Susan and Becky - Cover

Susan and Becky

by Jonathan Dzoba

Copyright© 1999 by Jonathan Dzoba

Erotica Sex Story:

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   .

My Dearest Jonathan,

Tuesday, June 11th

Well, the first week here has been exciting. Because I was a week late in getting here, the counselers had set everyone up in their cabins and they just fit. So I ended up in a cabin by myself. I was busy enough meeting new people the first two days and just getting settled in so I didn't notice it much. The orchestra is great. I think we've sight read more in the first two days than I've done all year at school. Anyway, our first concert is set up for this weekend, so we do a lot of practicing. About four hours a day, in fact. The rest of the day is personal practice time, meals, small groups, sectionals, and play time. The lake is beautiful and the weather warm. I've been swimming twice. No, no guys have made any advances to me. I do miss you. And I do love you. I'll dream about you tonight in many ways.

Monday, June 17th

Sorry I haven't written in so long. I promised I'd write every day, but I'm so busy up here. I hope you forgive me. I did end up with a roomate. Another girl showed up a week late and so she and I are sharing the cabin. She's real nice. An oboe player. Kind of crazy, but real quiet. But you always said they were because the air backed up into their brains. She's lot's of fun, though. From Illinois. A small rural town. We've been having fun palling around together since she got here. The first concert went well, I thought, but the director let us have it afterward and told us we'd better shape up or he'd send us all back and get another bunch. We all laughed, but knew he meant for us to get more serious very quickly, or we wouldn't live up to our own promise. So I may not have a chance to write again for a little while. Remember I love you and miss you, Jonathan.

Friday, June 29th

Forgive me for taking so long with this letter, but I think you'll understand why. This past weekend we did another concert and it went about the same. Mr. Hanson got mad at us and threatened to ship us all out again. Then he doubled, do you believe it, doubled the rehearsal time. Eight hours a day! All last week we did nothing but play. My lips are so sore. I wish you were here to kiss them for me. I think he might let up a little next week, but in the meantime, everyone here has to practice for groups and for themselves at night, since all day is taken up in orchestra time. The next concert is tomorrow and I hope it goes ok so we can get some rest. I don't think he can make us rehearse at night, too, but maybe he can. Poor Becky. She barely has time to make reeds to keep up with all the rehearsals. She's in a woodwind quintet as well as orchestra, so her time is really tight. She shows up for dinner and then has a two hour rehearsal at night for the quintet. They'll be performing for the first time this weekend. I hope everything goes well for her.

Saturday, June 30th, Late at night.

Thank god! Mr. Hanson was pleased. We all have today off. And rehearsals are down to six hours next week. Becky is so glad! Her quintet did great, too. Even Mr. Hanson applauded them offstage. So now we don't quite know what to do with ourselves. But I think we may go swimming for a while. It's relaxing. And then maybe we can go into town for a movie or something. Just to get away from camp for a while. We'll both sleep well tonight, that's for sure. I'll see you in my dreams, Jonathan.

Monday, July 2nd

I'm not sure I can even write about this. I don't know how to say what happened, so I'll just tell you. Becky and I went swimming yesterday. We had a good time, and when we got back to the cabin we started to shower. There are two showers together in one little tiled room. The cabins were meant to hold eight people. So we were showering and I had my shampoo bottle on the floor since there was noplace else to put it. I bent over to get it and my back muscles cramped up on me. I winced and said ow and Becky asked if I was ok. I told her yes. She stepped over by me and helped me straighten up. It hurt quite a bit. Becky rubbed my back. In a minute it had gone. I told her nothing like that had happened to me before and she said it was probably from too much sitting up practicing for long hours and getting a stiff back. I agreed with her. She added that swimming had probably stretched it enough to make it cramp like that. I told her she was probably right. She asked if I wanted her to wash my back and just started doing so immediately. It felt good after that spasm. She rubbed my shoulders a little and my neck while I stood there and her soapy hands loosened the knotted muscles there as well. I told that felt great when she was done and we finished showering.

We got dressed and decided to have dinner in town before the movie. Neither of us knew where to go, but we found a nice chinese place. It tasted good after all the industrial strength food at the camp. We found the movie theater in the small town near the camp. It was about as big as a six pack of soda. Must have seated at least fifty people. We sat down and watched one of the worst movies to come out in a long time. It was so awful! After about half an hour, we both started making fun of it. Our whispered comments and snickering started drawing stares from the other patrons, so we decided to leave. We had no idea what to do after that, so we just walked down the main street. We talked and window shopped. Then we came to a side street and followed that. Part way down this street we saw another theater, but this one was the triple-x rated kind. I dared Becky to go in, thinking that she'd probably never been in one. She marched up to the window and asked for two tickets. The guy gave her a strange look and asked if she was over eighteen. She looked at me and I asked her if she was serious. She said yes, she'd never been in one and wouldn't be caught dead doing this at home. But no one cared or knew her here, so what the hell. I laughed and told her go ahead. So the guy checked our driver's licenses and let us in. We sat down right away in the back, giggling at little and shoving at each other. It was freezing cold in that place. We both only had on shorts and tee shirts from camp.

"God, it's cold in here!", I said, leaning towards Becky.

"Really! I wonder how come they keep it so cold?", she said.

"I don't know, but I'm freezing.", I told her.

Becky leaned into me a little and I sort of huddled by her for warmth. I put my arm up on the armrest between us and she put hers there as well. I grabbed her hand in mine and wrapped her arm over mine to keep it warm.

I looked at what was going on on the screen. It was just at the start of a movie. A lonely housewife. Then came the tv repair man. You know what happened next. I began to think about you. I didn't bother to look at Becky for a while. When she finally got around to pulling his cock out, it was a big one. Huge. Becky squeaked and her hand went up to her mouth. She was in shock. I had to laugh a little.

"That can't be for real!", she whispered in awe.

I laughed again. "Why not?", I asked.

She didn't answer, but I could see she was all attention. We watched in silence as the housewife took him into her mouth. Not all the way, but enough. Becky's hand went back up to her mouth. Then she realized how that looked and put it down right away. Her hand squeezed mine slightly whenever she saw something that surprised her. I just held it. The scene got specific pretty quickly and Becky's hand got warmer and moister in mine. I could tell she was reacting to all the heavy action on the screen. They had a close up of the guy's cock going in and out of her pussy and Becky's hand clenched mine. She rubbed my hand a little with her fingers. I could tell she was getting excited. That scene went on for a little while, and then he pulled out and came all over her back. Becky's fingers were kneading my forefinger like it was a cock while he came. She was squeezing every last drop out of it! She realize quickly what she was doing and looking at me, pulled her hand away in embarassment. I reached for it and patted it with my other hand.

"It's ok. Jonny takes me to these once in a while and I always get excited by them.", I whispered. I patted her hand again and held it.

The next scene had a perfume saleslady coming to the door. The housewife tried several of them on her arm. Then she couldn't tell them apart, so the salesgirl sprayed some on her shoulder. She began to rub it in and the two of them kissed. I looked at Becky because I felt no reaction to that scene in her hand. She didn't look at me, but left her hand in mine. I turned back to the screen. We watched the two girls make love in silence. At times I felt Becky's hand move in mine. Very gently. The tips of her fingers moved slightly against mine. When it was done, another guy came in and the three of them started in all together. From there on out the rest of the movie was just a lot of the same. By the time it was over, Becky and I were holding hands quite reassuringly.

"That was amazing.", Becky said, turning to me and taking her hand from mine. "I had no idea they filmed things that realistically. It was actually kind of gross, but boy it was real.", she said.

"That's for sure. I guess that's what makes guys come here.", I replied.

"Umm.", said Becky.

The next film was starting. Becky put her hand back up on the armrest and on top of mine. I held it both of my hands. The next film had more plot to it. A shipwreck and some survivors who land on an island ruled by a bunch of women. The men are taken prisoner and the women are made equals. There was a lot of female fooling around. And the men got their share, too, tied down at first and then released for the rest of the scene. One scene had three women holding down another one while one of the men prisoners did it to her. Actually, they weren't so much holding her down as in the act themselves. It ended up with all of them staying on the island, but they overthrew the mean queen. It was silly. But Becky sat through it, so I didn't get up and leave like I wanted to. I started thinking of you about half way through and just got wetter each time one of the guys came. I even forgot I was holding Becky's hand. I was holding it mostly for warmth, I guess.

When the second movie was over, neither of us said anything, but we got up and left as if by agreement that that was enough. When we got outside it was nice and warm.

"Well that was certainly different.", Becky said, once we were outside.

"Now you can say you've seen one.", I told her.

"Right.", she commented.

"Shall we get a cab?", I suggested.

"Definitely.", Becky seconded.

When the cabby dropped us off at the camp entrance it was about ten thirty. We walked slowly back to the cabin, enjoying the warm night. We didn't say anything. When we got to the cabin Becky said she wanted to stay out and look at the lake for a while, so we sat on the steps of the cabin. It was peaceful with the moonlight on the water. We both remarked on it. A few more minutes went by. Becky moved next to me. I didn't think much about it. She lifted her hand and placed it on my knee. Without thinking too much about it, I reached out for her hand and picked it up in my own. I held it and squeezed it gently, playing with her fingers. When Becky moved closer to me I put my arm around her waist. She turned to look at me and I smiled a little then went back to looking at the water. She leaned into me and I rubbed her waist absentmindedly. She switched hands and stretched her leg out next to mine down the steps, moving it against mine. It felt warm and I pressed my own leg further against hers for the warmth. Her free hand came over to my leg and began to rub the upper portion of it from the knee up. She stopped at the edge of my cutoffs and went back down again. I let her do it and wondered why she was. I didn't know, but I liked it. It felt good.

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