Poker Chip - Cover

Poker Chip

by EveryDenial

Copyright© 2024 by EveryDenial

Erotica Sex Story: Mother gets a little drunk and offers her daughter as a poker chip during a game. After losing she informs her daughter that she belongs to someone else and will be picked up in the morning.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Fiction   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Small Breasts   .

“Sorry sweetie, when I ran out of chips at the poker table, I had to make a bet to keep playing. You were the collateral. I figured I would win my money back, but alas, you are now officially someone else’s. He said he’d be gentle, and seems like a nice guy.”

The 16 year old blonde stood slack jawed as she watched her mom stagger drunkenly away from her without a second glance. Her mom was 5’5” wearing a skimpy little cocktail dress. Her D cup breasts were large and nearly falling out the top, and the bottom of the dress barely covered her ass. She knew her mom was a slutty drunk, but had no idea she would use her daughter in a bet.

Her daughter had inherited her mom’s good looks, but she only had A cup breasts, and she had long blonde hair that hung almost down to her ass. She was wearing a white halter top with spaghetti straps and a pair of cut off jean shorts. She was only 5’1” and weighed about 100lbs. She had her mom’s blue eyes, but they were full of tears right now.

“Why would you do that?” She asked, running after her mother and pulling her arm.

“Annabelle, this is just what girls like us have to do sometimes.” She took another sip of her drink and continued. “I’ve had to let many men use my body over the years, and now it’s your turn. Don’t worry, it’s not so bad. My dad gambled me away all the time.”

“What?” Annabelle replied in shock.

“I was my dad’s favorite thing to gamble.” Her mom sighed. “I had to let his buddies take turns using my holes after every night of poker. Your grandpa was not very good at poker.” She burped then laughed. “And neither am I.”

“But why would you want that for me? That’s horrible.”

“Oh hush.” Her mom grabbed her daughter’s ass and squeezed. “I bet your holes are even tighter than mine were at your age.”

“Mom!” Annabelle exclaimed and moved away from her mother’s hands.

“Oh please. You like girls today like to show it all off. Just look at what you’re wearing.”

“This is normal.” Annabelle insisted.

“Well, it wasn’t when I was 16.” Her mother scoffed. “When I was 16, I couldn’t show an inch of thigh without my dad spanking me, and my tits were always covered. Now look at me.” She grabbed her boobs and bounced them up and down. “My tits and ass are hanging out, and I love it.” She took another long sip of her drink, and continued. “But I’m 32 now, and you’re 16. So what does that mean for you? It means that your tight teen pussy is mine to give away. It happened to me, now it’s happening to you. So quit being such a prude, and just do as you’re told. Your pussy belongs to the poker table.”

Annabelle stared at her mother, not sure how to reply. This was a side of her mom she had never seen before. The fact that her mom had been taken advantage of by her own father and his friends, was something she would have never guessed. Now here she was, saying it was Annabelle’s fate as well.

“Now, He will be here tomorrow to pick you up at 8:00AM. So get some sleep, and be ready to serve.” She finished her drink. “You’re arguing has woken me back up. I’m off to the bar to see if anyone else wants a piece of this.” She slapped her ass and giggled as she staggered away.

Annabelle heard the elevator doors open and her mom let her alone in their penthouse suite.

The next morning, the buzzer rang at 8:00AM sharp, just as her mom said it would. Annabelle thought her mother would have answered, but when she walked into the living room she saw her mother passed out on the couch, naked, with two used condoms on the floor. Annabelle walked over to the intercom.

“Hello?” She said.

“Hello, I’m here to pick up the lovely lady who I won in the poker game last night.” The man’s voice replied.

“I uh ... I’ll buzz you up.” She said and buzzed the elevator.

“Thanks, Honey. I’ll be right up.”

Annabelle was scared, but didn’t know what else to do. She stood patiently at the elevator door, waiting for the doors to open. When they finally did, she gasped. The man standing there was gorgeous. He had thick black hair and beautiful black skin. He was at least 6’3”, and wore a well fitted suit that showed off his fit physique. He smiled at her, his teeth were straight and bright. He was the most handsome man Annabelle had ever seen.

“Good morning.” He said, still smiling. “You must be Annabelle. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

“Me too...” She blushed and looked at the ground.

“Is your mom around?”

Annabelle said nothing but looked towards the couch.

“She is a little worn out this morning, isn’t she?” He laughed. “Seems like she had a good time last night. Let’s leave her to her sleep. Come on, I’ll take you out for breakfast.” He paused for a moment. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

Annabelle blushed and looked down at her outfit. She had a over sized white T-shirt, no bra, and a pair sweat pants. Her blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail.

“I just woke up.” She said sheepishly.

“You have such a lovely figure. It would be a shame to cover it up.” He looked over her body. “I don’t mind waiting for you to change. Why don’t you slip into something nice, like a sun dress?”

“Okay.” She nodded and turned around.

“And, Honey.” He stopped her.


“Keep the pony tail.” He smiled.

Annabelle hurried to her room and changed into a short light pink sundress. She put on a matching bra and panties, and then slid the dress over her head. She looked in the mirror, and realized the dress was shorter than she remembered. It came down just below her ass, and if she reached up at all, her pink lacy panties would show. She also realized the front dipped down quite low, and her cleavage was exposed. two think pink straps ran over her shoulders, holding the dress up.

She went to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth and let down her hair to brush it quickly. She pulled it back into a pony tail, as requested, then she returned to the living room.

“Better?” She asked shyly.

“You look beautiful.” He replied. “But let me inspect for a moment.”

He walked over and stood directly in front of her.

“Hmm.” He said.

He gently touched her face, and ran his fingers down her neck. Annabelle closed her eyes and sighed as his fingers touched her collarbone. He reached down and slid one of the dress straps off her shoulder, and Annabelle opened her eyes and blushed.

“A bra strap?” He said disapprovingly. “Do your breasts require support, or are they perky like your mother’s?”

“They’re pretty perky.” She admitted, looking away.

“Well then there is no need for a bra.” He laughed. “Plus the extra straps looked silly with your sundress.”

“I’ll go take it off.” She said and returned to her room.

Annabelle took her bra off, and looked in the mirror. Her pink nipples were hard. She was surprised to find that she wasn’t as upset about having her bra taken off, as she thought she would be. Maybe it was his voice. It was so smooth and comforting. The pink sundress looked great on her, but she wasn’t sure about leaving the house without a bra. She could see her nipples poking out against the fabric, and wondered how many people would notice.

Annabelle returned to the living room and showed him that she had taken the bra off.

“Perfect.” He said. “Now we may have a formal introduction. My name is Damien, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, Damien.” Annabelle said politely yet nervously.

“Honey, why are you nervous? I know we just met, but I promise you have no reason to fear me.”

“I just ... I don’t know.”

“Is it the bet? Does the thought of being mine for the day scare you?”

“A little.” She admitted.

“I can assure you, I have nothing but the best intentions. I intend to take you out for breakfast to start, and we’ll just go from there.”

“You’re not going to hurt me?”

“No, Honey. Why would you think that?”

“I’m not sure.”

“It’s alright.” He smiled. “Let’s go eat, and I’ll tell you a little about myself while we have breakfast.”

“Okay.” She smiled, feeling a little more comfortable.

He offered his hand, and Annabelle took it. He held her hand gently, and guided her movement. Annabelle looked over her shoulder at her mother one last time. Her mom’s pussy was exposed, and Annabelle could see cum leaking out. Damien let go of her hand as they entered the elevator, and Annabelle felt a tingle when his hand left hers. He pushed the lobby button, and the elevator doors closed.

“How old are you, Honey?”

“I’m 16.” She replied.

“So young and beautiful. You remind me of someone.”


“My daughter, Mariah.”

“You have a daughter?” Annabelle asked with a shocked tone.

“Yes. She’s a couple years older than you, and just as beautiful. I’m taking her on vacation later this week.”

“That’s nice.” Annabelle let a relaxed smiled come through.

The elevator door opened and he again offered her his hand. Annabelle accepted it, and she let him guide her through the lobby. Annabelle was embarrassed by the amount of cleavage her dress was showing, even if her boobs were quite small. As they walked outside the hotel doors, she realized how short the dress was as it blew loosely in the wind. It barely covered her, and the bottom of her ass cheeks were showing. She instinctively reached back to pull it down, and Damien caught her hand.

“Don’t.” He said firmly. “It’s not necessary.”

“But the wind keeps showing my panties.” She blushed.

“I don’t mind, and I’m sure everyone who sees you will appreciate the view.”

“I’m too young for anyone to see me like this.” She said nervously.

“But they don’t know that.” He winked.

They walked straight across the street from Annabelle’s apartment, to a nice café. He let go of her hand, and pulled out her chair for her. Annabelle sat down, and the dress rode up her thighs. She tried to adjust it, but it kept slipping back up. Damien smiled and watched her squirm in her seat.

“Why do you keep trying to cover up? You look great.”

“This is a lot shorter than I remember.” She admitted and gave up adjusting it.

“Well, you look stunning, Honey.”

The waiter approached their table and smiled when he saw Annabelle.

“Hello. What can I get for the two of you?” He asked while looking at her thighs.

“Black coffee. And bring a mimosa for the lady.” Damien replied.

“Alright. I’ll be right back with those.” The waiter said, and walked away, but kept looking back.

“What’s a mimosa?” She asked.

“It’s a glass of orange juice and champagne.”

“Isn’t that alcoholic?”

“Yes, but only a little. I thought you might enjoy it. Help loosen the nerves.”

“I don’t know if I want to drink alcohol.” She looked down at her lap, playing with her hands. “I see what it does to mom.”

“Well, it’s only a little. It’s not going to turn you into an alcoholic. Have a taste and see if you like it. You don’t have to finish it if you don’t like it.”

“Okay.” She smiled.

Damien smiled back at her. Annabelle enjoyed his smile, and the way his eyes looked at her. She felt relaxed, and safe with him even though she was still scared of what else might come.

The waiter returned, and set their drinks down. Annabelle sipped her mimosa and smiled.

“It’s pretty good.” She admitted.

“See.” He grinned.

“You said you would tell me a little about yourself.” She asked.

“Yes, of course. What would you like to know?”

“How old are you?”

“I’m 42. But I’ll be 43 in a few weeks.”

“Are you married?”

“Yes. My wife’s name is Maria, and we’ve been together for 18 years.”

“That’s a long time.”

“It is. But it’s been a very happy marriage.”

“Do you have any kids?”

“Just Mariah. She’s 18 years old now, and will be attending college soon. She’s very smart, and has a bright future ahead of her.”

“That’s cool.” Annabelle took a sip of her mimosa. “I’m not really smart.”

“Why do you say that, Honey?”

“I barely pass any of my classes. Mom says it’s because I don’t apply myself.”

“Well, if you apply yourself, you could go to college someday too.”

“I’d rather focus on my art. I’m not great at school work, but I love drawing.”

“Oh. That’s a very noble pursuit.”

“Mom says it’s a waste of time.” She said sadly.

“It’s not a waste of time.” He replied. “Your mom sounds like she can be pretty blunt sometimes.”

“Yeah, she’s not exactly the nurturing type.” Annabelle said as she finished her mimosa.

“I’ll have another mimosa sent over.” He gestured towards the waiter. “You know Annabelle, you’re not like what I expected.”

“How so?” She asked.

“You seem much more mature than I would have imagined.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“It’s a very good thing. You’re much more interesting than a 16 year old should be. You’re beautiful, and you’re very easy to talk to.”

The waiter came over and replaced her empty mimosa with a fresh one.

“Thanks. You’re not what I expected at all either.” She admitted.

“What did you expect?”

“I don’t know. You’re not like a pervert, or a freak. You’re really nice. I guess I was just worried that someone would hurt me, or make me do stuff. Definitely someone less attractive” She giggled, feeling a bit tipsy.

“Honey, no one is going to hurt you. I don’t like to hurt people. Especially beautiful girls. As for making you do things, well, we’ll see what the day brings.”

“What do you mean?” She asked nervously.

“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smiled. “Drink your mimosa. You’re almost finished.”

Annabelle picked the glass up and drank it until it was empty.

“I don’t think I should drink anymore. I feel a little dizzy.” She said.

“Nonsense. You’ll be fine. It’s just a little alcohol.” He chucked. “Let’s order some food and get you another drink.”

“Okay.” She nodded, and felt her head spin a little.

“What looks good to you?”

“The French toast sounds good.” She said.

“French toast it is.”

Annabelle watched as he raised his hand and waved the waiter over. He ordered the food, and the waiter brought over another mimosa for Annabelle. Damien insisted that she drink it, and she didn’t protest. After a few minutes, the French toast was brought to their table.

“Thank you.” Damien told the waiter. “And another refill for her please.”

“No problem.” The waiter said and took her empty glass.

“I’m not sure how many more I can handle.” Annabelle admitted.

“Nonsense.” Damien waved his hand. “Eat your French toast.”

Annabelle picked up her fork and took a bite. She hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, and the food tasted delicious. She devoured the whole plate in a matter of minutes. Chasing her bites down with her fourth Mimosa. Damien just sat back and watched her with a grin. When she was finished, the waiter brought her a fresh mimosa.

“Thank you.” She slurred, and began sipping the mimosa.

“Why don’t we go to the bathroom and clean you up a little. You’ve got syrup all over your face.”

“Okay.” She nodded and stood up.

“Here. Take my arm.”

She wrapped her hand around his arm and he guided her wobbly body to the bathroom. The Mimosas had really hit her hard, and she was struggling to walk. When they arrived at the bathroom, Damien locked the door behind them.

“Are you gonna wipe the syrup off my face.” She giggled, and began licking the syrup off her fingers.

“I’m going to do more than that.” He laughed. “Come over here.”

He walked her to the counter and helped her sit up on it. She leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the alcohol running through her veins. She heard the sound of his zipper, and then he moved between her legs.

“What are you doing?” She giggled, looking down.

In his hand was a hard 10 inch black cock. She stared at it in shock, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Damien release it from his hand and spread her legs open wide. Her dress was pushed up, and the pink fabric of her panties was fully exposed.

“I don’t know about this.” She laughed and covered her face.

She felt him pull her panties to the side, and then the tip of his cock touched her pussy.

“What about a condom?.” She giggled and shook her head.

“No condom. Just a quick fuck, then we’ll go.” He replied.

She was still shaking her head as he pushed his cock deep into her tiny pussy. Annabelle gasped as the large black cock invaded her body. She was still laughing and giggling uncontrollably, clearly tipsy, if not drunk from her fifth mimosa. Damien grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to the edge of the counter, allowing him to drive his cock deeper.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this.” She gasped and smiled. “You were acting so nice to me.”

Annabelle moaned as his cock pounded her young pussy. She had never had anything bigger than her own fingers inside her before. It hurt at first, but her body adjusted. Soon her pussy was drenched and the pain was replaced with pleasure.

“I wasn’t acting.” He grunted. “I do intend to treat you well. But I also plan to use your little body.”

“Use my little body.” She giggled. “That’s funny.”

“You have no idea, Honey. This is only the beginning.”

Damien continued pumping her pussy. He slid his hands up and pushed the straps off her shoulders, fully exposing her A cup breasts. They were perky, with hard pink nipples. Annabelle looked down and saw his large black hands squeezing her little tits.

“They’re not big.” She moaned, as he played with her nipple.

“They don’t need to be. They are beautiful.”

Annabelle was lost in her drunken state. She had a small understand what was happening, but had no control of her body, and she didn’t want control of it. Damien used her like a little toy. Her dress was scrunched up in across her stomach, revealing her entire body. He was still wearing his suit, but his pants and underwear were pushed down to his ankles. Annabelle felt her orgasm from penetration rising as his cock hit a special spot inside her.

“Oh my god.” She moaned, and put her hand on the mirror to brace herself.

Damien grabbed her legs and held them wide open, and began fucking her faster. His cock was slamming in and out of her.

“I’m cuming.” She cried.

“Don’t fight it. Cum for me, Honey.”

She couldn’t hold back if she wanted to. Annabelle was lost in her orgasm. Her mind was cloudy and the alcohol had her completely intoxicated.

“I feel it.” She cried out, her head resting on the mirror.

Her body was shaking and trembling. Her pussy was clenching and releasing his cock.

“Good girl.” He grunted, still pumping her. “Now it’s my turn.”

“Your turn.” She moaned drunkenly.

Damien grunted, and his cock exploded in her pussy. Annabelle’s eyes shot open as she felt her pussy being filled with cum. Damien was pumping load after load into her. She was so young, and she had never experienced the sensation of having her pussy filled before. Damien kept pushing it deep, making sure none spilled out. Annabelle’s legs were quivering and her whole body was shaking. She moaned and whimpered as his cock slid out of her and cum spilled out.

“Oh no. What did you do?” She gasped, covering her mouth, experiencing a moment of clarity.

“I did what I said I would.” He laughed. “And you loved it.”

“I guess I did.” She giggled, her mind was once again clouded.

Damien grabbed some toilet paper and wiped his cock off. He tossed the tissue into the trash and pulled his pants back up. Annabelle was lying on the counter, with her dress hiked up. Her pussy was open and dripping. She was too drunk and out of it to notice the mess she looked like. She giggled and laid there, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, Honey.” He said.

“I’m so tired.” She mumbled.

“Let me help you.”

He picked grabbed her panties and closed her legs so he could side them off.

“My panties.” She giggled.

“You won’t be needing them today.”

“You’re taking them?”

“Yes. They’re mine now.” He grinned.

He put them in his pocket and picked her up off the counter, standing her up so she could lean against the wall.

“Do you have to take them?” She pouted.

“Yes, Honey. Now be a good girl and let me clean you.”

“Okay.” She nodded and rested her head against the wall.

Damien pulled her dress over her head and threw it onto the counter. Annabelle’s blonde hair was messy and sticking to her face.

“I need a shower.” She mumbled.

“Later.” He laughed.

Annabelle closed her eyes and waited patiently as he wet some paper towels. Damien crouched down and started wiping her pussy and thighs, removing the cum he had given her. Annabelle opened her legs and allowed him to clean her. He took his time, wiping her gently, and admiring her tiny young pussy. It was a bright pink, and the lips were small and smooth. Her clit was tiny, and her opening was barely more than a hole. She was completely bare, not a single strand of pubic hair was visible.

“All clean.” He announced.

“Am I a good girl?” She asked, looking up at him, and giving him a drunken smile.

“Yes, Honey. You’re a very good girl.” He smiled.

“Thanks.” She said, and tried to take a step.

She fell forward and would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her.

“You’re too drunk to walk, Honey.”

“Am I?” She giggled and tried to balance.

“Yes, you are.” He laughed.

“I’m so sleepy.” She moaned, leaning against the wall again.

“It’s the mimosas. Here. Put this on.”

Damien helped her slip back into her pink sundress. Annabelle smiled and closed her eyes. Damien scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to their table. The check was waiting for him, and he handed the waiter his credit card.

“Is she alright?” The waiter asked.

“She’ll be fine.” Damien smiled. “She’s a lightweight.”

“Can I have one more mimosa?” She mumbled.

“Not now, Honey. Maybe when you wake up.”

Annabelle mumbled something unintelligible and curled up in his arms. Damien smiled as she rested her head on his chest and fell asleep.

– – – – – –

“Honey, wake up.”

Annabelle’s eyes slowly fluttered open, and she blinked a few times. The room was bright, and she could barely make out Damien’s face.

“Where are we?” She asked in a sleepy voice.

“We’re at my house.” He replied.

Annabelle rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. The room was large and well decorated. Damien’s bed was king size, and covered in soft warm blankets. Annabelle was sitting up against the pillows, with a sheet covering her. Under the sheet she was completely naked.

“Did you take my clothes off?” She blushed.

“Yes.” He laughed. “You were so tired, I had to put you to bed.”

“You didn’t do anything while I was asleep, did you?” She raised and eyebrow.

“Of course not.” He replied. “I’m a lot of things, but a creep isn’t one of them. I have lines, and taking advantage of a passed out drunk is one of them.”

“Ugh, my head.” She groaned and held her head while sitting up. “Why did you have to get me drunk?”

“Because you were scared. And it was fun.” He laughed.

“That’s not funny.” She crossed her arms and the sheet feel down her stomach.

“I thought it was. Plus you loved the mimosas.”

“Well...” She pondered

“Admit it. You liked them.” He smiled.

“I did. They tasted so good. And they made me feel funny. I can’t remember anything after...” She stopped and closed her eyes trying to recall the memories. “You had sex with me, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“But you didn’t use a condom. And then you put your cum in me.” She frowned and looked at him.

“I did.”

“Did you think I needed to be drunk for that?” She asked angrily. “Is that why you made it sound like the mimosa’s wouldn’t affect me?”

“I knew you would never agree, and I knew you’d love it once you were drunk.” He laughed.

“I would have agreed!” She exclaimed. “I was nervous and scared, but I trusted you. If you would have asked me, I would have done it. You won me fair and square. I know my place.”

“Honey, don’t be mad. It was for the best. The alcohol helped loosen your inhibitions. And you loved it, remember?”

“Well yeah, but I didn’t need to be drunk for that.” She pouted.

“I suppose you’re right. I didn’t realize you would give yourself over so easily.”

“It’s what I have to do.” She shrugged.

“Let’s not dwell on the past, there’s nothing wrong. You loved the sex, and the mimosas. So relax, and enjoy the rest of the day. I’ll treat you very well, I promise.”

“So ... You’re not going to force me into anything, right? Not without asking first?”

“Not again, Honey. I’ll ask before I do anything.”

“Okay.” She nodded and held her head. “What time is it anyways?”

“It’s a little after 1:00PM. You slept a long time.” He laughed. “Take these, they will help your headache.”

He handed her a couple of Advil pills and a glass of water. Annabelle took the pills and drained the entire glass of water.

“Thank you.” She said and laid back on the pillow.

“You’re welcome.” He lay on the bed next to her.

“So where’s your wife? She’s not going to be upset that you have a naked 16 year old in your bed? Where are my clothes anyways?”

“You won’t be needing your clothes for the rest of your time here.” He laughed. “But as for Dawn, she doesn’t know about this place. I’m away on a business meeting as far as she knows. Don’t worry about her, I have plenty of secrets. And this isn’t even the biggest one.”

“Really?” She turned her head towards him. “What secret could be bigger than a secret house you take girls to?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“Yes.” She nodded and looked at him seriously.

“Mariah. My daughter. Well ... She does know about this house.”

“Why would you tell her?” Annabelle gasped.

“She likes to use this house sometimes to throw parties that her mom doesn’t know about. But nothing is for free. You know how it goes.”

“Wait, are you saying you and your daughter...” Annabelle was too shocked to finish her sentence.

“Yup.” He laughed. “She’s been sucking my cock for the last 3 years. Since she was 15. She swallows every time. Such a good daughter.”

“She does?” Annabelle couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“She does. If she ever wants to use the house she knows what she has to do.”

“But ... She’s your daughter.” Annabelle was clearly confused.

“Don’t pretend you’re shocked, Honey. You’re just a poker chip, and so is she.”

He reached over to her and started running his hand along her thigh. Annabelle looked at his hand, and then back at his face. He continued slowly running his hand up her thigh, and she closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. His touch was relaxing, and it made her forget about the conversation. He moved his hand further and further up, until it reached her pussy. Annabelle let her legs fall open and gave him better access.

“Do you like this, Honey?” He asked softly.

“Yes.” She breathed.

Damien moved his fingers over her pussy and rubbed her clit. Annabelle gasped and moaned. His fingers felt good. Her headache was almost gone, and her body was tingling with excitement. Damien gently played with her pussy. His fingers were slow and tender. She spread her legs wide and closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. Damien continued stroking her for a few minutes, watching her reactions. She was moaning and breathing deeply, and her hips were moving to meet his fingers.

“I’m so happy I went all in against your mother last night. What a prize I won.”

“I’m not just a...” She moaned. “A prize. I’m a person.”

“No you aren’t.” He said firmly. “Like I said, you’re a poker chip. Your mother put you on the table and lost. Your life is mine. Your body is mine. Your holes are mine. Every inch of you belongs to me.”

Annabelle moaned louder as he continued to play with her clit. Damien pushed his middle finger into her pussy. She was soaking wet and he slid in with ease. Annabelle cried out and pushed her hips towards his hand. Damien slowly fingered her. His large black finger was sliding in and out of her tiny pink pussy. He pulled it out and rubbed her clit a few more times.

“I meant what I said at the cafe.” He said. “I won’t hurt you, and I intend to treat you well. As long as you play your part.”

“I’m a poker chip” She moaned, closing her eyes.

“That’s right, Honey.” He pushed his finger back into her pussy. “Your holes are mine, and I intend to use them.”

“Oh god.” She gasped.

“And if you’re a good girl, I’ll make you feel really good.”

“I’ll be good.” She moaned.

“Good. I’ll make you cum again, just like I did at the cafe.”

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