Rude Awakening - Cover

Rude Awakening

Copyright© 2000 by Michael Dagley

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - It's not always good to be a nice boy.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   First   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

The next Friday night found Joey and Jackie at the high school dance, as usual. He'd begged his father for the car, and after he'd washed it, waxed it, and cleaned it out inside to his father's satisfaction, he was allowed to borrow it.

"Make sure you're home no later than 11:30," his father said as Joey was leaving.

"Sure, Dad." Why was his father still making him get in by a certain time? He was practically an adult, after all, and though he couldn't vote, he could join the army and go away to die in Viet Nam. It bugged Joey that he could die for his country if he joined the army, but he couldn't stay out past eleven-thirty if he lived at home. He vowed to work on his father. If he wouldn't agree to letting him stay out late, maybe he'd let him begin sleeping in the treehouse every night during the summer, something Joey had been urging for the past three summers.

He and Jackie had already been through the usual ritual of seeing all their friends, dancing fast dances with various partners, and now they'd found one another as the opening chords of a slow song began. Joey had carefully dressed for the occasion, wearing no underwear and the thinnest of pants. He was happy to notice that instead of her usual blue jersey and blue jeans, Jackie was wearing a combination in pink -- ribbed pullover (he loved the way it showed off her breasts, though it was obvious she was wearing a rather modestly cut bra) above the shortest skirt she'd be allowed to wear into the dance, showing about half her knees. Beneath the skirt she wore no stockings, just some pink socks and white tennis shoes. In the past, Joey always danced slow dances with Jackie in what he considered the "correct" manner, with his right arm about her waist and her right hand in his left. This time, however, he put his hands around her at the waist, and she responded by putting her arms around his neck. She looked up into his eyes.

"Nice," she said.

He'd half expected her to forbid him such a close dance, so that when he heard the word, it surged through his body as if it were a bolt of electricity, concentrating its effect in his groin. At first he gave into the urge to pull himself back, to keep her from feeling the growing hardness of his penis. He was uncomfortably hard, and his cock was trapped down his left pant leg. She moved forward suddenly and brushed against it, and he could feel it jerk in response. He waited for her to say something, to object, to put him into his place, but she only closed her eyes and put her head onto his shoulder.

Growing a little bolder, he danced forward a bit and rested his hard-on against her hip. He could feel the soft sensation of her dress, could feel the movement of her naked waist beneath her skirt. He pulled her closer and let his hands dip lower, touching the lower portion of her back, gently kneading the dimples above her fleshy fanny. Still no objection. He pushed himself a little more firmly against her, and she hugged him more tightly, keeping her eyes closed. He massaged her back with his hands, amazed to hear her sighs of contentment.

He felt great, astounded that he was getting away with something so rude, but there was still one problem: his cock was painfully trapped down his pant leg. On the one hand, he didn't want to risk making her mad, losing the progress he'd made so far, by adjusting himself. On the other hand, he was so hard that it hurt.

"Be rude!" he remembered Alice saying to him. Why not? he finally decided, especially since he was far more interested in Alice than he was in Jackie anyway. He carefully pulled his left hand away from her back, stuck it into his pants, and pulled himself upright. The relief was immediate. He put his arm back around her, placed his hands directly on her ass, and pulled her to him. He could feel the softness of her belly against the hardness of his cock, meaning she could feel him all too well. She opened her eyes and looked right at him. She opened her mouth, probably to tell him he'd already gone far enough. He covered her mouth with his. They kissed, her mouth still open. He let his tongue touch her lip, then slip inside. She kissed him back, teasing his tongue with hers, letting her hands slide down his back. He pulled her even closer, squeezing on her plump ass cheeks, almost rutting against her. She moaned softly beneath the kiss and moved against him, as if to get a better feel of the protrusion against her belly. He pulled away from her mouth, giving her a chance to say something.

She leaned straight back, trusting him to hold her. She let her head drop, spilling her long blond hair almost to the floor. The movement put her crotch right against his cock, and he imagined he could feel the furrow of her cunt enfolding itself about him. She straightened up, rubbing herself against him in the process. He let his hands play on her ass cheeks, feeling the light cotton of her skirt move against her panties, feeling the plump resilience of her cheeks.

"Oh, Joey, we'd better stop!"

"Nobody can see us in this darkness."

"Oh, it feel so -- No, we'd better --"

Before she could insist, however, he kissed her again. While kissing her, he took her hand in his and placed it right on his erection. She pulled away as if she'd touched a hot poker, but when he repeated the invitation, he felt her touch and measure and squeeze, examining his prick through his pants from tip to balls. She then pulled her hand away, looked around and put her hand back around his neck, running it lightly through his hair.

"Not here. Someone will see," she said.

"But it's so dark," he whispered into her ear before letting his lips brush against it. He then put his left hand on her right breast, cautiously caressing it and working his way towards the nipple. Her bra was thickly padded, but he could feel the swelling nipple. He tried to play with it, wishing he could get her to touch his cock again. He pulled away from her and looked into her face.

"Let's go," she said.

He needed no further invitation. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the pile of coats in the corner. They found their jackets and put them on, then slipped out a side door into the cool California night. When she shivered, he pulled her against him and kissed her. They abandoned themselves to the moment, pushing their crotches together and dry humping while standing against a bank of lockers. Joey tried to get his hand beneath her jacket and blouse, but she pulled away, laughing.

"Not yet, silly!" she said, turning and skipping away towards the parking lot. Joey ran after her, catching her from behind and letting his erection press itself into the haunches of her ass, feeling their round plumpness through the skirt and panties. She switched her hips against him and turned to give him a quick kiss.

"I'm so horny," he said.

"Joey! How you talk!"

She broke away and ran to the car, waiting on her side for him to unlock the door and hold it open for her. She eased herself back into the seat, letting her skirt fly up, revealing first her strong brown thighs and then a flash of white, the almost shear cotton of her panties. He thought he could see a spot of wetness before she whirled in her seat and leaned over to unlock his door. He circled the car and got in. She slid over next to him, and he slipped his right arm around her shoulders after starting the car.

"Can you drive with just one hand?" she asked?

"Of course," he answered, using his left hand to slip the card into reverse. He turned in his seat to look back over his shoulder, but he kissed her instead. He then let his foot off the brakes and backed out, taking a slow route towards Tapo Canyon Road, where he knew of a totally private place to park. As they drove, she played with his shirt, undoing a couple of the buttons and slipping her hands in to feel his chest. She let her fingertips investigate his muscles and then circle his nipples. He could hardly stand the sensation, though made his cock throb. She continued unbuttoning him and worked her way down until she had his chest completely revealed. He hoped she would begin to work on his pants, but she'd gone as far as she'd be going for the rest of the ride.

He soon found the place, put the emergency brake on and pushed the seat as far back as it would go. They were parked on an overlook that faced a wide valley filled with oil derricks that rocked back and forth like tireless grasshoppers. To Joey, the rhythm was suggestive. They cast long shadows in the brilliance of a full moon which filled the valley with silver light.

For a long while they kissed, licking one another's lips, nipping ear lobes and rubbing noses while their breath grew heavy. Her hands continued their play upon the naked flesh of his chest, occasionally dipping to play in the hair that grew from his crotch to his belly button. He played with her breasts through the double padding of blouse and bra for a while before slipping his hand under the blouse and touching her breasts through her bra. He waited fifteen minutes before he built up the nerve to attempt to unsnap it. She noticed him fumbling about with the snap and pulled away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

He blushed, though he doubted she could see it.

"Nothing," he answered.

"Oh. It felt to me as if you were trying to undo my bra."



"Yes? Can I?"

"I don't know. Why do you want to?"

"I want to touch your breasts."



"I don't know."

"Doesn't it excite you?"


"Don't you want me to kiss your nipples?"

"Oh, yes."


"I don't know."

"Let's just unsnap it for a moment."



"Well, I suppose."

She reached back and unsnapped her bra. She then closed her eyes.

"OK?" he asked.


He slipped his fingers beneath the blouse. They kissed. He first let his hand tease its way across both her breasts, feeling the excited nipples against his palm. Then he squeezed and playfully pinched her nipples, delighted to her the moans of desire coming from her throat.

"That feels so good, Joey."

He bent his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and circling it with his tongue, giving the other the attention of his other hand. He could feel her squirming in her seat. He kissed first one nipple, then the other, letting his head pivot from one to the other. Her breathing was excited, her hips rutting.

He pulled back for a moment and began attempting to remove the bra.

"Now what?"

"Wouldn't it be more comfortable if we took it off?" he answered. She responded by pulling the blouse over her head and letting him pull the bra away from her breasts. He found them terribly exciting, their pink nipples swollen and pointing straight out in different directions. He took her breasts in his hands and caressed them.

"You're so beautiful, Jackie."

She pulled away from him and pulled her blouse back on. Again they kissed, his hands freely touching her beneath her blouse. His cock was so hard it ached, so he finally put her hand on it again. At first she hesitated, but when he repeatedly encouraged her, she let her natural curiosity guide her. They kissed and hugged, he playing with her breasts, she with his bulge, lightly fingering it and squeezing it through his pants. Soon they were moaning and pushing against one another. He put his hand on her leg and felt her freeze for a moment. But she then resumed kissing him as he ran his hand up and down the flesh of her thigh and knee. He was patient, massaging her legs for at least fifteen minutes, slowly going higher and higher, pushing her skirt up with each pass until he was only inches from her crotch. Finally he touched her panties, excited to find them soaked through with her juices.

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