Three Companions - Cover

Three Companions

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Three wealthy travellers meet in an expensive hotel and they each tell the tale of their first sexual adventure.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

When she sleepwalked, it was almost impossible to get her out of her trance-like sleep. The best thing to do on those occasions was to guide her back to her bed and let her sleep. During the year preceding my father's death, she no longer got out of bed while sleeping, but she still continue to be an extremely sound sleeper.

Therefore, as she slept next to me during the cold winter nights, and with my mother working a night shift in an ammunition factory, I had plenty of time, as well as many opportunities to fondle her. But after a couple of weeks of feeling her bosom and bottom over her nightgown, I wanted more. I needed to have a look at her naked body, and most of all, I wanted to kiss her upper thighs as well as her round breasts.

That summer, after the first winter that she had been sleeping in my bed, I bought a flashlight so as to pick worms at night when the grass was wet. Fishing was a hobby of mine and at least once a week I went fishing in Green Lake, a small lake that was about a mile from where we lived. So it was that one night, when I wanted more than to feel her curves, I quietly got out of bed and went to the bureau. In the second drawer I took the flashlight out and went back in my bed. Brenda hadn't move. Once I was under the blankets next to her, I began to crawled - with my head first - under the blanket until my head was exactly next to her bottom. Of course it was stuffy and I had a little trouble to breath, but I didn't mind this since only a few inches from my face was Brenda's bottom covered only by her gown and underwear.

It was dark and warm underneath, and I could actually hear the fast beating of my heart in anticipation of what I was about to do. I then pressed the small red button that turned the flashlight on. Brenda's gown was high above her thighs leaving more than half of her white underwear exposed to my eyes thus revealing the round curves of her bottom in all their glory.

Her cotton panties seemed to be stretched to the utmost by her plumb twin cheeks, and as she lay stretched on her side, both of her thighs were presses together with the one on top slightly ahead of the other. In this position I had a great opportunity to examine the junction of her thighs at the back.

When I focus the beam of light carefully I could see a few brown hairs sticking out of the edge of her panties. Then I saw it, exactly at the center of the crotch of her panties, where I knew her cunt to be, was the twin swells of her cunt's lips.

I couldn't move, and at the same time I was certain that my heart would burst out through my ribs. The spectacle before my eyes was so erotic and so enchanting, that I remained frozen for a dozen or so second before I was able to react. Right there before my eyes, I could admire for as long as I wanted my sister's plumb twin cheeks. More still, since my face was so close to it, I could also distinctly detect the heavenly odor of her sex - in those days especially in the winter time we took a bath only once a week - and it was having a very strange effect on me.

Carefully, I placed my hand on her bottom over her panties. I then let my hand move on her thigh and gradually my fingers went to the twin bulges of her cunt lips over the thin material of her underwear. All of a sudden, she changes position, my heart skip a beat and I immediately turn off the light. In the darkness I felt her bottom coming closer to my face, probably in her quest for the source of heat that she depended on. Then when she stopped moving, my nose was snug in the crack of her twin cheeks.

Like a magnet, my face was attracted lower along her bottom until the tip of my nose actually made contact with the swelling of her cunt. Even though it was more difficult to breathe, and even if her body odor was stronger still, I new that, never before had my lungs feasted on such a rare perfume. The contact of her bottom against my face only increased my desire for her and at the risk of being discovered I became bolder.

My mouth began to move on her thighs then over her bottom, and by tilting my head at an odd angle I was able to place my lips exactly over her cunt. I would have given plenty to be free of the material of her panties that separated my mouth from the crack of her cunt. I then pressed the tip of my tongue in the exact center and wanting still more, I began to suck through the material. After a few seconds of this, I began to taste her and I came very close to an orgasm, only after I stop sucking was I able to prevent it. My mouth remained on her cunt until my neck began to hurt, but nothing short of my mother walking in the room would have made me stop what I was doing. I was now ready to risk everything and with still more determination I kept on sucking. Again I felt her move. For a while I was certain that she was awake so I stopped tasting her. She partly turned on her back and in the process she placed one of her leg over my shoulder. Still I didn't move and only after I heard her snoring lightly did I dare move.

My position between her legs was greatly improved now. My head was still between her thighs and now having one leg over my shoulder, her other leg was stretched while her rump rested half on my upper neck and half on the mattress.

Once more my mouth found its mark. The crotch of her panties was now soaking wet from my saliva and from her juice. Wanting more intimacies with her sex I began to pull aside the elastic band around her thigh. The leg band was quite loose and soon my nose was resting in the silky dowry of her cunt hairs. I would have given my right arm to be able to see, but the light was out and it was impossible for me to reach for it.

Using the fingers of my other hand I proceeded to feel her cunt. There were just a few hairs around her outer lips and I could tell that she was very wet. Then I let my finger slip between her lips. At first I was afraid that her virgin membrane might prevent my going very deep within her but I soon discovered that nothing was preventing me from pushing my finger all the way inside her passage. Had she been fucked before, I said to myself? Probably not since she was always either with mother or with me when she was at home, but while she was at school was another matte, since without my mother being aware of it she often talked to a boy name Tom Taylor. But I did not want to waist anymore time debating about the possible lost of her virginity, at least not at the moment.

Soon I couldn't hold myself any longer and I applied my lips to her cunt.

Her taste was like wine to me and the more her juice spilled into my mouth the more that I wanted it.

I no longer cared if she came out of her deep sleep, only my lips on her cunt mattered. I licked and I sucked for a few minutes and gradually I felt her thighs moving around my head. I soon discovered that whenever my tongue or lips touched the knob of flesh between her open lips she would jerk as if this button was more sensitive than the surrounding flesh.

Every time I touched it she would respond by pressing my head with her thighs, therefore revealing the fact that my mouth was giving her a great deal of pleasure, even in the condition of sleep she was in. Only later did I learn that this tender projection that all women have between the lips of their cunt, is called a clitoris. Before that night I wasn't even aware of its existence.

As soon as I realized that this rigid projection of flesh was responsible for the considerable pleasure she seemed to experience, I seized it between my teeth and I lightly exerted a pressure on it. The effect on her was immediate, Brenda's body began to twitch and at the same time she lifted her bottom from the bed. Even with her thighs now in a tight grip around my ears, I could hear her moaning and all of a sudden my mouth was flooded with juices that kept coming out of her cunt. As her thighs closed convulsively around my head, I knew that she was in the grip of a climax and that the abundant liquid that she kept pouring into my mouth was the result of her pleasure. Naturally, as her climax shook her body, I couldn't prevent my own body from being seized in the grip of convulsions also. By the time she stopped shaking and the pressure around my head decreased, I was half way through with my own climax and what an experience it was. I must have poured a quarter of a cup of semen in my underwear and the heavenly sensation I felt then is impossible to describe.

This session with Brenda was only the first of many that took place after that evening. To prevent the pain in the back of my neck from reoccurring, I usually made her turn on her left side instead of her right.

I did this by applying a little pressure on her shoulder until she was facing me. I could then slide my whole body, head first under the blankets until my head was between her thighs with my mouth on the front of her cunt.

Of course her panties were always a problem, but I did discovered that I could safely slip them down a little, and later when I was finished with her, I would pull them back as high as I could. In the morning she would lift them in place herself probably thinking that during the night they had slipped down.

My feasting and indulging on her body went on till the middle of the winter. Although she was not aware of any of it, the way she acted in my presence did change though. Whereas before she tended to treat me more like a burden than anything else - she did have to cook breakfast and help mother around the house - she now seemed to enjoy talking to me, and whenever it was possible, she would look for my company around the house.

She told me later that she was completely unawares of what I was doing to her, and that each and every night she had the most pleasant erotic dreams that one could imagine. In her dreams, at first she was making love to her boyfriend Tom, but gradually I began to replace Tom in her dreams. The first time it happened, she was shocked, scared and disgusted, at one point she almost made up her mind to discuss the matter with mother.

Her erotic dreams used to scare her, as she later explained to me, but as the days or nights went on, she got used to them and she even began to enjoy them.

That was when I began to replace Tom in her dreams. On those nights that she didn't have her dreams - she had her periods once a month and even though I desired her greatly, I couldn't bring myself to touch her cunt during her menstruation - she told me that she felt very disappointed in the morning when she didn't dream. As time went on, her dreams became much more voluptuous and her pleasure a great deal more intense also.

To return to my story, I must tell you that until then the ideal of fucking her had completely left my mind. It took an incident to reawaken in me that appetite. You must remember that earlier I mentioned my friend Jack and his sister Carol. He is responsible for what happened next.

Jack and I were fishing one day, and as usual he described to me in every detail what he and Carol had done together during the previous week. He also told me that his sister liked me a lot and she had even asked him to invite me more often to their house.

I was flattered of course, but apart from that I had no intention to flirt with his sister. I had no reason since I had Brenda at home. Previously, to encourage Jack to tell me more about what he and his sister did together, I had revealed to him everything that I had done with Brenda. He was thus aware that mother made us sleep together during the winter months.

"I know what we should do," said Jack. "I will let you fuck my sister if you let me fondle Brenda."

Of course I refused, and furthermore I told him that I had no intention of talking about it anymore.

"Well Samuel, you have no choice on the matter. Either you fix it so that I can take your place in bed, or I will have a talk with your mother and tell her everything. Even if you threaten me to tell my own mother that Carol and I fuck, Carol and I will deny everything. Beside, you don't have to decide right away, I will first arrange it so that you meet my sister, then you can make the arrangements for me to get in bed with your sister.

Of course I was shocked and terrified. For one thing, I knew that if he did say anything to mother, it would be the end of Brenda's sleeping in my bed, and worse still, I would then have both, mother and Brenda angry at me for a very long time. Not to mention the humiliation I would go through every time I would look at them. Therefore, to gain some time more than anything else, I agreed.

Jack didn't waste time. The very next day, he told me that everything was arranged and all I had to do was to get my mother approval to spent Saturday night at his place. He knew that my mother wasn't working that night and thus she couldn't refuse on account that Brenda would be along in the house.

It was now too late for me to change my mind and I had to go on. Beside, I was beginning to find the idea of seeing his sister naked was more and more appealing. She was about sixteen, and although not as tall as Brenda, she had a more mature face with a body that was clearly that of a grown woman. I often wondered if all the fucking that she had done with her brother didn't have anything to do with her features blooming at so early an age.

Jack was standing beside me when I asked mother to let me stay the night at his place. I was almost hoping that she would refuse, but she liked Jack and she agreed, provided that I promised to be back before ten the next morning. Therefore on Saturday evening, Jack was knocking on our door to pick me. With a brown paper bag containing my nightgown, we left the house.

On the way to his house he explained that he and I were to sleep together in his room, but his sister would be joining us sometimes after midnight once Lisa - one of his younger sisters- was well asleep. Both Carol and Lisa slept in the same bed and also in the same room were his two other sisters sleping in another bed.

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