Sister Ashley - Cover

Sister Ashley

by Greatness

Copyright© 1999 by Greatness

Erotica Sex Story: When you get a reputation, it's very hard to change it...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Spanking   Humiliation   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

I live in a town (Richland) of just over 3,000. There are 3 other small towns around us. Being the biggest of the 4, we have the post office and school house, for the area. The school houses all the grades K-12. Being a small town everyone knows what everyone else is doing.

My name is Jimmy Parsons, I'm 13 years old. I live just out of town with my dad and 2 sisters. We get up early to help out around the house, then catch the bus to go to school.

I've just started to look at girls. But there isn't any girls worth looking at but my 2 sisters. Their names are Laci and Dawn, their identical twins. Their 4 years older than me. They have long brown hair. Big brown eyes, cute little noses, and full lips. They stand 5'2" in bare feet. Their tits were big and firm 35C. Small waisted, with nice wide hips. Until their tits grew out I through their legs were their best feature, nice and shapely. Every boy old enough to get a hard-on wanted them, and most grown men too. My mom died giving birth to me so dad raised us the best he could. But as the twins got older they were getting hard to control.

We went to Richland's small church every Sunday. The Priest Father Mike was always telling us that sex was a sin out of wedlock, and that we would burn in hell if we sinned. My sisters were pretty but not too bright. The priests ranting keep them from letting anyone get too far.

I hid in my sisters closet that night to spy on them. I liked to watch them getting ready for bed. They would strip naked then comb each others hair then go to sleep. Then I would sneak out and jack-off in my room. But tonight looked some what different. They sat on their bed with their night shirts on, talking about church that morning, and how they were having trouble not going all the way with their boy friends.

"I get so wet when Jason an I neck, I can't stand it."

"Yeah Steve is driving me crazy, I want him so bad. But I can't, I don't want to burn in hell."

"Me neither, but it's getting harder every day."

Dawn suddenly looked up at Laci "Father Mike said having sex with boys was a sin, what about us?"

"You mean you and me?"

"Well maybe not real sex but we could play around to see whats it like. Maybe we won't like it and then when we neck with Jason and Steve we will easily be able to resist then."

I could believe what they were saying, God my sisters were stupid.

"No, we can't, it would be wrong."

"Come on Dawn I'll pretend to be Steve." I watched Dawn face as she sat and thought about what Laci had said.

"Well alright." Dawn walked over and sat down on the bed next to Laci, and ran her tongue along Laci's neck. Dawn giggled,

"We shouldn't, what if dad finds out, he'll kill us."

"Who's going to tell him, I won't, will you?"

"Well no."

"Then don't worry." Dawn kissed Laci's neck, and nibbled her ear.

Dawn was always the more adventurous of the two. She ran her hand down and rested it on Laci's bare thigh. "Dawn stop, we can't, it's wrong."

"Aren't you just a little curious to feel someone else's hands on your body."

"Buuut It's wrong." Dawn's finger running up to the bottom of Laci's nightshirt. She turned Laci's face to hers and lightly kissed her lips. Dawn's tongue running around Laci's lips. Dawn stood up and pulled her nightshirt over her head. "Stand up." Laci stood up and watched as Dawn pulled her nightshirt off leaving them both naked. Dawn's hands cupped Laci's firm tits. Kneeding and squeezing them, the nipples grew hard.

"I told you it feels good doesn't it?"

"Yeees." Dawn ran her tongue from one tit then the other.

"Oooooh shit! Suck them." Dawn sucked and licked, Laci's moans were getting louder.

"Quite. Do you want dad to hear?"

"I can't help it, it feel so good."

As I watched Dawn sucking Laci's tits, I felt my cock spasm. I had cum in my pants.

"Why don't you lay down on the bed and spread your legs. Laci quickly climbed on the bed. Dawn looked at Laci's pussy.

"You're so wet."

She ran her finger along Laci's slit. Dawn buried her face into Laci's pussy.

"God yes"! Dawn's tongue licked Laci's clit, as she slid two fingers in. I could hear Dawn's licking and slurping. Laci began to moan more loudly then before. She grabbed a pillow and covered her mouth to muffle her moans. Dawns tongue snaking in and out. Her fingers spreading Laci's pussy wide so she could lick right on Laci's hard little clit.

Laci's hips were rising off the bed pushing toward Dawn sucking mouth. I couldn't believe what my two sisters were doing, my cock was hard again. I unzipped my pant and grabbed my cock, cum squirting and covering the closet door. Laci was biting down on the pillow.

"Do you like this sis?" Laci's quickly shook her head yes. Dawn put the tip of her finger on Laci's anus. She sucked Laci's clit into her mouth, and gently bit the end. Dawn push her finger into Laci's ass, and fucked in and out. She held Laci's clit between her teeth and pulled. Laci's body stopped humping Dawns face and hung in the air then fell back on the bed. Dawn got up and wiped Laci's cum off her face.

"Tomorrow you can do me." Dawn laid down next to Laci and wrapped her arms around her.

"That was great, if that's a sin I'm going to burn in hell for sure." They both laughed. It took them over and hour to fall asleep. I crept out of the room. I came three more time before falling asleep.

Part 2

Two weeks later sitting waiting for class to begin. It was 8:10 where was the teacher, Father Mike. The door opened and in stepped Mss Franklin, and beside her was a young woman. "Class this is Sister Ashley, She will be teaching the class now. Father Mike's sister is very sick. He went to take care of her. Any questions?" I raised my hand.

"Yes Jimmy what is it?"

"Well if she is a Sister why is she dressed like that?" Sister Ashley was dressed in a nice lady's suit. The skirt running down just below the knee, Showing off her shapely calfs and small feet. Her blouse looked a little to small, showing off her big breasts... 'Even bigger than my sisters' ' I thought. She had short blond hair, deep blue eyes, big pouty lips. She couldn't have been more than 25. Ever as I sat in the back of the class she look shorter than my sisters maybe 4'11'... I hoped Father Mike never came back. "How come you're not wearing your habit?"

"Well Jimmy (Her voice was soft and sexy) I didn't want to wear it because some people get uneasy seeing me in it. When I am in a house of God I wear it. But in this class I will not. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes thank you."

I sat down to dinner with dad and my 2 sisters. I usually talked non stop but tonight I didn't say a word.

"What's worry Jimmy?"

"Nothing." I sat with a stupid smile on my face.

"Are you sure? you look funny."

"No I'm fine." Laci Giggled.

"What's so funny Laci?" Laci looked at me then giggled again.

"Don't laugh at your bother."

"I know what's wrong with him."

"What?" Laci told dad about Father Mike and the new teacher Sister Ashley, and how pretty she was.

"I think Jimmy got a crush on her." I got up and looked at my sister.

"Shut up, I don't have any crush!"

"You do to."

"Alright you two sit down." I flopped down on my chair.

"It's alright to have a crush on your teacher Jimmy. I had a crush on my 8 grade teacher too."

I looked at him. "Really dad?"

"Sure she sounds like she's really pretty."

"She is dad. I'm going to marry her when I grow up." Dawn couldn't help herself and bursted out laughing.

"Don't make fun of me yoooou."

"Jimmy that enough. Dawn tell your brother you're sorry for laughing at him." Dawn sat tight lipped.


"I'm sorry."

"If either of you laugh at Jimmy again I will ground you for a month. Clear?" they answered together

"Yes dad."

I cleared the table then went to get ready for bed. My dad walked into my room.

"We need to have a little father-son talk."

"About what dad?" He sat down on my bed.

"Come sit next to me."

"I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"No, but you're getting older now, and, well, how should I put this..."

"Just tell me."

"W-well we need to talk about sex..."


"With you starting to notice girls it's time." Dad talked for over an hour about girls and boys. I listened and nodded. Now I knew why my sisters were getting wet. He told me how Sister Ashley could never be my wife because she was married to God. I said I understood. He kissed me on the forehead.

"Good, now go to sleep, pleasant dreams."

"Thanks dad." I dreamt about Sister Ashley all night.

I never had more fun in school. Watching Sister Ashley was a dream come true. There wasn't a boy in school that could keep their eyes off of her. She treated Me and the other boys very nicely. But she always treated the girls much differently. She found fault with everything the girls did. She was very mean toward Laci and Dawn. If they did anything slightly wrong she would make them stand in front of the class with dunce hats on. Me and the other boys thought it was quite funny. But the girls did not.

The next day at school I saw Dawn and Laci talking to Jackie. One of the other girls Sister Ashley was very hard on.

"I'm getting tried of her picking on me." Jackie nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you see if you can find out anything we can use against her. Use your computer to find out where she's from. Maybe she had a criminal record or something."

Hearing this I shouted "You won't find anything on her she a saint. Just because you can't get along with her."

Dawn turn and glared at me "If she's a saint as you say, you won't mind Jackie looking would you?"

I thought about what she said. "Ok, go ahead, I'll even help. But your wasting your time."

"We'll see." They turned and left in a huff.

I arrived at Jackie's house at 7:00 pm. I knocked on the door, Jackie's mom opened the door.

"Hi Miss Jones is Jackie home."

"And who may I say is calling." She said teasingly. I turned red.

"I-is she here please."

"Jackie, your friend Jimmy Parsons."

"I'm in the computer room mom. Send him in."

"Down the hall to the right. Have fun." I quickly walked down the hall. My face felt bright red. I wish she wouldn't tease me. She does it every time. I walked into the room. Jackie was staring at the computer screen.

"Found anything?"

"No but I just started, sit." She pointed at a chair beside her. I sat down and looked around hoping her mom wouldn't come in. She'd have a field day me sitting this close to Jackie. Jackie noticed my looking around.

"Don't worry I told her not to bother us."

"Are you sure?"

"She promised." I watched as Jackie typed and the different screens came up...Nothing... She looked for over an hour...Nothing...

"See I told you."

She sighed, "Looks like you were right." Then she sat up, "Hello, here's something interesting, It seems a woman calling herself Ashley Johnson, got into a little trouble in Denver."

"So, that doesn't mean it's her." She clicked one the screen and a picture slowly began appearing.

"It doesn't look like her, Her hair is the wrong color and well she looks different."

"It looks like her to me. Besides anyone can color their hair."

It just couldn't be her. "What does it say she did." Jackie push a key and the story popped up on the screen.


On March 25 1997 Ashley Johnson was found nude tied over a desk. 2 under age girls spanking and play with the her. The woman was first thought to be a prisoner. But as a shocked mother watched she was begging for them to punish her, and have sex with her. The mother was frozen for a few moments. As one of the girls pickup a large penis shaped dildo. As the girl asking the woman if she was ready, the mother screamed.

"No it's not her! She'd be in jail!" I stopped reading, I couldn't read any more... It's not her it can't be... It says here that when the case went to court the woman skipped town. They looked and couldn't find her.

"Wait till I tell Dawn and Laci."

"But what if its not her?"

"We'll have to get a little proof. If it is her it should be pretty simple."

"What do you mean simple?"

"I'll tell you later. Why don't you go home and tell your sisters what I've found. And that I want to talk to them."

"B-but It's not her."

"Go on and tell them." I left and walked the long why home. I had images of Sister Ashley tied naked being spanked by my 2 naked sisters. I stopped and masturbated behind a bush.

Part 3

A week went by as they made their plans. They finally told me what they would do.

"But what if it's not her?"

Dawn grinned. "I've seen the picture and so have you. You know it's her."

I had thought about it all week... it was her... My mind had pictures of a nude Sister Ashley and my 2 Sisters punishing her, running through it. My cock was hard all the time thinking about it. They would spring their trap tomorrow after the last class.

My cock was getting sore from being so hard as I sat through my class. My sisters had come to school dressed in their usually nice manner. But they changed when they got to school. They were wearing 4 inch black pumps, with tight skirts that barely came down below their shapely asses, the skirts cut low on their hips leaving their belly buttons exposed. They wore half-shirts with 'have a nice day' written across them. The top cut just below their tits. They were the talk of the school all day. I watched them as they walked into class. If they move too quickly the bottom of their tits would pop out from beneath their shirts. The skirts they were constantly pulling down to cover their asses. When Sister Ashley saw them I could see that they were in trouble.

"Good after noon Sister Ashley."

"Sit down!"...Boy was she mad...

The bell rang we all jumped up to leave.

"Laci and Dawn sit back down I want to talk to you." The rest of the class stopped to look.

"Everyone else can leave. NOW!" The class hurried out the door. I watched as they disappeared from sight. I open a small box that I had brought, and took out my camera. And waited for the action to start. Half hoping that it wasn't her the other half hoping that it was.

I watched as Sister Ashley walked over and sat on the edge of the desk in front of Laci and Dawn.

"What am I going to do with you. Both of you dressed like whores." They hung their heads down trying not to laugh as Sister Ashley scolded them.

This went on for 20 minutes.

"And if I ever see you in those clothes again I will spank you both then tell your father. Understood?"


"You can leave." As they got up to leave Dawn dropped her purse, spilling it on the floor. Sister Ashley mouth dropped open when she saw want spilled out... A 13" penis shaped dildo with a hand on one end... She reach down and picked it up.

"What is this?"

"Well-l It's...."

Sister Ashley waiting for their answer unconsciously running her fingers along the tip of the dildo.

"Well!" Dawn answer weakly

"We use it on each other."

"You what?"

"I said we use it on each other!" I saw Sister Ashley lightly lick her lips... They had her...

"Tell me what you do with this or I'll tell your father." Sister Ashley shook it in their faces.

"Well it would be easier if we showed you, wouldn't it?"

"What?" She didn't see Laci move behind her. Dawn grabbed the dildo out of her hand. Laci grabbed both Sister Ashley arms and pulled them behind her back. She struggled to move.

"What are you doing? let go of me!"

"But you wanted to know what we do with this, don't you?"

"I wanted you to tell me not..." Before she could finnish Dawn grabbed a handful of Sister Ashley hair.

"Open Wide."

"B-but..." Dawn pushed it in her mouth. She struggle but my Laci held tight.

"Laci loves it went I fuck her face with it." Dawn began moving it in and out. Sister Ashley eyes darted around the room... It was happening again why... Dawn pulled Sister Ashley head back so she was looking at the ceiling.

"Laci just loves this don't you." She shook her head no.

"Sure you do." Dawn pumped faster, drool ran out from around the dildo down Sister Ashley's neck.

"Laci likes it deeper." Dawn pushed harder. Sister Ashley struggled to keep it out of her throat. Dawn let go of Sister Ashley hair and grabbed the dildo with both hands.

"Relax." She pushed as I watched the dildo slide down her throat, She struggled, her eyes wide with fear. Dawn pushed, the handle now resting on Sister Ashley lips. She had force all 13" in.

"See Laci she likes it just like you."

They both laughed. Laci looked into Sister Ashley eyes. "Fuck her throat with it just like you do me." Dawn grabbed the handle and fucked her face. She would just pull it out, causing Sister Ashley to gag and suck air, then push it back in.

I clicked pictures as slowly as I could so as to not run out of film too early. Dawn built up a good rhythm. She would pull it out just long enough for Sister Ashley to catch her breath, then down it would go again. Laci was no longer holding Sister Ashley arms. Sister Ashley just sat on the edge of the desk looking at the ceiling and got throat fucked. Drool was now soaking the front of her blouse and jacket.

"Look Dawn she drooling all over her nice clothes. We better take them off before she ruins them." With that Laci slid Sister Ashley jacket off. Then grabbed the front of her blouse and ripped it open. Exposing her sweat and spit covered tits. Sister Ashley quickly reached up to cover herself, Laci slapped her hands away. The bra she wore barely held her big tits.

"I like it when Dawn plays with my tits." Laci lightly ran her finger along Sister Ashley slick cleavage. Dawn looked down at her.

"We don't want to ruin your pretty bra, do we sis?"

"No We don't." Laci unfastened the bra and dropped it to the floor.

"Wow! Sister Ashley you've got big tits for a nun." She pulled and twisted Ashley's nipples, causing them to get hard. Dawn pulled the dildo from Sister Ashley throat.

"You like this, don't you?"

Sister Ashley coughed causing more drool to soak her tits. She sat breathing heavily, her tits raising and falling trying to catch her breath. Sister Ashley looked-up at Dawn.

"I didn't ask for this?."

"Sure you did. You wanted to know what I did with my sister, didn't you?"

"B-but I-I..."

"Quiet now I have more to show you."

"B-but..." Dawn put her finger to Ashley lips.


"Laci loves it when I suck her tits." Dawn lowered her mouth to Sister Ashley's left tit. Running her tongue around the nipple, Sister Ashley shivered.

"Laci why don't you suck the other one." I came before I could get my cock you of my pants... Shit... I watched Laci and Dawn sucking and slurping on Sister Ashley's tits. She just sat on the edge of the desk watching my 2 sister nursing on her tits. She looked nervously around the room... What if she was caught again... Her pussy felt like it was on fire.

"Please stop." Dawn looked up at Sister Ashley's face, she bit down on her nipple and pulled. Sister Ashley moaned.

"Laci loves it when I do that. Now I run my hand up Laci's thigh." Sister Ashley felt Dawn's hand running up her thigh. She closed her legs... She had to stop this...

"What's the matter, you wanted to know." Dawn knelt down in front of Sister Ashley, and put a hand on each knee.

"Now I spread Laci's Legs." Dawn pulled open Sister Ashley's legs.

"Please stop someone might come in."

"Don't worry everyone's gone. This won't do, this skirt's in the way." Dawn reached around and pulled the zipper down, the skirt fell to the ground. Sister Ashley now stood completely naked expect for a tiny pair of g-string panties.

"Look at this Laci. Kinda sexy for a nun don't you think?" I came a second time this time cum shot out covering the wall in front of me.

"You're right, it doesn't look like nun's panties to me."

"When I catch Laci in panties like this I spank her good. Should I spank you Sister Ashley?" She tried to avoid looking Dawn in the face... Why did she wear these panties...

She whispered "Yes."

"What was that? speak up!"

"Yes I need to be spanked like Laci."

"We won't be needing these then." Dawn grabbed the side of Sister Ashley's panties and pull them off her hips, dropping them to the floor.

I came a third time as I looked at Sister Ashley clean shaven pussy. Dawn and Lacy stared for a moment.

"Sister Ashley a dirty little nun. What would God say if he could see you like this. Spread your legs." Sister Ashley put her feet a foot apart. Dawn could now clearly see Sister Ashley's wet pussy lips. They hung down 2" below her pussy.

"You have bigger lips than Laci." Dawn ran her finger between Sister Ashley huge lips.

"You're all wet. You really need to be punished. Bend over and grab your ankles. Sister Ashley spread her legs 3 feet apart and bent down and grabbed her ankles.

Part 4

Dawn raised her hand and brought it down on Sister Ashley's shapely ass... SMACK... SMACK... SMACK... Each blow caused Sister Ashley to teeter forward on her toes. From her lips she let out little moans.

"Why don't you help me Laci?" Laci stood on one side, Dawn the other. Dawn spanking one cheek, Laci the other... SMACK... SMACK... They went slow enough so that Sister Ashley could keep her balance... SMACK... SMACK...

"Are you learning your lesson?" Sister Ashley didn't answer.

"You're as bad as Laci. I'll teach you some manners like I do her." Dawn hit her with all her strength... Smack... The blow almost toppled Sister Ashley to the floor... Oooooooch...

"There, that's better." Laci copied Dawns actions. SMACK... SMACK... The two blows forced Sister Ashley to fall down to the floor. Tears were running down her face. She tried to rub that pain from her sore ass.

"Now that I've taught you some manners. It's time to finnish showing what else I do to Laci with this." Dawn pick up the dildo.

"Get up on the desk and spread your legs as far as you can."

"Please, I can't, someone might see. Please just stop..." I watched Sister Ashley pleading with Dawn all the time doing just what she asked. Sister Ashley now up on the desk her legs straight out to each side of her. Doing the prefect splits.

"Where did you learn to be so flexible?" Laci and Dawn laughed. Sister Ashley just sat breathing hard, both hands rubbing her tits.

"Now Laci likes it when I rub it on her clit before I stick it in." Sister Ashley's moans were now getting very loud. Dawn rubbed the top of Sister Ashley's pussy soaking the end of the it. Her clit popped out of it's hood. It was as big as the end of my thumb. I came a fourth time, my ball were now aching. But my cock stayed hard.

"Boy you've got a bigger clit than Laci. Why don't you show her yours sis."

Sister Ashley didn't take her eyes off Laci as she stripped off her clothes. Laci now naked one hand rubbing her tits, the other her pussy. Dawn ground the tip of the dildo into Sister Ashley hard clit...

"OOOOOOh Ggggggod..."

"Why don't you give her a closer look at your pussy sis." Laci climbed up on the desk and straddled Sister Ashley's face. She stared up into Laci's wet dripping pussy, too excited to move.

"Why don't you lick it."

"No, I can't, it's a sin." Dawn was now rubbing Sister Ashley's clit between her fingers. Sister Ashley's hips squirmed on the desk.

"Go ahead, she loves it." I watched as Sister Ashley's tongue slid out of her mouth and into Laci pussy... Shit time for a new roll of film. I hurried so as not to miss too much... When I looked back up Laci was grinding her pussy on Sister Ashley moaning face. Laci had both hands rubbing her nipples, her lips slightly parted moaning slowly... Sister Ashley must be good at licking pussy I thought...

My two sisters kept this up through two more rolls of film.

"Now that you're good and wet, let's see if you like this as much as Laci."

Dawn put the head of the dildo in Sister Ashley pussy. I couldn't believe what I saw. Sister Ashley bent her legs even farther apart. Her legs now just a foot from the sides of her body her feet a up by her head. My cock jumped again. I looked down there was quite a puddle of cum at my feet. Dawn slid more and more into Sister Ashley. Until it was buried to the hilt.

"You like that don't you?" Sister Ashley couldn't say anything with Laci grinding her pussy in her face.

"Now I'll fuck you like I did Laci last night." Dawn grabbed the dildo with both hands and started fucking Sister Ashley's squirming body. Laci bent down and licked Sister Ashley clit as Dawn kept driving the dildo now more brutally into her cunt. Sister Ashley was now moaning so loudly I thought that the whole town could hear. Laci pushed her ass tightly down on Sister Ashley's face.

Laci yelled "Yeeeees." Raising her pussy off Sister Ashley's face. It was wet with my sister's cum. Her mouth now uncovered she screamed, "Faster God yeeees I'm close, don't stop." Dawn pulled and twisted the dildo. Sister Ashley let out a scream that would surely wake the dead. Dawn slid the dildo out and Laci sat up and watched the cum dripping on the desk.

Sister Ashley lowered her legs and fell to the floor.

"Well Laci looks like she liked it."

"Yeah, she's almost as good a pussy licker as you."

"Get up you dirty little nun and lay face down on the desk with your feet on the floor. Come on." They helped Sister Ashley to her feet and laid her on the table.

"Now last but not least. Laci loves this most of all. Spread your ass for me."

"I've had enough, no more..."

"You wanted to know all, didn't you?"

"Yes but..."

"Laci spread the good Sister ass for her." Laci pulled Sister Ashley ass cheeks apart exposing her tiny tight asshole.

"Looks kinda small?"

"It looks as big as yours Laci. We better lube her up a bit." Sister Ashley pussy was still dripping from the fucking earlier. Dawn ran the dildo up and down the Sister's pussy getting it wet and slippery.

"There that should do it. Ready?" Sister Ashley felt Dawn place the tip of the dildo against her anus. She took a deep breath and waited. Dawn giggled at the site of Sister Ashley holding her breath, with her eyes closed, shaking, waiting to be butt fucked. Dawn jammed the whole thing quickly up the nuns tight ass... Aaaaaarch... The pain was more than she had expected.

"Relax it's easier." Dawn started slowly to move it in and out. As Sister Ashley's ass relaxed she slowly increased the speed... It was better than anything she had ever felt... Dawn holding the dildo with both hands pumping and twisting. Sister Ashley body shook, as 5 quick orgasms ripped through her.

Dawn pulled her skirt up around her waist exposing her wet pussy. And pushed her crotch up against the back of Sister Ashley's thigh and humped it like a dog. Laci seeing this got down between Sister Ashley legs and began licking. Laci buried three finger in her own pussy. Dawn had pulled her shirt up, pulling on the end of her nipples, And humped Sister Ashley's leg even harder. Between Dawn fucking her ass and humping her leg, and Laci's pussy licking caused her to have 3 powerful orgasms. She couldn't take this much longer.

"Please stop I can't take any more." Dawn ground her pussy into Sister Ashley's thigh and came. She let go of the dildo and sat down trying to catch her breath. Laci came a few seconds later.

"Shit that was fun. What do you think?" Dawn reached up and pulled the dildo from Sister Ashley's ass. She just laid across the desk panting. Laci and Dawn got up and dressed. Dawn patted Sister Ashley on the ass.

"See you on Monday." They laughed as they left the room. I clicked off the last of the pictures. The last being Sister Ashley laying naked across her desk, with her cum dripping from her pussy. I came for the last time. I zipped up and ran after my sisters.

Part 5

Dawn got the pictures developed by a friend of hers. She stared down at them... WOW... She picked out the best ones and hid the others in a safe place. There was still more she wanted to do with Sister Ashley.

I woke up Monday morning and looked down at my still sore cock. I had watched my sisters fuck each other maybe 100 times. But watching them fuck Sister Ashley was something else. My cock stirred. I had to have some of the pictures.

I knocked on Dawn's bedroom door. "What?"

"Dawn let me in."


"Please, I need to talk to you."

"Alright come in." Dawn was sitting on the bed putting the best pictures in a note book. "Are those the pictures?"


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