all that time he was to remain away from Pines Valley.

Because of her constant and numerous demands on my sexual prowess I had already lost five pounds at the time I heard the news about Uncle Robert having to stay away for three months. I was worried to be left all by myself to satisfy her needs. I had read a book from the town library on matters having to do about the sexual act - I had to steal it since it was in the index section- and from the book I learned that since she was fairly young - she was only twenty four at the time - and therefore was in the prime of her capacities, she was quite able of exhausting a healthy man. In the same book the author also mention that some women, when in a pregnant state, lose all taste for copulating, while with others it is just the opposite and their need is greatly increased. This was certainly the case with my Aunt. In these women, with increased appetite for sex, if their needs were not met they could either get sick in mind as well as in the body or more probably they would go out and look for sex partners.

I certainly didn't want her to get sick, neither did I wish her to walk on the street trying to seek what she couldn't get enough at home. By now I was madly in love with her and I didn't want any of this to happen to her. Then an idea occurred to me, why not have my friend Fred give me a helping hand. At first I found this disgusting, but the more I thought about her problem the better I liked this idea considering the two alternatives.

Being now almost seventeen, he was a little older than me and therefore probably had more endurance than I had, beside his mother was a good friend of my mother and I knew that it would be relatively easy to have him spend a night with me once in a while.

The problem was to get Aunt Paula to let him fuck her. So one evening after she and I had just ended a long bout of fucking and while she was trying to coax my now limp cock back to life for another fuck, I said to her.

"It's too bad that it's not Fred's cock that you are holding, it would swell and stretch your hands in no time. He is renowned in school as having the largest prick around."

It wasn't a lie; Fred had an extremely large prick. We often teased him while in the showers at school. Of course I had never seen it fully erected, but judging from its seize in its limp state, the chances were that it would be huge once fully hard.

She asked me how I knew that and I explained it to her.

Next I told her that he once slept in my room well over a year earlier and we both had watched her undress. For a few minutes she became angry with me but talking about this causes my cock to become hard again. She couldn't resist and she climbed on me while I was on my back, then she lowered her hungry sheath over my erection and it was swallowed in one downward shove. Before she began to move herself on my well-embedded cock I added,

"Why don't you let me invite him again, we could watch you again from my room and if you wish me and Fred to join you in your room it would be very simple."

I could tell that she was tempted with the idea, but probably her fear of being caught with both of us in her room was too much for her.

"What purpose will it serve, besides he will tell everyone that he has seen me naked and my husband as well as your mother will soon know of it."

"No he won't say a word. Fred is very discreet, beside he told me that he once fondled his older sister and he knows a little about being with a woman."

This kind of talk was exciting her. She had started to move on me, soon her tight cunt's lips were pumping my shaft faster and faster and her words came out loud and broken.

"Is he fucking his sister?"

"I don't know, but he did say that he fondled her in her own bed. The chances are that he probably did fuck her, but like I said he is discreet and he didn't tell me more. If you could just show yourself naked once more, he would get an erection and then we could see if his cock is as big as they say."

"I... I... don't know."

By now we were both close to a climax and I knew that it would be the best of time to try and influence her and I tried again to coax her.

"Please, say you agree, it will be such fun."

She climaxed before she could reply, she kept on fucking my cock and she began working on another climax. I knew that she wouldn't stop until my cock went limp, but my talk with her had excited me and it made my prick very stiff, much to her delight. She got a second and a third orgasm from my steel hard cock, and before I reached the apex of pleasure myself, I made her stop fucking.

While straddling me she stopped fucking as my cock was still well lodged deep within her pulsating cavern, then she asked me if I had ever told Fred about my fucking her.

Of course I hadn't and I told her so, why should I let him know, it was our secret.

Once we resumed fucking I again begged her to let Fred join us. I even made her realize that with the two of us fucking her she wouldn't have to coax my cock into an erection again once I had climaxed. I even threatened her that I could no longer keep up with her demands and that my health was in danger.

But still I wasn't able to get her to agree even though I could tell that I had almost won her over on the idea.

The following day, I thought about this carefully and in the back of my mind a plan began to take shape. Why not invite Fred without telling her, just like I had done over a year ago? I even thought of a way to introduce him into her room - without my Aunt being aware of it - and possibly also, having him fuck her in the darkness while she would believe that I was the one giving her pleasure. Unless of course she should notice the great discrepancy in the seize of our sex organ. While Fred would be poking her I could observe and rest.

The plan pleased me more and more as time went on and by the end of the afternoon I made up my mind to have a talk with Fred about it.

The following day, as Fred and I were walking back from school I explained everything to him. He was both shocked and happy when he heard that I had been poking my Aunt for well over a year and he agreed immediately to help me. Friday evening was chosen as an appropriate day; there was no school the following day and it met that even if we had to spend part of the night fucking we would have plenty of time to rest in the morning.

At nine on Friday evening, I went to his house to pick him up. Of course his mother knew that he was to spend the night at my place. Both of his sisters were there at the time and I couldn't fail to notice the ironic smile on their faces as we left the house. It seemed as if they both knew what we were up to.

I made him enter the house by means of the back door while both my mother and my Aunt were in the living room. Mother and my Aunt were both ignorant of the fact that Fred was to spend the night in our house and I didn't want him to be seen entering the house. He knew that he would have to wait in my room until they were both ready to go to bed, but he was more than willing to wait since it was worth it.

At half past ten, I went upstairs and a few minutes later so did Aunt Paula and mother.

Then, as I did every evening, I placed one eye over the peephole in the wall and I watched my Aunt in her room. She blew me a kiss by means of her hand as soon as she entered the room and she proceeded to get undress without paying any more attention to me. Fred wanted to watch and I let him spy all he wanted, when she was completely naked she sat in front of the mirror and she proceeded to comb her hair. Fred was wild with lust and the front of his pants was bulging thus revealing his state of excitement.

When it was time for me to join her in her room, I explain once again to Fred each step of my plan. He was to undress completely the minute I would leave, then he was to put his evening gown on and wait in the hall in front of my Aunt's room for me to open the door and let him in. He was then to enter the room - which would be in darkness - and get out of his gown and hide behind the upholstered chair next to the door until he would be needed.

When I entered her room, I turned out the lights, instead I turned on the small light in her wardrobe leaving the door open just a little. We often fucked thus in the near darkness and my Aunt didn't find my doing this out of the ordinary. I next removed my gown, which fell to the floor and I climbed in bed next to her.

She was already naked and all primed up for her first fuck of the evening, but when she tried to pull me on top of her, I proposed that we begin the first bout of fucking with her lying face down on the bed while her feet were resting on the floor. In that position her bottom would be raised very conveniently, but more important she wouldn't be able to see what was going on behind her.

Once she was in position, I got behind her with my feet close to the door and before inserting my hardness in her hungry sheath, I opened the bedroom door a little and I let Fred enter the room. With her bottom near the edge of the bed which was close to the door and the upper part of her body on the bed, she didn't see or hear the door opening and closing, it took only a couple of seconds and I purposely made more noises than was necessary as I placed myself in position behind her.

I then slowly inserted my erection between her cunt's lips. In the near darkness, I could see Fred now standing naked behind me.

The knowledge that Fred was just a couple of feet behind me excited me and my stone hard instrument became thicker than usual, much to my Aunt's delight as I penetrated her deeper. Then she began thrusting her bottom backward with each of my shove and all the time begging me - in between pauses of sighing - to go on and dig deeper within her. Soon I knew that I was close to reaching a climax, but this was not in my plans. All of a sudden, on the pretext that I had a cramp in my leg, I pulled completely out of her vagina with a loud sucking noise. I told her to remain as she was and that in a short time the cramp would be gone. This was the signal that Fred had been told to expect and I switched place with him behind my Aunt without her realizing that there had been a change Since Fred had no previous experience with fucking, at least I thought so, I remained close to him on his right side so as to help him. But now that he was in position behind her I could tell that he was reluctant to aim his prick in her waiting cavern, he didn't even dared to place his hands on her raise bottom. Then my heart almost skips a beat when I heard my Aunt say.

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