Violet Rose - Cover

Violet Rose

by Ann Douglas

Copyright© 1999 by Ann Douglas

Erotica Sex Story:

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   .

Sharon Byrnes hummed an old 60's tune as she walked the streets of Greenwich Village. Never mind that the song had been recorded two years before she'd been born, it always made the 27 year old feel good. And today was definitely a day for feeling good.

She had been hired by a large local clothing manufacturer to set up a new computerized inventory system. Her contract with the firm had called for her to have the system up and running in four weeks. Instead, she had finished it in three, making the fourth week's salary a bonus.

Walking down the street, the tall brunette drew the glances of several male passerby's. She gave them no notice. She was far too interested in the warmth of the sun on her face and the feel of spring in the air. It felt so good to be able to shed that heavy winter coat and finally walk the streets in just a light blouse and skirt.

So fine was the weather and with it her mood, Sharon had canceled her late afternoon appointment and spent the last few hours exploring the local stores. It'd been a long time since she had visited this part of lower Manhattan, but she always remembered it as a place where you could find something totally new with the turn of a corner.

So it was that a small sign on a walk down storefront caught her attention. It simply said "Violet Rose."

Unlike most of the shops along the way, no wares filled the windows. Instead, the whole window display consisted of a single violet rose laying on a white silk pillow.

Intrigued, Sharon started down the steps. She was surprised to find the door locked. Perhaps the store hadn't opened yet. She was about to retrace her steps back up to the street when a buzzer sounded and the door opened with an audible click.

Stepping inside the small foyer, Sharon noted a small video camera hanging from the ceiling. She had seen similar security setups in jewelry stores. Wondering what kind of store this could be, she opened the second door.

Once inside, Sharon saw a long u-shaped glass display cases that ran alongside the interior of the store. It reinforced the idea that this had once been a jewelry store. But the items in those cases as well as on the walls caused her to take a step back. Filling every case was the most extensive collection of sexual paraphernalia she had ever seen. Some of the wares were familiar to her, having seen them in mail order catalogues. Others were so strange to her that she couldn't even begin to imagine what they were used for.

Her blue eyes ran across the collection of leather goods, oils and lotions. Then across to the wall behind it and its large display of S & M gear. Still standing at the entrance, Sharon was trying to decide if she wanted to stay or leave. Then she saw the rather large selection of vibrators and dildos in the far display case.

"What the hell." she thought to herself. "I could use a new toy." she added, feeling just a little naughty.

Running her fingers across the display case as she crossed the room, Sharon smiled as she crossed over an assortment of handcuffs and other restraints. That was just a little too kinky for her tastes.

"Can I help you?" A voice from behind Sharon said.

The tall young woman jumped at the sound of his voice. She hadn't noticed the salesman before.

"Oh, you startled me." Sharon said as she turned.

The salesman smiled. He was incredible, Sharon thought. Muscular, over six foot tall, with curly blonde hair. He couldn't be more than 20 years old. Clad in a form fitting T-shirt that emphasized every muscle, the young man sent a quiver between her loins.

"Well, I'm looking for ... I mean I was interested in..." Sharon began, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Seeing her face turn red, the young man smiled even broader. It was a common occurrence in the store. People were really funny sometimes.

"Were you looking for a vibrator or a dildo?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not sure." came Sharon's response. "To be honest, I really came across your store by accident."

"Then maybe you should look around a little and let me know if you find something you like. My names Mark by the way." he replied before turning and walking away.

Sharon couldn't help but lean over the counter and admire his ass as he walked away. He had a really great ass.

Sharon spent the next twenty minutes exploring the various cases and displays. If nothing else, she was getting an education in erotica. At the same time, she was getting up her courage to perhaps ask that hunk behind the counter out for a drink. It wouldn't be the first time she'd pick up a guy, but this had to be the most unusual place she'd ever considered it.

Sharon was about to walk over and strike up another conversation when she noticed him buzzing another customer in.

It was another woman. About 5'5" and 160 lbs, the woman looked to be in her early 20's. She had a stocky build but her weight was so evenly distributed that Sharon wouldn't have described her as fat. Her face was rather boyish and she wore no makeup. Short black curly hair added to that image. Despite the fact that she had tremendous breasts, clearly visible through the plain white T-shirt, she didn't wear a bra.

With great familiarity, the woman walked across the store and behind the counter. The salesman smiled at her, obviously happy to see her.

"Could they be lovers?" Sharon thought as she looked at the mismatched pair. She'd seen stranger couples in her life.

A feeling of reassurance filled her when Mark kissed the new arrival on the cheek instead of her lips. Friends yes, lovers no.

The two spoke for a few moments as the woman glanced in Sharon's direction. The long haired woman quickly looked away, pretending to examine the selection of anal probes in the case next to her.

Then Mark left the new arrival and disappeared into the back room. Sharon watched out of the corner of her eye as the woman walked over behind the counter and stopped opposite her.

"Mark thought you might be a little more comfortable if I helped you." she said in a soft melodious voice that really didn't seem to go with her appearance.

"I think that would be better." Sharon smiled.

"Now what can I interest you in today." the saleswoman continued.

"Well, I was thinking I'd like a new toy." Sharon mused. "Actually, this is a spur of the moment thing. I only found your store by accident."

"We are a little out of the way." the short haired girl said as she and Sharon strolled back to the dildo and vibrator section. "And most of our advertising is done sort of word of mouth

"It is a nice shop." Sharon said for lack of anything else to say.

"Well I like it." came the response.

Ok babe, I'm out of here." called out Mark as he emerged from the back room. "I'm going to meet Peter at the gym."

Ok dear, have fun." the salesgirl called out as Mark quickly crossed the shop and out the door.

"That is one good looking guy." Sharon commented, not even realizing she'd said it out loud.

"That he is," the woman behind the counter agreed. "But I'm afraid you'd be in the wrong ballpark with that one."

Sharon looked a little confused.

"He's gay." she clarified.

"You're kidding." Sharon said.

"Ok, I'm kidding. He's not gay - only his boyfriend is." was the reply with a smile.

Sharon cursed her luck and really didn't hear what the salesgirl said next.

"So what's your pleasure this afternoon." she repeated. "I think he just walked out that door."

Sharon said under her breath. Then she replied in a louder tone. "I'm still really not sure, maybe you can suggest something."

"Certainly." came a cheery reply. "Can I interest you in a vibrator?"

"Hmmm." Sharon murmured as she looked down at the samples. "I actually have one of those, and all of these seem to look pretty much like it. Unless you've got something a little more powerful. You know, something that Black and Decker might make, a super-vibrator with four D-cells."

"No, I'm afraid they haven't gotten around to that yet." she replied laughingly. "It's a pity though. I'm sure they're missing an untapped market. I know I'd buy one."

Sharon laughed. "Well I guess a dildo then, I don't have one of those."

"Ok, lets see what we can do then." said the salesgirl as she brought a tray of samples out and put them on the counter. "We pride ourselves on our selection."

The woman's demeanor impressed Sharon. Regardless of her occupation, she took her work seriously.

"Have you been doing this long?" Sharon asked as she picked up a small dildo and examined it. "Been a salesgirl I mean?"

"Oh I'm not part of the hired help like Mark." she grinned. "I own this place."

"Really?" a surprised Sharon asked.

"Yes, really. My names Violet Carey. Violet Rose to my friends."

"Nice to meet you, Violet Rose." Sharon said as she extended her hand, to be met by a firm handshake. "Sharon Byrnes."

Somehow, she had thought that some businessman who hid his name behind a screen of dummy corporations would own a store like this. Someone who wanted the profits but didn't want his name associated with this type of enterprise.

"So now that we've been introduced, what say we get down to business." Violet said. "Would this be for personal use or where you planning to use it on someone else. If so would that be vaginal or anal use."

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Sharon said.

"Well its quite simple actually." Violet explained. "Would you be using this on a man, say your husband or boyfriend?"

"Oh, no chance of that, I'm afraid." Sharon answered. "Both categories are pretty empty these days."

"I see. I asked because that would give me an indication as to size." Violet said. "Do you have any preference as to color. Quite a few woman seem to like this model. " she said as she held up a large black hued rubber phallic. "Although I'd bet none of their lovers ever see it."

"I've never had an interest in that direction." Sharon said as she admired the craftsmanship and detail that had gone into the product. It even had tiny veins on the sides.

"It was just a thought." Violet said as she put down the dark rubber cock and picked up another to show Sharon.

The two woman chatted as they went. Sharon found it amusing to be buying a sex-toy in a store like this. Violet acted like she was selling a scarf in Macy's. After examining a few more models, Sharon asked if Violet had a personal preference.

"Sure," Violet said with a broad grin. "Wait a second, it's behind the other counter."

Violet returned a few seconds later, holding a rather large piece of rubber. She dropped in on the counter. Sharon was taken aback by its size, it had to be at least 10 inches long and thicker than any she had seen so far. It was also a strap-on.

"I think that's a little too big." Sharon said as she ran her gaze up and down it's length. It was as detailed as the smaller black one she had admired earlier. "I'd never be able to handle anything that big." she admitted.

"Oh you'd be surprised at what you can handle." Violet said as she ran her fingers across the dildo. "As long as the right person is on the other end of it."

Sharon looked deep into Violet's enveloping smile. She'd have had to have be pretty stupid not to have noticed that Violet was as gay as she said Mark had been. And that she had been coming on to her since she'd come into the store.

Not that Sharon felt awkward in being hit on by another woman. Back in her college days, she'd experimented a little with girl-sex. After that, she'd had a brief lesbian romp with a girlfriend following her divorce. But those had all been with girls that she would've described as feminine. This was the first time she'd drawn the attention of a butch. An attention that she found herself enjoying.

"It does sound interesting." Sharon said. "But since I don't live in the city, I'd hate to buy something that I'd have to come all the way back to the city to return. That is if you can return such things."

"Well there's an easy way around that." Violet said beaming.

"And that would be?"

"I'd be happy to give you a demonstration."

Sharon's face now also beamed.

Violet led Sharon to the back room. Surprisingly, instead of the storeroom she expected, Sharon found a small one room apartment. It had a couch, television, refrigerator and microwave. All the comforts of home.

"Do you live here?" Sharon asked as she looked around.

"No," Violet said as she pulled the blinds, flooding the room with sunlight. "It's just a place to crash when someone needs it."

"Pretty nice, I..."

Sharon was cut off in mid-sentence as Violet abruptly grabbed her and pulled her against her large breasts. Any cry she might've wanted to make was cut off by the crush of Violet's lips against her own.

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