Three Companions - Cover

Three Companions

Copyright© 2000 by Mandil

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Three wealthy travellers meet in an expensive hotel and they each tell the tale of their first sexual adventure.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

The storm had been predicted earlier on the radio, and as he drove his car toward Silver Face Mountain, snow began to fall. Samuel was thus relieved when he saw the lights on the tall cement and bricks posts on each side of the entrance that led to the La Seignerie.

It was an expensive country resort, almost exclusively for its members or for the rich travellers, of which categories he belonged. In reality it was a country resort hotel as well as a club. In the wintertime, sports facilities such as skiing and snowmobile excursions were available, whereas in the summer one could play golf, swim in one of the two pools, do some horse riding, not to mention boating and tennis playing. In other words, it was a secluded resort place for those who had money and also had the time to enjoy these activities or who simply wanted to relax.

Samuel drove his car under the wide patio roof of the main entrance, after giving his car keys to the parking attendant; he went inside the massive twin oak doors. As soon as he passed through the doors he felt the warmth of the cathedral-like lobby on his face. The large room was almost completely deserted. He was quite familiar with the magnificently decorated room, since for the last five years he always came to La Seignerie to spend two or three weeks at this time of the year.

As he walked on the thick carpet in front of the hexagonal central stone column that held the chimney of the six independent fireplaces, he felt the radiating heat of each individual fire on his face. At about fifteen feet in front of each fireplace, there were numerous comfortable looking upholstered chairs, as well as couches and coffee tables here and there in front or beside the chairs or couches. Samuel knew that while seated in front of any of these immense fireplaces, one had the impression of being in a medieval castle. Of course, the high ceiling with the thick supporting round logs beams, as well as the two circular walkways on the second and third story of the resort, helped create that impression.

As soon as he got to the main desk, he was politely given the key to his room while leaving his suitcase to the registrar, who immediately rang for a bellboy to take the luggage to his room. Since Samuel was in no particular hurry, he went to the bar for a warming drink before having supper - or dinner as they called it in such a high-class hotel.

As he entered the bar, he was shocked to discover that besides the one couple sitting at a table, he was the only other customer in the place. The large television in the corner was on and he decided to sit on a stool in front of it.

After ordering his favorite drink - whiskey on the rocks - he began to pay attention to the announcer who was talking about the storm. A huge front from Canada was moving in and he predicted ten to twelve inches of snow. This and the high wind, the announcer went on, made up a combination that would make travelling extremely hazardous. The announcer went so far as to warn those that did intend to be on the road driving, to change their plans and wait until the worst of the storm was over.

Since it was already half past five and in the middle of the week, the arrival of the storm was really at a bad time, Samuel knew that the chances of other customers arriving that evening were extremely slim. He finished his drink then went to his room for a shower and a change of clothing. Later he returned down to the dining lounge to eat. He had expected to find very few customers seated at the numerous tables, but certainly not that few. There were only two men beside him, and both, being about his age, were seated at different tables.

Samuel had been driving all afternoon and he was in the mood to talk to someone. Of course he would have preferred the company of someone of the opposite sex, but since he had no choice on the matter he decided to settle for a male companion. Walking to one of the occupied tables, he addressed himself to the seated man who was watching him approach.

"I see that you are alone. Since I am also by myself and since it appears that it will be a very long evening, do you mind if I sit at your table? Of course if you are not in the mood to talk I will understand."

"Do sit down, by all means. My name it Paul Duvall, and to whom I have the honor of talking?"

"My name is Samuel McNab, I am very pleased to meet you."

The other customer, who was seated just two tables away, having Witnessed Samuel's introduction, suddenly stood up and walked Toward their table.

"Excuse me " he said in a calm voice, " but I couldn't fail to hear what you said, before you go on, I would also like to join you, if you have no objection of course. My name is Peter Lockwell."

Both, Samuel and Paul shook hands with Peter and the three of them sat down around the table. The waiter, who had been a witness to everything, was soon standing near the table. He was told by Paul, that the three of them would eat together and to finish serving Peter - who had already began to eat - at their table. They ate and talked for well over an hour, and during that time they discovered that the three of them were in a similar situation. Each was very wealthy and none of them was married, but what was more important, they loved to travel a lot and each knew how to appreciate the company of the opposite sex.

After a while they got up and went to the bar, but before they had time to order anything, the lights went out everywhere. The two emergency lights that came on automatically - one in each corner of the bar - were just enough to allow them to see the table in front of them. Soon one of the hotel attendants came in with a portable light and he told them that he knew form reliable source that the storm outside was causing serious damages to both the electric as well as the telephone lines. He also suggested that they move into the lobby in front of one of the fireplaces where they would at least benefit from the light of the fire.

Of course it was the only sensible thing to do, and soon the three of them were following him to the lobby where the lights and heat from the multiple fires gave a mystifying look to the large room. Each of them sat in an upholstered chair that were moved to form a semicircle, having a low table in its centre while one of the fireplaces completed the other half of the circle.

They talked for a while and they learned more about each other, but by the end of an hour the lights were still out. Of course there was no question of anyone going to his room, the lack of electricity also met a lack of heat since all the rooms in the hotel were electrically heated. Therefore they had no choice except to remain in front of the pleasant radiating heat from the flame.

Suddenly Samuel had an idea. He went on to explain to his new friends what they should do to past the time away, provided of course that they were all in accord with his proposition.

"Probably we will never see one another again after this night, both of you are here for the first and probably last time. You, Peter are going back to Europe while Paul here will be leaving for his hometown in Canada tomorrow. As for me, I do travel a lot like both of you, but I will never settle anywhere else than in America. So the chances of us ever meeting again after this night are very slim indeed, unless of course we arrange it so. Therefore, I propose that we each reveal to the two others our first sexual experience, and we should do this whatever it is and with whoever it happened with. Since I am the one to propose this, I will be the first one to start. But before I do begin, you must each agree to describe your respective story in complete detail without leaving a single event out.

Peter looked at Paul, then back at Samuel then he nodded. Then Paul's face became a pleasant smile and he also agreed. They then both looked in Samuel's direction waiting for him to begin his erotic tale. After taking a sip from his drink, Samuel began his story.


When I was thirteen, I lived with my mother and my sister Brenda in a small town in Vermont. At the time my father was not living with us since it was at the beginning of the war, like most American males of his age, he had been drafted in the army. He was in England with thousands of others waiting for the generals to decide when and where the invasion of France would begin. He never did return home since he was killed in Normandy.

We were living in a rented house that was too hot in summer and very cold in winter. When my father had been living home with us, my sister Brenda - who was a year younger than me- and I slept in the same room. I was sleeping in the large bed while Brenda slept in a child's bed- with high sides - that she had overgrown long before. When my father was drafted into the army, Brenda went to sleep with mother and her bed was moved away in the attic.

We were poor - so were the great majority of people at the time - and the money that father never failed to send us each month was barely enough to feed us and pay for the rent. When he was killed while fighting for his country, we were left penniless and mother had to go to work. She got a job in an ammunition factory working from eleven to eight in the morning. Those working hours pleased her since it allowed her to be with us when we got back from school, it was also convenient for her since she could do her housework during the day. She hadn't much time to sleep but this didn't seem to bother her.

On the first winter after father's death, Brenda - who was twelve then - came down with a bad cold. She kept coughing all the time and it seemed to get worse as the days went by. Mother finally took her to see the doctor. After questioning mother about the living condition at home, he came to the conclusion that the house was too drafty and cold. He also told mother that Brenda should not sleep by herself if it was possible. His argument was that the heat of two bodies under the blanket in one bed was preferable to that produced by one person sleeping alone.

But with mother away working during the night, Brenda was alone in mother's bed, and to make matters worse, mother's room was at the other end of the house, which was as far from the single coal furnace in the house. The furnace was situated in the hall opposite the door to my bedroom. That same day, after getting home from her visit to the doctor, mother told us that from then on Brenda was going to sleep in bed with me in my room where it was warmer. Of course she did explain to us that we were not to mention this sleeping arrangement to anyone, and if the need should ever come, we were to say that Brenda slept with mother. After all, said mother, Brenda's health was at stake and everything else was secondary.

In less than a week, Brenda's coughing stopped and her health improved a lot. On the other hand, I soon got to appreciate her presence in bed next to me; it was indeed much warmer and cozier in my bed with the two of us in it.

We slept together until late June when it got warm and then mother made her move with her in the other bed. During all those nights, while my sister was lying next to me, it never occurred once to me that I was in bed with someone of the opposite sex. Brenda was my sister and that was the end of it. Of course that first winter - she was only twelve and her curves were not very apparent yet.

During the following summer, Brenda's body underwent an enormous change. For one thing, she became a great deal taller. When we stood one next to the other; we were exactly the same height - which of course didn't please me since she was a year younger than I was. She also gained weight, without being overweight. She grew a great deal more feminine with abundant breasts and plumb upper thighs which I noticed for the first time when we went to the beach in mid-summer. While her waists remained slim, her bottom grew round and firm. Even when I noticed all those changes in her, I still had no sexual ambition toward her. To me she was like a flower that one can admire without having to pluck it, you look at it and even smell it, but to cut it out would be sacrilegious and unthinkable. In other words, she was not for me and that was the end of it. Mother still thought of us as children, and even thought we were both taller and probably stronger than her, in her eyes we were still six or seven years of age.

Then the cold nights of autumn were back in Vermont, I was now certain that since we were older, mother wouldn't ask my sister sleep with me, cold or not. But to my surprise, - although it didn't seem to take Brenda by surprise - mother told us one cold Sunday morning as we were eating breakfast, that it was time for her to move back into my room before her coughing began once again. I could scarcely hide my joy; it took a lot of self-control from my part to pretend being indifferent to her decision.

For the remainder of the day I felt a strange excitement and soon I began to anticipate the moment that we would go to bed. When the time came, the lights in the room were turned off before we got undress on our respective side of the bed, I couldn't see much at first.

A little light was coming from the street light through the window, and after my eyes got used to the darkness I was able to see her silhouette as she removed her skirt then her bra - it used to belong to mother and she had been wearing one only since the middle of the summer. She then lifted her arms to put on her nightgown and I clearly saw the outline of her beautiful and firm breasts. The sight sent strange sensations throughout my body. I was fully aware that I had no right to experience these emotions and trills toward my sister, but I couldn't help myself.

In school, especially not long before, I had often felt these same wonderful thrills as I would watch some of the older girls move around. Each time it was always accompanied by a stirring in my pants, which often ended in a huge erection that I had to conceal.

On these occasions, I would immediately force myself to think of something else or face the risk of revealing my state of excitement. But now with the light in my room being very low, there was no chance of Brenda seeing me; thus I feasted my eyes all I could. By the time I had my own gown on, Brenda was already under the blankets shivering and telling me to hurry.

It took me well over an hour to fall asleep, even then it was a light sleep and I was awakened not long afterward when mother left the house to go to work.

By now Brenda was lying on her right side almost in the exact center of the bed, I could tell by the stretching of the blankets that her bottom had swollen greatly since last she had slept in my bed. I slowly turned on my right side also, while at the same time being careful not to wake her. It was my intention to get my hand somewhere on her body while I pretended to sleep. I wanted to feel her waist and bottom. But as soon as I was in position lying on my right side, she shoved her bottom toward me and both our bodies came in contact beginning at the knees and ending at the shoulders. We had often sleep thus the previous winter since it helped keep the both of us warm. But now she was a year older, and because of the great change in her body in the last year, the sharing of her bodily heat was quite secondary, to me at least. Lying thus on her side near me, her long brown hair was touching my cheek and I could smell the perfume of the soap that she used to wash it. Her bottom fitted like a glove in the curvature of my lower body, and it suddenly occur to me that I now had a huge erection and it was pressing in the crack of her bottom. The thought of my prick being separated only by the thin layers of both of our gowns and undergarment, made my erection begin to throb against the crack and cheeks of her bottom.

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