Pony for Daughter - Cover

Pony for Daughter


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - On a student exchange program, she goes to a farm and learns the joys of living there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Tammy tossed and turned on the small cot. It had been a frightful night. "Damn," she muttered under her breath.

She kicked off the covers. Moonlight lit up the bedroom. A quick glance across the room told her Tammy was sleeping peacefully.

She frowned and silently slipped her panties off. Deft fingers combed through the curly brown hair of her cunt. She moaned, riding a quick surge toward orgasm.

It eluded her. "Damn," she hissed.

She climbed out of bed as quietly as possible. Having sampled the joys of Beauty's mouth, her fingers were no longer able to satisfy her. She slipped her robe on and tiptoed from the room.

The hall was dark and she walked carefully, feeling her way toward the stairs. The last thing she wanted to do was wake Tammy's parents.

Her hand gripped the railing. She heaved a sigh and silently went down the stairs and through the house to the kitchen. The moon filled the kitchen and she quickened her pace, opening the door and stepping out onto the back porch.

She sighed once she was outside. "You can't stop me now, Tammy," Priscilla said with an air of triumph. She ran quietly down the steps and hurried across to the dark barn.

Instead of opening the barn door, Priscilla slipped around to the side to a small door that was always left unlocked. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she opened the squeaking door and stepped inside. Stealthily, she closed the creaking door.

Immediately, she was enveloped in darkness. "Ohh, shit," she gasped, afraid to move. "Balls."

The horny desperate teenager racked her brain.

"The lights, dammit," she mouthed. "The lights... where are they?" She closed her eyes and thought.

A smile crossed her face. She remembered. Short careful steps carried her along the side of the barn. Hand outstretched, she felt her way. Her fingertips touched something. "The switch," she gasped with delight. She flicked it on. The barn was filled with a dim eerie glow.

Priscilla blinked, then focused on the stall and Beauty. Her glance drifted to Diamond, the giant black stallion. "God! You're a beautiful horse!" She walked toward Beauty, shaking.

"Ooo, it's just you and me now," she puffed. "Tammy's sleeping." She petted Beauty. Her pussy, moist and hot, sent hot flashes throughout her body. "Oooo, get me off, so I can get to sleep."

Priscilla opened her robe, exposing hot tingling flesh. A hot shiver trickled up her spine as Beauty's warm wet lips slobbered over her exposed tits.

Diamond neighed and tossed his head in the air. He pawed the earth in his stall, then backed up, his hoofs hitting against the side of his stall. It jarred the horny child.

Priscilla froze. She stepped back. "Shhhh, Diamond. Shhhh!" She was shaking. If the horse woke everyone up... it was too terrible to even think about.

She walked over to Diamond's stall. Compared to Beauty, Diamond was gigantic.

Priscilla stroked his head, scratched the white patch shaped like a diamond on his forehead. "Easy, boy," she whispered. "We don't want to wake everyone up."

Her gentle strokes and soft words calmed the huge black stallion. He settled down and nuzzled his cold nose against Priscilla's cheek.

"Nice, horsy," she sighed, wishing Mr. Hudson had left Diamond at Harold's ranch for an extra day. "Nice, horsy. You be quiet and let me have fun with Beauty."

She eased away from the high-strung stallion, keeping her voice soft, gentle.

"It's my turn to have some fun," she said, hoping the stallion remained still.

She was halfway between stalls. She looked at both animals.

"You fucked a nice pretty mare." Her eyes shifted to Beauty. "Tammy jerked you off and creamed me with your cum. Now it's my turn."

She was shaking. Her legs were weak. Trembling from being denied her pleasure this afternoon, Priscilla slipped her robe off.

"Now both of you... don't make any noise. I'll go away as soon as I cum."

Naked, she staggered over to the pony. A silent prayer for quiet passed her lips as she wrapped her arms around Beauty's neck and hugged him. Her sensitive tits scraped against his rough coat.

"Now lick my tits," she whispered, stepping back, offering her small firm tits to the golden pony. "Get them all wet like my pussy."

Beauty roughly mauled the child's tits with his wet mouth. Warm slobber coated each soft yielding mound. His cold nose snuggled between the creamy flesh as she squeezed them together.

"Ohhh! Ohhhh, Beauty!" She crumbled to the floor. Her passion was out of control. The lust-crazed teenager spread her legs, humped her cunt at the golden pony. "My pussy," she moaned. "Chew me! Chew me, Beauty!" She used her fingers, parted her cunt-lips, exposed her virgin pussy. "Eat me!"

Beauty lowered his head, snorted. The aroma of her cunt flared his large nostrils. His ears flicked.

Diamond let out a loud whinny. The child's passion was filling the barn, agitating the huge black stallion.

"No," Priscilla sobbed. She writhed naked on the floor. Agony filled her. Passion drove her crazy. "No, Diamond. Be still!" She was shaking, desperate.

"Maybe I can help," Tammy said, closing the door quietly behind her. She stared at Priscilla. "You don't want my parents to catch you."

Priscilla scrambled around and sat up. Her breathing was labored. "I wouldn't be here if you weren't so damn mean this afternoon." She stared angrily at Tammy.

"You should have sucked Beauty's cock like you promised."

"I said I would later," Priscilla pouted.

"I didn't believe you," Tammy said matter-of-factly. She strode over to Diamond and scratched his forehead. "Should we let Beauty lick our new friend off?"

Diamond calmed down immediately. He chomped on the apple Tammy held in her hand.

Priscilla's eyes were glassy. She was shaking. Turning, she fell back on the ground and spread her legs again. "Eat me," she gasped, grateful that Tammy was keeping the black stallion quiet. "Eat me!"

Tammy gave the giant horse another apple, then hurried over to Beauty. "No, Beauty. Leave her alone." She caught her pony's attention, held his head against her as Priscilla writhed naked and frustrated on the floor.

"You're a bitch," Priscilla spat. "A bitch!" Tears filled her eyes and her bottom lip quivered. "Please. I can't sleep."

"Use your fingers," Tammy said. "Unless you suck his cock, the only way you can cum is with your stupid fingers." She giggled. "Right, boy?"

Beauty shook his head as if in agreement. He brought his quivering big lips to Tammy's face and soaked her cheek.

Priscilla was out of her mind. She needed to cum. She had no choice. "All right," she moaned, surrendering. "I'll suck his cock."

Tammy clapped her hands together. "You're gonna love it, Priscilla. I know you will." She led her pony out of his stall. "Easy, boy," she puffed, keeping him calm. "Easy."

Priscilla looked at the pony. Knowing she was going to suck his cock, made him appear larger, more formidable. She gulped back her panic. It had to be done. If not, she knew she would go crazy.

She bit her lip to keep it from quivering. "Can you have him lie on his side?" she asked weakly.

"Sure," Tammy agreed, "why not?" She stroked Beauty, then coaxed him down to the soft hay-strewn floor of the barn. "Easy, boy." She said it over and over again.

The golden pony obeyed. Trusting his young mistress, he finally got on his side, his head cradled in Tammy's lap.

"You take real good care of him, Priscilla." Tammy stroked the pony, keeping him calm. "I'll hold him."

She glanced back at Diamond. The giant stallion seemed oblivious to what was going on. He was eating hay. The apple had given him an appetite.

Priscilla was shaking. Her tits ached, the nipples sore and tender. She touched them.

There was no other way. She crawled to the calm pony. "Nice, Beauty," she whispered. "Keep him steady." Her voice wavered with a tinge of fear.

"Beauty will be all right. He'll be fine once he empties his cum in your mouth."

Priscilla shuddered. Inching closer, she reached out and touched his balls. "Unnnn!"

Beauty slapped his tail on the ground, kicking up some dust. A weak neigh came from his mouth and his eyes rolled up, gazed at his mistress.

"C'mon," Tammy urged. "My poor pony is in agony." She caressed his thick golden mane.

Priscilla shuddered, but didn't stop. She caressed his huge balls. A sizzling jolt shot through her virgin cunt. It was exciting, dangerously exciting.

"Christ," Tammy groaned. "I'll be a fuckin' old lady by the time you get his cock in your mouth." She frowned. "C'mon and suck him."

Priscilla nodded. She leaned forward, her fingers curling around his beautiful thick cock. His prick throbbed in her hand, sending hot searing flashes up her arm. "Ooo! Ohhhh! I'm scared." She tried to find courage.

Bolder, Priscilla stroked his hard-on. She swooned, knowing the cum that had drenched her earlier would soon flood her mouth.

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