Discovering Teen Models - Cover

Discovering Teen Models

by SuburbanStories

Copyright© 2024 by SuburbanStories

Fiction Sex Story: Ted is a dirty old man who uses his big Nikon camera to convince teen girls to come to his studio for photo shoots, where he can take advantage of them and satisfy his desire to fuck multiple nubile young teens.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Reluctant   Teen Siren   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Small Breasts   .

Ted was a photographer who just barely scraped by as a photographer. His studio was his converted garage at the back of his nondescript house in the midwestern city, and his only vehicle was his studio on wheels, a big old conversion van with a carpeted interior, with a big soft couch, and a decent sound system. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a good photographer, it’s just that his priority was not making money. Ted was more focused on getting laid, and he liked younger girls. Like sixteen or seventeen years old. And he liked variety. He was the kind of guy who liked to fuck a different girl every day, and maybe even a couple each day. In short, he was a dirty old man, and he used his camera and a few stock lines to reel in young girls, feel them up, eat their little pussies, and fuck them nice and hard.

For Ted, who was now pushing 50, he was amazed at how many girls would strip, and then let him handle them, fondle their ripe bodies, and then fuck them. But, to be fair, Ted had a pretty good eye for the kind of girl who would listen wide-eyed to his pitch, eagerly follow him to his van, and then let him take pictures as she slowly stripped down, and then let him fondle and fuck their ripe body. He also had gotten really good at dealing with a group of girls, and using just the right pitch to peel off one or two from the group, and talk them into coming with him, even if the others in the group were wary, and tried to discourage their friend from going off with a stranger in an old van.

One of his favorite venues were fairs and festivals, especially big county fairs, where he could get lost in the crowd, or big church festivals, again with big crowds and little security or cameras. He didn’t like cameras, because some of the girls he picked up were under 18, and some even under sixteen. He never forced anything, though—if a girl said “no”, that was it.

He was surprised that few did. Say “no”, that is.

Church festivals were the best surprisingly, for a couple of reasons. One they always had beer, wine coolers and hard seltzers available, and though the girls he liked were mostly under eighteen, those festivals were amazingly lax on enforcing age restrictions on drinking. It was always easier to pick-up a girl who had downed a wine cooler or seltzer in the hot sun, and he always had a few fruit flavors stocked in his van’s cooler, to loosen the girls up further. Those teenage girls loved the hard seltzers, and who was he to deny them that little pleasure.

This June weekend he hit the giant Holy Spirit church festival, held on the church grounds, and on the adjacent park grounds, in the older part of the city. This was one of the biggest festivals. People —and teenage girls— came from all around, to mill about, eat and drink fair food, ride some rides, and just “hang-out” and be seen with their friends and meet new ones.

Ted always carried his big Nikon slung around his neck, along with his photographer’s vest filled with film canisters and other stuff. He often even had a press badge to give him an air of respectability. He would randomly stop and shoot a few pics of a group of girls, asking them to smile, which they invariably did, along with usually giving him a few sexy poses, showing off their hot bodies. After all, they were at the festival to show off their sexy bodies anyway, so why not let a photographer take a few pics.

Ted’s favorite teen body-type was the tall, thin willowy sort, with firm but not large tits. In short, his type was the classic model-type, so it was not hard to approach such girls and convince them they should model for him, because most such girls had already been told a time or two that they looked like a model. And, from experience, he found that a poor girl, maybe with a bit of an overbite, or a too big nose, or some other minor imperfection, or even a slightly ugly girl, were the best girls to hit up, as they usually were self-conscious at sixteen about their looks, and were susceptible to flattering words, that made them feel beautiful, despite their insecurity.

It was hot afternoon, and he saw a group of four girls hanging together at the edge of the grounds, sitting and standing around a picnic table, likely sneaking off with seltzers. All sixteen or seventeen, the perfect age for Ted. They had their drinks in cozies, which usually was a give-away, as was the excessive giggling and laughing. Ted approached with his camera up, and in the shooting position, and as he got closer, he knelt down to take a shot of the whole group. When one noticed him, the four began hamming it up a bit, posing and giggling, as they showed off their nubile bodies. They were all about sixteen and smoking hot, each in her own way. None of them was what you would call beautiful, but their bodies were hot, lean and just made for sex.

There was a cute redhead, with slightly curly hair, long pale legs in a pair of stretchy black shorts, and a black sports bra holding in a pair of nice firm pale tits. There was a short blond, in a pair of tiny cut-off jeans, and a tube top made of stretchy white material. There was a skinny dark-haired girl, with a great set of firm abs and a pair of high-riding firm tits that were clearly bra-less under a loose wife-beater style t-shirt. She was wearing dark super tight, well-worn jeans, that were riding low on her hips, the better to show off those abs, and her slightly bony hips. And finally, there was a tall thin blond, with a big overbite —what we used to call buck teeth— wearing a pair of stretchy booty shorts in bright pink to show off her tight teen ass, with a t-shirt cut off roughly to reveal her tummy and abs covering a set of smallish tits, that also appeared bra-less, based on the pointy dark nipples that poked out the fabric. She had on a pair of high cork-heeled sandals, that made her tight booty even more prominent. She also looked poor and a bit slutty- Ted’s favorite.

Ted approached and said hello, and they all asked what he was doing, and why he was taking their picture.

“I’m a talent scout, for several major magazines, girls” said Ted, smiling. “I take pictures of young girls and send them in, and every once in a while I discover a girl who goes on to become a super-model, and ends up on the cover of Vogue, or becomes a Victoria’s Secret model, ya know.”

“Cool,” they all said, practically in unison. “Ya think we could be models,” the redhead asked, as the others nodded hopefully.

“Well, who knows,” said Ted, “There’s a certain look that the talent scouts look for, and I think one or two of you might have it.” He now was sure the girls had been drinking, as they were a little too flirty for sixteen-year-olds.

Ted was now easing into his pitch and narrowing in on the girl he wanted to fuck. He looked directly at the tall blond with the overbite and smiled. She looked down, shyly, as he thought she would, and looked the other way.

The thin brunette with the narrow face smirked and looked at him directly and pushed her titties out a bit. “Ya think I got the look,” she asked, licking her lips suggestively, cocking her hip to the side, and pushing her jeans dangerously low around her hips, to show off the smooth flesh and a little peek of the top of her close-shaved landing strip.

Ted looked her up and down, and stepped forward to feel her along her sides, and even ran his hand over her firm butt. “You just might,” he said. “Hold that pose.”

And he snapped several pics as she held the sexy pose, leaned against the table.

“Now, what’s your skinny blond friend’s name,” asked Ted, pointing to the girl with the overbite.

“I’m Leah, and that’s Crystal,” said the brunette, breaking her pose and leaning closer to Ted, giving him a chance to look down her loose top at her firm tits.

Ted looked down her top, smiled at the girl and reached out and gently brushed her dark hair back around her head in a sexy gesture. He winked at her, and gave her a little love tap on the ass of her tight jeans. He then turned to the tall blonde.

“Yeah, so Crystal, can you give me the same pose that Leah just did?” Ted asked. “Just lean against the table, with your hip cocked out, and your chest held out nice like you are showin’ off that cute t-shirt of yours.”

Crystal blushed a little, but stepped up, and took the pose. He had to ask her to look at him, as she was still sort of looking down.

“Now give me a big smile, darlin,” Ted ordered. “Let me see that smile and look right at me with those big baby blue eyes.”

She smiled, her overbite obvious, and after he snapped a few pics she said: “I don’t like my smile, cuz my teeth stick out too much. I can’t be no model.”

Ted went into his pickup mode.

“That’s where you are wrong, darlin. I been doin’ this a long time, and trust me, I know when a girl has got ‘the look.’ And trust me, babe, you got it.”

And then he moved closer, to pose her himself, putting her into another position, leaning against the table. Without asking for permission, he gently took her arm, moved her in one direction, then put a hand on the firm flesh of her side, between her booty shorts and crop top, and angled her just so. He put his hand on her firm ass, and pulled her forward a bit, forcing her to thrust her mid-section forward in a sultry pose, her firm abs forward and stretched above the booty shorts, the outline of her camel toe obvious.

Crystal, buzzed from the seltzers, was enjoying the confident hands of the older man, and let herself be pushed and pulled into a new pose, as the other girls watched, mouths hanging open a bit as they watched the photographer pose her, then snap several quick shots. He certainly appeared to be a professional photographer, with his confident take-charge attitude. He didn’t ask, he just moved the girl as he wanted her posed.

“Would you mind if I took a few of you leaning forward, showing off your butt in those cute booty shorts?” Ted asked politely.

Crystal awkwardly leaned forward over the table, her legs behind her.

“More like this,” said Ted, as he stepped forward, and again moved her body into position. He put one hand under her thigh and moved her front leg forward, so she was in more of a running stance. Then he pulled her shoulders back, and gently moved her hips forward. He put a hand between her legs, to position them just right. He continued gripping and gently manipulating her body almost everywhere as he moved her into the ‘just right’ position, continuing his hands-on approach, his big hands managing to brush up against her firm tits, and over her tight ass several times as he got her posed just so. He even “inadvertently” brushed against the camel toe in her booty shorts as he adjusted her legs.

All the other girls were fascinated by the obviously professional photographer, and how he effortlessly and smoothly moved Crystal into a perfect and sexy pose. And Crystal was beginning to really enjoy the confident touching by this older man. She was getting turned on, and she could feel her pussy getting a little wet.

After a few more pics, Ted looked at Crystal and said as he nodded: “I do think you’ve got it, babe. But I’d need to get a few well-lit studio shots, first.”

“Wow,” said Crystal, and other girls giggled and mumbled among themselves.

“You’re in luck,” said Ted, “because I’ve got my mobile studio parked just up the street, and it’s fully equipped with lights and the right props.”

“We’re all together,” said Crystal, “so I can’t go to your studio. Unless maybe Leah can come with me.”

“Yeah, maybe I could come too, and get some pics. Maybe I got the look, too,” Leah added eagerly, again thrusting her chest forward a bit, to get Ted’s attention. Leah felt herself getting hot imagining Ted’s hands on her young body, touching her as aggressively as he was touching Crystal.

“That’s too bad,” said Ted, turning up the heat. “I’m only here today, and I’ve got my mobile studio just up the street, but if you can’t do it, that’s okay. I’m sure someone else will see what I see. You could both come, but the mobile studio’s only big enough for one set, and one model inside, so you’d have to take turns inside, Leah and Crystal. Would that be okay?”

“Sure,” they both eagerly almost shouted. “Let’s go.”

As Ted surmised, the other girls thought Leah and Crystal leaving with him was a bad idea, but Leah and Crystal were all in, and told their friends they would see them later. After a short discussion, the other two walked back toward the festival shaking their heads, and Leah and Crystal walked with Ted.

Ted pointed the way, and Leah and Crystal walked just in front of him, their tight teenage asses bouncing in front of him, making him hard and bulging out the front of his loose cargo shorts. As he planned how he would deal with the two naïve teenagers, his big cock got even harder.

When they reached the van, Ted said that he would take Leah in first, and get some shots of her to forward to his best talent scouts. When he had finished with Leah, he explained, he’d bring Crystal in, and get some great studio shots of her. The girls smiled and giggled, as Ted explained his plan. He then set a camp chair outside the van for Crystal to wait in, while he brought Leah inside.

Ted told Leah immediately that he wasn’t real sure he could make her look good enough to be a real star, but if she followed his directions completely, she might have a chance. Leah bounced a little with eagerness, her tits jiggling under her loose top.

“I’ll do whatever you say,” she said eagerly, emphasizing the word “whatever.”

“Great,” said Ted, “Let’s get started.”

“First, lay back on the big couch, and lean up on one arm. I’ll take some shots of you in that pose, and then I’ll pose you.”

“Okay,” she said, eagerly jumping on the couch, and lying down on her side. She couldn’t wait to have Ted start touching her and moving her body around, like she had seen him do with Crystal.

Ted set up his camera, and took several shots, asking her a few times to put her chin up, a leg up, and turn one way or the other. He also handed her another fruity alcohol seltzer, from his cooler in the van, with a powerful 9% alcohol content. Leah gulped down half the can in her first drink.

Then he moved in, and started moving her around, his big hands all over her young body. After a few preliminary shots, he nodded sagely with a frown. Then, he simply pulled her loose top up over her head, revealing her firm round tit mounds high on her chest. At first, Leah tried to cover her tits.

“Hey, what the fuck!” Leah exclaimed in a soft voice, but did nothing to stop him.

Ted soothed her, holding her gently and whispering right against her little ear: “Look Leah, that top does nothing for you. And your tits are really one of your best features. They are absolutely fabulous tits. I guarantee, some of my buyers will go for you just from seeing some shots of those spectacular titties.”

As he whispered this to her, he gently fondled the teen tits, a big hand on each, and then rolling the nipple of each between his thumb and finger. Leah moaned in pleasure. She loved him telling her that her tits were fabulous. He took a couple of pics, and when he paused, Leah grabbed the seltzer and finished it off, feeling a warm buzz come over her from the alcohol. Ted came in again to manipulate her pose.

Leah couldn’t help notice Ted’s big hard-on, and she giggled when he approached again. “You’re getting excited, Ted. I can tell!”

“Well,” Ted said, “I’m a man, and you are a gorgeous sexy girl, who might just be the next super-model.”

Leah giggled again, and her firm tits jiggled a bit.

As Leah laid on the couch, he massaged her back, and then fondled her tits some more, saying that he needed to massage them to get some color into them, because the camera would see the color. Leah didn’t mind, and enjoyed his touch, and was soothed by the warm buzz of the alcohol.

Then Ted leaned down and unfastened her tight jeans. As she squirmed a bit, he again whispered in her ear. “You’ve got fabulous abs, and the cutest tummy here, Leah. I want the talent people to see all your assets.”

“Yeah, I guess you need to get pics of my best parts,” Leah smiled, allowing Ted to feel her abs, tummy and down the front of her tight pants.

And as she moaned again as he whispered these compliments in her little ear, Ted reached his hand down under the zipper of her jeans, and ran his finger up and down her slit, under the little satin panties that she wore. Leah moaned again.

He stepped back to take a few pics, before he came in again. This time he kissed her gently, whispered to her what a sexy hot girl she was, and told her that her sexiness was beginning to show up, now he was close to capturing her ‘essence’ as he put it.

“Kick off those sandals,” he ordered, and as she did so, he grabbed her tight jeans and pulled them off, leaving her lying on the couch with just her tiny satin panties. After a few more quick pictures, Ted laid down behind her on the couch, and again began whispering into her ears, his arms now around her, and his warm hands feeling her tits, and massaging the now hot and wet slit between her legs. He let her feel his big cock against her back, and told her she was making him very excited, just like her pics would make a talent agent excited. He continued his seduction, telling her he could feel her sexiness, and that he wanted to feel her even closer. He said he was going to capture her sexy nature, by getting her to feel sexy.

“Do you feel sexy, Leah,” he asked in a deep, sexy voice that he whispered into her little ear, his hot breath on her ear and neck.

Leah was now breathing heavily and was turned on to the point that she wanted Ted to do whatever he wanted to her young, hormone-charged body, as he continued stroking her tits and her pussy, he slid his cock between her legs, and began rubbing it on her pussy lips.

“OOOOhhhh,” Leah moaned, “that feels soooo good.”

Knowing she was his, Ted slowly but deliberately pushed his steel hard cock, gently but firmly into the teen’s super tight pussy, holding her against his body, and firmly caressing her firm tit mounds as his cock penetrated her, and filled her with his hot manhood.

“Omigod, that feels so good,” Leah moaned, as he began thrusting rhythmically into her warm cunt.

“Fuck me hard!” Leah yelled out.

And Ted obliged, repeatedly ramming his manhood deep into the willing teenager, his loins slapping up against her tight ass, as he spooned her aggressively on the couch. But to really fuck her hard, he wanted her in a doggy position, so he pulled out, and pulled the girl by her waist, into a kneeling position.

“Get your ass in the air here, baby, and I’ll give you the hard fuck you want,” Ted growled in a gruff whisper into the girl’s ear, as he knelt behind her, and began stroking his cock up and down along the length of her dripping wet pussy slit.

“Oh yeah, mister Ted,” Leah rasped, “give me that big hard cock in my little teen pussy.”

He pounded into her, reaching under to roughly handle her tits, and then pulling on her hair and wrapping his hand into it, making a ponytail that he could use to pull as he rammed her tight cunt. Ted hammered into the hot teenager, pulling hard on her hair as he slammed his cock repeatedly into her tight young cunt.

“Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Leah moaned out as she felt herself engulfed with a huge wave of an orgasm, that made her cunt contract in spasms around Ted’s cock. Ted’s cock responded in kind. As her tight pussy squeezed it, his cock began pulsing and then spurting a hot stream of cum, deep into the teen’s hot pussy, filling her with his seed. As he continued stroking, and felt his cock subside, he felt it begin slipping from the slippery slit, and he watched as a gooey stream of cum and cunt cream leaked from her pussy and dripped unto his big couch. Leah fell forward, completely spent, breathing hard from her exertion, and her orgasm.

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