Trio of Passion - Cover

Trio of Passion

by brabo1978

Copyright© 2024 by brabo1978

Young Adult Sex Story: Ethan and Daniel are freshmen at college and very good friends. They connect with Jasmine, a black girl. Both boys have feelings for her beyond friendship. The three of them try to find a way to keep everyone happy and end up together in bed, where Ethan and Daniel get closer to each other than expected.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

Ethan and Daniel strolled towards the college campus lounge, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to escape lecture halls and indulge in icy coffee and deep conversation about their favorite new band. The worn-out lounge, complete with well-used furniture, was one of their favorite study oases.

The duo sauntered over to a cozy corner, where worn yet inviting beanbags nestled amidst an assortment of eclectic coffee tables. As they settled into the cushions, their eyes scanned the room, searching for familiar faces or an encounter that would spark their interest.

Daniel was Portuguese and his face showed it: his hair was jet-black and his eyes were a deep shade of brown, adding a hint of mystery to his gaze. Ethan shared Daniel’s slender physique, indicative of a life lived in relative ease rather than one riddled with excesses. His eyes were a lighter shade of brown, while his hair was dark blonde, seemingly never fully tamed by comb or brush.

“Hey, you two!” exclaimed a cheery voice. Daniel and Ethan turned their heads towards the source of the greeting. Before them stood the enchanting beauty with dark skin and mesmerizing curls whom they had only briefly glimpsed in their earlier class. The radiant vision of femininity before them was none other than Jasmine.

“Hi there! Nice to see you both again,” she chirped brightly, flashing them a dazzling smile. “I can’t get enough of this lounge—it’s so cozy! Do you all mind if I join you?” she inquired, already lowering herself into the vacant beanbag adjacent to Daniel.

“Of course not!” Daniel said eagerly, fighting back an impish grin as his heart raced at her closeness.

He hastily turned to Ethan, who appeared mildly entranced – and impressed – by Jasmine’s unaffected confidence. “Wouldn’t you agree, Ethan?” Daniel ventured, nudging his best friend.

Ethan, emerging from his reverie, nodded. “Sure, we’re more than happy to share our space with you.”

Jasmine thanked them gracefully. “I really appreciate it. I’m so excited to make new friends at college. I’ve just moved to the city, and there’s such a lively atmosphere!” She shuffled in her bean bag, crossing her legs.

Soon after they were engaged in a lively discussion like they had known each other for years. Jasmine shared her passion for literature and her ambitions for journalism, while Daniel eagerly spoke of his love for music, and how he played several instruments – one of his many talents. Ethan jumped in, mentioning that he shared Daniel’s enthusiasm for music and sports, adding a layer of humor to the conversation as he spoke of his fantasies about joining a band or becoming an international soccer star.

Daniel could hardly contain his admiration for their new acquaintance. He observed Jasmine’s animated expressions as she spoke, clearly captivated by not only her words but also her delicate hands gesturing as she spoke.

As Daniel, Ethan, and Jasmine engaged, unguarded laughter punctuated their dialogue, and the trio formed an undeniable connection. The three of them laughed and joked engaging in lively banter as they shared stories about their past experiences at parties and clubs.

“Remember that time when we snuck into that exclusive VIP lounge at the club?” Daniel chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. “We ended up making quite a scene when we got busted by security!”

Jasmine giggled, wiping the crumbs from her lips as she finished her last bite of pizza. “Sounds like quite the adventure!” she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Iwish I could have seen you break the rules and live on the wild side.” Jasmine sighed wistfully. “I’ve always been a bit of a thrill-seeker. You know, the kind who’s always up for an adventure.”

Daniel and Ethan listened intently. They couldn’t help but feel drawn to her magnetic presence, eager to learn more about her daring escapades. “Tell us about your most memorable adventure,” Ethan prodded, his voice hushed with anticipation.

Jasmine grinned mischievously, her eyes sparkling with delight. “Well,” she began, “there was this one time when I decided to hitchhike across the country. My friends thought I was crazy, but I wanted to experience the raw beauty of America firsthand.”

Ethan couldn’t help but admire her courage, her unwavering determination to forge her own path in life. As he sat across from her, his eyes were captivated by her enchanting beauty. She wore a pair of faded jeans, hugging her curves, and a deep-cut orange top that accentuated her slender frame. The soft fabric clung to her bosom, revealing the alluring valley between her medium-sized breasts. The mere sight of her cleavage sent a jolt of desire coursing through his veins. He hastily tore his gaze away from Jasmine’s endowments and averted his eyes, suddenly invested in the almost-empty coffee cup on the worn-out table before him.

Jasmine continued her tale, as Ethan couldn’t resist stealing glances at her shapely figure. It seemed as if an invisible force pulled his attention towards her, even when his mind screamed for him to look away. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to feel her soft skin against his bare chest, and to taste her lips in a passionate embrace.

“One of the most memorable experiences I had was skinny-dipping with a group of backpackers I met at a campsite along the way.”

Daniel and Ethan stared at her, their eyes wide with disbelief. “Skinny-dipping?” Ethan asked. “Like, in the nude?”

Jasmine nodded. “Oh, yes! It was absolutely exhilarating. We were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by towering trees and a crystal-clear river. It was the perfect setting for a midnight swim.”

Daniel listened raptly, his heart pounding with anticipation at the thought of experiencing such an intimate encounter with Jasmine. He too couldn’t help but admire her courage and spontaneity, knowing that she possessed qualities that few others could rival.

Ethan found it inconceivable that someone could behold Jasmine completely unclothed without attempting to engage in some form of intimacy with her. As his thoughts wandered along these lines, an impish glint appeared in his eyes. He then posed a question, one filled with curiosity and a hint of playfulness. “Did anything else happen between you and any of those backpackers?”

Jasmine raised an eyebrow, amused. “Now, Ethan, you don’t expect a lady to reveal all her secrets, do you?”

She laughed as he tried in vain to respond. Ethan, on the other hand, was struggling to maintain his composure. His gaze wandered downwards, lingering on Jasmine’s enticing cleavage, and he couldn’t help but imagine her naked body, her perky tits glistening with water droplets as she skinny-dipped in the river. The image of her naked boyd, brazenly exposed to the scrutiny of strangers, aroused him immensely.

Daniel also couldn’t ignore the stirring sensation within him. Every time he laid eyes on Jasmine, his heart skipped a beat, and his mind filled with fantasies of running his hands over her voluptuous hips and squeezing her plump ass. As much as he tried to quell his burgeoning attraction, he realized that his feelings for her ran deeper than mere friendship.

He found himself daydreaming about her, his thoughts consumed by the tantalizing images of her naked body writhing beneath him, her soft moans filling the air as their bodies merged in a frenzy of passion.

As the trio continued to share stories and laughter, their bond strengthened, and they quickly became inseparable. They spent countless hours together, exploring the city, attending parties, and enjoying the freedom that college life offered.

As the days passed, the bonds between them strengthened, and their affection for Jasmine intensified. However, neither Daniel nor Ethan was willing to jeopardize their lifelong friendship by openly expressing their feelings for her.

The dorm room Daniel and Ethan shared was a testament to their contrasting personalities. Daniel’s side of the room was immaculate, with everything neatly organized and arranged, whereas Ethan’s side was cluttered with books, papers, and random objects strewn haphazardly about. The room was a harmonious blend of order and chaos, reflecting the unique qualities of its inhabitants.

Daniel and Ethan entered and Daniel tossed his keys onto his desk. They had spent the evening with Jasmine, their hearts pounding with every stolen glance, their minds racing with thoughts of her. And now, back in their room, they were finally alone with their feelings.

“I can’t take it anymore,” Ethan blurted out, breaking the silence. “I can’t keep pretending like I don’t have feelings for her.” Ethan’s voice was heavy with emotion.

Daniel turned to his best friend with a serious look on his face. “I know what you mean,” he replied. “It’s been driving me crazy, too. But I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I’ve known you for years, and I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything. But now ... now I’m torn because I don’t want to lose Jasmine either.””

Ethan let out a deep sigh and flopped down on his bed. “Me too, man. I’ve always considered you to be family, but Jasmine ... she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met.”

Daniel, feeling compelled to lend his friend some reassurance, leaned forward and squeezed Ethan’s shoulder firmly. “Hey, man,” he whispered softly, “we’ll figure this out somehow. We always do.”

It’s what they always did. They were the living embodiment of the adagio “bro’s before ho’s”. Despite their efforts to maintain separate relationships, the bond between Daniel and Ethan remained unbreakable. They had shared secrets, confided in each other, and supported each other through thick and thin. Their bond was so strong that it often frightened the girls they dated, who felt threatened by the close relationship between the two boys. As they shared everything with each other, both boys knew exactly how experienced, or rather inexperienced they were. They had been friends since high school, and both were still virgins.

Daniel had experienced dating during his time at high school, though these relationships hadn’t reached an overwhelming level of commitment. One girl he had taken out twice was named Sarah. After their second rendezvous together, she consented to allow Daniel to undo the clasp of her bra that lay beneath her blouse. This was quite a milestone for him; it marked a newfound intimacy between them as they passionately kissed one another. It was the first, and so far only time Daniel had touched a girl’s bare tits. Despite this progress, there were still boundaries in place. The blouse remained on throughout their encounter, maintaining a sense of modesty and propriety.

Ethan used to have a crush on a girl named Emily in high school, but he never had the courage to ask her out. He had secretly masturbated to the thought of her many times, imagining her soft lips pressed against his own, her slender fingers wrapped around his cock.

Ethan nodded gratefully, his heartache easing slightly under Daniel’s comforting touch. As they sat quietly, contemplating their predicament, the atmosphere inside the dormitory became charged with unspoken emotion. The ticking of the clock on the wall amplified the deafening silence, as the minutes stretched into an eternity.

“You know, Dan,” Ethan ventured hesitantly, breaking the uncomfortable silence, “I’ve always considered you to be my brother. My best friend.” Ethan paused, swallowing the lump in his throat. “But Jasmine ... she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I know we shouldn’t mix feelings with friendship, but I can’t deny that I’ve developed serious feelings for her.”

Daniel’s gaze drifted to the window, where a soft rain had begun to fall against the glass. The droplets collected and ran down, leaving streaks on the view of the world outside. The reality of their situation started sinking in. They were both attracted to Jasmine, and they couldn’t ignore the chemistry between them. If they continued down this path, they might end up losing her altogether. Or worse—they might lose each other. In the end, neither wanted that outcome. Despite their unresolved feelings for Jasmine, they still had each other. They were two halves of a whole, two peas in a pod, whatever they did, neither wanted to give that up. And yet, here they were, caught in a web of confusion and desire.

“We can’t let this tear us apart, Ethan,” Daniel said, turning back to his friend with a determined look in his eyes. “We’ve been through too much together. We need to confront Jasmine about how we feel, as friends, united.”

Ethan contemplated Daniel’s words. He knew that his friend was right. They couldn’t let their feelings for Jasmine tear them apart, but at the same time, they couldn’t ignore them either. Confessing their feelings to Jasmine meant risking rejection, potentially destroying their friendship in the process. Yet, he knew that keeping their feelings bottled up would only make matters worse.

As morning broke, the sun cast a warm glow upon the dormitory room, illuminating the dust particles dancing in the air. Daniel and Ethan woke up early, their minds brimming with anticipation and trepidation. The night before, they had decided to invite Jasmine over to their dorm room to discuss their feelings openly, not really sure what they were hoping to achieve.

Daniel sat up on his bed, stretching his limbs. He was excited about having Jasmine over, but at the same time, he was anxious about how the conversation would unfold. He looked over at Ethan, who was sitting on his bed, looking equally nervous.

The sunlight streaming through the window illuminated the faint outline of his morning wood, a telltale sign of his arousal. Daniel couldn’t help but smirk, knowing that his friend was experiencing the same dilemma.

“Morning,” Ethan greeted, his voice cracking slightly. “Did you sleep well?”

Daniel nodded, his gaze drifting towards the erection bulging his friend’s boxers. “Yeah, I slept like a baby,” he replied, feigning nonchalance. “What about you?”

Ethan shrugged, his eyes darting nervously around the room. “I guess I slept well enough,” he replied, his voice strained. “I keep thinking about Jasmine, though.”

Daniel nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. “Me too,” he admitted.

“I’ve had a lot of dreams about her last night.”

Ethan’s cheeks flushed red, his eyes darting nervously around the room. “Don’t worry, man,” Daniel assured him, “I’ve had the same problem. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself before she comes over so we don’t accidentally expose ourselves.”

Ethan laughed nervously, the sound echoing in the silent dormitory. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that,” he muttered sheepishly.

He adjusted himself, taking a few seconds to straighten out his erection before he resumed speaking. “I know this is tough, but we gotta bite the bullet and just tell her, right?”

Daniel nodded, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “You’re right, man. We have to be brave and say it out loud.”

Ethan sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly. “Alright, alright, let’s just do this. Let’s call her.”

Ethan picked up his phone and texted Jasmine.

“Hey! Wanna hang out at our dorm today?” he wrote. “Would love to see you again.”

A few moments later, they received a reply: “Sure! I’ll be there in an hour. Can’t wait to see you guys!”

Daniel read the message, his pulse quickening. “Damn, she’s gonna be here soon,” he murmured, his voice shaking slightly. “I hope we manage to pull this off.”

“Alright, let’s get this over with,” he said, his voice cracking slightly. “I’ll go to the bathroom and take care of myself.”

As Daniel disappeared into the bathroom, Ethan couldn’t help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. He knew that they were about to embark on a tumultuous journey, one that would test their friendship and force them to confront their deepest fears.

He couldn’t bring himself to admit it, but he was scared, afraid of losing Jasmine or even Daniel in the process. Their fate hinged on her response, a single word capable of shattering their dreams or cementing their bond forever.

As Ethan was fretting about the coming talk with Jasmine, Daniel hopped into the shower.

He turned the faucet knob and stepped into the hot stream of water pouring onto his head and back. The warmth of the steam enveloped him, providing a welcome respite from the anxiety that weighed heavily on his shoulders. He closed his eyes, allowing the soothing sound of rushing water to wash away his worries. As he lathered up his body with soap, he couldn’t help but envision Jasmine standing beside him, her luscious curves and inviting smile sending chills down his spine.

He pictured her naked, her flawless skin glistening with beads of water, her perky breasts jiggling enticingly with every movement. Her chocolate brown nipples stood erect and inviting, begging to be touched. Daniel imagined himself cupping her breasts, his hands caressing her soft flesh, his thumbs gently circling her nipples, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her lips.

He pictured himself bending down, his lips brushing against her neck, his tongue tracing the contours of her collarbone. As he kissed her, his hands roamed lower, cupping her round buttocks, squeezing them gently, his fingers digging into her flesh. He wanted to feel her warmth, to taste her sweetness, to lose himself in her embrace.

As he fantasized about Jasmine, his cock began to throb, swollen and hard, standing tall and proud against his stomach. He reached down, his fingers wrapping around his shaft, his touch sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through his body.

He began to stroke himself, his fingers sliding up and down his length, the friction sending waves of pleasure rippling through his body. As he continued to stroke himself, his thoughts drifted back to Jasmine, her sensual curves and intoxicating scent filling his mind.

He imagined her naked, her slender body pressed against his, her soft breaths fanning his face, her lips kissing his neck, her hands roaming over his body, exploring every inch of him. He pictured her riding him, her wet pussy sliding up and down his cock, her tight walls squeezing around him, her moans of pleasure filling the air.

He visualized her lying on top of him, her ass wiggling seductively, her hips rocking back and forth, her sweet juices coating his dick, making it glide effortlessly in and out of her.

His strokes became faster, harder, his fingers gripping tightly around his shaft, his balls tightening, swelling with cum. His breathing became ragged, his heart pounding in his chest, his dick throbbing with anticipation. He wanted to explode, to release all the pent-up desire raging within him.

He thrust his hips, pumping his hand faster, his thumb rubbing furiously against the sensitive underside of his cockhead. His balls drew up tighter, swelling with cum, ready to burst.

As he stroked himself faster, his orgasm building, he envisioned Jasmine on her knees, her mouth open, her eyes locked on his dick, her tongue licking her lips, eager to taste him. He saw her hands reaching out, her fingers gently grasping his shaft, her grip firm as she slowly pumped him, her eyes never leaving his groin. He pictured her kneeling in front of him, her mouth hovering over his cock, her hot breath warming his skin, her lips parting slightly, her tongue darting out, touching him lightly.

He saw her eyes locked on his dick, her gaze filled with lust, her hands gripping his thighs, her nails digging into his skin. He imagined her mouth descending on him, her lips wrapping around his cock, her tongue swirling around his head, her teeth gently scraping his shaft, sending shivers down his spine.

With a final thrust, Daniel exploded, his cum shooting out in a powerful jet, splashing against the shower walls. He gasped, his body convulsing with pleasure, his cum spurting out in long, steady streams, painting the tiles white.

As the last drops of cum trickled down his shaft, he opened his eyes, panting heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never felt so alive, so connected to someone else as he did right then.

Daniel stepped out of the shower, drying himself off quickly before stepping into his boxers. There was no time to waste; Jasmine would be arriving any moment now. The knot in his stomach tightened, anticipation and fear mingling within him. He took a deep breath, gathering his resolve, before opening the door and stepping out into the dorm room.

Ethan was waiting for him, sitting on his bed, his legs crossed, his hands fidgeting nervously. Seeing Daniel emerge from the bathroom, he gave an encouraging nod, his gaze filled with determination.

Just as Daniel finished getting dressed, the sound of a gentle knock on the door echoed through the dormitory.

“Uh, that must be Jasmine,” Daniel stammered, his voice cracking. “I’ll go get the door.”

Ethan nodded, his palms sweating, his heart pounding in his chest. He watched as Daniel walked towards the door, his steps slow and deliberate, a mixture of anticipation and dread clouding his expression.

“Hey, guys!” Jasmine greeted cheerfully.

Daniel welcomed her in, his voice cracking slightly. “Hi, Jasmine,” he managed to utter, his gaze darting nervously around the room.

“Come in, take a seat.”

As she settled down on the couch, the boys exchanged awkward glances, their anxiety mounting with every passing second. They knew that they had to confront their feelings for Jasmine, but they couldn’t bring themselves to speak the words aloud.

“So, what’s up?” Jasmine asked, her smile widening. “Any plans for today?”

Ethan suggested, his voice shaking slightly. “We could play a video game or something.”

Daniel nodded, his eyes darting nervously around the room. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” he agreed, his voice quivering slightly. “We could try that new game we’ve been wanting to play.”

Jasmine smiled, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “That sounds like fun,” she chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Ethan smiled, his anxiety ebbing slightly. “Great,” he replied, his voice cracking slightly. “Let’s get started, then.”

As they gathered around the television, Jasmine helped the boys set up the game console, their smiles growing wider with every passing second. The familiar hum of the system came to life, signaling the beginning of a thrilling adventure.

“Hey, Jasmine,” Daniel piped up after a few rounds of intense gameplay, “how do you think we should approach this mission?”

Jasmine pondered the question, her brow furrowing slightly in concentration. “Well, I think we should focus on strategy,” she mused, her voice thoughtful.

“If we rush it, we might miss key information or opportunities.”

Daniel chuckled, his gaze lingering on the screen. “You’re right, Jasmine,” he agreed, his voice ringing with admiration. “We need to plan our moves carefully.”

“No problem,” Jasmine replied cheerfully, her eyes shining brightly. “I’ve got great instincts when it comes to these types of games.”

Ethan grinned, his heart soaring with joy. “Oh, definitely,” he chimed in. “In fact, I’d say your instincts are almost uncanny.”

“Well, I appreciate the compliment,” she grinned, her voice tinged with excitement. “But let’s see some action.”

The air crackled with tension, thick and heavy as molasses. The three of them sat close together as they played, huddled around the TV, their bodies practically glued to the couch.

Daniel cleared his throat. “Jasmine,” he began, his gaze fixed on the flickering image on the screen, “there’s something important we need to discuss.”

Jasmine turned her attention away from the game, her eyes widening in concern. “Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. “You look worried.”

Ethan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his palms sweating, his heart pounding in his chest. “Yeah, Jasmine,” he added, his voice cracking slightly. “We have something important to tell you.”

Jasmine tilted her head, her eyes narrowing curiously. “Tell me what?” she prodded. “Are you guys alright? You’re both acting really strange,” Jasmine observed, her brow furrowed with concern. “Did I do something wrong?”

Daniel swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn’t believe he was about to say this, but he knew it was time to be honest with himself and with Jasmine. “No, Jasmine,” he began hesitantly. “It’s not that. We just wanted to tell you that we have feelings for you that are stronger than friendship.”

Ethan nodded in agreement, his eyes locked on Jasmine’s face, searching for a reaction. “Yeah, we know it’s crazy,” he continued. “But we can’t keep pretending like we don’t feel this way anymore.”

Jasmine blinked, her eyes wide with shock. She hadn’t seen this coming, not even in her wildest dreams.

“Guys, I don’t know what to say,” Jasmine stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t see this coming. You guys ... you both feel the same way?” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Ethan nodded, his gaze darting nervously around the room. “Yeah, Jasmine,” he admitted, his voice wavering slightly. “We’ve been wrestling with our feelings for months now...” Ethan trailed off.

Jasmine’s eyes widened, her gaze darting nervously between the two boys. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked, her voice betraying a hint of hurt. “I thought we were just friends.”

Daniel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “That’s the thing, Jasmine,” he said. “We didn’t want jealousy to come between us, to ruin a bond that we’ve nurtured for years. And we never wanted to jeopardize our friendship with you. But at the same time, we couldn’t ignore these feelings any longer. It’s been driving us crazy.”

Ethan nodded, taking over when Daniel paused. “We know it sounds crazy,” he said. “But we can’t help the way we feel. And We don’t want to pressure you into making a difficult choice ... We just wanted to be honest with you and let you know how much we both care about you.”

Jasmine smiled, her eyes shining brightly. “I appreciate that,” she said, her voice filled with warmth. “But I believe we can find a way to make this work,” Jasmine finally spoke softly, her tone reflecting on the seriousness of the situation. “After all, you two have been friends for such a long time.”

Daniel and Ethan exchanged a glance, their faces lighting up with relief. After just a few seconds of silence, she continued. “I’ve had feelings for both of you, too.”

Daniel and Ethan stared at Jasmine, their jaws dropping in disbelief. “Wait, what?” Ethan exclaimed, astonished. “You mean you like us both?”

Jasmine nodded, her eyes gleaming with happiness. “Yes, I’ve been fighting my feelings for both of you for a long time,” she confessed, her voice trembling slightly.

Both young men sat silently, their jaws gaping in disbelief. They hadn’t expected Jasmine to reciprocate their feelings so readily. It was as if a massive weight had been lifted off their shoulders. Even though the problem hadn’t been resolved, at least the conversation went smoothly.

“Wow, Jasmine,” Daniel finally stammered, his voice quivering slightly. “We honestly weren’t expecting this.”

Her eyes sparkled brightly, her smile broadening.

“I’ll be honest with you guys,” she said, her voice gaining momentum. “The thought of being with both of you excites me beyond belief. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be with you both,” Jasmine confessed, her voice trembling slightly. “I’ve had fantasies about us being together, and I can’t deny that those thoughts turn me on.”

Daniel and Ethan traded glances, their jaws dropping in disbelief. “Jasmine,” Daniel finally uttered, his voice quivering slightly, “do you really mean that?”

She nodded, her eyes shining brightly. “Yes, I do,” she replied. “I want to explore this further, to see where it leads us.”

Ethan couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement wash over him. “Jasmine,” he finally uttered, his voice quivering slightly, “what exactly do you mean by ‘explore this further’?”

She smiled coyly, her eyes shining brightly. “Well, I’m suggesting that we try dating each other,” she replied, her voice filled with excitement. “We can see how things develop between us without putting labels on what we are.”

Daniel and Ethan exchanged another glance, their jaws dropping in disbelief. Jasmine actually liked them both and wanted to start dating them? Them, as in plural? This was a bombshell revelation that none of them had anticipated. Their friendship suddenly morphed into something much deeper and complex—a threesome relationship that was uncharted territory for them.

“Are you sure?” Daniel hesitated. “This isn’t something we can easily walk away from.”

Jasmine nodded, her face glowing with earnestness. “I am absolutely certain,” she affirmed, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. “It’s not something that should be taken lightly, but I believe we owe it to ourselves to give it a fair shot.”

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