Pony for Daughter - Cover

Pony for Daughter


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - On a student exchange program, she goes to a farm and learns the joys of living there.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Bestiality   Size   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing down her lunch.

"Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs. Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version of her teenage daughter, Tammy.

Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Her brown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the rest her food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the city."

Ben wrapped an arm around his wife and looked at Priscilla. "Ellen and I are going into town this afternoon. Would you like to join us?"

Priscilla's heart leaped into her throat. A chance to be with Beauty again, alone. She swallowed hard, thinking about the possibilities. "Thank you, Mr. Hudson, but I'd rather stay here on the farm and explore. Would you mind?"

"Not at all," Ellen said. "We're glad you like it here."

"Yes, I do!" Priscilla bubbled. Her mind was on the golden pony and nothing else.

"While we're gone, you can take Beauty out for another ride if you like," Ellen suggested.

At the mention of Beauty, Priscilla's cheeks burned. "Oh no, I think I'll just walk around and explore on my own," she lied.

Ben pushed himself from the table. "Good. You don't want to spend all your time with the pony. There's a lot to see here in the country." Ben's eyes shifted to his wife. "Ellen, I'll go get the pickup." He turned for the door.

"I'll be right there, honey, as soon as I clear away the dishes," Ellen called back. Priscilla stood at the screen door waving good-bye at Mr. and Mrs. Hudson pulling away in their Pickup. She waited until they were out of sight. Her heart skipped wildly, thinking about the afternoon with Beauty.

"Here I come, Beauty," she muttered softly to herself. She ran down the back steps, the screen door slamming shut behind her. Long strides brought her quickly to the barn. "Beauty, I got something for you."

She giggled, closed and locked the barn door. She didn't want the Hudsons' coming home unexpectedly and catching her naked with Tammy's pony.

She went to the pony's stall. "Oh boy, are we going to have fun!" She stroked his bare back. "Lots and lots of fun."

The pony nudged her, acknowledged her presence with his cold nose. The thick blonde tail swished back and forth across his rump. He was happy to see his new friend.

Her insides quaking, Priscilla led the pony out of his stall. She stared into his sorrowful-looking brown eyes. "Do you want to lick my tits again, pretty pony? I know lots of boys in the city who would." She giggled devilishly. She petted the side of his head.

Beauty nuzzled his nose at Priscilla playfully, knocking the teenager into a pile of hay. His cold wet nose went between her outstretched legs. Snorting, he rubbed her virgin crotch.

Nervously, Priscilla laughed. She was a little frightened and a lot excited. "Ohhhh, Beauty! Do you do this to Tammy?"

She rolled away from his persistent muzzle and scrambled to her feet. Strands of hay clung to her shirt and hair.

"You'll get me soon enough, you horny prick."

With loving strokes, she caressed his bare back. The muscles rippled underneath the pony's sleek coat. She shivered excitedly, sensing the power in the beautiful animal.

"Ohhhh," she cooed dreamily. "It's going to be better cumming on your bare back than in the saddle." The prickling sensation of his rough coat against her naked tits came rushing back to her. It sent tremors down her spine.

Priscilla backed away from the golden pony. Her wide innocent brown eyes looked to the barn door to make sure it was locked. She felt safer here than at the stream. The assured privacy gave her a sense of freedom.

"I'm so hot," she moaned. She stood in front of the pony. Her hands trembled. "I'm going to strip for you, Beauty."

Hot rippling tremors warmed the spongy depths of her virgin twat. She slipped off her blouse, her brown eyes glassy with desire. Beauty stepped close to the child, nudged her, then whinnied. The barn reeked of the child's sex. Beauty sensed it, became anxious, expectant. He was used to it. Tammy, his young mistress, had done it many times.

"Not yet," she giggled, backing away. "Wait until I'm naked."

Priscilla slipped her bra off, laid it over the side of the stall with her blouse. She cupped her budding mounds in her hands. Her knees shook, and she stopped playing with herself for a moment.

"God!" she gasped. She plopped back in the hay and eased her jeans down, then kicked them off. Her heart was beating wildly. "Ooo, I wish you were a boy." She stood on wobbly legs.

Beauty wasn't going to be put off. He used his head, pressed it against her belly. His nose was cold and flared. A snort came from his rubbery lips as the erotic scent of Priscilla's turned-on cunt burned into his brain.

Priscilla danced away. Wanton and burning with passion, she came around to his side. Her flesh tingled as she rubbed her tits into his flank. "Oooo, God, will I cream your back!"

Beauty twisted his head, nibbling his smooth slobbering lips against her sizzling flesh. His balls swelled, loaded with cum. Like his mistress, he too was frustrated. He bumped the child, his thick cock protruding from his sheath.

Quickly, she skimmed off her panties. She pranced around the barn, totally naked. She exhibited herself in front of the animal.

"I'd like to see Tammy do this for us both," she sighed. The idea made her pussy cream. She walked by Beauty, took his thick tail and rubbed it through her crotch, wetting it with pussy juice.

Beauty turned abruptly and bumped his head against her. His rubbery lips found the child's tits. Wet slobber drooled from his mouth.

"Oooo, Beauty, your mouth is great. Oooo!" She leaned against the stall, reveling in the horny pony's warm saliva.

Beauty nuzzled his cold nose between the teenager's small, perfectly shaped tits. Her whimpering sighs were arousing him. His bloated cock peeked out, growing larger each minute.

Priscilla was reeling. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" She squirmed, her brown eyes glowing with fire. "Let me get on your back."

She twisted away. Pony spit covered her tits. The small nipples were swollen, sore. The tips were painfully hard.

Free of his fantastic lips, Priscilla grabbed his thick mane and hauled herself up on the pony's back. Hot spasms attacked her pussy and she almost fell off.

With the horny child on his back, Beauty calmed down. He backed slowly away from the stall as Priscilla squirmed on his back.

"Ohhhh, Christ!" Priscilla cried. She held his mane in her tight grasp. Her thighs were clenched tight against his flanks. "I'm creaming! Creaming!"

The golden pony stopped in the middle of the small barn. He allowed the child on his back to do as she wished. He was trained. Tammy did this every chance she could get.

Priscilla twisted her hips. Lights flashed behind her eyes. It was exquisite. Better than with the saddle. She humped, her heels digging into Beauty's flanks.

With reckless abandonment, the horny teenager ground her virgin pussy into the pony's back. Tits bouncing, head snapping from side to side, she drenched his golden coat in a deluge of warm milky pussy-cream. "Oooo! Beauty! I'm gonna..." The words remained trapped in her throat.

Long tormenting humps dragged her pussy over his coarse hair. Tiny needles pricked the swollen lips of her cunt and the exposed bloated tip of her blood-engorged clit. She was delirious.

She bucked on him, her brown eyes disappearing into her skull. She ground her clit into his coat. Lightning bolts of pleasure ripped through her cunt hole.

Falling forward, she gripped the pony around the neck. Her tits mashed into his neck. Warm fuck juices seeped from her pussy. Gliding back, she fused her naked body to the animal.

"Mmmm," she hummed, glassy-eyed and crazed with lust. "Ohhh, shit, Beauty." She hugged him tightly with her legs, swaying precariously on his back. "Oooo!"

Beauty pawed the earth. The child's squeals, like those of his young mistress, were making him nervous. He tossed his head back. Priscilla screamed. He snorted, backed up, then moved forward. A loud neigh came from his mouth.

Priscilla was out of her head. She jabbed her cunt into his sleek coat. Her eyelids fluttered. Spasms ripped through her cunt. Her nipples, swollen and sore, scraped against his coat.

"I'm gonna cum!" It was even more fantastic than before. Wild jolts shot through her virgin cunt. "I'm cumming! Cumming!"

Priscilla mashed her clit into Beauty's back. Her hips jerked. Hot oozing pussy cum flowed over the animal's back.

Beauty jerked, his head flipping up as Priscilla's heels slammed into his flank. He whinnied. She screamed.

One violent explosive orgasm ripped through her cunt. She fell from the pony's back, ending up in the hay. Panting, she blinked the spinning barn into focus.

Priscilla writhed in the soft hay. She was trapped at the peak, unable to get off. "No, no, no," she whimpered in her delirium. "Oooo, nooo!"

Beauty came over to the moaning teenager. He nuzzled his lips over her face affectionately. Warm drool coated her skin.

"Nnnnn," she moaned, crazed with lust. She gasped, then opened her mouth.

Beauty's thick tongue found the child's throat. He soaked her in sticky spit. His rubbery lips kept the dazed excited teenager swirling at the summit. Wet lips and an urgent tongue swept Priscilla's neck, then dined on the searing hot tittie meat of her flushed nubile body.

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