An Interracial Encounter at the International Terminal - Cover

An Interracial Encounter at the International Terminal

by Tarl Cabot

Copyright© 2024 by Tarl Cabot

Erotica Sex Story: Carl has a surprising sexual encounter with a beautiful Black man while waiting for his flight.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   .

“Hey man,” came the voice from behind me. I’d thought I was alone in this restroom. Someone had come in and I’d been daydreaming, so it caught me by surprise.

I was flying out the next morning and had paid an exorbitant amount for a first-class private roomette aboard A Japanese Airline’s Airbus a380, and would be going Non-Stop from San Francisco to Haneda in Japan.

The first-class lounge was well-appointed and even had private sleeping cells. I was standing in the restroom, in my pajamas washing up before I headed to bed when he approached me.

“Taking an early flight tomorrow?” he asked. I nodded and he extended a hand. “Name’s Chris,” he said with a jovial attitude. I responded in kind.

“I’m Carl,” I said, shaking his hand vigorously. Chris was a very well-built Black man, just a few inches taller than my six foot two frame, and built like a boxer: thick arms and thighs and a barrel chest.

“Hey, Carl,” he began, but there was suddenly trepidation in his voice. “I umm, well I noticed you here in your night clothes and I wanted to say...” He was waffling, and I thought I’d put him at ease.

“No need to worry,” I said. “It’s tough to offend me, so just speak your mind,” I hoped my words were reassuring for him.

“Well, I noticed you had a nice booty,” Despite his dark skin color I could see a bit of a blush starting. “You think so? I asked, turning and giving my ass a bit of a shake.

“Yeah, I do,” he said. “And while I’m at it, I wanted to compliment you on your package,” He was staring at my crotch now. The thin Pajamas didn’t hide much, and his awkwardness made me smile.

“Thanks!” I said with a wide grin. “I bet yours is impressive as well.”

After a little more chatting, Chris admitted he was cruising the airport for a companion. He was also flying out first class In the morning but only heading to Hawaii. I asked what he had in mind.

“Well,” he began. “I kinda want to try having a sixty-nine,” His smile widened. “I’ve been in sixty-nine with women before but never with another guy,” He looked me in the eye and continued.

“I really wanna suck a cock while mine is getting sucked,” I noticed a bulge beginning to show in his pants. I jerked my head to one side and invited him to my capsule.

I stepped inside and stripped and tossed my Pjs off to one side then sat on the super-single bed. Chris stepped half in. I watched as he stripped and nearly came from the sight of him.

Chris was well put together, perfectly proportioned from head to toe, and completely hairless, except for his mustache and eyebrows. His chocolate skin was slick from sweat. The dim LED lights highlighted every curve and bulge.

But what caught my eye was his cock. Not quite at half mast, it hung about six inches, but I could tell it would grow once he became fully erect. I motioned him to come in and shut the door.

I heard the lock click, but I was absentmindedly stroking my cock by now. I was a respectable six and a half inches when hard, but almost three inches in diameter. Chris walked toward me and I saw his cock grow as he did.

By the time he reached the side of the bed, he was completely turgid. His impressive member reached a good seven and a half inches and was nearly as thick as mine. The shaft was laced with purple veins that crisscrossed along its length.

The crowning glory was the deep pinkish-purple head that capped the beautiful shaft. The skin looked slightly rough, but it was beautifully shaped. He’d been circumcised.

“May I hold it?” I asked, and Chris nodded at me with a smile. I gently gripped the shaft with my left hand and began to pump slowly, stopping at the head and slowly sliding back down toward the root.

With my right, I reached down and cupped his balls. They were heavy. I began fondling them and Chris hissed and then began panting.

“I’d like that in my mouth,” I said, looking up pleadingly.

“Me too,” Chris said then gently pushed me back. I let myself fall back onto the bed, and straightened myself out on it, lengthwise. Chris climbed up and positioned his cock over my mouth and bent to take me in his mouth. Before I could do anything, Chris’ lips closed around my cock, and the velvety smoothness of his mouth engulfed my cock. He began slowly pumping, up and down. I almost lost myself in the feeling.

Then the head of his cock touched my lips and I swallowed it. I opened my mouth and allowed him to lower his hips to push his cock deep into my throat. When I felt it hit the back of my throat, I pushed up against his hips.

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