One of Life's Defining Moments - Cover

One of Life's Defining Moments

by Shady Lady Julie

Copyright© 2024 by Shady Lady Julie

Erotica Sex Story: When Sally, a bored married suburban housewife, has a chance online meeting with her neighbour Julie, things start to change very quickly. Suddenly life becomes much less boring as Sally finds herself drawn into the murky world of bestiality. Sally finds a truly defining moment as she is mounted for the first time. WARNING: There is Extreme sexual content in this story which includes a woman being fucked both vaginally and anally by a dog. It also includes description of a woman being fisted.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Fisting   Oral Sex   .

There are moments in life that define you, and this was one of them. I could feel the dog’s slobber drip onto my back, its hot breath panting in my ear, it’s slippery cock jabbing wildly leaving wet trails across my ass. It was at that moment that I knew with every fibre of my being that I wanted to become a dog slut. As I felt the dog’s movements become more frantic my mind flashed back to how I started this journey, and it was hard to imagine it was less than a week ago.

It was a dreary Monday morning as I sat at my husband’s computer idly flicking through his browser history, which he normally carefully cleared, wondering what sort of things really turned him on, when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. “I am still attractive,” I thought as I looked at myself with a critical eye. My long straight black hair fell just past my shoulders and as my deep brown eyes stared back at me, I took in my full figure. Sitting a little more upright I thrust out my 38C breasts that still had little sag despite reaching my 40th birthday a few months back. I stood and sucked my tummy in a little, and admired that my ass was still tight, thanks to the regular gym work outs.

“You still got it girl,” I said with a smile, and sat back down at the computer, “but life is just so goddamned dull,” I sighed, as I clicked the next URL on the history page.

I gasped at the image that popped onto the screen, a picture of a naked woman on all fours being mounted by a large, black, Great Dane. The voices in my head were screaming to close the browser, but I watched my hand, almost involuntarily, navigate the mouse to the big red PLAY button and click.

My mouth went dry as the sound of the woman’s moaning filled the room and I sat spell bound as I watched the cause of her moaning, a huge angry red dog cock, which rapidly plunged in and out of her body. She looked helpless and trapped beneath the powerful beast, yet from the sounds she was making she was clearly enjoying herself. I felt the sight of a woman and a dog should repulse me but I felt myself get wet and hot between my legs. Blindly without thought, I slipped my panties off from under my dress and put my feet up onto the desk. Spreading my knees wide apart, feeling wonderfully slutty and excited, I started to rub myself frantically. I heard the woman panting as it seemed our orgasms were building together, and as she screamed with pleasure the dog clearly unloaded inside her as I thrust 3 fingers deep inside, fucking myself hard, shuddering as a huge orgasm burst through me. In what seemed like ages later, the video had stopped and I stared at the screen waiting for my heart to slow to normal beat. My face reddened as I thought about what I had seen and the way I had reacted, yet as I scrubbed myself in the shower, my nerve endings still tingling, I knew a fire had been lit that might never be put out.

I could hardly wait for my husband to leave for work the next day, though he left with a huge smile on his face. The night before we had made love and the best was as he took me on all fours. As he puffed away hardly believing his luck at sex on a weekday, I closed my eyes and imagined I was that woman with the black Great Dane fucking me into ecstasy. Often I have to fake it with my husband, but not last night, as I came easily and viciously as I pictured myself as a dog slut.

His car hadn’t even pulled out of the drive when I clicked on the first link and watched, holding my breath, as a different dog, a large Alsatian, mounted a different woman. I was more prepared this time, the robe I had worn to see my husband off to work was now discarded on the other side of the room and I sat in the chair naked. Earlier after a frenzied search I had found the never before used dildo that had been bought as a joke for my 40th birthday party. That night it had been waved in the air a few times to loud peals of laughter, subject of a few dirty jokes before ending up being hidden in the back of my underwear drawer. Now, it sat staring at me on the desk, as if it knew what I was becoming.

The dildo was bigger than I remembered and my hand didn’t quite fit round its girth. I could feel the lifelike veins on its black and smooth skin and I began to become concerned it wouldn’t actually fit, as it was at least twice as big as my husband that meant it must be nearly 10” long. Still wondering, I clicked on more and more links and felt myself flood as the screen filled with the images of woman after woman being fucked by dogs and sucking their cocks. As quick as one video started it seemed to end, sometimes leaving me unfulfilled, almost sobbing I clicked on yet more links and was soon rewarded. I lost count of how many orgasms I had over the next few hours and my pussy was sore from the savage fucking I had given it over the morning with the huge dildo, which now fitted with ease.

Needing a break, but still seeking knowledge and not wanting to leave this exciting new world, I logged onto a chat site that specialised in more extreme sex. Selecting the dog sex room, I entered my screen name as Sally Slut and started chatting. After a couple of hours I had learned a few things about dog sex, not the least being that it was more common than I had thought. I explored my feelings & fantasies and had joked and flirted with many men and a few women, causing me to squirm in my chair with lust, though the dildo had sat unused like a huge black totem pole on the desk. I started to feel more relaxed but was still cautious about revealing any details apart from my name for fear of the dangers of blackmail about liking such a taboo subject. I had become more open about my desires and although I had never had any lesbian encounters in real life, over the years I had a couple of lesbian fantasies about certain women I knew and found chatting with other women even more stimulating, though I suspected more than one was a man.

I was about to log off, grab a shower and make lunch when a name popped up requesting a private chat. It was the name that caught my eye and made me accept, Julie_C that was the same name as my neighbour including the initial of her last name. She also happened to be one of the women I had fantasised over & I remembered how at my birthday party her and her husband had mingled quietly, moving around the room like two large cats stalking their prey. I felt my pussy tingle and my face redden as I recalled how that night I had locked myself in our bathroom and fingering myself to a climax imaging it was her fingers inside me.

I forgot all about lunch as we chatted, slowly becoming friends, as I told her about my dog fantasies and my boring sex life. I was pretty certain it wasn’t my neighbour though the fantasy of it actually being her fuelled my growing desire. She described to me some of her wild past and as she described her exploits, especially how as a young woman a dog had fucked her, I couldn’t help but touch myself. The touching soon gave way to me sliding the dildo slowly in and out moaning as its full length filled me. She must have guessed what I was doing as my typing became shorter and in places more jumbled.

“You are touching yourself aren’t you” the words rolled across my screen as without thinking I typed “yes”. The next few sentences & my actions changed my life forever.

Julie’s words appeared, “If you want I can arrange to more than fulfil your desire for dog cock. I will have you fucked over and over, every hole used by dogs and when you have their cum dripping from you I will fist your cunt making you my slut if that is your desire.”

I was pumping the black dildo in and out with one hand as I tried to type with other. Before I could reply the words appeared, “turn on your web cam slut and I will turn on mine.”

My brain screamed `NO’ as I knew the huge dangers but I couldn’t stop myself clicking enable camera. As the main image started to form I could see in the bottom corner my own image showing me with legs wide apart, the black dildo pushed deep into my pussy, juices bubbling round the small amount still showing. My heart nearly stopped as I found myself staring into the piercing blue eyes of my sexy neighbour as she smiled and pinned me with a look that went to the depths of my soul. I wanted to stop, click close and run away screaming but knew it was too late as her soft velvety voice filled the room.

“That’s it my slut, work that dildo in your cunt knowing that soon my hounds will take you like a whore and make you their bitch.” The words and the dildo sent me over the edge as my orgasm burst like a dam. As I sat slumped in the chair her words filled my brain, “your cunt is mine ... your ass is mine ... your mouth is mine ... your whole body is mine to do with as I wish, when I wish & with whoever or whatever I wish. Do you agree my slut?”

“Yes Mistress” I stammered as the screen went blank.

For the rest of the day my mind was elsewhere as I replayed in my head the various scenes and words over and over, at times wondering if it was all a dream. The doorbell rang breaking my thoughts and I yelled to my husband John “can you get that honey, in the middle of fixing dinner.”

As I busied myself at the stove I heard my husband say, “she is in the kitchen, just go on through,” before shouting, “it’s our neighbour honey.”

Turning I looked straight into the serene smiling face of Julie, “oh I am sorry I didn’t realise you were in the middle of cooking but I won’t be a moment. It’s just I have two tickets to the `Take That’ concert this Saturday and have been let down at the last moment. My husband isn’t interested and you mentioned ages ago you liked them ... consider it a late birthday present.”

My brain was whirling as I stammered “I didn’t realise they were performing round here.”

Julie’s smile widened and she delicately licked her lips before replying, “It’s not round here it’s in Newcastle, but don’t worry the hotel is all booked for Friday & Saturday, so it will be a girlie weekend ... if your husband can spare you that is.”

Before I could reply John piped up “You go Sally, you will enjoy it, you love that Jason whatever his name is.”

“It’s a date then,” Julie replied happily, “will pick you up at 11:00 if that’s Ok and have you back before lunch on Sunday.” There was a pause before Julie locked eyes with me and went on, “Oh and I want to pop in and see an old friend who owns a kennel which is easy enough as it’s on the way.” It felt like that she had screamed the word kennel, though it was just my imagination, but even still the word burned into my brain.

“Thinking of getting a dog are you?” John enquired.

“Yes,” Julie smiled at me as she replied, our eyes still locked, “maybe Sally will see something she likes as well.”

I felt myself go weak at my knees as my husband replied, “Me and Sally would love a dog I think, though would have to a good size one don’t want a little one, do we love?”

Julie’s eyes danced with laughter as she replied, “My friend has a large variety of dogs and I am unsure which one to choose but I am sure Sally will be able to help me decide on the best one ... or two.”

I had seen John off to work and sat in the kitchen nervously waiting, watching as the clock ticked round to 11:00. Even though I expected it, the doorbell made me jump and I ran to the door my heart racing. Stepping inside Julie said nothing as she looked me slowly up and down, then in a voice that sounded like chocolate poured over steel she purred, “Last chance to back out, are you ready to become a true slut?”

I just nodded as she went on, “Mine totally for the next 48 hours?”

I nodded again, my mouth too dry to respond as she barked, “STRIP.”

Shyly I removed my clothing until I was standing naked, her gaze taking in every inch of my body. “I think the dogs will enjoy their new bitch, now dress,” she laughed as she kicked my panties away, “you won’t need those.”

The next few hours passed in a blur as Julie drove her small sports car northwards on the main road before taking smaller and smaller side roads that took us deeper and deeper into the country. I had pulled my hair back into a ponytail as instructed and found my mind wandering as I took in Julie’s firm body controlling the car with ease. Pulling up beside a large set of iron gates Julie pressed the buzzer, when a woman’s voice answered Julie simply said “it’s us” before looking into the camera. The gates swung open and as we drove up the drive I could hear the sound of the dogs barking in the distance.

A tall elegant woman with short blonde hair greeted us and to my surprise they not only embraced but also kissed deeply, their tongues entwined. Julie beckoned me from the car with a crook of her finger as they continued to kiss. I stood nervously looking at the beautiful country house waiting when Julie broke the kiss and looked at me. “This is Sally Slut” she purred then almost like it came as a surprise to her that I was clothed she said firmly, “strip ... but you may retain your pumps.”

I could feel the colour rise in my cheeks as I slowly shed my clothes feeling the gentle breeze caress my naked body. Julie & the woman talked in muted voices and I caught the odd words... “ dogs”... “virgin”... “straight I think,” then they both laughed as they exchanged a private joke.

“Come slut” Julie commanded, “it’s time for you to get well and truly fucked.”

I could feel my juices making my inner thighs wet as I meekly followed them as they walked arm in arm into a large barn like building. Down both sides were cages and in each one a dog prowled sniffing the air and barking as they caught my scent. In the middle of the room was a padded bench surrounded by a three quarters circle of padded chairs. The bench was high enough that someone could lie along it being supported from under while on all fours. There was a platform running parallel but extending beyond the length of the bench, with what appeared to be padded indents for knees, and at the end of the platforms was leather buckled restraints.

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