Pony for Daughter - Cover

Pony for Daughter


Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - On a student exchange program, she goes to a farm and learns the joys of living there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

The two teenagers bounded down the stairs. Both were excited. Today was special. It was cherry-breaking day.

"Hi, Mom!" Tammy shouted with enthusiasm, dashing into the kitchen. Her bright face was beaming.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hudson," Priscilla said, taking a seat at the table. Her face was bright, the edges etched with a tinge of apprehension.

Ellen Hudson looked at the two children. "It looks as if you two have made up." She smiled at them both. "I'm glad."

"It was a silly fight," Tammy said. She winked at Priscilla. "Wasn't it?"

Priscilla giggled, cheeks flushing pink. Memories of last night at dinner and not talking with Tammy, then the entire evening sitting alone in the bedroom flashed through her mind. "It was a silly argument."

"We settled it in the middle of the night," Tammy said. "Right, Priscilla?"

Priscilla's cheeks turned from pink to red. She avoided Tammy's horny gaze.

"Talking about last night," Ellen Hudson said. "Did you hear any noise coming from the barn?"

Tammy's face froze in a picture of horror. Priscilla choked on her orange juice. Neither girl trusted herself to look at the other.

Ellen went on, not noticing the sudden change in her daughter and Priscilla. "Your father thought something was the matter with Diamond. He got up and was going to investigate, but the noise stopped."

This time the teenagers looked at each other. Each was in a state of panic. Each one was afraid to speak.

Ellen laughed. "I told him it was silly to get up."

Tammy heaved a sigh of relief. She found her voice. "I didn't hear anything. Did you, Priscilla?"

Priscilla shook her head. She didn't trust herself to speak. She drank more orange juice.

"You know how horny Diamond gets, Mom," Tammy giggled. Tammy became bold. "There's no mares around here for him."

Ellen gave her daughter a scowl. "You shouldn't talk like that."

"Awww, Mom. Priscilla knows all about the birds and the bees." She laughed. "Don't be a prude. Diamond is a horny horse."

Ellen turned and went to the refrigerator, ignoring her daughter.

Tammy looked at Priscilla. "Did your mother tell you the facts of life?"

Priscilla's eyes questioned her friend. They asked if she were going crazy.

Ellen saw Priscilla's embarrassment. "Sometimes, Tammy..." She shook her head. "I'm going over to Martha's this morning. Take care of things around here."

"Sure, Mom." She tilted her head, accepted the peck on the cheek from her mother. "Priscilla and I will do the dishes. Then we'll go and check on horny." She giggled.

Ellen swatted her daughter's head playfully. "Kids. I don't know why I ever had you."

"I know why," Tammy laughed, enjoying the game. "See you, Mom."

"You kids be good. Bye, Priscilla." She looked at her daughter. "I'm not talking to you." She smiled and left.

"God." Priscilla gasped, once the front door closed and they were alone. "I thought your mother would get mad."

"Shit no," Tammy said. "Mom's okay. I like teasing."

"For a second I wasn't sure." Priscilla calmed down for a moment, forgetting the significance of this special day. "My mother would get mad."

"I'm country, you're city. Sex is more open out here. I mean, hell, I know Diamond is a fucking stud."

Priscilla laughed. "I know." She flicked her tongue over her lips. "You're the mare he fucked last night."

"Mmmm, last night," Tammy purred. "Now I know why Daddy gets paid when Diamond fucks a mare. He's fabulous." She closed her eyes, reliving the delicious memory of Diamond's fantastic cock.

A shadow spread over Priscilla's face. "Your father would have beat your ass black and blue if he had come out to the barn last night."

Tammy giggled lewdly. "Maybe not." She paused, thinking about it. "Maybe he would have wanted to fuck me." It was an exciting, forbidden thought.

"Oooo!" Priscilla was shocked. "He would have beat you and told my father. My father would have beat me, and we'd never have fun again."

"Maybe your father would have fucked you," Tammy said, enjoying herself, giving full vent to her fantasies and imagination. "The four of us could have a ball together." Priscilla's cheeks flared red.

Tammy noticed. "So you've thought about fucking your father, too, huh?" She got up and strutted lewdly around the kitchen. "I think about it sometimes when Beauty is shoving his cock up inside me."

Priscilla watched her more daring friend. "I don't think your mother would approve."

"I don't either." She laughed, then peeled off her top. "Mom would shit red, white and blue if she knew the things I thought about, let alone all the things I do. She's so modest."

Priscilla looked hard, creamed her panties as she ogled Tammy's large ripe tits. "Boy I hope my tits get big, damn it."

"Keep rubbing in Beauty's cum." Her face brightened. "Speaking of Beauty, isn't it time we went out to the barn and served my pony some cherry pussy?"

"I almost forgot," she said.

"Don't bullshit me, Priscilla," Tammy said, playing with her plump tits. "I'll bet you're creaming right now for his cock."

"I am," Priscilla admitted. "But I'm afraid too."

Tammy bounced over and grabbed Priscilla's hand. "Just remember what I told you. Stay relaxed and the pain will disappear in a flash." She tugged. "C'mon."

"Aren't you going to put on your top?"

"Not today," Tammy squealed in joy. "Today is special, and I'm going out naked. How about you?"

"Not me," Priscilla said. "Losing my cherry is special enough for me."

Tammy peeled off her jeans and panties. "I'm ready." She ran to the screen door and looked out. "Hurry up."

Priscilla followed her naked friend out onto the back porch. "You're crazy. Just like your mother says."

Tammy ran down the steps, tits bouncing, ass jiggling. She stood in the center of the yard, legs spread, hands on hips. "You can't do this in the city." A flick of her shoulders and her tits shook. "Quit gawking at my tits and c'mon."

Priscilla hurried down the steps as Tammy ran across the yard to the barn. Priscilla ogled her friend's ass, long legs, and gleaming blonde hair. "I'd like to try it sometime," she said to herself. She went into the barn. A shudder swept through her.

Tammy closed the barn door and locked it. "Maybe I should keep it open," she said. "If my father comes home, he can fuck me while Beauty gives you a jump."

"That would be super!" Priscilla responded. She went over to the small door at the side of the barn and slipped the bolt into place. "I don't want to get caught." Last night's close call weighed heavy on Priscilla's mind.

Tammy danced around, then climbed onto the side of Beauty's stall. "You ready for some cherry?" She sat on the leather saddle, the same one Priscilla had creamed two days ago in her first bold sexual experiment.

Priscilla's legs felt weak. She walked toward Beauty, feeling like she was being sacrificed. "I'm scared."

Tammy laughed. "I was, too, last night. You saw how much fun I had."

"I know," Priscilla said. She petted Beauty's forehead. "You be gentle with me."

"Not too gentle," Tammy said. "It takes all the fun out of it." She squirmed in the saddle.

Priscilla, her hands trembling, opened the gate. "C'mon, Beauty." She led the beautiful pony out to the center of the barn. She stroked his neck and combed her fingers through his thick golden mane.

For the first time, she noticed Diamond's stall was empty. "Where's Diamond?"

"With my father. He's lining up another mare for him. I hope I didn't drain his nuts too much last night." She tossed her head back and laughed.

Priscilla ignored her friend. She rubbed Beauty's smooth golden coat. It helped her relax. "I'm not like your mistress," she said. "My pussy isn't the damned Holland Tunnel."

Tammy laughed. "You'll be stretched nice and wide before the morning's over." She lifted her bare ass up off the saddle. "You'll be able to do this." Tammy lowered her body, plunging her cunt down on the hard leather saddle horn. "Unnnn! Christ! It's almost as good as a cock."

Priscilla's eyes popped. She drooled as she stared at Tammy. "Ooo! Oooo!" She leaned against Beauty for support.

"Unnn!" Tammy gurgled. She whipped her hips around and gouged the hard saddle horn into her pussy. Her dazed blue eyes stared down at Priscilla. "Getting hot?"

Priscilla nodded, knowing the what Tammy was doing to the saddle horn was what she would be doing to Beauty's cock. "You'll be able to tongue-fuck me soon," she whispered huskily.

"Get undressed," Tammy moaned, creaming all over the leather saddle. "Ride my pony. Show him city girls know how to fuck."

"Maybe watching me strip will get him hot," Priscilla said, backing away from the animal.

"Try it and see," Tammy urged. "I know it'll get me hot."

Priscilla closed her eyes and conjured up an image of Beauty's cock. With it vivid in her mind, she slipped her blouse off, letting it fall to the earth.

"Damn," Tammy mumbled. Her eyes followed Priscilla's every move. As Priscilla slipped sensuously out of her jeans, Tammy's cunt pushed madly against the hard leather horn. "Ummmm, give him a whiff of your pussy."

Priscilla was excited. She turned around, presented her pantie-clad ass to the golden pony. "Maybe he'll pull down my panties."

Tammy was delirious. She was grinding and twisting her pussy on the saddle horn. "He'll rip them off you. I've tried it."

Priscilla wriggled her ass back into Beauty's muzzle, mashed her ass cheeks into his lips. "Chew me, Beauty. Chew my panties." She swung her tits. "Oooo, shit! I'm soaked."

Beauty picked up the pungent scent of Priscilla's virgin cunt. He snorted through his lips. Warm pony drool soaked the cotton panties through to Priscilla's ass cheeks, matching the stained juicy crotch.

"Take 'em off me!" Priscilla screamed. She jabbed back, agitating the pony.

Beauty flipped his head. He whinnied and soaked her skin in spit as he latched his teeth on her panties. Caught, he twisted his head. The thin cotton material ripped.

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