Schoolgirl's First Time - Cover

Schoolgirl's First Time


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Once they got past the first time they went all for it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Pam did not sleep well that night. When she was sleeping, she was tossing and turning, dreaming about a man with a mustache and a big, naked cock, a cock he kept brandishing at her while he laughed. She dreamed about Cissy too who was also laughing at her, and smirking at her with self-satisfaction as Cissy sucked the mustached man's cock.

In the intervals between these dreams, Pam lay awake behind her locked bedroom door, lay awake in the darkness atop her sheets, naked and sweating, her right hand rubbing her pussy, her fingers pulling on her stiff, slippery clit, her fingers penetrating her throbbing, juicy pussyhole. She jerked off several times during the night, unable to control herself. By the time the sun came up, she was exhausted, and she finally managed to sleep dreamlessly until her mother banged on her door and informed her that if she didn't get up this instant she was going to make them all late for church.

In church, she didn't hear a word of the sermon, even though the red-faced minister shouted extra-loud at his red-faced, sweating congregation, trying extra-hard to terrorize them all with hellfire and eternal damnation. Pam had heard the same sermon, or variations of it, a thousand times before, and it no longer had much effect on her, especially this morning. She fell asleep several times, dozing until she was nudged awake by her mother or by her smirking kid sister. When she wasn't dozing, all she thought about was what had happened yesterday in the van and last evening in Cissy's bedroom. She crossed her legs several times, furtively trying to ease the feelings in her cunt by clamping her thighs together, but her mother kept reaching over and making her uncross them, as if she could sense what Pam was up to.

"Are you feeling all right, Pamela?" her mother asked during the drive home. "I've never seen you so restless in church. And you kept falling asleep. Didn't you sleep well last night? And you're all flushed. Do you have a fever?"

"I'm all right," Pam said as her mother reached into the back seat to feel her forehead. "It's just such a hot day. And last night was such a hot night. No, I didn't sleep well."

"You feel a little feverish," her mother said, eyeing her suspiciously.

"I'm all right," Pam said.

After Sunday dinner, which Pam hardly touched, she slipped out of the house the moment she'd finished the dishes and went to the park to meet Cissy, whom she found waiting for her on a bench in front of the duck pond. Cissy was watching some nearby boys doing handstands on their skateboards.

"I wonder how big their cocks are?" Cissy said, glancing from the boys to Pam.

"Why don't you ask them?" Pam said sarcastically. She made a face. "How can you even look twice at smart-ass punks like them? They have pimples on their faces, and I'm sure they never take baths."

"I'm not planning to kiss them," Cissy said. "I just wonder how big their cocks are."

"And if they showed you, you'd open your mouth and start sucking," Pam said.

Cissy licked her lips and squeezed her bare legs together.

"You're probably right," she said. "I admit it. I've tasted one, and now I want to taste more. You'll find out, once you taste one."

Pam's heart began to thud.

"Did you call him?" she asked.

"Of course," Cissy said. "And he gave me his address. He's going to the gym to work out now, but he should be back by two. If he isn't, we're supposed to wait for him in his apartment. The door's open, and we should make ourselves at home."

"Oh God!" Pam said. She felt weak, rubbery with anxiety. "But remember, I'm just going to watch."

"Whatever you want," Cissy said. "But I'm going to get fucked. I'm done being a virgin."

"I'm just going to watch," Pam repeated. The walk to Jeff's apartment building took about twenty minutes. Halfway there, Pam said, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Of course," Cissy said. "But that makes it even more exciting."

"What if it hurts? What if he makes you bleed? I've read there can be blood."

"I don't care if it kills me," Cissy said. "I'm gonna get myself fucked."

Jeff's apartment was on the ground floor of a three-story, white stucco apartment building that was half a block long. Cissy rang the bell. No answer. She rang the bell again, then again. She tried the door, found it unlocked, and the two girls stepped inside.

The place was a dump inside. Beer cans and half-eaten pizza sat on the tables in the living room. Magazines, newspapers, and books lay strewn around the floor. Cissy pushed an area of the couch clear of newspapers and the two girls sat down side by side.

Cissy took off her shoes. "He said to make ourselves at home."

Pam shrugged and took off her own shoes. The two girls waited.

At ten minutes to two, the door opened, and Jeff stepped in, dressed in a tank-top shirt and shorts and carrying a gym bag. His hairy muscles bulged. Behind him was a clean-shaven, deeply tanned, blond young man who looked like a lifeguard.

"Well!" Jeff said with a delighted chuckle. "Our young ladies have arrived." He dropped his gym bag. "This here's my roommate, Derek. And these two young ladies, Derek, are the ones I was telling you about, Cindy and Patty."

"Cissy," Cissy said.

"Pam," Pam said, with a nervous laugh.

"Right," Jeff said. "Cissy and Pam. They came over for a little relaxation."

"Great!" Derek said, shutting and locking the door.

"I thought only you were going to be here," Cissy said to Jeff.

"Derek lives here too," Jeff said. "I can't very well kick him out of his own house. Well, why don't we strip down and get this show on the road, ladies?"

"Sounds good to me," Derek said, already pulling off his t- shirt. He was taller and even more muscular than Jeff, and his tanned skin was smooth and hairless, as if he'd shaved his entire body.

The two men had stripped completely before Cissy and Pam had even begun taking their clothing off. The girls gawked at the stark naked men, their eyes following the rhythmic throbs of the men's cocks. Derek's cock was missing a foreskin, but it looked even longer and thicker than Jeff's cock.

"Well, what're you girls waiting for?" Jeff asked. "You sounded anxious enough on the phone, Cindy."

"Cissy," Cissy said.

"Right," Jeff said, stroking his huge prong and milking out a gob of lube, which dripped and hung from the tip of it.

Both Cissy and Pam swallowed, and Cissy began yanking her clothes off. Pam undressed too, her hands shaking with nervousness.

"I'm just going to watch," Pam said. "Okay?"

"This one's a voyeur," Jeff said, nodding toward Pam. "She likes to watch, but she doesn't want to perform except when it comes to licking her girlfriend's cunt. She's a hungry girl once she gets a taste of cunt."

"I like her," Derek said, eyeing Pam as she undressed. "I love those long, slender legs, that lithe, willowy shape, that ponytail, those turned-up tits. She looks like an Olympic gymnast."

Pam flushed, listening to the man talk about her like that. She glanced up at him sheepishly and found him stroking his cock and licking his lips as he looked her over.

"Yes sir, she's one sexy little nymphet," Derek said.

Pam squirmed, her heart pounding, her body flushed with heat. The big, handsome college man was lusting for her, and she could feel his lust like a hot tongue licking her all over.

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