Rude Awakening - Cover

Rude Awakening

Copyright© 2000 by Michael Dagley

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - It's not always good to be a nice boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   First   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

All of the seniors in Joey's high school were delighted by the light schedule of the final week of classes. They weren't actually required to do much of anything other than get their checklists signed, practice for the graduation ceremony, and sign one another's yearbooks. They wouldn't even have to attend the entire day on either Wednesday or Thursday, and Friday would be reserved only for the afternoon graduation. Saturday night was the prom.

This meant that many parties were scheduled, with the kids taking advantage of what would be virtually the last chance they'd ever have to spend social time together. They didn't realize how completely asunder they'd soon be thrown, that it would be only a high school reunion that would ever cause many of them ever to see one another again. They believed they'd always be friends, always be in touch, always be young, slim in body and sharp in mind. They couldn't foresee the ruin that would be brought upon many of them by alcohol, drugs, bad relationships, bad jobs, or bad luck, couldn't see the almost sadder ruin that would be brought to others of them by too-easy success and wealth. In short, it was the perfect interlude in their lives, a time of experimentation and enjoyment and freedom from worry such as they would rarely, if ever, see again.

For Joey and Jackie, this meant even more. She seemed to be intoxicated with the newly realized power she had over him. Once she'd revealed that she was wearing no panties, for instance, a simple flash of her legs would make him hard as a rock. She enjoyed finding a place to sit in math class or in the cafeteria or on the school lawn where she could bare herself to him without anyone else seeing. And he wasn't complaining. Granted, he was a walking erection, with the aching balls to match, but he was also getting to touch her surreptitiously as they kissed, once even making so bold as to put his hand up her dress to confirm that she wore no panties (her wetness made him catch his breath, while his touches made her moan). No, he wasn't complaining. On the contrary, he wanted to find an opportunity to finish what he'd started, to "make it" with her, to get his revenge. He hated to admit it to himself, but he wanted was not really fulfillment with Jackie -- though he longed for that as well -- but revenge on Alice, and doing as she'd demanded, making it with a girl his age, was just the ticket.

The problem was Terri, who seemed to follow them everywhere, showing up just when things were getting interesting. When he finally got the nerve to touch the moist cleft between Jackie's legs, for instance, Terri showed up in time to hear Jackie moaning.

"What's going on here?" she asked, finding them in a corner locked in a kiss with Jackie pushed up against her locker, her skirt bunched against his forearm, his middle finger slowly polishing her sticky slit.

"Where did you come from?" Jackie answered, jumping away from Joey and pushing her skirt back into place.

"I was waiting for you."

Jackie turned to Joey and kissed him again, pushing herself against him enough to find his penis still hard.

"Joey's horny," she said.

"Can you blame him? You've been flashing yourself at him all morning."

"He's not complaining."

"Is that so, Joey?"

He answered with a smile.

"Then let's go over to my place. I know a very sexy game we can play. No one's home."

Joey had hoped to spend time alone with his girlfriend, but Jackie was enthusiastic in her response. Besides, what sexy game did Terri have in mind?

"I love games, and Joey's alredy horny, so great. What time?"

"Say, um, three o'clock?"

"I can't make it then," Jackie said. "I have to attend a cheerleader meeting. We're choosing next year's team."

"We'll wait," Terri said, giving Joey a look that warned him not to disagree with her.

"Just don't get started without me. I don't want to catch you in her room, Joey Adler," Jackie said, her sarcasm thick.

"Then don't be late," he answered, kissing her.

Joey was not late. The walk to the Claxton's was nothing more than a short walk up the hill on which the tract of houses was built. Punctuality was not the problem. In fact, he got home in time to change into a pair of baggy shorts, a muscle T-shirt, and a pair of leather sandals. He wore no underwear, excited by the prospect of Jackie's easy access to his penis, which was semi-hard at the thought. He also knew that he could "accidentally" reveal himself to Terri while sitting with Jackie, and for some reason, that thought made him as hard as a rock. He adjusted himself so that he wouldn't fall out of the left leg of his shorts as he rang the bell at Terri's house.

He hadn't expected Mrs. Claxton to answer the door. Hadn't Terri said something about having the house to themselves, something about Mrs. Claxton's playing tennis that afternoon? Yet there she was, wearing a short white tennis skirt with a white halter top and pink sweater.

"Joey!" she said, opening the door and inviting him in with a wave of her arm. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Terri invited me," he said, afraid she would think he was visiting on the chance of catching her alone.

"Hmm. She's not home yet. I think she's with Jackie, something about cheerleader tryouts. Won't you come in?"

He hesitated.

"Don't worry. I won't bite you."

"I, uh, that is, I feel --"

"My husband is traveling, so I won't see him until Friday night. I'm flying out to spend the weekend with him after graduation."

Had he mentioned her husband? Granted, it had been a concern, but how could she know that?

"Well? Are you coming with me or not? We could sit out by the pool and have some iced tea while we wait for the girls to get home."

"Well... Why not?"

He entered, following her through the house. He couldn't help but notice what a sexy walk she had. She led him to the back yard and their pool. There she directed him to one of a couple of lounge chairs that faced one another

"I'll be right back with some tea. Make yourself comfortable."

He did, taking the seat nearest the pool. As he watched her saunter away, he felt his penis becoming firm. There was something about the way she moved he found enormously arousing, something he'd never noticed before their fated Friday night, when he began seeing her as a sexual and very sexy woman. He wanted to adjust himself so that his penis would be pointing at his belly-button rather than peeking out of his pant leg, but she returned before he could finish the task. Instead, he pulled the pant leg of his shorts down as far as it would go to cover himself.

She noted the movement and took the chaise to his left; she had a good view up the left leg of his shorts, should she look, and she would. He'd hoped to have this setup for Terri, all right, but now it was proving to be a problem.

He didn't know what to say about what had happened the other night, and Mrs. Claxton didn't seem interested in discussing it. Instead, she asked him about school, which led to a discussion of English, his favorite subject. It turned out to be her favorite subject as well, so they worked their way over the familiar ground of English and American novels, a little Shakespeare, a little poetry. She was quick and knowledgeable, and he was delighted at how she caught every academic joke he tried, added to them, punned on last names, you name it. Often she smiled at him, as if surprised by something he said, and he felt his heart glow.

He found himself intoxicated by her personality, and with that he noticed an odd thing. He no longer had a hard on. He didn't feel bad, in fact, felt great, but he'd lost his hard on. She was as sexy as ever. She'd removed her sweater, underneath which she wore a sleeveless halter top that showed off her breasts and their perfect nipples. He'd occasionally feel something stirring, but for the most part, he just wasn't hard. It perplexed him.

"What's wrong," she asked, perceptively getting to the subject he least wanted to discuss.

"It's hard to say."

"Hard?" she asked, her eyes twinkling. She looked at his crotch and licked her lips.

"Yeah. Uh, no." He looked at her and saw her eyes looking up his shorts. He felt a twinge. "Hey!"

"Is this the problem?" she said, touching on the knee but indicating his crotch. "Doesn't look so hard to me." Actually, it was growing harder by the instant, and she watched the slow swelling.

"That's just it. I'm having a great time with you, Mrs. Claxton --"

"Ramona! Call me Ramona. I don't feel old, and I hate to be treated that way. So what is it?"

"I'm enjoying your company, Ramona."

"I don't see anything wrong with that."

"That's not it. But see, after the other night... "

"Yes," she answered, stretching, extending her arms above her head, the movement emphasizing her breasts more than ever beneath the thin cotton of the halter. Joey could see she wore no bra (he hadn't actually noticed before), and the sight jolted him right in the crotch. Something about her doing something forbidden, something unexpected, something so sexy -- Joey could not pinpoint what it was about this woman, about women in general -- moved him so.

"I'm waiting," she prompted.

"It's just that, I was having such a good time, but I lost my, uh, you know... "

"You think I would know?"

"Yes. I think you knew all about it before I even got here. I never even noticed you before the other night, and suddenly you explode into my life. Every time I think of you I get hard."

"Ooh!" she said playfully, though it touched her heart and actually made her feel warm and special.

"You were so sexy, I couldn't believe my eyes. And when I think of you, I only have memories of a very sexy woman.

"Now, as we sit here, I find myself excited to be with you even though I'm not the least bit aroused. I mean, I wasn't, for most of the discussion I'm sitting here with no... arousal... or anything, yet I'm enjoying your company more than ever. It doesn't make sense."

"You beautiful boy. It makes perfect sense. And as for whether your tool is hard, it just takes a kiss, remember?"

He laughed. She leaned forward.

"Kiss me."

His heart fluttered, making him swallow dryly.

"Kiss me, Joey."

He leaned closer to her face and let his lips slowly brush across hers. His semi hard cock was now adamantine. He opened his mouth, licked her lips, and pushed his face against hers. Her lips were cool, her tongue quickly slipping into his mouth, her teeth nibbling at his lip. She slid her hand up his left leg and grabbed his cock. She broke the kiss and looked him straight in the eye.

"Rock hard," she said, pulling his cock as if milking it, letting him slip from her hand, lightly kneading him, squeezing him, finally even shaking him, saying, "A Shaken-speare, sir." She looked up at him, licking her lips. "I could do with a taste."

Suddenly she cocked her head to the side.

"Damn! Terri's home," she said, turning back to him, sliding her hand completely up into his shorts and grabbing his tingling tumescence, pumping him slowly in her fist, putting her face against his, her nose alongside his nose, whispering, her voice a low thick rasp. "But I mean it. I could do with a taste, any time, any way. You name it. Anything you want, baby. I mean it. I could be your slut," she kissed him, "Your nurse," and kissed him, "Your teacher," and kissed him, "Your maid, your whore, anything, understand?" she pulled her skirt up and showed him her soaked panties. "See? I'm melting for you..." She squeezed him hard, her eyes closed, her moans soft, eloquent, sexy.

"God you turn me on so," he said.

"See me before you leave," she said, getting up and dropping her skirt back into place.

His penis grew even more rock solid, rudely poking the front of his shorts, regardless of what position he assumed. He feared Terri's arrival, almost as if it were doom descending, while Ramona calmly replaced her sweater and picked up the glasses.

"He's out here, Terri," she called as she walked back into the house. Soon Terri emerged, looking clean scrubbed and studious behind her glasses, her hair pinned back, a pencil above her ear. She was wearing the same pastel pink summer dress she'd been wearing at school. It had an old fashioned look to it, featuring a high white lace collar, long sleeves, a full ankle length skirt. As she crossed in front of the sun, Joey could see right through it, see Terri's long slender legs, the pouting curves of her ass, her tiny waist. His eyes followed her legs down to her feet, loving the look of her white lace socks and black patent leather shoes, schoolgirl shoes with flat heels. He was a raging sea of hormones, he thought, surrounded by irresistible feminine beauty.

Terri took the seat her mother had just vacated, her left leg still on the patio. She adjusted her dress, pulling it above her knees, her foot bouncing in time to beat only she could hear. She smiled at Joey, almost laughing, and then let her eyes drop straight to the tent Joey's cock made of the left leg of his shorts.

"Happy to see me?" she asked as if amazed at the thought. "Or have you been playing with my mother again."

He blushed so furiously that he couldn't even breathe, much less speak. He had dreaded this moment almost as much as he'd looked forward to it. Eventually he and Terri would have to discuss the night they'd shared as he'd ravished her mother. Oddly, he came away from the evening feeling closer to Terri than he had to Ramona, as he made himself think of Mrs. Claxton, and much closer than he'd ever felt to Jackie. In planning for this moment, he had prepared several remarks, but nothing came out of his mouth for a moment.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.' Did she put your penis into her mouth?"

He coughed, regaining his voice. "Are you sorry you weren't watching?"

"Of course. I love to watch. You'd be amazed at what all I've witnessed."

For some reason the comment made his heart stop. Was she referring to her mother? He was amazed to note that he was already feeling a little jealous of Ramona's affection. It didn't make any sense.

"Always your mother?"

"Oh God, no. I had no idea. The other night was a revelation, I tell you, as precious and exciting as finding gold right in your own backyard." She bowed her head. "I'd never seen a man so close before."

That made him wonder if Terri might mean she'd been watching Jackie, so he asked about her.

"No, you misunderstand me totally. You, well you and Jackie, are the only people I've ever witnessed who knew I was watching."


"My bedroom's in the attic, and I have a very powerful telescope. This hill provides a great vantage point for nearly a hundred homes and back yards all over Snob Hill."

All the kids referred to the tract of houses as Snob Hill.

"Really?" He wanted to be alarmed, to ask her how she could do something so intrusive, so wrong -- spying on people! -- but what could he say? Hadn't he been spying on Alice, both when she was masturbating alone and when she was teasing the flat-topped man? For that matter, he'd inadvertently spied on Terri's mother already, he remembered, both when she was trying to suck some life into her husband and when she was masturbating.

"Really. Want to see some time?" Terri had pulled her dress halfway up her thighs.

"Huh?" For a second he thought she was referring to her sex. Then he remembered what she'd asked. Did he want to see her telescope? That led to his trying to calculate the angles between this house and his, or rather, Alice's, wondering if perhaps she'd been watching Alice.

"I mean it. Want to come up and watch?"

His instincts told him to stay away from the Claxtons, regardless of their charms... or because of their charms. Especially Terri. He was both afraid of her and intoxicated by her. He was amazed as he thought about it. Just two weeks ago he'd thought of her as a stuffy straight A student, little miss prim and proper, a prude if anything. Now he was aware that the "old maid" exterior was only camouflage, that underneath she was as wicked and wonderful as anyone he'd ever met, ever imagined. So he wanted to visit her, but felt he should avoid it at all costs. On the other hand, if he were to accept the invitation, he would be able to see for himself whether or not Terri had been spying on Alice. And who knows what else he would see?

"Sure. When?"

"Well, Friday's a good night, say around 9:30? I'll sneak you in." He wondered at the remark: hadn't Ramona just told him she was flying out of LA to meet her husband on Friday evening? Terri, meanwhile, noticed that he'd lost his erection, so she just had to play with him.

"Can you climb the wall?" she asked. She pulled her dress up to her waist, and he instantly dropped his eyes down to her white cotton panties.

"What do you think?" he answered, staring at the thin cotton covering Terri's plump pussy lips. He could clearly see their outline. "I could walk along the tops of the walls from my house to yours if I wanted to," he said, returning his eyes to hers.

"You're such a man," she said,, sitting up and leaning closer to his lap. She grabbed his left knee and began massaging his thigh, moving slowly up his leg. Within seconds, she could see his bulge growing again.

"And you're such a woman, I suppose, since you can tease me?" he said, opening his legs to make his penis even more accessible. He pushed himself closer to her hand.

"What do you mean?" she asked, all innocence, sliding her hand closer and closer to his penis.

"I dare you to touch it."

"Touch what?"

"My cock."

"Oh, you vulgar boy."

She scratched him lightly along the insides of his left thigh.

"No thanks," she said, removing her hand suddenly. "Besides, Jackie will be here any minute." She stood suddenly, dropping her skirt over his head. He grabbed her ass and gently bit into her belly, tickling her. She jumped away.

"Sir! Remember your manners!"

"I think you'd like me to be even ruder." The touch of her ass had fired his imagination, stoked his desire for her.

"That's for me to know --"

"-- and me to find out!" he completed the phrase. "Shall I take that as a dare?"

"Don't you dare," she said, and they both laughed at the word play. "Besides, Jackie will be here any minute, and I have an idea. Come on, let's go to my room."

He watched her ass rotate as she walked ahead of him. Her hips were as sexy as her mother's though a bit narrower. She turned to make sure he was following. He licked his lips. He couldn't get over how much he liked her wearing glasses, being the school's brain, having such a clean cut reputation. He knew better. He also realized, as he was following her up to her room, that she was much more interesting than Jackie would ever be. How true that was became apparent as Terri outlined her plan.

"I think we could convince Jackie to let us remove strategic bits of her clothing. And tie her up. And tease her."

"What? Tie her up? Tease her? You mean, force her? No way."

They entered the room. It was long and narrow with a picture window, before which a white telescope was mounted on a tripod. She jumped onto the bed, a wooden four poster with a canopy, all done in frilly pink. Terri pointed out how easily one could attach silk cloths to tie someone down. She spread out, her arms and legs pointing at the posts of the bed, acting as if she were being pulled in four different directions.

"Where do you get such an idea?" Joey asked. "I don't think she'd like that for a second, and I won't do it."

Terri squirmed, acting as if she were pulling against four invisible restraints.

"But if you thought she wanted it, wouldn't you do it?"

"I'd have to know she wanted it. I couldn't just think so." He found her form enormously sexy as she writhed on the bed, contorting her body in four directions against the imaginary ties, her body looking remarkably sexy underneath the flimsy material of the dress as she twisted and rolled. She smiled at him.

"How could you ever be sure? I mean, if you were ninety-nine percent certain she wanted it, wouldn't you do it? Sometimes you have to take risks."

"I'd have to talk to her first."

"Talk to her? That would ruin it. You'd have to do it, just do it, as if it were real, both of you knowing you'd never cause any real harm, maybe just a bit of pain. You'd have to know without her knowing ahead of time. That's what makes it so dangerous and exciting. What's important is that you never cause any unwanted pain."

"Then I'd be justified to use force as long as I do it gently?"

"Did you say, 'qualified'?"

"You heard me."

She twisted further, thrusting her breasts at him.

"No, I meant qualified. I mean, if you were nearly sure, would you have the courage to act? Would you be qualified? Would you force your way through?" She looked him in the eye, her head lifted as if she couldn't get closer due to being tied. On impulse, he tickled her ribs, causing her hands to spring forward protectively, pulling him into her. They hugged as he tickled her and she giggled. Finally she broke away.

"I take that as a 'yes, '" she said. "You would tie her down and tantalize her. And I think I hear Jackie mounting the steps."

"Mounting?" he mouthed.

She winked at him and jumped up.

Jackie burst into the room, a vision of purple and gold school colors. She sported the full cheerleading regalia still, complete with the purple sneakers and gold and purple knee socks, the flirty little skirt and the school logo covering the chest.

"Hi, Terri," she said, kicking off her shoes. "Wait till I tell you who we picked -- Joey? You're here already?"


"How long has he been here," Jackie asked, moving towards Terri, her irritation obvious.

"We just arrived. I was giving him the grand tour."

"She was telling me about her telescope. We just got here, Jackie." He moved to her, tried to take her into his arms.

"Wait a minute, buster. I find it very suspicious that you are up here. What's going on, Terri?"

"Well, I thought, you know, maybe you and Joey might want the comfort of a bed, you know, and --"

"I'm touched. And you'd be watching?"

"You know it turns you on to be watched."

"How dare you say that?"

"It's true. You know it is."

"That doesn't mean I like you saying it OR being up here alone with him."

"You know I'm not interested."

"I think you're very interested. You just need someone to break through your reserve --"

"--Force his way in?" Terri asked, winking at Joey from behind Jackie.

Joey took Jackie into his arms. "C'mon, Baby. Let's just relax, maybe play some cards or something. What do you say, Terri?"

"OK. I have a great game."

"Yeah," Jackie said, "What is it?"

"It's an adult game: Dare."

"Great. Bring it on," Joey said, hoping to break the tension.

For a while, Jackie and Joey rolled on the bed, truly loving the luxury of the space. They kissed deeply. He tried to touch her breasts, prompting her to remove the school sweater and leave only a flimsy gold sleeveless t-shirt covering her breasts. The school's logo spanned her braless tits. He played with them, lightly pinching their turgid nipples. She, meanwhile, found out how accessible he was, taking him in her hand and slowly frigging him as they kissed.

Terri coughed loudly to indicate the game was to begin. They arranged themselves on the bed, Terri at the head with her knees in the air, her dress falling down between and beside her legs. She sat pigeon toed, and the lace socks made her legs looked delicious. Jackie sat in a similar position with her back to the post nearest the edge at the foot of bed. It was almost impossible for her to sit without exposing her gold panties, and she didn't seem to mind much. They were totally opaque. Joey lay on his side with his back to the wall, his head propped on his hand, his feet near Jackie, his head inches from Terri's right knee.

"It's about giving and taking dares. Say I give you a dare. If you can't or won't take the dare, you must give up one item of clothing. When you have no clothing, or little enough -- I think people are sexier with clothing than without, myself -- anyway, when you are stripped enough, you have to take the dare."

"Wait a minute, Terri Claxton," Jackie said. "Are we all going to play this? Or are you going give the dares and watch what happens?"

"Oh, I'm going to watch, of course. This is a great game for lovers."

"No way. You want us to play, you have to play with us."

"I'm with her," Joey said.

"Well, in that case, let's do something else --"

"No, Terri," Joey said, raising his voice a bit, "Let's play this. You were so ready to watch us play, why don't you have a little courage and join us?"

"Yeah, Terri. If it's OK for us to play, it should be OK for you to play."


"It isn't dangerous, is it?" Joey asked.

"All right, but I'm going last."

"That all right with you, Jackie?"

"Yeah. I'll go first."

"OK, Jackie, try this. Describe your hottest fantasy as vividly as possible."

Jackie looked around at the two expectant faces. Terri had pulled her dress above her knees, and she was scratching her thigh absent-mindedly. The swelling bulge of Joey's cock was visible, almost poking from the pant leg, and Terri could barely keep her eyes off it.

"I don't know about this," Jackie said, pulling on her thick blond hair. "I've never told my hottest fantasy to anyone, not even the two of you."

"You can always remove an article of clothing if you prefer," Terri offered.

"Your panties, for instance," Joey said "They're guarding the sexiest thing in the room." They giggled.

"Good idea. I don't want to get them stained, and if I told this story, I would surely get them wet." She peeled the gold cotton from between her legs and lifted her ass, pointing herself at Joey.

"Give me a hand, stud."

Joey pulled off her shorts and sniffed them.


"Provocative?" Jackie asked.

"Well seasoned!" he answered.

Together they finished the jingle:

"The only question is, 'Are you grown up enough for Granny Goose?'" They all laughed.

Jackie leaned back against the post and tried to pull her skirt skirt down over her sex. It barely covered it, and whenever she moved, it was pulled up, exposing her blond pubes, her pink lips. From the waist up, she looked innocent and childlike in her sleeveless cheerleaders T-shirt, but the look was incongruous with the rest of the picture: her knees against her chest, the golden knee socks framing her golden pussy. Neither Joey nor Terri could look away.

"Not fair," Terri and Joey said in unison, laughing at the coincidence in their reaction.

"OK, I'll tell." She was already squirming. "But it must remain our secret. You promise?"

"We promise," they said in unison, laughing again.

"OK. It's about Mr. Jacobs, the history teacher. I know he looks old and frail, but there's something about him that makes me itch. So I like to imagine teasing him. See, in my fantasy, I'll sit in the front where only he can see me and then show him my pussy, watch him sweat. I'm merciless. When I go up to sharpen my pencil, I always drop it and bend over so he -- and he alone -- can see everything, and I do mean everything. I might even stay bent over and fiddle with my shoe, just to give him a longer show.

"I'm not attracted to him or anything, after all, he's an old man, but it's just something about how prim and proper he always tries to be that gets me. Like somebody's grandfather or something.

"Anyway, I have imagined that one day he just gets completely fed up with it and tells me to stay after class. When I do, he takes me into his office and locks the door. He tells me he's disgusted with my lewd behavior, that I've been acting like a whore, that I'm likely to end up in the gutter if I keep on like that, I mean he really dresses me down. It turns me on terrifically, especially the way he makes me feel so shamelessly evil, so wicked and depraved.

"He says he's going to punish me and orders me to lie across his lap. I realize he's going to spank me, and I am nervous and scared all of a sudden, but I know I have to obey, so I do.

"'I'm going to have to raise your skirt as well, young lady, ' he says. 'Too bad you didn't wear any undergarments today.' He pulls my skirt up and drops it over my back, baring me completely. I can feel myself getting wet now," Jackie said, dipping her fingers into the pool of her mushy sex. "Just thinking about being in such a position, so humiliated and exposed, makes me gush.

"Then he spanks me as hard as he can with his hand. At first I say nothing, but the pain grows more intense as he covers the same places on my ass and thighs. I grab all around and chance upon his penis. He stops for a moment, and suddenly releases me. I stand, my skirt still hanging off my back. He opens his pants, and I see his thing. It's enormous, hard and veiny.

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