Three Companions - Cover

Three Companions

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Three wealthy travellers meet in an expensive hotel and they each tell the tale of their first sexual adventure.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

Samuel was the first one to break the long silence that followed.

"This is quite an experience that you have just described. I don't know if I would have acted the way you did, but it seemed to have turned all right."

"Yes," went on Paul " you certainly got even with this Mr. Kingston. Did you marry your fiancée afterward?"

"I won't answer any of your questions at this moment. First I must hear the rest of each of your story, so you will both have to wait before I tell you anything more."

"I see, but I suppose it is quite fair," said Paul " but before we go on, let us order an other drink and maybe a sandwich or two to help us endure this darkness around us."

Even with the fire going full blast not more than ten feet in front of them, it was chilly at their back so they pulled each of their respective chairs closer to the fireplace.

The power had been out now for well over four hours, even the phone was dead, and there was no way to know when it would be back on again. Outside, the snow was still falling heavily; there were more than ten inches of fresh snow on the ground.

The waiter came and he place a pile of ham sandwiches in front of them and he also brought them drinks and took the empty glasses away.

"Before we go on," said Samuel "let us establish the rules for the second round. It should be the last chapter of each of our story. What I mean by this is that each of us must continue from where he left earlier and he must give a complete account of everything pertaining to his story. If we all agree, I will begin immediately since I was the first to start with the first part of my story."

Only after both Peter and Paul nodded their approval did Samuel begin.


The following Monday, after my session in bed with Jack and his sister, Jack asked me when I was going to fix things up so that he could fondle my sister Brenda while she slept. I tried as much as possible to delay his encounter with my sister but before the week was over he gave me an ultimatum. Either I found a way for him to get in bed with Brenda or he was going to have a talk with my mother.

Now that I am much older, I doubt very much that he would have carried on his threat, but at the time I was not yet sixteen and it scared me a great deal. We settled the matter by having him wait another week, during that time I was going to figure how to pay my debt to him.

I was aware that there was no way that my mother was going to allow him to spend a night at home. Brenda and I slept in the same bed and my mom certainly didn't want that fact to get around. Beside we only had two bedrooms and because of the rather poor condition that we were living in, my mother didn't want us to bring anyone at home.

For many long hours, I tried to think of a way that I could have him slip in bed with Brenda while she was sleeping, but for this to be possible; mother had to be out working on her night shift. This would mean that Jack would have to get into the house only once mother had gone to work at half past eleven. Even then, I told myself that he still had to get his mother's permission to spend the night away from his home.

The next Wednesday I explain the situation to Jack.

"  I know what to do," he said. " Friday, I will ask my mother to let me stay the night at Richard Golden's home. He is living at the other end of town and more important, they don't have a telephone. At nine I will leave for his place, but instead I will go to Rubie's Poolroom and stay there until a quarter to eleven. Then I will walk to your place and wait outside the house until I see your mother leave. After that I am sure that you can find a way for me to get into the house without your sister seeing me. We will then wait until she get to bed and when she is asleep I will quietly slip in bed with you both."

"What will you do to her? You know that if she ever finds out that we have been playing tricks on her, we will both have to deal with my mother."

"Don't worry Sam, I won't do anything to her that you haven't already done to my sister."

And this was exactly what I was worried about. Jack and I both had had sex with his sister; each of us had fucked her. In my case it had happened four times during the night that I spent at his home, Jack had done it at least as many times also. Until then he had always insisted that he was not going to fuck Brenda, but I didn't trust him on that matter. He was much too casual and cool about the whole affair and I didn't like it. Furthermore, he didn't seem to understand that if we were to get caught, or if Brenda ever discovered what we had been up to, the gravest of consequences would follow.

Besides, he didn't seem to believe me when I said that I never had intercourse with Brenda and if he intended to do this, I certainly was not going to let him have his way.

"Let me warn you first," I said to him "if you ever try to fuck my sister, I will get even with you one way or an another. You can fondle her all you want while she sleep, but keep your dick out of her."

"Why would I want to do than? I get all the fucking I want at home with Carol, I only want to touch her all over and see how her body compares with that of my sister."

I could well understand his desire to do that, up to now he had seen and felt only his own sister, and I still remembers how I had found the small differences between the two girls' charms extremely exciting when I had explored Carol's body and fucked her.

"Very well, we will do as you propose, but at all times you must be very careful so that you don't awake her while you are touching her."

"You worry too much. After all the things you told me that you did to her, I don't think she will be aware of anything. But just in case, you should give her a sleeping pill in glass of milk before she goes to bed that night."

"We never use sleeping pills at home. The only pills we have are aspirins and I don't think they will help to make her sleep deeper."

"In that case I will bring some from home, my mother often takes one before going to bed."

Friday evening at ten, I could scarcely hide my nervousness. Both mother and Brenda noticed this and I had to tell them that I had an upset stomach. At ten thirty, mother began to prepare herself to leave. Usually she would have seen to it that we were both in bed before leaving, but since it was Friday evening she didn't insist on our going to bed as early. Less than ten minutes after she left the house, I looked through the back door and I saw Jack waiting in a dark corner of the backyard. I had to wait another fifteen minutes before I was able to let him into the house. I did this while Brenda was in the bathroom. He entered through the back door as we had planned, then I made him hide in mother's room.

Not a word was exchanged between us as he got into the house and as he did so he gave me two sleeping pills.

I knew that Brenda loved hot chocolate and when I asked her to make us a cup before going to bed, she agreed immediately.

We both sat around the table while waiting for the cups of steaming hot cocoa to cool a little. Brenda got up to rinse the pot she had used to warm the milk and while she was busy I dropped the two pills into her cup.

She next sat in front of me and I watched her slowly empty her cup. I had no way to know if it was going to take long for the pills to take effect, so as soon as her cup was empty I said that I was tired and that I was going to bed. I knew that she would not stay up by herself, even though she was well over fourteen, she was still afraid to be alone at night. With the light out in the room, we both got undressed and after putting on our night gowns we got into the bed leaving on a small light in the hall.

While lying beside her I began to worry that Jack wouldn't wait long enough and enter the room before she had time to fall asleep. But this didn't happen. Even as I had these thoughts, Brenda began to breathe regularly and I knew from experience that she was sleeping.

Just to make sure I waited another five minutes and I got out of bed. I stood over Brenda and I even shook her a little to see how profound her sleep was. Her regular, deep breathing confirmed the fact that I had nothing to worry about.

Jack was sitting on the edge of mother's bed in the dark when I got to him. The instant that he heard me entered he rushed toward the floor to hide in case it was Brenda that was entering the room. When he recognized me he immediately asked me if the pills had worked.

"What do you think? I wouldn't be here if they hadn't worked. Now remember your promise, you will only touch her."

"Yes, yes, you have nothing to worry about. But I do want to see her body, so open the bedroom door so that the light from the hall will get into the room."

I did like he wanted as we enter the room. We could see the bed and Brenda in it quite clearly. She was still lying on her side in the middle of the bed just like I had left her a few minutes earlier. All at once Jack got out of his clothes, he was completely naked and I could see that he already had an erection. This made me very angry, but before I could say or do anything he climbed in bed next to Brenda on the spot where I had been lying a short while earlier. Even as I watched them, I saw Brenda move closer to him, as she would have done if I had been lying next to her. At that instant I knew that it had been a mistake to let Jack play with my sister's body, he had manipulated me into this scheme which had ended with him lying naked in bed beside my sleeping sister. But it was too late now; there was nothing I could do to stop him.

As I watched him, I could see his hands moving under the blanket, and it seemed that he was stroking her breasts. Then it became impossible for me to remain in the same room while he was touching her. Feeling depressed and a little angry, I went to my mother's room and I stretched on her bed. It was my intention to give Jack fifteen or twenty minutes with Brenda then to make him spend the rest of the night in mother's room, at least until half an hour before she came back from work. But it didn't turn out that way. I felt asleep and when I awaken because of the cold - I was still lying on her bed with only my nightgown on - I looked at the clock on the night table, it was already half past one. Jack had been along with Brenda for nearly two hours now. What was he doing to her?

The minute that I entered my room I knew that something was not right. I could hear a strange noise coming from either Brenda or Jack. They were still in bed together but to my horror, Jack was on top of her and it then sank in my mind that he was actually fucking her. The strange noise I was hearing was Brenda's regular moaning.

The first thing that went into my mind was that she was awake and was actually cooperating with Jack, how else could I explain the noise she was making?

I walked closer to the bed, - Jack was not even aware of my presence - he was moving in a rhythmic manner under the blanket and it didn't take much imagination to see what he was doing. Worst still, I could tell by his fast breathing and heavy grunting that he was very near a climax. But I now realized that Brenda was still asleep, except for the low moaning she was not moving under him. Suddenly I became very excited watching them and a strange thing happen to me, it seemed natural that he was fucking her and even more, I began the hope that he would go on fucking her for a long time. He was having sex with my sleeping sister and even in her condition she was experiencing pleasure, her continuous moaning was proof enough of it.

It seemed that I was paralyzed and I stood there next to the bed observing them, I was able to tell the exact moment that he came inside her. His pumping changed to long and slow shoves, while his grunting became a heavy breathing, finally I saw him collapse on top of her. He remained there very still and it began to worry me since he had all of his weight on Brenda and I feared that she would awaken. I reached over and I pushed against his shoulder until he rolled over so that most of his weight was off Brenda. In a low voice I whispered to him.

"You lied to me Jack. You have actually fucked her."

By now the blankets were partly off Brenda's body and both of her breasts were exposed. There was no sign of her nightgown that she always wore in bed; Jack had removed it and probably her panties also.

"I am sorry Sam, but I couldn't help myself" he whispered back to me. " Your sister is quite a girl, can you imagine how she would be if she was really awake? For a while earlier I thought that she had gotten out of her sleep since she was making loud noises."

A strange bawdy feeling took hold of me then; I was even sorry that I hadn't remained in the bedroom with them and watch him. He must have fucked her more than once, I had to know.

"How many time did you fuck her?"

"Who keeps count, it could be four or five time. Look at her, she wants more."

It was true, Brenda had both hands on her cunt and she was slowly feeling herself. I watched a couple of seconds then I began to feel the cold standing there only in my gown. I was also without my slippers and Brenda was exposed to the cold from the waist up and she was also probably feeling the cold. Therefore I decided to climb in bed with them, once I was stretched next to her I pulled the blankets back up to our necks.

"You will have to leave soon Jack. " I said to him as low as possible.

"What? So you can have her to yourself? It's not yet half past two and we still have many hours before dawn. I will leave when it's starting to get lighter outside, besides where would I go at this time of the night?"

He was right about having nowhere to go. So I didn't insist any more about his leaving.

By now Brenda had stop moving her hands over her cunt. Being three in a bed built for two, we were more than a little crowded so when Brenda turned herself on her side with her rump toward Jack and facing me, there was more room for me. I was a little jealous since I could tell that she was pushing her bottom against Jack - where I would usually be - seeking his body heat. She was completely naked under the blanket, and I began to think that it might be a problem later to get her back into her panties and gown. Fifteen or twenty minutes went by, then I moved my hand slowly between her available breasts. Without her gown, it surprised me to see how easy it was to reach for them. I gently squeezed, pressed and weighed them and the more I played with her bosom the more I got carried away.

Soon my mouth replaced my hands on her breasts, kissing and sucking one then the other and all the time moving my face in the valley between her two mounts of flesh. It must have awakened an urge in her sleeping body because after a while she pushed one arm around my neck holding me tight against her. At the time I had the strange impression that she was mistaking me for one of her doll that she used to cradle in her arms when she was younger.

While I remained with my head cradled in her arms, I still had in mind the scene of Jack on top of her a little earlier. This induced in me an urge to explore her cunt and see if it had somehow changed because of the stretching that Jack's cock had most probably causes.

Lowering my hand to the junction of her legs, I slowly pushed two fingers between the front part of her lips. As expected, she was very wet and it felt extremely slippery, her triangle of hair was coated with juice and it was pasted to her body.

I was then surprised when my fingers felt something big and warm that seemed to penetrate deep within her vagina. The shock of this unpredicted discovery was preventing me from moving my hand. Then the reality finally sunk into my mind; Jack's cock was still lodged within her. He had somehow in the last half-hour gotten inside her slippery hole without my being aware of it. Was he sleeping with an erection, was this possible? Probably, since he and Brenda hadn't moved in a long while.

A strange voluptuous sensation shook me, as my own cock became still more rigid. I was fascinated to know that her young cunt's lips were being stretched to their limit by his column of flesh. With my fingers I could feel her inner lips clinging to his shaft, even his testicles were indecently pressed between her inner thighs as though they were part of her own body.

Placing my thumb on the outside of one lip and two fingers on the outside of the other, and then I pressed on them thus squeezing Jack's rod in the process.

His reaction was immediate. His shaft began to pulsate and its size greatly increased stretching her lips even further. I squeezed again and again and his organ became alive within her. He probably thought that the cause of the sudden pressure around his shaft was Brenda's cunt contracting in an attempt to get more friction. He was soon completely awake and he began sliding his erection with short strokes and in the process gliding it against my fingers.

As for Brenda, she reacted by moving her bottom still closer against him, and thus in the process removing my hand from between her thighs.

Jack was fucking her now and I was responsible for it since my hand had rekindled his sexual awareness. Even Brenda, - although in a more limited way - was answering his slow pumping by meeting him with shoves of her own.

So it was that in the middle of a cold winter night, while in bed with Brenda and Jack, I discovered a new pleasure that I knew from now on, was going to influence the rest of my life. It was the discovery that I could get as much pleasure from watching a couple fuck as if I was actually doing the deed myself.

My mouth soon found one of her beasts, and while she cradled my head in her arms, I felt the shaking of their bodies as Jack pounded her from behind. Her beautiful bosom trembled and bounced against my face, I was much too absorbed in the gratification of my pleasure to worry about the fact that the possibility still existed that she could get out of her trance-like sleep.

I began to shake with uncontrollable emotions in synchronization with Jack's shoving while my cock rubbed on the front of her cunt's lips. All of a sudden, the deluge of my semen began to gush against her cunt and over Jack's piston-like rod, mingling in the process with her own juice as well as with Jack's spunk that he had previously poured into her hole.

My climax seemed to go on forever, I was bewildered with ecstatic thrills as I continued to suck her breasts even though my body continued to shake with convulsions.

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