Summer Camp - Cover

Summer Camp

by Amy K

Copyright© 2000 by Amy K

Incest Sex Story: A summer camp you could discover who you really are...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Incest   Cousins   First   .

It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have...

Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the other mostly adolescent girls were arbitrarily encouraged to participate in the standard group activities and attempt to make new friends. Unfortunately, though, I was still at that awkward stage of my life where I wasn't the most athletically inclined teenager, and making friends for me was difficult due to my intense shyness. So mostly I found myself in the presence of my cousin, and best friend, Samantha.

Several weeks before we had been sent to camp, Samantha and I had been beginning to have rather, embarrassing at the time, conversations concerning sex. At that point we hadn't discussed anything too wild, though. Mostly simple speculation about boys, and the like. We had even experimentally kissed each other lightly on the lips late one night on one of our frequent sleepovers the previous summer, but it hadn't gone any farther than that. However, even in the light these facts, I still had no conception of what was to come. Or become, of our friendship...

It was about one in the afternoon, and we were fortunate enough to have the remainder of the day to entertain ourselves. This was due to the Camp's Councilors having had some odd problem or other delegating responsibility, thus no one had scheduled any arbitrary activities for us to participate in.

For the first time that summer I felt more at ease, knowing that I wouldn't have to be in the company of strangers for at least part of the day if I didn't want to, and I was looking forward to going swimming with Samantha. Unfortunately, though, my cousin had pulled a disappearing act shortly after the announcement had been made. Leaving me feeling somewhat lost and distraught without her.

So, after wandering around half aimlessly for twenty minutes, almost afraid to approach any of the other girls about whether they'd seen Samantha or not, I made my way back to the cabin we shared with three others in hopes of finding her there.

Unfortunately, she was not to be found there either. What I did find, though, was one of the other girls changing into her one-piece bathing suit. I blushed a bright red as I entered the cabin and saw the fourteen-year-old girl standing there before me, half naked except for the lower half of her bathing suit which she was just pulling up to cover her small perky breasts.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry!" I stammered, but the girl merely shrugged, seeming unconcerned by the presence of another female. But then, I myself was much more self-conscious at that age, and the presence of another girl naked before made me feel mildly uncomfortable. Although, in retrospect, I now know the real reason for this...

"Um, have you seen Samantha around...?" I asked nervously, as she pulled her bathing suit on the rest of the way, and I couldn't help but notice the way it clung tightly to her slender body and the small twin bumps on her budding breasts where her nipples pushed at the thin material.

The girl looked thoughtful for a moment and nodded her head nonchalantly. "Ya," she replied, "She was here a little while ago. 'Told me that there was a message for you under your pillow." And with that, the girl raced off to join her friends.

I thanked her and went over to my bed. The first thing that struck me was the fact that someone had taken my blanket. I thought it a little odd, but lifted up my pillow and retrieved the note from Samantha anyway.

I read it over and gave it a suspicious look. It read simply, "Go to the nature trail from yesterday. Follow it, and turn off the path to the left at the huge boulder. There you will find a big surprise.
Yours truly, Samantha".

I shrugged to myself, and thought little of it. I assumed that my cousin had simply found some secluded spot away from the others where we could just kinda hang out and talk. So, with my innocence still intact, I set off to follow my cousin's directions into the woods along the nature trail...

After a short time, I found the large boulder that we had seen the day before on our group excursion and as proscribed, turned off the path, through several meters of semi-dense brush, into a grove of trees. I almost immediately regretted wearing jean-shorts that day, as the sharp thorns of whatever I was wading through seemed to reach out and grab at my legs, but I continued onward. I trusted my cousin Samantha implicitly, and also, I had curiosity that was dying to be satisfied.

Soon, I found Samantha in a small clearing within a grove of trees. She was sitting cross-legged on my blanket, and hadn't seemed to have notice me as yet, as her long red hair spilled over the paperback novel that she was reading.

I quietly stepped forward and knelt before, causing my cousin to look up and blush as smiled at me. "Hi, Sam!" I called sarcastically, moving her hair out of the way so that I could look into her lovely green eyes, "What's this I hear about a surprise?"

Samantha gave me a mischievous grin and put down the book. "Well," she explained with a slyness in her voice, "You see, I've been reading this interesting novel that I nipped from Councilor Margo. It's just so full of naughty things that two little girls like us could do on a rainy day..."

"But it's not raining, Sam!" I laughed, foolishly interrupting her, "And besides, won't you get in trouble for stealing?"

"I certainly hope so..." Samantha said seductively as she stood up, "Because then maybe I'd get a good spanking!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her comment, but Samantha wasn't laughing, her deep green eyes reflected a certain hunger that I had only begun to understand. It was the hunger to touch, to feel, to experience some of the previously unimagined acts of love that she'd been reading up on.

"You're too much!" I giggled, not yet catching on, and fell backwards on the blanket to stare up at my cousin with innocent expectation. Mostly to see what she'd say and do next, but also because I actually had a fondness for staring up at my pretty adolescent cousin. I couldn't help but enjoy the gentle athletic curves of her body, and the way she wore her aura of confidence proudly like a second skin.

There was an awkward silence between us for several moments as I noticed the way she looking at me. I had seen the look before, but had thought nothing of it, but this time, I saw the desire in her eyes.

I also noticed the way her gaze slowly moved down my young body, assessing it and making little judgements about my appearance as I could almost feel her lust filled gaze upon me as she admired my body. The sweet innocence in my blue/green eyes, the pale golden colour of my sun bleached hair that had been tied into a single long ponytail, the look of complete trust and admiration on my youthful face. The way my small breasts barely pushed up against my white T-shirt, the way my loose fitting jean sorts came down to cover just the very top of my pale soft skinned thighs, and down my short thin legs to by sandal clad feet. Samantha smiled softly, obviously approving of my young, supple, adolescent body, as she noticed that I was beginning to admire her's as well.

It was then that I caught myself looking back up at her with a touch of envy. Although she was a mere eight months older than I was, Samantha was leaps and bounds ahead of me developmentally. She well on her way to loosing most of innocent looking features that a girl of her age possessed. Her more angular facial features lacked my more rounded innocent look that I had, but it gave her a look of authority and womanliness that made people mistake her for being older. Even Samantha's self-assured grin detracted from the fact that she was still a very young teenager, and the quickly developing rise of her firm bosom just beneath her camp T-shirt added to the effect. She was also usually tall for her age, with longish, beautifully athletic legs that marked her as an avid cyclist.

My cousin tilted her head to one side, letting her long, curly red hair obscure her face once again as we both suddenly spoke in unison. "Your beautiful..." came our mutual reply, causing both of us to blush bright red, and me to cover my face as I began giggling uncontrollably while Samantha bowed her head with a nervous grin.

As I rolled around on the blanket, giggling like a schoolgirl, feeling terribly embarrassed by our mutual admission, I felt soft cool fingers upon my left wrist. I somehow found the strength to end my giggle fit, and peeked out shyly from between my fingers up at Samantha once again.

What I saw was my cousin gently pulling one of my hands away from my face with a look of nervous determination in her eyes as she carefully coaxed me into a sitting position. I smiled, blushing again as I noticed that she'd practically been lying over top of me when she had reached for my wrist.

Once we were both sitting cross-legged facing one another, Samantha began to slowly lean forward towards me. I smiled mischievously, and leaned back as she came towards me, inadvertently teasing my cousin. But soon I found her firm hand just behind my head as I leaned back. Its presence stopped any further movement, and I could feel her playfully taking hold of my ponytail.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I inquired, although I suspected that she would once again kiss me, just as we had done the previous summer.

But my cousin was silent as she leaned ever closer to me, neglecting to answer my question with words. I could now feel my pulse racing faster and faster as the girl slowly and intently closed the gap between our young lips. All the while my stomach tightened with nervous expectation, yet I felt no further desire to end my cousin's slow advance, or to let that moment of strange comfort pass too quickly.

Soon, as I closed my eyes in anticipation, I could feel Samantha's warm nervous breath against my face, as her long hair tickled my nose. I then found myself tilting my head to one side, almost instinctively as my cousin released my wrist and brushed her long hair out of the way before tilting her head the opposite way. Both of us slowly becoming oblivious to all other sounds except for the soft noises of our mutually uneven breathing.

"I...I'm not sure that we should..." I whispered nervously, opening my eyes just a little to look into my cousin's for reassurance. But found her finger placed gently upon my lips.

"Shh..." she whispered, "It's alright..." and with her words in my ears I gave her finger a soft kiss before it departed, trusting my cousin not to do anything that we might regret later. After all she had been my best friend since childhood...

As I closed my eyes for the second time, I heard the sound of Samantha wetting her full soft lips, just before I felt their gentle touch upon my own. My cousin paused for a moment, just barely touching me. Waiting breathlessly for the negative response that never came, before pressing her lips more tightly against mine for long moment. She them pulled back ever so slightly and I feel a certain sense of loss as our lips parted. Only to be replaced by the tip of her tongue brushing a gentle path over my lips for the briefest moment.

The sensation sent an electric charge from mouth to my clit, as though it were a lightning rod and I actually jerked back in surprise. I looked up at my cousin once again and Samantha smiled lovingly down at me as she undid my ponytail before moving in closer once again.

We both signed softly as our lips touched once again, and I brought my arms up to embrace Samantha tightly. It felt so good, at that moment, to taste her lips upon my own, that I leaned back once again, into a much more submissive posture, inviting my cousin to show me what other surprises she had in store for me.

'This has got to be a dream...' I thought to myself, as Samantha ran her fingers gently through my soft hair, but I didn't wake up. This was no definitely dream. Infact, it was almost more real than anything I had experienced before.

I could then feel my cousin's other hand slowly caressing its way down my spine, applying pressure in just the right way as to send chills through me as we kissed. Then, taking advantage of the soft little moans that she was inducing, Samantha let her tongue slide slowly and carefully between my slightly parted lips.

I sighed contentedly as Samantha's strong fingers found all the sensitive areas along my back while her exploring tongue slid along my lips, wetting them for what was to come.

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