Three Companions - Cover

Three Companions

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 3: Paul's story

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Paul's story - Three wealthy travellers meet in an expensive hotel and they each tell the tale of their first sexual adventure.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

As you both know, I come from Canada. In fact, at the time I was living in the province of Alberta to be exact. I lived in a small town by the name of Pines Valley and it had a population of just over seven thousand souls. Both of my parents, as well as my brother George - who was about five years older than me - were living in a very large house that my mother had inherited from her father. He was then a prospector and he was often away for as long as a month at a time and sometimes even longer, leaving mother to take care of us.

When Canada declared war on Germany - a few days before the United States did - my brother, who was nineteen then, immediately signed up with the army. This left mother and I alone in the big house more often than otherwise, since father's expertise in finding new deposits of minerals was even more in demand because of the war.

A few months after the beginning of the war my Aunt Paula got married. She was my mother's younger sister and being only twenty she was a good deal younger than mother was. My father, at the request of mother, had the previous year introduced Aunt Paula to her future husband. He was also a prospector - father knew him because of the similar work they both did - and like my father he often went away for long stretches of time. Aunt Paula had been living in Pines Valley at the other end of town for just under a year after she and Robert Smallwood got married, then on the insistence of mother, they moved in with us in our large house.

Being well over thirty, Robert was much older than his wife but they were deeply in love and the difference of age didn't seem to be that important in their marriage.

They were given the room next to mine on the second floor, then as soon as they moved in with us, I began hearing all sorts of strange noises coming from their room. It kept me awake often, even in the middle of the night.

I had just turned fourteen at that time and I was quite ignorant about what went on between married people, therefore the racket I was hearing through the wall was very intriguing to me. I often tried to imagine what they could be doing in their room to make that much of a rackets. It soon became an obsession to me as I tried to figure out what they could be possibly doing.

After a month or so I began to notice that as soon as her husband left on one of his prospecting trips- he only went away for a week to ten days at the time - it became very quiet in their room. Later when he was back, especially the first night, I couldn't sleep for half the night because of the moaning, sighing and grunting. But worst of all, was the squeaking and rattle that their bed made at all hours of the night.

I was about to ask mother to let me sleep in another room, there were three empty rooms in the house, when I happened to talk about it to my friend Fred. He was a year older than I was and although we didn't see much of each other, except in school, he was the closest friend I had.

Before I go further, I must mention that at the time I was attending a Catholic school that was run by the Christian Brothers and it was a boys only school. Therefore my knowledge about girls at the time was nonexistent, and to make matters worst, we were constantly warned by our teacher against the sins of the flesh. If even one of us was seen talking to a girl on the street it was certain that the next day in school that boy was seriously warned, and worst still the Brothers had the approval of our parents on that matter. Fred on the other hand, although attending the same school, had two sisters and he was much more informed in the matters than I was.

During the recess one day, I told him about the strange noises in the room next to mine; he went into a fit of laughing when he realized that I hadn't yet figure the cause of it all.

I must say here that previous to this talk, we had often discuss the matter of girls and how their bodies were different than ours, we even used such words as teats, cunt and fucking. Yes, I knew what fucking was, Fred had explained it to me, his older brother had enlightened him on the matter. But what Fred had failed to tell me, was that fucking was not a one-time affair. At the time, I believed that each and every time it was done, a baby was sure to be born nine months later. Since there were no need to do it afterward - at least that was what I thought - it was not done since it was a sin. On that day, Fred told me that married people did it all the time and it didn't mean that a baby would immediately result from the act. They did it for the pleasure involved, and if you were married there was no sin to it.

"The noises that you are hearing Paul, are those of your Aunt and Uncle's copulation, or fucking if you prefer."

I was shocked and I wanted to know more about it. Fred went on to explain that while they did it, the man's prick was pushed deep inside the female's cunt and while doing it both partners experienced a great deal of pleasure. After that talk with Fred I became fascinated with these noises coming from Aunt's room and now that I knew exactly the source I also felt strangely exited.

My Aunt's husband had just gotten back from a ten day trip the previous day, and that night I was kept awake again by the almost continuous racked coming through the wall of their room. Pressing my ear against the wall, the noises were much louder and my Uncle's grunting became distinct from that of my Aunt's moaning. Gradually I noticed that her moaning changed to a moaning intermingled with a series of high pitch cries whereas her breathing became very fast.

Yes indeed, the action in their room had a strange effect on me. My cock became quite rigid and my heart began to beat much faster. How could it be possible, I told myself, that just hearing noises had such an effect on me?

I kept on listening. They were now talking and I could clearly make out every word they were saying.

"It was the most delicious fuck," said Uncle Robert, "look, I am almost ready to have you again."

"Yes, I must admit it was most enjoyable. I do miss you so much when you are away."

Next I heard them moving again on the bed and soon there was more grunting and heavy breathing. I would have given a lot to see what they were doing.

There I was just a few feet away from them, with just a thin partition of wood separating us and I couldn't see a thing. They were fucking, I was now aware of it, and they were doing it just on the other side of the wall, this thought sent shivers throughout my body. It was at that moment that I got the idea of the hole. If I were to drill a small hole through the wall, I told myself, a very small hole, the size of a pencil would be enough, then it might be possible to see them as well as hear them. This thought had the effect of causing a sudden burst of excitement with the result that my cock was extremely hard and pulsating in anticipation. I then began to rub my erection while trying to listen to their lovemaking.

The following morning, I dismissed the idea of drilling a spy hole as simply foolish. But as the day went on I thought more about it as I sat in school, gradually the idea became more appealing and also extremely exciting. When I got home later, I learned that Aunt Paula and her husband were to go to the movies that evening. What better time, I told myself, could there be to at least investigate the possibility of drilling a hole and even drill it if it was feasible.

As soon as they left the house, early after supper, I went into my room. I examined the wall common to our two rooms. It was covered with wallpapers painted with a repeating pattern of color flowers. I didn't think there would be a problem in placing a small hole though one the picture of a flower, but the spot where the hole would immerge on the other side could be a problem though. Therefore, I went into the hall and tried Aunt Paula's bedroom door. It was not locked. I didn't dare think further and I opened the door and went inside. It was dark and I could detect a pleasant smell of perfume. After switching on a small lamp on the night table, I close the door and began to look around the room. The room was very tidy and her bed was well made.

The bed was just a couple of feet from my bedroom's wall and hanging there on the wall were framed pictures of summer scenes in the country. Both frames were a couple of feet apart and as was the fashion in those days, one was about six inches higher than the other was. It then occur to me that I should drill the hole under the frame of the picture that was the closest to the bed, and also place it near the edge so that the frame would hide it as much as possible. This implied that every time I would want to look through her room, all I would have to do is push the frame aside from my side of the wall using a pencil or a thin object. It was the perfect plan.

Yes it was a great idea but still it was a big decision for me to take. I knew that if I were to be caught, mother and father would be most angry with me, not to mention the reaction of Uncle Robert. But my curiosity and especially the strange pleasure that I now associated with this sort of spying were enough to make me go on with the project. In the basement, in father's toolbox, I found a hand drill which I managed to bring into my Aunt's room without being observed. After a couple of minutes of looking around the picture frame I finally pulled it aside a little and began drilling. As I turned the tooted wheel of the drill, I notice the wood chips and dust falling on the floor and all of a sudden I became scared but it was too late to turn back and I kept on drilling. Like most old houses of the time, the wall was made up of only one thickness of boards and soon I discover that the drill had gone through the other side. When I look into the hole, I could see the inside of my room and my heart began to beat faster in anticipation. After picking the chips and dust from the floor I replaced the picture frame back in place thus hiding almost completely the small hole I had just made.

That night, I was in my room at ten waiting for my Aunt and her husband to return from the movies. When they did get home, they remained downstairs talking with mother for half an hour before finally going to their room. I immediately turned off the light when I heard them climbing the stairs, then I heard them entering their own room. Suddenly I saw a ray of light coming through the hole in the wall. It occur to me that the same thing could happen on the other side if I was careless enough to turn on the light in my room while it was dark in their room, I therefore made a mental note to never let this happen.

Then very carefully, with a short length of rigid wire that I had prepared for this purpose, I began to push the framed picture aside, just a little. Half the hole was still hidden by the wooden frame but it was enough since I could see almost everywhere in their room. They were both standing behind the closed door and Uncle was holding my Aunt in his arms as they were kissing. While his lips were glued to hers, his hands were moving downward on her back until he was holding her bottom in his hands. I could see his fingers opening and closing as if he was trying to pull her flesh apart, then his right hand proceed to lift her skirt until I could see the naked flesh of her thighs above her stockings. Soon his left hand began assisting the right hand and her skirt was lift around her waist, thus exposing her pink panties and her exquisite upper thighs.

Without even realizing it, I had been rubbing my extremely hard prick against the wall and I was very close to a climax. Never before had I seen such an exiting spectacle, I was getting drunk on her charms as my eyes feasted on her thighs.

At last she pushed him aside and she begged him to let her take off her clothes before they got ripped off her body in his eagerness. Without saying a word, they both got undressed. You can well imagine that I didn't waste my time watching Uncle Robert.

Aunt Paula first removed her skirt, which she let fall down to the floor, then as she stood in her panties, she picked it up and went to the wardrobe where she hung it carefully. It was my first look at a woman in panties and her beauty stunned me. Her legs were very straight and long with nicely round upper thighs, and while her hips were wide she had a very small waistline. Through the thin, pink material of her panties, I could see the outline of the black hairs on her mound; even the swell of the lips of her cunt could be detected.

She then went on to remove her blouse while looking at her husband with a most provocative expression. Next she went to the wardrobe where she hung her blouse on a rack, slowly she walked back and sat on the edge of the bed. Bending over she removed both shoes and then she proceeded to remove both silk socks that she threw on the back of a chair. By that time, Uncle Robert was stark naked and as he watched her he had a huge erection. His prick was bigger than mine was but not by much especially at the present moment. He didn't let her finish undressing, instead he rushed toward her then seizing her in his arms he pushed her on the bed.

"Wait Robert, let me remove my panties and bra, beside you have left the light on.

"Who care about the light, with a body like yours the whole world should see it. Beside I like to fuck you when I can look at your pretty face."

"No, please turn off the light, you know that it make me nervous when I know you are watching me."

When Uncle got off her body to turn off the light, I had time enough to see her removes her bra and both of her voluminous breasts were visible for a couple seconds.

I was still fully clothed then, but when her godly breasts were exposed, I suddenly felt the release of pressure as I shoved harder against the wall, making me climax in my pants.

By the time the erotic storm was over, the light was off and although I could hear them there was nothing to see.

Early the next morning I was back watching through the hole. They were both still sleeping, but once in a while I could see Uncle's hand move under the blanket, I could well imagine that he was fondling her, even though she was still sleeping.

Half an hour later he climbed on top of her. Apparently she was still sleeping but the instant he got on her she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"My, you are early this morning. One would think that after the numerous times you had me last evening and even in the night, you would be satisfied by now."

"Satisfy of you? Never. Beside, I know that you like it as much as I do, after all you were the one to initiate it in the middle of the night don't you remember dear?"

"Yes, yes, I do like it, and when you are away I sometimes think that I will go crazy."

He was doing something with his hand, which was still between their bodies, then one hand appeared on her shoulder and he began to rock on top of her. I knew that he was fucking her, but I couldn't see much since they were both partly covered by the blanket.

Her eyes were closed and her face had an expression of pain as she bit his lips. But I was now informed enough to know that pain was not the reflection of her facial expression.

Beside her hands were betraying her since they were constantly moving over his back as if she was urging him on. Gradually she began to gasped as she writhed beneath him, it was now plain that she was in the grip of pleasure spasms.

Soon the blanket was down around their waists and the side of one of her breasts was fully exposed to my eyes. Her thick nipple in the center of the darker circle - I didn't know at the time that it was called the aureole- was provocative to the extreme.

With his extended arms supporting much of his weight, he began to move faster on top of her naked body. Her breasts began to move in every direction in a most indecent and erotic manner. His rapid and eager thrusts were eagerly met by the upheaving of her bottom above the bed. After a while I heard a cry of thrilling pleasure escapes her lips, it was even louder than his animal grunting that was almost continuous.

They both climaxed together and when it was over he remained stretched on top of her for a couple of minutes. Later he rolled over and he then pulled her on top of his belly and they both slept in this position for half an hour.

Standing near the hole my legs were now hurting but I had no intention of leaving my post. Later they made love once more; afterward they both got out of bed naked. His cock was now completely limp and it was all smeared and coated with dry scales. It then occurs to me that they hadn't washed yet and I hadn't seen her wipe her cunt once. Aunt's triangular patch of hair on her lower body was pasted and a lot of dry scales could also be seen in her matted pubic hair. As she walked in the room I saw the inside of her thighs glistering with their love juice. Even while putting on her gown, drops of juice felt to the floor between her feet. It seemed to amuse them a lot to watch her dripping cunt and it made them laugh.

Uncle Robert remained with us for another five days before leaving, and as often as I could, I watched them fuck. At the end of that time, I had seen them make love at least two dozen times. By then it was plain to me that Aunt Paula enjoyed fucking as much, if not more, than her husband. I became used to seeing her naked and every curve and swell of her body became very familiar to me.

When I drilled the peephole between our two rooms, I had made up my mind to tell no one about it, but after two weeks of watching them fuck I felt so proud that the urge to tell Fred about it was too great and I decided to tell him everything.

Besides, not only had I seen my Aunt naked, but I had actually watched her being fucked and I had to let him know about my good fortune.

He made me describe all I had seen over and over. He then begged me to let him have a look through the hole. At first I refused, but since Uncle Robert was now gone, I finally agreed to arrange it so that he could come with me for one night.

Two days later, Friday evening, Fred was with me in my room. I had previously obtained permission from mother to have him spent the night at home with me. My Aunt wasn't home when Fred and I got there at seven. She had gone shopping in town and before she arrived back at ten, we were both in my room waiting for her. She was most probably not even aware that Fred was to spend the night with me.

She went up into her room at eleven. By that time the lights in my room had been turned off as we were impatiently waiting her arrival. She entered her room with a box and a bag, which she placed, on the bed. She then proceeded to remove everything she had on, except her panties and bra. Then for the next half-hour she went on trying the new dress and stockings that she had bought.

By the end of that time, Fred was so aroused that he refused to give me my turn at the hole. As he watched her, Fred went on to describe to me what she was doing. When he said that she was taking a new bra from the bag on her bed and was getting ready to remove the one she had on, I was able to shove Fred away so that I could have my turn to look at her. But in doing so we made a lot of noise and I almost fainted when I saw my Aunt look directly in my direction. She then walked toward the hole and examined it from a couple of feet away, at that moment I was certain that she was aware that I was spying on her from my room. She remained frozen for long seconds staring at the hole, then I actually saw her smile as she went on looking. I hurriedly got my eyes away from the hole and I told Fred that she had just discovered us.

He didn't believe me, he thought that it was only a trick to keep him from looking. I was too scared to even try to prevent him from looking. Once again he placed his eye over the hole and for a couple of long minutes he didn't say a word. Finally I asked him what was happening on the other side, my worst fear was that Aunt Paula would run out of her room and tell mother what we were doing.

At last Fred whispered to me that she was in the process of removing her bra. It didn't make sense to me. If she had discovered me, why would she keep on undressing?

Unless, I told myself, she was still not aware of being watched. Could it be that she didn't see the hole? I couldn't believe it but this seemed the only answer.

When I found enough courage to urge Fred to move away he reluctantly did, but I had time to see that his face was quite red and he was shaking a little.

When I finally place my eye over the hole, I couldn't believe my eye. She had taken off her bra and both of her breasts were exposed. Even as I watched, she sat on the edge of the bed and began removing her panties.

Then when she was completely naked, she slowly began walking in the room to finally sit on the bed again and she placed both feet on the bed and then she stretched herself on her back. Her legs were bent at the knees and wide open and as she lay stretched on her bed, her cunt was exactly facing the wall where I was watching.

Next using both hands, she peeled her two cunt lips giving me my first look at the inside of a cunt. The site of her glistering, pink hole hypnotized me. On each side of her long and immense pinky gash stood her luscious pouting lips while her black curls ran down over part of each lips. She laid the lips well aback and apart, and there they kept open. The interior of that most enchanting cunt which was an exquisite salmon pink in color, seemed almost endless. I could see the contracting interior of her cavern as it seemed to pulsate in a most inviting manner.

By now Fred was trying to push me and I let him look. For the next half-hour we feasted our eyes on her charms. She even walked around so as to make her breasts bounce and sway. Then all of a sudden she turned off the light and we heard her climb in her bed.

During well over half the night, Fred and I debated as to if my Aunt was aware that we were staring at her or not. One thing was certain though, she was ignorant about Fred's presence in my room, and if she had been performing, as Fred called it, she had done it for my eyes only.

The following morning, we were both out of the house before mother or Aunt Paula were up, and for a long time while we were walking outside we again argued about my Aunt being aware that I was watching her.

"I'm telling you Paul, your Aunt knew you were watching her, it should be very easy for you to fuck her now."

I was shocked by what he was saying. Until then I hadn't even thought about doing this. I was quite content to go on watching her naked body or watching her fucking with her husband, but to actually do it myself, was another matter. But later in the morning I began to have second thought, now that Fred had planted the idea in my mind. The more I thought about it the more I found myself wishing that I could fuck her indeed. By the time Fred left me, I could think of nothing else.

When I next saw Aunt Paula at noon, she was very charming to me as usual, later when she and mother had finished the dishes, she asked me to help her move her bed in her room so that she could clean underneath it.

Even as we were climbing the stairs, she said that until recently she hadn't notice how tall I was and how quickly I had grown recently. I could tell that she had something in mind, but I hadn't the slightest idea what it was.

We entered her room and she closed the door behind us. Then I helped her slide the bed toward the middle of the room. Without saying a word she used a broom and began to swipe the floor where the bed had been and soon I help her move her bed in place. Just as she stood between the wall and her bed, she pretended to notice the hole, which was still almost all hidden by the frame of the picture.

"What have we here," she said as she pushed the frame away thus exposing the small hole completely. " It's a hole, and it goes right through your room. I suppose one could see from one room to the other looking through it. Are you aware of this Paul?"

The tone of her voice was neither threatening nor was it meant as a joke and I didn't know what to say and how to react At last I decided to tell her the truth.

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